Download PTU M.Pharm 2020 March 2nd Sem 71341 Pharmaceutical Medicine Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) M.Pharma 2020 March (Master of Pharmacy) 2nd Sem 71341 Pharmaceutical Medicine Previous Question Paper

1 | M- 71341 (S7)-2769

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 01
Total No. of Questions : 06
M. Pharmacy (Sem.?2)
Subject Code : PHCOL-132
M.Code : 71341
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 80
1. Attempt any FIVE questions out of SIX questions.
2. Each question carry SIXTEEN marks.

1. Write a note on :
a) Good laboratory practice 8
b) ICH guidelines 8
2. Explain :
a) Rational use of drugs 8
b) Good Clinical practice 8
3. Discuss about acute, subacute and chronic toxicity studies. 16
4. Briefly discuss :
a) TRIPs 5.5
b) WTO 5.5
c) GATS 5
5. Write notes on following :
a) Nutraceuticals and regulatory requirements 6
b) IND versus NDA 10
6. Define pharmaeconomics. Describe the principles, methods and applications of
pharmaeconomics to pharmacotherapy and health care. 16

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This post was last modified on 31 March 2020