Download MBBS Final Year Medicine Notes CVS

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Final Year Medicine Notes CVS

Cardiovascular system
Letuda's Note
Version 1
Written by Prithwiraj Maiti
Final year MBBS student
Batch 2015
Chapter name
Page number
Congenital heart diseases
Infective endocarditis
Acute rheumatic fever
Ischemic heart disease
Heart failure
Important signs of CVS pathology

Mitral stenosis (MS)
MS is defined as incomplete opening of mitral valve.
Normal orifice of mitral valve: 2-4
Causes of mitral stenosis:
1. The most common cause of MS in India is chronic rheumatic heart
2. Other rare causes include:
a. Congenital MS,
b. Hurler's syndrome.
Pathophysiology of MS:
As the mitral valve is calcified, fibrosed, deformed and stenosed in MS; it
opens incompletely; which results in increased LA pressure.
This chronically increased LA pressure eventually results in LA dilation
and hypertrophy.
As the LA is dilated, the fibres of LA are stretched and scarred; which
results in irregular spontaneous impulse generation. This may eventually
lead to atrial fibrillation (AF). The symptoms of AF are palpitation and

In a patient with AF, the regular impulses produced by the sinus node for
a normal heartbeat are overwhelmed by rapid electrical discharges
produced in the LA. So, although the electrical impulses of AF occur at a
high rate, most of them do not result in a heartbeat. This results in stasis
of blood and formation of clot in LA, which may eventually give rise to
emboli and stroke.
As the LA can't go further dilation/ hypertrophy and fails to maintain
such a high pressure, it eventually fails. So, a LA failure results.
The backward effect of LA failure are as follows (serially) [see the picture
It should be noted that LV does not undergo a pressure overload, so it
usual y doesn't undergo dilation/ hypertrophy.
If PAH occurs, due to increased pressure on pulmonary artery, there is
formation of anastomotic channels between pulmonary artery and
bronchial artery. These bronchopulmonary anastomotic collaterals are
weak and often rupture; giving rise to hemoptysis.

Signs and symptoms of MS at a glance
Right heart failure:
Signs of Pulmonary congestion/ edema:
Shortness of breath,
PND (Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea).
Some rare symptoms of MS:
Hoarseness of voice/ Ortner's syndrome (due to recurrent laryngeal
nerve compression/ palsy by a dilated LA).
Dysphagia (due to compression of oesophagus by a dilated LA).
a. Raised jugular venous pressure (due to RH failure).
b. Edema (due to RH failure).
c. Pulse: Completely irregular pulse (if AF is present).
d. Heart rate: Tachycardia.

Examination of Mitral Area
Apical impulse:
a. Site: It is normally located in the left 5th intercostal space, about 1 cm.
medial to the mid-clavicular line. It is shifted to outwards in late MS
(due to RVH).
b. Character: The apical impulse is tapping in character. It signifies
accentuated 1st heart sound (S1).
c. Thrill: Thrill is defined as a palpable murmur produced due to
turbulent blood flow, which causes vibration and becomes palpable.
Usually the thrill of MS, if present, is diastolic. So it does not coincide
with carotid pulse.
d. Heart sound:
The S1 is loud, S2 is usually normal.
Mitral valve closes when the ventricular pressure curve crosses above
the LA mean pressure. In MS, the LA mean pressure is highly raised
above normal; so the pressure gradient between LA and LV pressure
becomes high; so MV closes loudly.
The S1 may be soft; when the valves are damaged severely and the
valve cusps become immobile.
e. Murmur:
Timing: Mid-diastolic.
Character: Rumbling.
Associated with pre-systolic accentuation best heard over
mitral area. May be absent in AF.
Mechanism: It is produced by LA contraction at the 2nd rapid
filling phase of ventricular diastole (which is heard as just
before the next ventricular systole).
Best heard on left lateral position of the patient.
Intensity of murmur can be accentuated by asking the patient
to exercise; this murmur is also better heard in left lateral
Examination of Pulmonary area
Findings are positive if MS is associated with PAH.
The following findings may be present:

1. Accentuated P2; a palpable P2 may also be present.
The intensity of P2 is dependent on the velocity of blood coursing back
towards the right ventricle after ventricular contraction and the
suddenness in which this motion is arrested by the closing valve. In
patients with PAH, the diastolic pressure within the pulmonary artery is
high and therefore the velocity of blood moving toward the tricuspid
valve is increased, resulting in an accentuated P2.
2. Murmur:
It is a mid-systolic murmur (because of the abnormal turbulent blood
flow through the normal pulmonary valve just after the isovolumetric
contraction phase of ventricular systole).
3. Opening snap (OS):
It is an abnormal sound produced due to sudden halting of the diastolic
descent of mitral valve cusps.
OS results when the valve leaflets are fused, usually from scar tissue,
and cannot open fully. Blood attempting to empty from the atrium
impacts a partially opened valve, creating a sharp sound reflected back
toward the cardiac base, at the beginning of mid diastole.
Significance of opening snap:
Increased severity of MS
Increased non-pliability of mitral valve
Increased LA pressure
Increased LA-LV pressure gradient
Earlier OS and narrower A2-OS gap

4. Other rare findings:
a. Graham steel murmur (an early diastolic murmur due to functional
PR secondary to pulmonary ring dilation caused by long standing
PAH) may be found.
b. Pan-systolic murmur (due to functional TR secondary to tricuspid ring
dilation caused by right ventricular dilation) may be found.
1. Blood test: Hb/ TC/ DC/ CRP or ESR.
2. Renal function: Urea creatinine Na+ K+.
3. CXR: Not helpful in diagnosis, but may show mitralisation of heart
4. ECG: May show AF.
5. Echocardiogram:
a. Confirms the diagnosis.
b. Confirm presence of rheumatic valvular heart disease.
c. Can assess severity of MS.
d. Visualize all cardiac chambers and assess cardiac function.
e. Will pick up LA clot, if present.
It comprises of:
1. Medical management (treatment of complications).
2. Interventional treatment.
Medical Management
Right heart failure (RHF)
1. Diet: Salt and fluid restriction.
2. Diuretics.
3. Daily (regular) monitoring of body weight.
Rhythm control is not considered in most patients of MS with AF, as they have
permanent AF which, if cardioverted, will flip back into AF again. So, rate
control using the following anti-arrhythmic drugs is preferred:
A. Amiodarone & Anticoagulation therapy (to prevent LA clot formation).
B. Beta blockers.

C. Calcium channel blockers (CCB): Verapamil/ Diltiazem.
D. Digoxin.
Acute pulmonary edema
M. Morphine.
N: Nitrate.
O: Oxygen.
D: Diuretic.
Chronic Left heart failure (LHF)
A. ACE inhibitor/ ARB.
B. Beta blocker.
D. Diuretic.
Pulmonary artery embolization.
Interventional treatment
The procedure of choice is mitral valve replacement.
If not feasible/ affordable, then balloon valvoplasty/ valvotomy can be
1. Atrial fibrillation +/ emboli formation.
2. Acute pulmonary edema.
3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
4. Hemoptysis.
5. Right heart failure (RHF).
6. Infective endocarditis (IE).
The causes of mid-diastolic murmur over mitral area
1. Valvular MS.
2. Functional MS: Due to abnormal amount of blood, flowing through a
normal mitral orifice.

3. Transient valvulitis of the mitral valve during an episode of acute
rheumatic fever (causing transient MS).

MR is defined as incomplete closure of the mitral valve.
1. Valve defect:
a. Valvular heart disease.
b. Infective endocarditis.
c. Senile degeneration of mitral valve.
2. Chordi tendon defect:
3. Papillary muscle defect:
4. Mitral valve ring/ annulus defect:
Functional MR (any condition causing LV dilation, may cause stretching
of mitral valve ring).
LA volume overload-> LA
dilation-> Stretched fibre->
Pulmonary congestion
Ectopic impulse
generation-> AF-> LA clot->
Emboli-> Stroke/ TIA
Dyspnoea/ PND
Incomplete closure of MV,
so it remains opened.
Chronic LV
volume overload
LV dysfunction
and failure

Symptoms of MR:
1. Due to acute pulmonary edema:
a. Shortness of breath.
b. Orthopnoea.
c. PND.
2. Due to Atrial fibrillation:
a. Palpitation.
b. Syncope.
3. Due to Right heart failure:
4. Due to PAH:
Signs of MR:
1. Due to RHF:
a. JVP.
b. Edema.
2. Due to AF:
a. Tachycardia,
b. Completely irregular pulse.
3. Due to LV dilation:
Downwards and outwards shifting of apical impulse.
Examination of mitral area
Forceful ill sustained apical impulse.
Forceful to counteract the volume overload and ill sustained due to
narrowing of LV systolic ejection time (as there are 2 outlets of blood
during systole of LV).
Thrill over mitral area may be present, systolic in timing.
S1 is muffled and soft.
Although S1 is due to a combination of mitral and tricuspid valve closure,
the mitral valve is the louder aspect. Because the valve closure in mitral
regurgitation is incomplete, S1 may be noticeably quieter.

a. Murmur due to MR:
It is a pan-systolic soft blowing murmur over mitral area, best heard
when patient is on left-lateral position. The murmur usually
propagates towards the axilla (due to the posteriorly faced right
b. Associated murmur:
A mid-diastolic murmur due to a functional MS may be found.
Special sounds:
It is an abnormal diastolic sound occurring due to sudden vibration of
the wall of dilated LV cavity during the 1st rapid filling phase. It
signifies LV dysfunction/ failure. When present in a patient of MR, S3
signifies significant/ severe MR.
Vibration of the wall of dilated LV
cavity by jet of blood
If occurs during early diastole (1st
If occurs during late diastole (2nd
rapid filling phase)
rapid filling phase)
Indicates concentric hypertrophy
Indicates volume overload
(small cavity size of LV)
Example: Severe MR.
Example: AS.

1. Blood: Complete blood count/ TC/ DC/ CRP or ESR.
2. Urine: Urea-creatinine Na+ K+.
3. CXR:
It may show cardiomegaly or pulmonary edema.
4. ECG: It may show LVH.
5. Echocardiogram:
a. Confirms the diagnosis.
b. Confirm presence of rheumatic valvular heart disease.
c. Can assess severity of MR.
d. Visualize all cardiac chambers and assess cardiac function.
e. Will pick up a LA clot, if present.
It is divided into 2 groups:
a. Medical management (treatment of complications).
b. Interventional treatment.
Medical management
Acute pulmonary edema
M. Morphine.
N: Nitrate.
O: Oxygen.
D: Diuretic.
Rhythm control is not considered in most patients of MS with AF, as they have
permanent AF which, if cardioverted, will flip back into AF again. So, rate
control using the following anti-arrhythmic drugs is preferred:
A. Amiodarone & Anticoagulation therapy (to prevent LA clot formation).
B. Beta blockers.
C. Calcium channel blockers (CCB): Verapamil/ Diltiazem.
D. Digoxin.

Right heart failure (RHF)
1. Diet: Salt and fluid restriction.
2. Diuretics.
3. Daily (regular) monitoring of body weight.
Long term treatment of heart failure
A. ACE inhibitor/ ARB.
B. Beta blocker.
D. Diuretic.
Complications of MR
1. LHF: May be acute or chronic.
2. AF.
3. PAH.
4. RHF.
5. IE.
Causes of pan-systolic murmur over mitral area
Produced at mitral area:
1. Valvular MR.
2. Functional MR.
Not produced in mitral area but transmitted to mitral area:
3. TR.
4. VSD.
Propagation of pan-systolic murmur in MR
1. Axilla: As the direction of turbulent blood flow is from LV to LA and the
LA is usually located posteriorly in the body, therefore the sound
propagates from mitral area towards the axilla near which LA is situated.
2. Aortic area: It occurs when the regurgitant stream hits that point of LA
wall that is adjacent to the aorta. It is seen when predominantly the
posterior cusp of mitral valve is affected.

It is defined as incomplete opening of aortic valve.
A. Age related degeneration/ atherosclerotic change of valve.
B. Bicuspid aortic valve (usually seen in young person).
C. Calcific degeneration of aortic valve (also called aortic sclerosis).
D. Deformity (rare, arising from chronic rheumatic valvular heart disease).
Pulmonary congestion
LV pressure overload
Concentric hypertrophy of LV
LV dysfunction
The forward effect of AS is important because initially cardiac output (CO) is
maintained but eventually it falls, resulting in low volume pulse and low BP.
A sudden fall of CO may result in syncope or even sudden death.
Note: As coronary artery atherosclerosis is the primary pathology behind AS, so
it may precipitate in angina.

1. Syncope: Due to a sudden fall of CO below a critical level due to severe
narrowing of aortic valve orifice.
2. Angina:
The factors responsible for angina in AS are:
a. Co-existing coronary artery atherosclerotic disease.
b. Increased demand of hypertrophic myocardium.
c. Squeezing of small coronary perforators during systole due to
forceful contraction of LV.
3. Shortness of breath/ Orthopnoea/ PND: Due to pulmonary congestion.
1. Low volume pulse and low BP.
2. Apical impulse:
Forceful and well sustained (heaving in nature).
Forceful due to increased LV force of contraction and well
sustained because of increased LV systolic ejection time.
May be shifted down and out.
Examination of aortic area
1. A soft, muffled A2 is present.
Due to atherosclerosis of aortic valve cusps, their mobility is impaired.
So, they can't close properly; resulting in a soft/ absent A2.
2. Murmur in AS:
A mid-systolic ejection murmur.
Loud in intensity (harsh blowing murmur).
It usually propagates towards carotid.
Ejection click (Opening snap of AS):
The ejection click usually precedes the mid-systolic murmur and
occurs due to sudden vibration produced during opening of
thickened aortic valve
. Therefore, it is nothing but the opening
snap of AS.

2. Urea- creatinine Na+ K+.
3. ECG: May show LVH.
4. CXR: May show cardiomegaly.
5. Echo:
a. Confirmation of diagnosis.
b. Identify the type of damage to the aortic valve.
c. Assessment of cardiac function.
d. Measures the severity of AS (Severe AS is defined as a transvalvular
pressure gradient> 60 mm Hg).
6. Often these patients will need further investigations to evaluate the
cause of angina pain (coronary angiogram).
The treatment of AS may be divided into 2 groups:
a. Medical management (treatment of complications) and,
b. Interventional treatment.
Medical management
Acute stage

Chronic/ stable stage
Interventional treatment
The procedure of choice is aortic valve replacement.
If there is significant coronary artery disease, then coronary
revascularization is preferred. It is done using either of the following
options when indicated, along with/ before valve replacement:
a. Percutaneous intervention with stenting.
b. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).
Complications of AS
1. LHF: May be acute/ chronic/ acute on chronic.
2. Syncope.
3. Sudden death:
a. Stenosed aortic valve refuses to open at all, leading to sudden
irreversible fall of CO.
b. Sudden fatal ventricular arrhythmia arising from stretched ventricular
Causes of mid-systolic murmur over aortic area
1. Valvular AS (Carotid propagation + Ejection click).
2. Functional AS (Carotid propagation ? Ejection click):
It occurs when abnormal amount of blood flows through a normal aortic
valve orifice.
a. AR.
b. Any hyperkinetic circulatory state:

Pregnancy etc.
- These are often called "flow murmur/ innocent murmur" as
they don't arise from a valvular pathology.

Aortic regurgitation (AR)
It is defined as incomplete closure of aortic valve.
Chronic RHD
Primary valvular defect
Ankylosing sponylitis
Aortitis (Syphilitic)
Due to aortic root dilation
BP (Hypertension)
Bone (Osteogenesis
Connective tissue disorder
(Marfan's syndrome)
RHF (Late)
LV volume
overload-> LV
dilation-> LV
dysfunction-> LV

Hemodynamics of aorta and other arteries:
1. Abrupt systolic distension due to increased stroke volume.
2. Rapid diastolic collapse due to diastolic backflow of blood towards the

- This hemodynamic effect explains the peripheral signs of AR.
1. Due to pulmonary congestion:
a. Shortness of breath,
b. Orthopnoea,
c. PND.

2. Palpitation in left lateral position: When the patient feels the forceful LV
3. Uneasy throbbing sensation at different places of body: Due to abrupt
systolic distension of the arteries.
JVP (in late stage).
Examination of aortic area
Soft A2 (due to incomplete closure of aortic valve).
a. Actual murmur of AR is best heard at neo-aortic area (Left 3rd
intercostal space). It is an early-diastolic murmur, soft blowing in
quality; the sound may be accentuated by asking the patient to sit in
a leaning forward position holding the breath, after a full deep
expiration. It propagates along the left sternal border towards mitral
b. A mid-systolic murmur may be heard due to functional AS (during
ventricular systole, the LV contracts forcefully to expulse the
abnormal amount of blood in LV to circulation).
Peripheral signs
1. Episodic head nodding with each systole (De Musset sign).
2. Prominent carotid pulsation (Dancing carotid/ Corrigan's sign).
3. High volume col apsing pulse (Water hammer pulse/ Corrigan's pulse).

4. BP:
SBP /Normal.
As the severity of AR progresses, SBP may be normal/ low normal and
DBP doesn't fal to that extent it was fal ing in the initial stage.
Hil 's sign:
Normally femoral arterial SBP is higher than brachial arterial SBP. The
difference is usually <20 mm Hg. But in AR, this difference becomes
>20 mm Hg.
5. Prominent capillary pulsation (Quinche's sign): On exerting pressure over
the tip of the nail, there is alternate flushing (due to systole) and
blanching (due to backflow of blood) of nail bed.
6. Auscultation of femoral artery:
a. Pistol shot sound: A booming sound with each systole with abrupt
systolic distension of femoral artery.
b. Durozey murmur: On distal compression over femoral artery, a
diastolic murmur can be heard with the diaphragm of the
c. Durozey sign:
Diastolic murmur heard on distal compression of femoral artery +
systolic murmur heard on proximal compression of femoral artery.
1. CBC.
2. Urea-creatinine Na+ K+.
3. CXR: May show cardiomegaly.
4. ECG.
5. Echocardiogram:
a. Confirms the diagnosis.
b. Can tell the underlying etiology.
c. Visualizes cardiac chambers.
d. Assess cardiac function.
It comprises of 2 parts:

a. Medical management (Treatment of complications).
b. Interventional treatment.
Medical management
Treatment of LHF
In acute stage
M: Morphine.
N: Nitrate.
O: Oxygen.
D: Diuretics.
In chronic stage
A: ACE inhibitors/ ARB.
B: Beta blocker.
D: Diuretic.
Interventional treatment
Interventional treatment of choice is aortic valve replacement.
Causes of a mid-systolic murmur (MSM)
There are usually 2 causes:
a. Valvular AS.
b. Functional AS (Ex.: AR and several hyperkinetic circulatory conditions).
How to differentiate between the 2 etiologies?
MSM of valvular AS
MSM of functional AS (as in AR)
Ejection click is also heard with the
Ejection click is not heard with the
As the turbulence of blood flow is
Carotid propagation does not occur.
high, so carotid propagation of the
murmur is present.

Congenital heart diseases
In this section, we will discuss about the following congenital heart diseases:
1. Tetralogy of Fallot.
2. Ventricular septal defect (VSD).
3. Atrial septal defect (ASD).
4. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
5. Coarctation of aorta.
Tetralogy of Fallot
4 components of the "tetralogy":
1. Pulmonary stenosis (PS).
2. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH).
3. VSD.
4. Septal overriding of aorta (in some patients, there may be right
ventricular origin of aorta).

Hemodynamics at different levels: (See picture above)
Pulmonary valve
Turbulent blood flow.
Right ventricle
1. RVH (secondary to PS).
2. Due to PS, RV pressure remains significantly high since
the time of birth and it becomes> LV pressure soon after
birth/ during early stages of life; which is responsible for
right to left shunt through the ventricular septal defect.
3. During systole, RV gets decompressed faster as there are
2 outlets through which blood can flow out of RV (to
pulmonary artery and LV). So, RV dysfunction/ failure is
relatively uncommon in TOF.

4. The severity of PS is the indicator of the severity of the
Left heart
It is largely unaffected as there is neither volume nor pressure
1. Anoxic spells:
Duration, frequency and severity of anoxic spells depend on the
amount of right to left shunt.
The child is usually restless, irritable, drowsy and cyanotic.
Exercise often precipitate severe anoxic spells (as venous return is
increased in exercise and that results in increased right to left
Squatting may temporarily relief the baby by the following
Squtting position
Increased total peripheral resistance
Increased LV pressure
Reduced right to left shunt
Temporary relief from anoxia

1. Cyanosis,
2. Mid-systolic murmur over pulmonary area due to PS.
3. Parasternal hip due to RVH.
Echocardiogram: Confirms the diagnosis.
1. Symptomatic relief during anoxic spells:
a. Put the baby on a squatting posture.
b. Give the baby high flow oxygen.
2. Surgical correction of the underlying defect.
3. Palliative surgery:
Anastomosis is created between a systemic artery and one of the
branches of pulmonary artery so that deoxygenated blood can be
redirected to lungs for oxygenation.
Various palliative shunts applied in TOF:
Name of the shunt
Applied in between
Potts shunt
Descending aorta connected to left pulmonary
Waterson shunt
Ascending aorta connected to main/ right
pulmonary artery.
Modified BT shunt*
A tube graft placed between subclavian artery
(procedure of choice)
and one of the pulmonary arteries.
Glenn shunt
Bidirectional connection between aorta and
right pulmonary artery.

1. Severe anoxic spells.
2. Infective endocarditis.
3. Recurrent broncho-pulmonary infection.

VSD (Ventricular septal defect)
Basic pathology:
Left to right shunt which usually continues throughout the systole along the
pressure gradient.
Hemodynamics at different levels:
Pulmonary valve
Functional PS (abnormal blood flow through a normal valve).
Pulmonary artery
Volume overload--- RV dysfunction/ failure.

Eventually a time might come when RV pressure will
be greater than LV pressure; causing reversal of shunt.
Volume overload--- LA failure.
Functional MS (abnormal blood flow through a normal valve).
Volume overload---LV failure.
1. Symptoms due to LHF and pulmonary congestion:
Shortness of breath,
2. Symptoms due to RHF (at very late stage):
1. Murmur:
a. Due to VSD:
A loud pan-systolic murmur best heard over left 4th intercostal space.
It's so loud that it is often audible at other cardiac areas of heart.
b. Associated murmurs:
MSM at pulmonary area (due to functional PS).
MDM at mitral area (due to functional MS).
2. Sign of RHF (JVP)/ LHF (signs of pulmonary congestion).
Echocardiogram: Confirms the diagnosis.
1. Medical management of underlying heart.
2. Surgical correction of VSD.

ASD (Atrial septal defect)
Development of atrial septum:
Types of ASD:
1. Ostium secondum type: Common variety; defect lies at the level of fossa
2. Ostium primum type: Defect lies inferior to fossa ovalis. Sometimes
associated with other congenital cardiac structural abnormality (Ex.:
congenital MR).

Basic hemodynamics:
There is left to right shunt along the pressure gradient.
As the pressure gradient is not significant, it usually does not produce a
murmur. The hemodynamic abnormality takes a long time before it becomes

Hemodynamics at different levels:
Volume overload------ RA dilation----- Dysfunction and
failure (if occur, after a long time).
Volume overload------ RV dilation----- Dysfunction and
failure (if occur, after a long time).
Pulmonary valve
Functional PS (due to abnormal blood flow through a
normal valve).
Delayed closure of pulmonary valve due to prolonged
systolic ejection time may lead to a delayed P2.
Pulmonary artery
LA volume overload and dilation may occur after a long time.
Often asymptomatic, diagnosed incidentally.
Swelling may occur in late stages of ASD as a result of RHF.
A normal S1.
S2: Usually normal in intensity, P2 may be loud if PAH develops.
Mechanism of physiological splitting in second heart sound (during
During inspiration, a negative intrathoracic pressure is created to
inhale air into the lungs.
This creates a vacuum effect which results in increased venous
return to the right side of the heart.
Hence the RV takes a longer time to eject the blood into the
pulmonary system.
Also since pulmonary vasculature expands in capacity, lower
amount of blood flows into the LA.

Hence the LV takes a shorter time to eject blood into the aorta.
Because of these 2 factors, the aortic valve closes before that of
the pulmonary valve and we can appreciate the split during
Mechanism of wide and fixed split in ASD:
The split is wide because RA is dealing with extra amount of
blood (in addition to the normal venous return, it receives
blood from LA) and this extra blood is received by RV, RV
systolic ejection time gets prolonged and consequently there is
a delayed occurrence of P2.
The split is fixed because:
During inspiration, venous return increases through vena
cava and so, RA receives more amount of blood. So,
amount of L-R shunt decreases.
During expiration, capacity of pulmonary vasculature
decreases and more amount blood flows into LA. So,
amount of L-R shunt increases.
So, venous return and L-R shunt varies reciprocally
during inspiration and expiration; resulting in a fixed
Investigation: Echocardiogram confirms the diagnosis.
1. Management of heart failure.
2. Surgical correction of defect.

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
PDA is defined as non obliteration of ductus arteriosus (which is a
communicating blood vessel between aorta and pulmonary artery and usually
obliterates by the time of birth).
Hemodynamics at different levels:
Pulmonary artery: PAH.
RV/RA pressure overload may occur from PAH at late stage.
LA/LV volume overload may occur at late stage.
- Both of which may result in RHF/LHF at a late stage.

Often asymptomatic.
May develop symptoms of RHF/LHF at a late stage.
A continuous machinery murmur continuing throughout the systole and
diastole is usually present over the pulmonary area.
As PA pressure rises and shunt eventually rises (which may occur after a
long time), both the components of the murmur (particularly the
diastolic component) becomes less intense.
Investigation: Echocardiogram confirms the diagnosis.
1. Surgical correction of defect.
2. Obliteration of ductus arteriosus can be induced by Indomethacin.
3. Symptomatic management of HF, if present.

Coarctation/ stenosis of aorta
This condition is defined as narrowing of aorta usually between arch of aorta
and descending thoracic aorta.

This condition is sometimes associated with:
a. Aneurysm of circle of Willis.
b. Mitral valve prolapse.
At the pre-stenotic part (upper part of the body), there is high BP.
At the post-stenotic part (lower part of the body), there is low BP.
The pulse volume may be slightly weaker at the lower extremity while
compared to upper extremity.
May be asymptomatic.
Symptoms due to hypertension/ its complications.
1. Asymmetry of radial and femoral pulse volume with radio-femoral delay.
2. Brachial artery BP disproportionately higher than femoral artery BP.
3. Visible, pulsatile collaterals may be present over the chest wall
(Suzman's sign).
4. A prominent suprasternal pulsation may appear.
5. Rarely, a systolic bruit can be heard over the interscapular area.

1. Echocardiogram confirms the diagnosis.
2. Cardiac MRI scan for better visualization.
1. Surgical correction of coarctation.
2. Symptomatic treatment for hypertensive complications.

It is defined as the infection of cardiac valves and mural endocardium.
According to
According to valve
valve endocarditis
Prodthetic valve
HACEK group]
Staph.aureus in IV
drug abusers*]
Early onset: Within
Late onset: After 2
2 months
[* In IV drug abusers, predominantly tricuspid valve is affected.]

Pathophysiology with clinical manifestations:
At risk population
? Pre-existing valvular disease,
? Congenital heart disease,
? Prosthetic heart valve.
From high risk
IV drug abusers.
(Mass of micro-organism + platelet+ fibrin)
Cardiac and extra-cardiac effects
Cardiac effects:
Worsening of pre-existing symptoms/ appearance of new symptoms.
Change in the quality/ intensity of a pre-existing murmur/ appearance of
a new murmur [usually a regurgitant murmur].
Formation of myocardial abscess, resulting in conduction abnormality.

Embolic manifestations:
Involvement of CNS:
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA),
Brain abscess.
Involvement of kidney:
Acute loin pain.
Involvement of spleen:
Acute left upper quadrant pain due to splenic infarction.
Splenic rub is found if splenic capsule is involved.
Involvement of digital arteries:
Sub-ungual/ splinter hemorrhage (linear streaks of hemorrhage
best seen in nail bed).
Janeway lesion (small hemorrhagic spots seen on palm and sole).

Effects due to immune complex deposition:
In kidney: Acute glomerulonephritis.
In joints: Arthritis.
Retina: Roth spots (Retinal hemorrhages typically observed by an
Note: In general, patients usually have background valvular heart disease/
congenital heart disease/ prosthetic heart valve and features of toxaemia
(fever, malaise, appetite loss etc.).
1. Complete blood count: Hb, TC, DC, ESR/CRP.
2. ECG: To rule out any conduction abnormality.
3. CXR: May show cardiomegaly due to pre-existing valvular disease.
4. Echo-cardiogram:
a. Conventional/ Trans thoracic Echo: May/ may not show vegetations
as they are usually deep-seated.
b. Trans-oesophageal Echo: It is the best modality and the gold
standard of diagnosis of a case of IE.
5. Blood culture:
The blood culture samples should be taken before the first dose of
antibiotic. At least 3 sets of sample should taken from 3 different sites.
The interval between taking 2 samples should be at least 1 hour.
An empirical regimen (IV Ceftriaxone + IV Vancomycin) is usually
administered before the result of blood culture comes. This regimen
may further be modified according to the culture-sensitivity result.
Therapy should be continued for at least 4-6 weeks duration.
Symptomatic treatment of underlying valvular heart disease/
complication should be given concurrently.
Prophylactic antibiotic should be given to all patients who are at high
risk of developing endocarditis (valvular heart disease/ congenital heart
disease/ prosthetic heart valve).

Before undertaking any types of invasive procedures, which can
potentially cause Staph./Strep. bacteraemia in the patient (like
orodental/ respiratory tract/ skin and soft tissue procedures); a single
prophylactic dose of ampicillin/ amoxicillin/ clindamycin should be
administered just before the procedure.

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF)
It is an immunologically mediated multisystem disease triggered by group A
beta haemolytic streptococci.
Group A -hemolytic
Upper respiratory
tract infection
Antibody production against
streptococcus cell membrane
Cross reaction with human tissue protein
because of antigenic similarity
Acute rheumatic fever
If recurrent
Chronic valvular
Chest pain and
Transient valvulitis
heart disease
Acute heart failure
pericardial rub
(acute MS/MR/AR)

Modified Jones criteria
Major criteria
Subcutaneous nodules
Migratory polyarthritis
Erythema marginatum
Minor criteria
Clinical criteria
Laboratory criteria
Raised inflammatory
marker (ESR/ CRP)
Arthralgia (not accepted if
Nonspecific ECG changes
polyarthritis is present)
suggestive of carditis
At least 2 major/ (1 major+ 2 minor) criteria should be present in a patient
having unequivocal evidence of a recent streptococcal infection (includes a
recent history of sore throat along with positive streptococcal serology [Ex.:
ASO titre/ Anti DNAase/ Anti-hyaluronidase])
1. Complete blood count, CRP/ ESR.
2. ECG.
3. Echocardiogram.
Acute rheumatic fever
The treatment consists of 3 "A"gents:
a. Aspirin: High dose aspirin is the drug of choice for rheumatic
polyarthritis which dramatically response to aspirin.

b. Anti-inflammatory agents (like corticosteroids): It is reserved for certain
cases of polyarthritis and may be used to treat rheumatic carditis.
c. Antibiotics:
Benzyl penicillin IM 1.2 million units to get rid of any residual
streptococcal infection.
Long term prophylactic antibiotic should always be considered to
prevent recurrent streptococcal infection. Usually Benzyl penicillin
IM 1.2 million units every 4 weeks is given.
Duration of prophylactic therapy:
Duration of the prophylaxis depends on initial presentation of the
Carditis in any form: Lifelong prophylaxis.
No carditis: For the next 5 years/ Till the patient reaches 25
years of age (whichever comes later).

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
The spectrum of IHD:
It includes the following groups:
1. Asymptomatic patients of IHD.
2. Stable angina.
3. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS):
a. Simple ACS,
b. ST segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI),
c. Non ST segment elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).
Etiology of IHD:
The main underlying cause behind IHD is coronary artery atherosclerotic
disease (CAAD).
There are certain risk factors of CAAD. They are:
There are also some precipitating factors which usually come into play only in
the presence of CAAD. They may precipitate an ischemic event either acutely
or chronically by increasing the myocardial oxygen demand. Ex.:
Aortic stenosis (or any other cause of significant LVH).

There are also some rare causes of IHD, where an unusual picture of IHD in the
absence of significant CAAD is seen. Ex.:
Coronary vasculitis.
Coronary vasospasm (Prinzmetal angina).
Syndrome X.
Stable angina is defined as a relative coronary insufficiency particularly when
myocardial oxygen demand increases.
Chest pain:
Site: Precordial/ retrosternal.
Nature: It is characterized by more a discomfort rather than a
Common expression used by the patients:
Tightness/ heaviness of chest.
Sense of indigestion etc.
Duration: Usual y doesn't last more than 15-20 minutes and
resolves within 3-4 minutes.
Aggravating factor: Physical/ emotional activity (but any factor
that increases myocardial oxygen demand can precipitate
angina in a patient with CAAD).
Relieving factor: Avoidance/ cessation of the aggravating
factor(s); usually a dramatic relief is observed when short
acting nitrates are administered.
Radiation: Neck/ jaw/ left shoulder/ inner aspect of left upper
limb, occasionally pain may even start at these areas.
Localization: Anginal pain is NEVER sharply localized.
Clinical examination may be absolutely normal but thorough assessment
should be done for any evidence of risk factors of atherosclerosis.

The investigations of IHD may be divided into 2 categories for better
understanding and control of etiological agent(s):
a. To establish the diagnosis.
b. To assess the cardiovascular risk.
To establish the diagnosis of IHD:
1. Resting ECG: May be normal/ may show ischemic changes.
2. Exercise ECG (also called exercise tolerance test/ Tread mill test):
Ischemia is provoked by exercising the patient and ECG changes are
3. Myocardial stress scan:
Ischemia is provoked and myocardial perfusion defect is imaged using 2
a. Myocardial perfusion scan (Thallium scan),
b. Stress echocardiogram (with Dobutamine).
4. Visualization of coronary artery:
This is also done using 2 modalities:
a. CT coronary angio.
b. Coronary angiogram.
This again can be divided into 2 categories:
1. Risk factor modification,
2. Symptomatic treatment.
Risk factor modification
It includes:
1. Lifestyle modification and,
2. Pharmacotherapy.
A: ABDOMINAL OBESITY: Regular exercise and reduction of abdominal fat.
B: BLOOD LIPID ABNORMALITY: Regular monitoring and control of LDL levels.
C: CIGARETTE: Reduction/ cessation of cigarette smoking.
D: DIABETES: Strict monitoring and control of blood sugar.

E: EXCESS ALCOHOL: Avoidance/ complete cessation of alcohol ingestion.
F: FAMILY HISTORY: Non-modifiable risk factor.
G: GENDER (MALE> FEMALE): Non-modifiable risk factor.
H: HYPERTENSION: Treat hypertension adequately and monitor BP on a regular
Symptomatic treatment
Antiplatelet drug: Aspirin.
-blocker: Metoprolol/ Carvedilol/ Bisoprolol.
CCB: Not commonly used, if they have to be used, then either
Amlodipine or Diltiazem has to be used.
Nitrate/ Nitroglycerine.
Ranolazine (Alteration of the transcellular late sodium current).
Nicorandil (K+ channel opener).
Antianginal drugs can be used either singly/ in combination with other drugs.
Usually a (-blocker + Nitrate) is the initial treatment.
Interventional treatment
This is of 2 types:
1. PCI (Percutaneous coronary intervention) and,
2. CABG (Coronary artery bypass grafting).
It is an acute, unstable, cardiac ischemic state with/ without myocardial
damage due to acute thrombotic occlusion of coronary artery.
1. ACS with myocardial damage:
2. ACS without myocardial damage.

Myocardial damage
Pump failure
Myocardial rupture
Cardiac tamponate
(due to blood
Acute LVF.
accumulating in
Acute RVF.
MR (due to papillary
muscle rupture)
[*: Bradyarrhythmia usually occurs in case of inferior wall AMI, in which the
Right coronary artery (RCA) is affected. RCA supplies the ventricular septum; so
involvement of RCA causes ischemic damage to septum (and also to the
conduction pathway), resulting in conduction disturbance.]

1. Chest pain:
Site: Retrosternal.
Character: A discomfort rather than a pain.
Expressions used by the patient:
Heaviness/ tightness of chest,
Sense of indigestion etc.
Duration: Usually last for more than 15-20 minutes.
Precipitating factor: May/ may not be present however physical/
emotional activity may precipitate an event of ACS.
Relieving factor: Pain usually DOES NOT subside with cessation of
activity/ rapidly acting nitrate.
Radiation: Neck/ jaw/ left shoulder/ inner aspect of left upper
Localization: Pain is usually not sharply localized.
2. Associated symptoms:
a. Severe sweating (due to sympathetic overactivity).
b. Few episodes of involuntary defecation/ vomiting (usually a
feature of inferior wall MI, due to parasympathetic overactivity as
vagus nerve is situated near the inferior wall of heart, so features
of vagal stimulation are usually seen).
c. Acute shortness of breath (due to acute LVF).
d. Palpitation/ syncope (due to arrhythmia).
e. Sudden collapse/ sudden death (due to fatal arrhythmia/ severe
cardiogenic shock).
The following signs may be present:
1. Signs of acute LVF: Gallop rhythm (S3/S4), Bibasal crepts.
2. Signs of acute RVF: Raised JVP, Hemodynamic instability.
3. Signs acute cardiogenic shock: Low pulse, low BP.
4. Signs of acute MR/ acute VSD: A pansystolic murmur.
5. Signs of tachy/ brady-arrhythmia.
Coexistent inflammatory conditions (like fever/ pericarditis etc.) may also be

To establish AMI and its immediate complications, the following investigations
are to be done:
1. ECG:
ST elevation.
Abnormal Q wave.
T inversion (T).
Reciprocal ST depression.
ST depression.
T inversion (T).
In all patients with suspected MI, serial ECG every 15-30 minutes
must be done, particularly during first 2 hours post admission ? to
look for any dynamic ECG changes suggestive of ongoing ischemic
2. Cardiac biomarkers:
A. Cardiac specific:
Trop-T/ Trop-I.
B. Non cardiac markers:
Total CPK,
Time of elevation and normalization of cardiac specific markers:
Time of elevation
Time of normalization
6 hours
7-10 days; upto 14 days
8 hours
72 hours
Cardiac markers are often sent serially at an interval of 8 hours
during first 24-48 hours to see the trend.
The most sensitive cardiac marker which is detected earliest in
blood is myoglobin.

3. Echocardiogram:
It's one of the most sensitive tests to diagnose AMI. It can potentially
a. Regional wall motion abnormality/ akinetic wall.
b. Degree of cardiac dysfunction.
c. Acute MR/ VSD/ Tamponade.
4. Coronary angiogram.
Risk assessment
1. Hb/ TC/ DC.
2. Urea-creatinine Na+ K+.
3. Serum Mg++ and Ca++.
4. Lipid profile.
5. Fasting and postprandial blood sugar.

Treatment protocol of a suspected case of MI
Suspected MI
a. Airway, breathing and cirulation secured.
b. Immediate interventions in case of complications.
c. Loading dose of aspirin---> 300 mg + Clopedogrel 300 mg.
d. Antiplatelet drug.
e, Atorvastatin (Plaque stabilizer)
f. Antianginal (Nitrate IV infusion).
g. Analgesic (Morphine/ Pethidine).
Confirmed MI
NSTEMI/ ACS with no MI (subendocardial
STEMI (full thickness MI)
Primary PCI
PCI+ Stenting
If successful
If fails
Rescue PCI with stenting
Conservative treatment

What do you mean by conservative treatment of MI?
It is long term treatment, usually started from the very beginning.
It consists of 2 parts:
a. Risk factor modification.
b. Specific treatment.
Risk factor modification
It includes:
1. Lifestyle modification and,
2. Pharmacotherapy.
A: ABDOMINAL OBESITY: Regular exercise and reduction of abdominal fat.
B: BLOOD LIPID ABNORMALITY: Regular monitoring and control of LDL levels.
C: CIGARETTE: Reduction/ cessation of cigarette smoking.
D: DIABETES: Strict monitoring and control of blood sugar.
E: EXCESS ALCOHOL: Avoidance/ complete cessation of alcohol ingestion.
F: FAMILY HISTORY: Non-modifiable risk factor.
G: GENDER (MALE> FEMALE): Non-modifiable risk factor.
H: HYPERTENSION: Treat hypertension adequately and monitor BP on a regular
Specific treatment
1. Antiplatelet:
Aspirin: Lifelong.
Clopidogrel/ Prasugrel/ Ticagrelor: Continued for 9-12 months
after stenting (upto 24 months).
2. Anticoagulant:
Unfractionated heparin.
Low molecular weight heparin (LMW-Heparin).
3. Atorvastatin/ any other statins.
4. ACE inhibitor/ ARB.
5. Anti-anginal agents: Nitrate/ Nicorandil/ Ranolazine.

6. Beta blocker: Metoprolol/ Bisoprolol/ Carvedilol.
7. CCB: Very limited role in MI. If at all to be used, then following are used:
a. Amlodipine.
b. Diltiazem.
Thrombolysis in MI
1. Ongoing chest pain with >2 mm of ST segment elevation in 2 inferior
leads/ at least 2 contagious precordial leads (Ex.: V1, V2; V5, V6 etc.).
2. Ongoing chest pain with new onset left bundle branch block (LBBB), as a
STEMI may disguise in this condition.
- Thrombolysis is strongly indicated if the above ECG changes are present
in a patient with ongoing chest pain if the patient presents within 3
hours of onset of chest pain
. After this period, effectiveness of
thrombolysis progressively declines; however the period can be
stretched maximum upto 12 hours.
Drugs used:
1. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (Recombinant tPA).
2. Streptokinase.
1. H/O intracerebral hemorrhage.
2. H/O recent ischemic stroke.
3. Known case of intracerebral space occupying lesion (SOL).
4. Any active bleeding (excluding menstruation).
Minor/ severe bleeding manifestations.
Criteria for successful thrombolysis:
1. Significant relief of chest pain.
2. 90 minutes post-thrombolysis ECG shows at least 50% resolution of ST

3. Appearance of re-perfusion arrhythmia.
Primary PCI in MI
Immediate revascularization of blocked coronary artery by putting a coronary
artery stent in a patient of STEMI is called Primary PCI with stenting.
It is usually considered if the patient presents within 90 minutes (upto
maximum 2 hours) of onset of chest pain.
Complications of MI
Immediate/ early (within few days):
a. Acute cardiogenic shock.
b. Acute heart failure (RHF/ LHF).
c. Arrhythmia.
d. Acute MR/ Acute VSD.
e. Acute cardiac tamponade.
f. Acute pericarditis.
Delayed (after few weeks):
a. Dressler's syndrome#.
b. Aneurysmal dilation of ventricular wall, which may lead to systemic
# Dressler's syndrome/ Post MI syndrome is a secondary form of pericarditis
that occurs typically 2-3 weeks after an episode of MI due to an autoimmune
reaction against the leaked myocardial proteins; the classical presentation
includes fever, pleuritic chest pain and pericardial effusion, usually treated
with colchicine.

Heart failure
It is a condition where heart is unable to meet the metabolic need of the tissue
(in spite of a normal venous return).
Congestive cardiac failure (CCF): Cardiac failure with congestion behind the
chamber that has failed.
In case of LHF, there is pulmonary congestion (congestion behind the LA).
In case of RHF, there is systemic congestion (congestion behind the RA).
1. On the basis of onset:
a. Acute HF.
b. Chronic HF.
2. On the basis of chamber:
a. LHF.
b. RHF.
3. On the basis of mechanism of clinical manifestation:
a. Forward failure (features of suboptimal CO, less prominent).
b. Backward failure (congestive features, more prominent).
4. On the basis of cardiac output:
a. Low output failure.
b. High output failure (Ex.: anemia/ thyrotoxicosis/ pregnancy).
An important concept about HF:
By the time diastole ends, each ventricle has filled up with blood. This amount
of blood is the end diastolic volume or EDV (~120 ml).
The amount of blood ejected during the systole is the stroke volume (~70 ml).
At the end of systole the volume of blood remaining in each ventricle is the
end systolic volume or ESV (~50 ml). So,
SV (70 ml) = EDV (120 ml) - ESV (50 ml)

5. So, according to ejection fraction, HF is of 2 types:
a. Preserved ejection fraction: Also referred to as diastolic heart failure.
The heart muscle contracts normally but the ventricles do not relax
as they should during ventricular filling (or when the ventricles relax).
b. Reduced ejection fraction: Also referred to as systolic heart failure.
The heart muscle does not contract effectively and less oxygen-rich
blood is pumped out to the body.
Causes of heart failure:
Causes of LHF:
1. Systemic hypertension,
2. Valvular heart disease,
3. Cardiomyopathy,
4. Ischemic heart disease,
5. Myocarditis.
Causes of RHF:
1. Secondary to LHF.
2. Secondary to chronic lung disease:
a. Diseases of airway: COPD, Bronchiectasis.
b. Diseases of parenchyma: Interstitial lung disease.
3. Pulmonary vascular disease:
a. Acute/ chronic pulmonary thromboembolism.
b. Primary/ idiopathic PAH.
4. Congenital heart disease.
5. Valvular heart disease.
6. Cardiomyopathy.
7. IHD.
8. Myocarditis.
Signs and symptoms of heart failure
Due to pulmonary congestion:
1. Dyspnoea.
2. Orthopnoea.

3. PND.
Due to low cardiac output:
1. Exertional fatigue.
2. Muscle pain.
3. Reduced endurance.
Due to underlying etiology:
Symptoms due to underlying etiology and any complication that may
arise from it.
Gallop rhythm (S3/S4).
Bibasal fine respiratory crepitation.
Patient may be hemodynamically unstable in case of acute LVF (which
may give rise to cardiogenic shock).
Swelling of the body usually starting in the lower limb.
Symptoms of LHF.
Symptoms of underlying chronic lung disease.
Symptoms of any underlying etiology responsible for RHF.
Raised JVP.
Bilateral pitting edema.
Soft tender hepatomegaly.
Signs due to LHF/ CLD/ any other etiology.
1. Hb/ TC/ DC/ ESR or CRP.
Note: As anemia is an aggravating factor of HF, Hb estimation is
2. Urea-creatinine Na+ K+: It should be monitored regularly.
3. LFT: Non-specifically deranged due to congestive hepatitis.
4. Arterial blood gas: It is used to assess the degree of hypoxia in acute HF.

5. BNP (Brain natriuretic peptide)/ N terminal pro BNP:
Usually elevated if ventricular filling pressure rises, which almost
invariably occurs in HF. However, it is also raised in presence of LV
dilation/ stretching/ significant stress.
6. ECG: May show signs of underlying etiology/ complication(s)/ chamber
7. CXR: Helpful in diagnosing:
a. Acute pulmonary edema.
b. Cardiomegaly.
8. Echocardiogram: It may show:
a. Any systolic/ diastolic dysfunction.
b. Degree of cardiac dysfunction.
c. Any structural abnormality.
9. Other relevant investigations must be done to diagnose the etiology/
cardiovascular risk factors.
Treatment of HF
It may be divided into 3 groups:
1. Treatment of HF.
2. Treatment of etiology.
3. Treatment of any aggravating/ precipitating factor(s).
Treatment of acute LVF
A. Airway:
If not patent, (suction +/ intubation) is indicated.
B. Breathing:
Moist oxygen inhalation.
Assisted ventilation: Non-invasive/ invasive.
Nebulised bronchodilator (to treat cardiac asthma/
C. Circulation:
In case of cardiogenic shock, contractility enhancing drugs (inotropes)
like IV Dopamine/ Dobutamine is indicated.
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE-3) inhibitor that has both
inotropic and vasodilator properties, so it is cal ed an "inodilator" drug.
It also may be used.

D. Drugs:
1. Diuretics (Furosemide/ Torsemide/ Bumetanide).
2. Dilators:
There are 2 types of dilators used in treatment of acute LVF:
a. Venodilators: Decreases preload.
Ex.: IV Nitroglycerine infusion.
b. Arteriolar dilator: Decreases afterload.
Ex.: Nitroprusside, Nesiritide (It is a recombinant BNP stimulating
cGMP, resulting in cardiac smooth muscle relaxation).
Salt and fluid restriction.
Daily monitoring of fluid intake and renal function (Urea-creatinine Na+
E. Etiological treatment.
F. IV Morphine:
Reduction of anxiety.
Reduction of heart rate.
Peripheral venous pooling and reduction of preload.
Peripheral vasodilation and reduction of afterload.
Reduction in pulmonary congestion.
- All of which results in a reduction in myocardial oxygen
Treatment of chronic heart failure
1. ACE Inhibitors:
2. ARB:
3. Aldosterone antagonist:
4. -blocker:
Carvedilol (+1 blocker).

They should be started cautiously at a low dose and then uptitrated
5. Contractility enhancing agent:
However, its role is very limited and it is indicated only in patients
having severe systolic dysfunction with coexisting atrial fibrillation.
6. Calcium channel blocker:
It is usually AVOIDED in patients with chronic HF because of its negative
inotropic effect.
7. Diuretics:
8. Vasodilators:
Venodilator: Reduces preload: Oral nitroglycerine/ GTN.
Arteriolar dilator: Reduces afterload: Hydralazine.
9. Diet:
Salt and fluid restriction.
10. Etiologic treatment.
11. Treatment of exacerbating factors.
12. External interventions:
Implantation of biventricular pacemaker (Resynchronization).
Implantation of implantable defibrillator.
Cardiac transplantation.
Treatment of RHF
1. Diuretics.
2. Dietary salt and fluid restriction.
3. Monitoring of volume status:
Regular body weight estimation.
Monitoring of fluid intake and output.
Regular monitoring of renal function (Urea-creatinine Na+ K+).
4. Treatment of LHF, if present.
5. Treatment of chronic lung disease, if present.
6. Treatment of underlying etiology.

Important signs of CVS pathology
Neck vein
It reflects any internal abnormality in right side of heart, which may be
mechanical/ electrophysiologic/ hemodynamic.
Which vein is examined?
Internal jugular vein (IJV).
Why IJV is preferred over EJV?
IJV is a direct branch of SVC.
EJV is a not a direct branch of SVC.
There are no valves in IJV.
There are 2 pairs of valves in EJV.
Venous wave form can propagate
Venous wave form can't propagate
It lies in a more superficial course,
so may engorge due to peripheral
Position: 45?, semi-recumbent position.
How will you differentiate between jugular venous pulse and carotid

Jugular venous pulse
Carotid pulse
Better seen than felt.
Definite feel of thrust.
Can be obliterated by pressing between
two heads of sternocleidomastoid.
No change.
The upper border of waveform shifts
with inspiration and expiration.
Abdominojugular reflux positive.
May/ may not coincide with arterial
Definitely coincide.
pulsation and S1.
Abnormalities of JVP:
Volume overload
Right heart failure.
Chronic kidney disease.
Impaired venous return
Constrictive pericarditis.
Pericardial effusion.
Raised JVP with a non-pulsatile
SVC obstruction.
wave (no wave is seen, only
engorgement is seen)
Waves of JVP:
Name of wave
Event in the heart
A wave
Right atrial systole.
Elevated in TS/PS/PAH.
Absent in AF.
Cannon A wave in AV
C wave
Transient bulging of TV into RA

at the beginning of ventricular
systole. (Usually not seen)
X descent
Right atrial relaxation.
Absent in TR.
V wave
Right atrial venous filling.
Elevated in TR.
Y descent
Rapid fall of RA pressure at the
Rapid in TR.
beginning of ventricular systole.
It is defined as bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane due to
presence of abnormal quantity of deoxygenated Hb.
Amount of deoxygenated Hb required to cyanosis become evident is
5gm/dl. However, in clinical life, 2.5 gm/dl is often enough to produce it.

Causes of cyanosis:
A. Impaired oxygen supply:
1. High altitude.
2. Hypoxemic respiratory condition.
3. Hyperventilation.
4. Right to left shunt:
Tetralogy of Fallot.
VSD with reversal of shunt.
Great vessels:
Transposition of great vessels.
PDA with reversal of shunt.
B. Circulatory failure:
Cardiogenic shock.
C. Circulatory obstruction:
Arterial thrombosis.
Venous thrombosis.
D. Peripheral vasoconstriction:
1. Raynoud's phenomenon.
2. Transient cyanosis.
It is of 2 types:
A. Central cyanosis: Impaired oxygenation and circulatory failure will
lead to cyanosis both in central and peripheral sites.
1. Tongue.
2. Buccal mucosa.
3. Inner aspect of lips.
Central cyanosis may/ may not disappear on oxygenation depending
on cause.
B. Peripheral cyanosis: Circulatory obstruction and local
vasoconstriction will lead to cyanosis in peripheral sites.
1. Extremities.

2. Finger tips.
3. Tip of nose.
4. Ear lobule.
5. Outer surface of lips.
Peripheral cyanosis usually disappears on oxygenation.
Unilateral cyanosis can occur due to local causes:
A. Circulatory obstruction.
B. Local vasoconstriction.
Differential cyanosis:
It is characterized by cyanosis present in lower limb but not in upper
It is seen in reversal of shunt in case of PDA, as the deoxygenated blood
from the pulmonary circulation will shunt through the PDA to the
descending aorta causing the cyanosis to be seen in the lower limbs
In this condition, patient looks bluish and therefore, looks cyanosed.
It is defined as collection of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue.
The diagram below shows the actual change in pressure gradients
at the capillary level. The numbers represent the pressure in the
vessels in mmHg.

At the arteriolar end, the hydrostatic pressure (outward force) is
37 mmHg while the oncotic pressure and interstitial pressure
(inward forces) are 25 and 1 mmHg respectively. Thus the net
outward force is 37 ? (25+1) = +11 mmHg. Since the net outward
force is positive fluid moves from the capillary to the interstitial
At the venular end, the hydrostatic pressure is lower and has a
value of 17 mmHg. The oncotic and interstitial pressure on the
other hand remain the same i.e. a total of 26 mmHg (25+1). Thus
the net outward force is 17 ? (25+1) = -9 mmHg. Since the
outward force is negative, it means fluid is not getting out of the
capillary but instead it is moving into it.
Either increased hydrostatic pressure, diminished colloid osmotic
pressure or inadequate lymphatic drainage can result in an
abnormally increased interstitial fluid i.e. edema.
A. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure:
1. RHF.
2. Chronic kidney disease.
3. Constrictive pericarditis.
4. Pericardial effusion.
B. Decreased colloidal oncotic pressure:
1. Chronic liver disease.
2. Nephrotic syndrome.
3. Protein losing enteropathy.

C. Unilateral/ localized edema:
1. Deep vein thrombosis.
2. Cellulitis.
3. Thrombophlebitis.
4. Lymphatic obstruction and myxoedema (non-pitting edema).
Degrees of clubbing:
1?: Fluctuating nail bed (obliteration of onycho-dermal angle).
2?: Increased antero-posterior and transverse diameter of nail bed
(obliteration of Lovibond angle: the angle between the base of the nail and the
nail itself).
3?: Bulbous enlargement of pulp of the finger (Parrot beak/ drum stick

4?: Hypertrophic Osteo Arthropathy (HOA).
Pathophysiology of clubbing:
Chronic hypoxia/
Accumulation of
mediators released
Proliferation of sub-
into sub-ungual
ungual tissue

1. Respiratory disease:
a. Bronchiectasis,
b. Lung abscess,
c. Bronchogenic CA,
d. Diffuse interstitial lung disease,
e. TB.
2. Cardiovascular disease:
a. Right to left shunt (Ex.: Tetralogy of Fallot),
b. Subacute bacterial endocarditis.
3. GIT:
a. Ulcerative colitis,
b. Cirrhosis of liver,
c. Primary biliary cirrhosis.
4. Idiopathic.
Note: Hypertrophic osteo-arthropathy (HOA):
(Clubbing + HOA representing 2 extreme points of a same spectrum).
Bronchogenic CA.
Clinical feature:
In HOA, there is sub-periosteal new bone formation at the distal ends of long
bones (Radius-ulna/ Tibia-fibula etc.), leading to bone pain.
Diagnosis: X-Ray.

This post was last modified on 01 September 2021