Download KUHS First Year 2010 Scheme 2024 January 104001 Physiology Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS First Year (1st Year) 2010 Scheme 2024 January 104001 Physiology Paper II Previous Question Paper

2010 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 104001

Reg. No.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
January 2024

Physiology ? Paper II
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 50
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between
answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space

Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long essay
1. A 55 year old women comes to the medicine department with history of increased
frequency of nocturnal urination with increased thirst and hunger, investigation revealed
her HbA1c to be 8 and fasting blood sugar was 280mg/dl
a) What is your probable diagnosis
b) Discuss the physiological basis of her complaints
c) List all the hormones responsible for glucose homeostasis
Short essays
2. Describe the functions of cerebellum
3. Describe the visual pathway using a labelled diagram
Answer briefly
4. Steps of spermatogenesis
5. Discuss the differences between red and white muscle fibres
6. Describe secondary active transport using an example
7. Describe the functions of the middle ear
8. Describe the regulation of blood calcium level
Draw and label
9. Dorsal column pathway
10. Gastric HCl (Hydrochloric acid) synthesis
Explain the physiological basis of the following
11. Pain of Myocardial Infarction (MI) can be felt on the left upper arm
12. Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)
13. Mental retardation in cretinism
14. Myasthenia gravis
15. Onset of puberty

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024