Download RGUHS MBBS 3rd Year 2024 Feb 1034 Otorhinolaryngology Rs 4 Previous Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 3rd Year (Third Year Part I) 2024 Feb 1034 Otorhinolaryngology Rs 4 Previous Question Paper

Q.P. CODE - 1034
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sci

ences, Karnataka

MBBS Phase ? III (Part-I ? CBME) Degree Examination - 06-Feb-2024

Time: Three Hours

Max. Marks: 100
Q.P. CODE: 1034
(QP contains two pages)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary
2 x 10 = 20 Marks
A 60 year old male patient presents with watery nasal discharge, sneezing and bilateral nasal
obstruction since 6 months. On examination he is found to have multiple pale grape like
masses filling both the nasal cavities.
a) What is the likely diagnosis of this patient?
b) Discuss the etiopathogenesis of this condition.
c) Add a note on the medical and surgical management.
A 30 year old male patient gives history of scanty foul smelling left ear discharge since one
year also associated with decreased hearing. On examination, he is found to have perforation
in pars flaccida.
a) What is the diagnosis of this patient?
b) Describe the etiopathogenesis and theories associated with this condition.
c) Briefly discuss the management.
d) List out the complications he is likely to develop if un-treated.
8 x 5 = 40 Marks
Premalignant lesions of Oral cavity
Write a short note on Ototoxicity
A four year old child presents with fever of sudden onset, odynophagia and respiratory
difficulty. On examination child is febrile, looks toxic with drooling of saliva and SPO2 is 85%.
Thumb sign was positive on X-ray.
a) What is the condition the child is suffering from?
b) Discuss the etiology and management of this condition
Clinical features and surgical management of JNA
Mention the normal constrictions of esophagus. Enumerate indications and Complications of
Rigid Oesophagoscopy
List out various types of foreign bodies in Ear and methods to remove them
10. Causes and management
of nasal septal perforation
10 x 3 = 30 Marks
11. Reactionary hemorrhage after Tonsillectomy
12. Clinical features and treatment of Laryngomalacia
13. Three causes of Facial nerve palsy
14. Oroantral fistula
15. Cottle's test
16. Carhart's notch
17. Puberphonia
18. Eagle's Syndrome
19. Blood supply of adenoids
20. Counselling of a patient for tracheostomy
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Q.P. CODE - 1034
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sci

ences, Karnataka

Multiple Choice Questions
10 x 1 = 10 Marks
21 i) Jacobson's nerve is
A. Tympanic branch of IX nerve
B. Auricular branch of X nerve
C. Chorda tympani branch of VII nerve
D. Grea
ter superficial petrosal nerve
21 ii
) Transitional cell papilloma (Schnederian papilloma) of nose is normally associated with one
of the following
A. Transitional cell carcinoma
B. Basal cell carcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Ade
21 ii
i) All of the following from the boundaries of Trautmann's triangle EXCEPT
A. Labyrinth
B. Sigmoid sinus
C. Superior petrosal Sinus
D. Fa
cial Nerve
21 iv)
Young's operation is done for
A. Atrophic rhinitis
B. Allergic rhinitis
C. Vasomotor rhinitis
D. Chronic rhinitis
21 v)
Delphian node is other name for
A. Para laryngeal lymph node
B. Para tracheal lymph node
C. Pre laryngeal lymph node
D. Retro laryngeal lymph node
22 i) Positive fistula test in the absence of fistula is
A. Tulio's phenomenon
B. Hennebert's sign
C. Romberg's sign
D. Fr
enzel's sign
ii) Gutzmann's pressure test is useful in the diagnosis of the following condition
A. Glottic cancer
B. Puberphonia
C. Stuttering
D. Rhi
nolalia aperta
22 ii
i) Muscle which opens the Eustachian tube is
A. Tensor veli palatini
B. Superior constrictor
C. Salphingopharyngeus
D. Palatoph
22 iv)
Mikulicz cells are seen in
A. Rhinosporidi
B. Rhinitis Sicca
C. Rhinoscleroma
D. Rhi
nitis caseosa
22 v)
Dohlman's procedure is done as a treatment for
A. Hypopharyngeal diverticulum
B. Obstructive sleep apnoea
C. Foreign body Oesophagus
D. For
eign body Bronchus
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This post was last modified on 02 December 2024