Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2020 January Pharmaceutics I (General And Dispensing Pharmacy) Previous Question Paper
CODE NO: 13241/Non-CBCS
B. Pharmacy I - Year (Non-CBCS) (Backlog) Examination, August 2019
Subject: Pharmaceutics-I (General and Dispensing Pharmacy)
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer All Questions. All Questions carry Equal Marks.
1) a) What is Pharmacopoeia? Write abt features of Indian Pharmacopoeia. 7 M
b) Write abt Registration procedure for pharmacist. 7 M
c) Calculate the dose for i) a 9 months old infant ii) a child of 5 years of age, when
the adult dose of drug is 100 mg. 6 M
d) Calculate the amnt of 95 percent alcohol required to prepare 400 ml of 45
percentage of alcohol. 4 M
e) Find the strength of 96 % v/v of alcohol in terms of proof spirit. 4 M
2) a) Define Prescription. Explain varis parts of prescription with suitable example. 7 M
b) Write abt srces of errors in handling of prescription and how can minimize
these errors. 7 M
c) Define a dosage form. Classify dosage forms and write their advantages and
limitations of dosage forms. 7 M
d) Write a note on prescription containers, closures and labeling of dispensed
product. 7M
3) a) What are syrups? Write brief note on different methods of preparation of syrups
with examples. 5 M
b) Write principle, procedure and labeling of following preparations
i) Aromatic waters ii) Calamine lotion iii) Emulsions 9 M
c) What are mixtures? Classify different types of mixtures. Write general dispensing
procedures for mixtures. 6 M
d) What are suspensions? Write abt the formulation of suspensions with suitable
examples? 5 M
e) Differentiate between lotions and liniments? 3 M
4) a) What are ointments? Classify the different bases used in preparation of ointments
with examples. 7 M
b) Write a note on i) Effervescent granules ii) Tablet triturates 7 M
c) Define Incompatibility? What are the different types of incompatibilities? Write
abt physical incompatibility with examples? 9 M
d) Identify the type of incompatibility in the following prescription and add a note on
how to rectify the incompatibility.
Quinine sulphate - 1.5 g, Dilute sulphuric acid ? 4.0 ml, Potassium
Iodide- 8.0 g, Water - up to 200.00 ml. Prepare a mixture. 5 M
Hyderabnad - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 03 May 2020