Download RGUHS DM 9139 Critical Care Medicine Paper IV 2016 July Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) DM (Doctor of Medicine) 2016 July 9139 Critical Care Medicine Paper IV Previous Question Paper

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

D.M Degree Examination ? JULY 2016

Time: Three Hours

Max. Marks: 100 Marks

Critical Care Medicine - PAPER ? IV

QP Code: 9139

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.

Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

LONG ESSAY (These questions carry 10 marks each)

10 x 10 = 100 Marks


Describe the presentation and management of viral sepsis in the ICU.


Describe and discuss why intensive sugar control in ICU has fallen out of favour.


Describe indications for brain microdialysis in ICU.


Describe the recent trials on cerebral cooling post cardiac arrest and the current recommendations

for temperature targets.


Discuss important recommendations in ICU which have come from data analysis of databases.


Describe and discuss the role of interferon in ARDS.


Discuss the use of arterial-venous oxygen ratios and venous to arterial CO2 ratios in septic shock.


Describe techniques of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in ARDS and the evidence
supporting its use.


Describe and discuss the various modes of dual control ventilation.


Describe newer indications for colloids in the ICU.

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Document Outline

This post was last modified on 03 June 2022