Download KUHS MBBS 3rd Year 304001 Community Medicine Paper II 2022 April Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Science) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 3rd Year Part 1 (Third Year) 304001 Community Medicine Paper II 2022 April Previous Question Paper

Q.P. Code: 304001

Reg. no.: .....................

Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Regular/Supplementary

Examinations April 2022

Community Medicine - Paper II

Time: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 60

Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between

answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space

Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers

Draw diagrams wherever necessary



1. Mr. Raju, aged 35 years who is working as a painter and a smoker for 15 years has

reported to your health center with complaints of evening rise of temperature, associated
with cough and productive sputum for more than 3 weeks. Also presents with h/o loss of
weight and appetite. He belongs to a nuclear family consisting of wife and one infant. As a
medical officer.
? How do you diagnose the case.
? How would you treat the case.
? What measures will be taken for the family members.



2. Many villages near the river bank are affected by flood. Medical college is sending your

team to the affected area. Explain the measures that you undertake.

3. 1 or 2 children from each village surrounding the pig-rearing area are reported to have

high fever, vomiting and becoming unconscious. Discuss the problem and its

Short answer Question:


4. Epidemiology of measles
5. Ford foundation
6. Principles of primary health care
7. Rule of halves
8. National programme for control of blindness

Differentiate between:


9. Cost-benefit analysis and cost-effective analysis
10. Accessibility and affordability in primary health care
11. Mass treatment and selective treatment

Substantiate your answer with reasons:


12. Chronic non communicable diseases are assuming increasing importance among adult

population in both developed and developing countries.

13. Alcoholism is world- wide social and medical problem.

List the following:


14. Categories of biomedical waste-2016
15. List the benefits under ESI ACT
16. Recommendations of Bhore committee
17. Warning signs of poor mental health
18. Role of ASHA


This post was last modified on 03 November 2022