Download JNTUK (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada) B.Tech Regular 2014 Feb-March I Semester (1st Year 1st Sem) COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Question Paper.
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I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is recursive function? What is drawback of using recursion?
(ii) Write program to show the usefulness of getch() and getche().
(iii) How are scope rules associated with variables?
(iv) What is pointer to constant and constant pointer? Are they both same or different.
(v) Define an array of structure for reading and printing a character, integer and float value.
(vi) Write a program to read a text file and count the number of characters in the text file.
2.(a) What is structured programming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
structured programming?
(b) Write a C program that illustrates the local static variables and functions.
3.(a) What is the purpose of the do while and while loops? Discuss about their usage.
Distinguish between them.
(b) What is an array of pointers and pointers to an array? Summarize the difference between
both of them.
4.(a) What is an enumerated data type? How is initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Describe different file opening modes used with the fopen() function.
5.(a) Explain briefly the features of an algorithm, flowchart and discuss about Program
development steps?
(b) Explain nested. if else and else if ladder with syntax and give examples respectively?
6.(a) Describe categories of functions based on arguments and return type and what are
different parameter passing methods in functions ?
(b) Give the implementation of multidimensional arrays using pointers. Let the user specify
the number of rows and columns for the array for allocating memory dynamically.
7.(a) Write a C program that defines a structure student with members name, average, address
and displays the category of student according to the following criteria
60<=average<70-------First Class
50<=average<60-------Second Class
40<=average<50--------Third Class
(b) What is a file and what are different type of files and explain?
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Set No - 1 - FirstRanker's Choice
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is recursive function? What is drawback of using recursion?
(ii) Write program to show the usefulness of getch() and getche().
(iii) How are scope rules associated with variables?
(iv) What is pointer to constant and constant pointer? Are they both same or different.
(v) Define an array of structure for reading and printing a character, integer and float value.
(vi) Write a program to read a text file and count the number of characters in the text file.
2.(a) What is structured programming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
structured programming?
(b) Write a C program that illustrates the local static variables and functions.
3.(a) What is the purpose of the do while and while loops? Discuss about their usage.
Distinguish between them.
(b) What is an array of pointers and pointers to an array? Summarize the difference between
both of them.
4.(a) What is an enumerated data type? How is initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Describe different file opening modes used with the fopen() function.
5.(a) Explain briefly the features of an algorithm, flowchart and discuss about Program
development steps?
(b) Explain nested. if else and else if ladder with syntax and give examples respectively?
6.(a) Describe categories of functions based on arguments and return type and what are
different parameter passing methods in functions ?
(b) Give the implementation of multidimensional arrays using pointers. Let the user specify
the number of rows and columns for the array for allocating memory dynamically.
7.(a) Write a C program that defines a structure student with members name, average, address
and displays the category of student according to the following criteria
60<=average<70-------First Class
50<=average<60-------Second Class
40<=average<50--------Third Class
(b) What is a file and what are different type of files and explain?
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Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is the difference between %f, %g and %e format specifiers when used to display a
real value defined as float x=12.34?
(ii) Initialize an array of integers. Write a program for printing numbers that are greater than
the average of the numbers present in the array.
(iii) Can main() function be called recursively? If so quote an example.
(iv) What is the difference between *p++ and p++?
(v) Define a structure to store the following information of a student-
Roll Number, Name, Grade.
Demonstrate the named initialization of the structure by writing a program which prints
the name and grade of a student given the roll number as input.
(vi) Write a program to compare two files and print out the lines where they differ.
2.(a) Describe how the rule of type promotion is followed in a typical expression containing
mixed types.
(b) Illustrate the declaration, initialization of a pointer to a function and calling a function
using a function pointer.
3.(a) What is the usage of fget( ), fputs( ) and gets( ), puts( ) functions.
(b) How is structure passed to a function? Explain.
4. Explain the following terms
(a) User defined functions
(b) Predefined functions
(c) Header Files
(d) C pre-processor
5.(a) What is a self referential structure and explain with an example ?What is the advantage
of using a self referential structure ?
(b) Explain various operators in C Programming?
6. Write a C program that performs binary search on sorted array of elements and trace the
program with an example?
7.(a) What is a pointer,pointer to a pointer and explain the advantages of using pointers ?
(b) Explain fseek(), ftell(), rewind(), fclose() file functions.
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Set No - 2 - FirstRanker's Choice
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is recursive function? What is drawback of using recursion?
(ii) Write program to show the usefulness of getch() and getche().
(iii) How are scope rules associated with variables?
(iv) What is pointer to constant and constant pointer? Are they both same or different.
(v) Define an array of structure for reading and printing a character, integer and float value.
(vi) Write a program to read a text file and count the number of characters in the text file.
2.(a) What is structured programming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
structured programming?
(b) Write a C program that illustrates the local static variables and functions.
3.(a) What is the purpose of the do while and while loops? Discuss about their usage.
Distinguish between them.
(b) What is an array of pointers and pointers to an array? Summarize the difference between
both of them.
4.(a) What is an enumerated data type? How is initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Describe different file opening modes used with the fopen() function.
5.(a) Explain briefly the features of an algorithm, flowchart and discuss about Program
development steps?
(b) Explain nested. if else and else if ladder with syntax and give examples respectively?
6.(a) Describe categories of functions based on arguments and return type and what are
different parameter passing methods in functions ?
(b) Give the implementation of multidimensional arrays using pointers. Let the user specify
the number of rows and columns for the array for allocating memory dynamically.
7.(a) Write a C program that defines a structure student with members name, average, address
and displays the category of student according to the following criteria
60<=average<70-------First Class
50<=average<60-------Second Class
40<=average<50--------Third Class
(b) What is a file and what are different type of files and explain?
Page 1 of 1
Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is the difference between %f, %g and %e format specifiers when used to display a
real value defined as float x=12.34?
(ii) Initialize an array of integers. Write a program for printing numbers that are greater than
the average of the numbers present in the array.
(iii) Can main() function be called recursively? If so quote an example.
(iv) What is the difference between *p++ and p++?
(v) Define a structure to store the following information of a student-
Roll Number, Name, Grade.
Demonstrate the named initialization of the structure by writing a program which prints
the name and grade of a student given the roll number as input.
(vi) Write a program to compare two files and print out the lines where they differ.
2.(a) Describe how the rule of type promotion is followed in a typical expression containing
mixed types.
(b) Illustrate the declaration, initialization of a pointer to a function and calling a function
using a function pointer.
3.(a) What is the usage of fget( ), fputs( ) and gets( ), puts( ) functions.
(b) How is structure passed to a function? Explain.
4. Explain the following terms
(a) User defined functions
(b) Predefined functions
(c) Header Files
(d) C pre-processor
5.(a) What is a self referential structure and explain with an example ?What is the advantage
of using a self referential structure ?
(b) Explain various operators in C Programming?
6. Write a C program that performs binary search on sorted array of elements and trace the
program with an example?
7.(a) What is a pointer,pointer to a pointer and explain the advantages of using pointers ?
(b) Explain fseek(), ftell(), rewind(), fclose() file functions.
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Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) How can the following code be rewritten using conditional operator in C?
int m=1, n=2, min;
if (m
(ii) Can arrays be passed to functions? Justify your answer.
(iii) A number divisible by any number in the range of 2 and
then it is considered to be a
factor of the number. If the number is prime then the factor is a prime factor. Write a
program to print prime factors of a given number.
(iv) Define an integer pointer array of 10 numbers. Initialize them to any integer values from
the key board. Find the sum and average of these 10 integers.
(v) Write a program using enumerated types which when given today?s date will print out
tomorrow?s date in the form 31
(vi) Write a program to read a line at a time from a file. Use fgets() function.
2.(a) Draw the flowchart for calculating the area of a equilateral triangle. Area of equilateral
triangle is computed by formula A=
, where ?a? is the length of the sides of the
(b) Demonstrate the usage of sprintf() and puts() library functions with the help of a C
program. [8+8]
3.(a) Give the recursive and iterative functions to find the factorial of a number.
(b) How is dynamic memory allocation done in C? What library functions are provided by C
for dynamic memory allocation? [8+8]
4.(a) What is a enumerated data type? How is the initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Explain about bit-fields in ?C? [8+8]
5.(a) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ?.
Write a program for computing the Fibonacci number sequence using recursion
(b) Write a C program that performs all arithmetic operations based on user choice using
switch case? [8+8]
6.(a) What are iterative statements and explain the difference between while and do while
(b) Write a C program that swaps two numbers using pointers? [8+8]
7. Describe the following (a) putc() (b) getc() (c) putw() (d) getw() [4+4+4+4]
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Set No - 3 - FirstRanker's Choice
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is recursive function? What is drawback of using recursion?
(ii) Write program to show the usefulness of getch() and getche().
(iii) How are scope rules associated with variables?
(iv) What is pointer to constant and constant pointer? Are they both same or different.
(v) Define an array of structure for reading and printing a character, integer and float value.
(vi) Write a program to read a text file and count the number of characters in the text file.
2.(a) What is structured programming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
structured programming?
(b) Write a C program that illustrates the local static variables and functions.
3.(a) What is the purpose of the do while and while loops? Discuss about their usage.
Distinguish between them.
(b) What is an array of pointers and pointers to an array? Summarize the difference between
both of them.
4.(a) What is an enumerated data type? How is initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Describe different file opening modes used with the fopen() function.
5.(a) Explain briefly the features of an algorithm, flowchart and discuss about Program
development steps?
(b) Explain nested. if else and else if ladder with syntax and give examples respectively?
6.(a) Describe categories of functions based on arguments and return type and what are
different parameter passing methods in functions ?
(b) Give the implementation of multidimensional arrays using pointers. Let the user specify
the number of rows and columns for the array for allocating memory dynamically.
7.(a) Write a C program that defines a structure student with members name, average, address
and displays the category of student according to the following criteria
60<=average<70-------First Class
50<=average<60-------Second Class
40<=average<50--------Third Class
(b) What is a file and what are different type of files and explain?
Page 1 of 1
Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What is the difference between %f, %g and %e format specifiers when used to display a
real value defined as float x=12.34?
(ii) Initialize an array of integers. Write a program for printing numbers that are greater than
the average of the numbers present in the array.
(iii) Can main() function be called recursively? If so quote an example.
(iv) What is the difference between *p++ and p++?
(v) Define a structure to store the following information of a student-
Roll Number, Name, Grade.
Demonstrate the named initialization of the structure by writing a program which prints
the name and grade of a student given the roll number as input.
(vi) Write a program to compare two files and print out the lines where they differ.
2.(a) Describe how the rule of type promotion is followed in a typical expression containing
mixed types.
(b) Illustrate the declaration, initialization of a pointer to a function and calling a function
using a function pointer.
3.(a) What is the usage of fget( ), fputs( ) and gets( ), puts( ) functions.
(b) How is structure passed to a function? Explain.
4. Explain the following terms
(a) User defined functions
(b) Predefined functions
(c) Header Files
(d) C pre-processor
5.(a) What is a self referential structure and explain with an example ?What is the advantage
of using a self referential structure ?
(b) Explain various operators in C Programming?
6. Write a C program that performs binary search on sorted array of elements and trace the
program with an example?
7.(a) What is a pointer,pointer to a pointer and explain the advantages of using pointers ?
(b) Explain fseek(), ftell(), rewind(), fclose() file functions.
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Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) How can the following code be rewritten using conditional operator in C?
int m=1, n=2, min;
if (m
(ii) Can arrays be passed to functions? Justify your answer.
(iii) A number divisible by any number in the range of 2 and
then it is considered to be a
factor of the number. If the number is prime then the factor is a prime factor. Write a
program to print prime factors of a given number.
(iv) Define an integer pointer array of 10 numbers. Initialize them to any integer values from
the key board. Find the sum and average of these 10 integers.
(v) Write a program using enumerated types which when given today?s date will print out
tomorrow?s date in the form 31
(vi) Write a program to read a line at a time from a file. Use fgets() function.
2.(a) Draw the flowchart for calculating the area of a equilateral triangle. Area of equilateral
triangle is computed by formula A=
, where ?a? is the length of the sides of the
(b) Demonstrate the usage of sprintf() and puts() library functions with the help of a C
program. [8+8]
3.(a) Give the recursive and iterative functions to find the factorial of a number.
(b) How is dynamic memory allocation done in C? What library functions are provided by C
for dynamic memory allocation? [8+8]
4.(a) What is a enumerated data type? How is the initialization of members to enum data type
(b) Explain about bit-fields in ?C? [8+8]
5.(a) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ?.
Write a program for computing the Fibonacci number sequence using recursion
(b) Write a C program that performs all arithmetic operations based on user choice using
switch case? [8+8]
6.(a) What are iterative statements and explain the difference between while and do while
(b) Write a C program that swaps two numbers using pointers? [8+8]
7. Describe the following (a) putc() (b) getc() (c) putw() (d) getw() [4+4+4+4]
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Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13105/R13
I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations Feb./Mar. - 2014
(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, AME, Min E, PE, Metal E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Write an algorithm for computing the sum of the series ...
! 4
! 3
! 2
x 1
4 3 2
+ + + + + upto N
(ii) Why do array subscripts start at 0 instead of 1?
(iii) Compare recursion with iteration.
(iv) What is wrong with the following code segment?
int *p;
(v) Write a program using structures and functions to compare two dates.
(vi) What happens if anyone doesn?t close a file?
2.(a) What are the advantages and limitations of using flow charts?
(b) What is a multidimensional array? How is it initialized? How are the elements of
multidimensional arrays stored? Comment on the accessing of the elements.
3.(a) Describe the Towers of Hanoi problem. Write a function to solve the Towers of Hanoi
problem with 3 disks.
(b) Write a program that calculates sum of array elements where array elements can be
accessed using a pointer to an array?
4.(a) How is a structure variable different from an array with respect to its use as a function
(b) Write a C program that calculates GCD of two numbers using a recursive function?
5.(a) Write an algorithm and C program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation and
explain how to compile and the run above program?
(b) Write a C program that calculates the product of two matrices and displays it?
6.(a) Explain character pointer and pointer to a function with examples?
(b) Write a C program that reads n numbers and writes even numbers into one file EVEN.txt
and odd number into another file ODD.txt?
7.(a) Write a C program that copies the content of one file into another file?
(b) Write a C program that defines a structure-student with members-name, average, address
where address is inner structure that contains dno, street, city as members, read the
student details and display the output -student name and his city as follows:
Student name city
X zzz
Y www [8+8]
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Set No - 4 - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 03 December 2019