Download JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 1-1 2014 Feb R10 C PROGRAMMING Question Paper

Download JNTUK (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada) B.Tech Supplementary 2014 Feb-March R10 I Semester (1st Year 1st Sem) C PROGRAMMING Question Paper.

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Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 1
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is a Programming language? Classify and explain various Programming
Languages [15]
2. (a) Write C program to check whether the given number is even or odd without
using %(mod) operator.
(b) Write C program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not (use
if and go to statement). [7+8]
3. (a) How strings and characters are represented in an array?
(b) Write a program to print array of characters. [6+9]
4. (a) Explain the drawbacks of linear arrays in detail.
(b) Write a C program to calculate sum and average of array elements? [8+7]
5. (a) What is the advantage of using header les in 'C'?
(b) Write short notes on auto and static storage classes [8+7]
6. (a) What is a pointer variable? How is a pointer variable di erent from an
ordinary Variable?
(b) Write a C program to read in an array of integers. Instead of using
subscripting, however, employ an integer pointer that points to the elements
currently being read in, and which is incremented each time. [7+8]
7. (a) How structure variable be de ned as a member of another structure? Explain.
(b) Write a program to store and print name, address, department and marks
using structure. [8+7]
8. (a) Distinguish between the binary les and text les in C with suitable examples
(b) Explain about formatted I/O in les. [7+8]
1 of 1 - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 1
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is a Programming language? Classify and explain various Programming
Languages [15]
2. (a) Write C program to check whether the given number is even or odd without
using %(mod) operator.
(b) Write C program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not (use
if and go to statement). [7+8]
3. (a) How strings and characters are represented in an array?
(b) Write a program to print array of characters. [6+9]
4. (a) Explain the drawbacks of linear arrays in detail.
(b) Write a C program to calculate sum and average of array elements? [8+7]
5. (a) What is the advantage of using header les in 'C'?
(b) Write short notes on auto and static storage classes [8+7]
6. (a) What is a pointer variable? How is a pointer variable di erent from an
ordinary Variable?
(b) Write a C program to read in an array of integers. Instead of using
subscripting, however, employ an integer pointer that points to the elements
currently being read in, and which is incremented each time. [7+8]
7. (a) How structure variable be de ned as a member of another structure? Explain.
(b) Write a program to store and print name, address, department and marks
using structure. [8+7]
8. (a) Distinguish between the binary les and text les in C with suitable examples
(b) Explain about formatted I/O in les. [7+8]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 2
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What is a ow chart? Draw and explain various symbols used in ow chart
(b) Di erentiate algorithm with ow chart. Draw ow chart for calculating simple
Interest [8+7]
2. What is if statement? Give di erent forms if-else statements using syntax and ow
chart notations (use suitable examples). [15]
3. (a) What is String? Explain about declaration and initialization of string in 'C'?
(b) How to display string with di erent formats? Explain with examples. [8+7]
4. (a) Write a C program to delete an element at a speci ed position?
(b) Write C program nd out the second highest and smallest of given array?
5. Write program for arranging numbers in ascending order using recursion. [15]
6. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation? Mention the advantages of Memory Allo-
cation and discuss its functions. [15]
7. (a) What is the use of type def in C? Explain with a suitable example
(b) Explain the advantage of bit elds in C with suitable example [7+8]
8. (a) Explain about le i/o operations in C.
(b) Write a 'C' program to append the contents of one le to another. [8+7]
1 of 1 - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 1
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is a Programming language? Classify and explain various Programming
Languages [15]
2. (a) Write C program to check whether the given number is even or odd without
using %(mod) operator.
(b) Write C program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not (use
if and go to statement). [7+8]
3. (a) How strings and characters are represented in an array?
(b) Write a program to print array of characters. [6+9]
4. (a) Explain the drawbacks of linear arrays in detail.
(b) Write a C program to calculate sum and average of array elements? [8+7]
5. (a) What is the advantage of using header les in 'C'?
(b) Write short notes on auto and static storage classes [8+7]
6. (a) What is a pointer variable? How is a pointer variable di erent from an
ordinary Variable?
(b) Write a C program to read in an array of integers. Instead of using
subscripting, however, employ an integer pointer that points to the elements
currently being read in, and which is incremented each time. [7+8]
7. (a) How structure variable be de ned as a member of another structure? Explain.
(b) Write a program to store and print name, address, department and marks
using structure. [8+7]
8. (a) Distinguish between the binary les and text les in C with suitable examples
(b) Explain about formatted I/O in les. [7+8]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 2
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What is a ow chart? Draw and explain various symbols used in ow chart
(b) Di erentiate algorithm with ow chart. Draw ow chart for calculating simple
Interest [8+7]
2. What is if statement? Give di erent forms if-else statements using syntax and ow
chart notations (use suitable examples). [15]
3. (a) What is String? Explain about declaration and initialization of string in 'C'?
(b) How to display string with di erent formats? Explain with examples. [8+7]
4. (a) Write a C program to delete an element at a speci ed position?
(b) Write C program nd out the second highest and smallest of given array?
5. Write program for arranging numbers in ascending order using recursion. [15]
6. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation? Mention the advantages of Memory Allo-
cation and discuss its functions. [15]
7. (a) What is the use of type def in C? Explain with a suitable example
(b) Explain the advantage of bit elds in C with suitable example [7+8]
8. (a) Explain about le i/o operations in C.
(b) Write a 'C' program to append the contents of one le to another. [8+7]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 3
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are assignment, arithmetic, relational and logical operations in C?
Give examples. [15]
2. (a) Write a C program to nd whether the given number is Armstrong number
or not. (Armstrong number is a number such that the sum of digits raised to
the third power is equal to the number itself. Ex.371=3
(b) Write a C program to print squares of odd numbers up to given integer. [8+7]
3. (a) Write brie
y about the nested for loop statement. Write a program to generate
multiplication table.
(b) Explain about event and counter controlled losops.. [9+6]
4. (a) Write a C program to display names of days of week using single-dimensional
(b) Write C program to insert an element in an array at a speci ed position?
5. (a) Write a C program to send and receive value from the user de ned function.
(b) What are the standard header les used in `C'. Explain their functions. [7+8]
6. (a) Write short notes on Pointer arithmetic.
(b) How to use pointers in expression. Explain. [7+8]
7. Write a program using a pointer to structure illustrating the initialization of the
members in the structure, using di erent techniques to avoid oating point error
problem. [15]
8. Write a program that reads a le and creates a new le with the same data, except
reverse the case on the second le. Everywhere uppercase letters appear in the
rst le, write lower-case letters to the new le, and everywhere lowercase letters
appear in the rst le, and write uppercase letters to the new le. [15]
1 of 1 - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 1
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is a Programming language? Classify and explain various Programming
Languages [15]
2. (a) Write C program to check whether the given number is even or odd without
using %(mod) operator.
(b) Write C program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not (use
if and go to statement). [7+8]
3. (a) How strings and characters are represented in an array?
(b) Write a program to print array of characters. [6+9]
4. (a) Explain the drawbacks of linear arrays in detail.
(b) Write a C program to calculate sum and average of array elements? [8+7]
5. (a) What is the advantage of using header les in 'C'?
(b) Write short notes on auto and static storage classes [8+7]
6. (a) What is a pointer variable? How is a pointer variable di erent from an
ordinary Variable?
(b) Write a C program to read in an array of integers. Instead of using
subscripting, however, employ an integer pointer that points to the elements
currently being read in, and which is incremented each time. [7+8]
7. (a) How structure variable be de ned as a member of another structure? Explain.
(b) Write a program to store and print name, address, department and marks
using structure. [8+7]
8. (a) Distinguish between the binary les and text les in C with suitable examples
(b) Explain about formatted I/O in les. [7+8]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 2
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What is a ow chart? Draw and explain various symbols used in ow chart
(b) Di erentiate algorithm with ow chart. Draw ow chart for calculating simple
Interest [8+7]
2. What is if statement? Give di erent forms if-else statements using syntax and ow
chart notations (use suitable examples). [15]
3. (a) What is String? Explain about declaration and initialization of string in 'C'?
(b) How to display string with di erent formats? Explain with examples. [8+7]
4. (a) Write a C program to delete an element at a speci ed position?
(b) Write C program nd out the second highest and smallest of given array?
5. Write program for arranging numbers in ascending order using recursion. [15]
6. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation? Mention the advantages of Memory Allo-
cation and discuss its functions. [15]
7. (a) What is the use of type def in C? Explain with a suitable example
(b) Explain the advantage of bit elds in C with suitable example [7+8]
8. (a) Explain about le i/o operations in C.
(b) Write a 'C' program to append the contents of one le to another. [8+7]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 3
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are assignment, arithmetic, relational and logical operations in C?
Give examples. [15]
2. (a) Write a C program to nd whether the given number is Armstrong number
or not. (Armstrong number is a number such that the sum of digits raised to
the third power is equal to the number itself. Ex.371=3
(b) Write a C program to print squares of odd numbers up to given integer. [8+7]
3. (a) Write brie
y about the nested for loop statement. Write a program to generate
multiplication table.
(b) Explain about event and counter controlled losops.. [9+6]
4. (a) Write a C program to display names of days of week using single-dimensional
(b) Write C program to insert an element in an array at a speci ed position?
5. (a) Write a C program to send and receive value from the user de ned function.
(b) What are the standard header les used in `C'. Explain their functions. [7+8]
6. (a) Write short notes on Pointer arithmetic.
(b) How to use pointers in expression. Explain. [7+8]
7. Write a program using a pointer to structure illustrating the initialization of the
members in the structure, using di erent techniques to avoid oating point error
problem. [15]
8. Write a program that reads a le and creates a new le with the same data, except
reverse the case on the second le. Everywhere uppercase letters appear in the
rst le, write lower-case letters to the new le, and everywhere lowercase letters
appear in the rst le, and write uppercase letters to the new le. [15]
1 of 1
Code No: R10105/R10 Set No. 4
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb/Mar 2014
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering, Bio-Technology, Automobile Engineering, Mining and
Petroliem Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What is the need of escape sequence? Write a sample program using any four
escape sequence.
(b) What are the di erent character sets available in `C'? [8+7]
2. (a) Write a C program to check whether number is positive or negative
(b) Explain about multi-way selestion in 'C' with a sample program. [8+7]
3. (a) Explain about standard String Functions with examples?
(b) Write C program convert the uppercase string to lowercase? Without using
string function. [8+7]
4. Write a program to nd rank of a matrix. [15]
5. What is a Function? What are the di erent types of functions? Explain function
with no argument and no return type with an example. [15]
6. (a) Explain the concept of passing strings to functions as dynamic arrays with a
(b) Describe about pointers to pointers in 'C'. [15]
7. (a) How to declare a union in C explain with an example
(b) How to access the elements of a union explain with an example [7+8]
8. (a) Write a C program to count the number of characters in a le.
(b) Write a C program to count the number of words in a le. [8+7]
1 of 1 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 03 December 2019