Download GTU B.Tech 2020 Winter 8th Sem 180604 Structural Design Ii Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad) B.Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology/ Bachelor of Engineering) 2020 Winter 8th Sem 180604 Structural Design Ii Previous Question Paper

Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:180604 Date:30/01/2021
Subject Name:Structural Design-II
Time:02:00 PM TO 04:00 PM Total Marks: 47

1. Attempt any THREE questions from Q.1 to Q.6 .
2. Q.7 is compulsory.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5. Use of IS:456, IS:800, IS:875, IS:1893, SP:16 and Steel Table is permitted.
6. For RCC, wherever not mention use M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 steel.
7. For STEEL, wherever not mention use Fe 410 grade.

Q.1 (a) Estimate wind forces for a water tank for the following data. Total height of
tank = 30 m, Which includes height of the supporting shaft =20 m, height of the
bottom conical portion = 2m , height of cylindrical portion =4 m , Rise of top
sherical dom =1 m, Diameter of supporting shaft= 4m, and diameter of
cylindrical portion=10m, Location is Ahmedabad, Terrain categary =II and
class =B, Ground slope = 1 vertical to 7 horizontal, hill height =280 m,
location from crest 100 m windward. Design life 100 years.

(b) Explain guidelines for preparation of structural layout of buildings.

Q.2 (a) Draw a neat sketch of ductile detailing of `Beam Reinforcement' as per Indian

(b) Prepare a typical structural layout for G+ 3 storey building having 4 bays of 5m
In X-direction and 5 bays of 4 m in Y-direction . Design a two way slab at a
typical floor with one edge discontinuous . Floor height is 3.3 m and live load is
3 kN/m2.

Q.3 (a) Design a circular tank resting on ground for the capacity of 50,000 litres. Assume
that the joint between wall and base slab is rigid. Approximate method may be
used for analysis. Depth of tank may be 4 m. Use M-25 concrete and Fe-415

(b) Wtite a short note on Buckling on web plate

Q.4 (a) Which are the forces acting on retaining wall.

(b) Design preliminary dimensions for counterfort retaining wall for the following
Data :(1) Angle of repose =300 (2) Unit weight of soil = 16 kN/m3 (3) Height
wall above the G.L. =7m (4) Safe bearing capacity of soil = 150 kN/m2 (5) Co -
efficient of friction between the base and the soil is 0.60. Use M20 concrete and
Fe 415 steel.

Q.5 (a) What is a foot bridge? What is the popular geometry of the foot bridge?

(b) Design a gantry girder to carry two elecrically operated overhead crane travelling
in tendem, having following data: (1) Crane capacity (each)= 200kN (2) Weight
Of crane girder = 180 kN (3) Wheel spacing = 3.2 m (4) Weight of crab =50kN
(5) Span of crane between rails =16m (6) Minimum edge distance =1.2 m (7)
Minimum spacing between cranes =2.0m (8) Span of gantry girder =8 m
(9)Weight of rail =0.5 kN/m (10) Height of rail section =75 mm. Check only for
buckling resistance .

Q.6 (a) Design welded plate girder for a simply supported bridge deck beam with clear
Span 24 m, subjected to dead load 20 kN/m (excluding self weight), live load 10
kN/m And two concentrated loads of 200 kN each at 6 m from each end. Assume
that the top compression flange of plate girder is reatrained laterally and
prevented from rotating . Use Fe 415 grade steel. Design as an unstiffened plate
girder with thick web


Which are the components of Roof truss.


Explain in detail types of steel chimney.

This post was last modified on 04 March 2021