Download OU B.Pharma 3-1 Year 2013 7217 Medicinal Chemistry I Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 3-1 (3rd Year 1st Sem) (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2013 7217 Medicinal Chemistry I Previous Question Paper

Code No. 7217
B. Pharm. III Year I-Semester (Main) Examination, October 2013
Subject : Medicinal Chemistry  I
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) i) Discuss in detail the conjugation reactions involved in the drug metabolism. 7
ii) Explain how the following physico-chemical propert6ies influence the biological
action of a drug molecule.
a) Partition coefficient (b) Chelation 7
(b) i) Describe different prodrug approaches involved in the prolongation of drug
activity and masking drug toxicity. 7
ii) Explain the importance of bio-isosterism in drug design. 7
2.(a) i) Explain the S.A.R. of ? -adrenergic blocking agents. 6
ii) Write synthesis and uses of (a) Meprobamate (b) Dicyclomine. 8
(b) i) Classify anti cholinergies giving two examples for each class with structures.
mechanism of action and uses. 8
ii) Write the synthesis and therapeutic uses of (a) Atenonol (b) Carbachol. 6
3.(a) i) What are anti antiarrythmic drugs? Classify them with examples. 6
ii) Outline the synthesis, mechanism of action and uses of (a) Captopril
(b) Nifedipine. 8
(b) i) Classify anti hyper lipidemic agents with suitable example. 6
ii) Write a note on cardiac glycosides and their mechanism of action. 6
iii) Write the structure and uses of a) Clonidine b) Dittiazem 2
4.(a) i) Give the classification of oral hypoglycemics agents with examples. 6
ii) Give the synthesis, mechanism of action and uses of a) Furosemide
b) Tolbutamide 8
(b) i) Write a short note on Immuno modulator drugs. 6
ii) Write a note on anti thyroid drugs and the synthesis of propylthio uracil. (5+3)
5.(a) i) Classify anti histamines / H
-receptor antagonists giving one example for each
class with structures. 6
ii) Write the synthesis, mechanism of action and uses of a) Omeprazole
(b) Ranitidine. 8
(b) i) Write the structural activity relationships and mechanism of action of proton
pump inhibitors. 8
ii) Write a note on anti coagulants. 6
**** - FirstRanker's Choice

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