Download OU B.Sc 2018 Dec 1st Year 3010 Electronics Circuit Analysis Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 1st Year 1st Semester (1-1) 3010 Electronics Circuit Analysis Previous Question Paper

Code No. 3610
3.81:. I-Semester [EHCE
[CBCS) Examina?an NI:I'II'I=.II1'Il:IIII-IrI?r Decenmer 2018
Subiact: ELECTRONICS [Circuit Analysis}
Time : 3 hams
Max. M! : an
Pam A (5? = 20 Harts)
{Shari Answer Type}
Nate . Answer any Five urine fo?awing ques?m 1/4.
_'l De?ne a phasur and Expiain the phaaur representation of mi} \
2 Distinguish behveen active and passive networks.
__3 State Miiiiman 5 theorem.
4 Find the load resistance and current formancimum power H?ansfer ?urr a ?FCE'
of 100 wits dc having iniemal resistance Inf 50H. 3
5 Dame the expression for decay current in LR ' wit and harm de?re "re
B Mention the main characteristics of se '
Fi?" Draw the circuit diagram of a law pasiRC
a graph.
. 3 Explain the mea?urement ?f thei
rice drwit at rEEGI'iEITCE.
Hate \?t?q! ai?i' ?Ln the following gm
@1De?neandda?ve axpress?lfurthaamageandmuameafa
sinusoidal AGwaurm- _
-'.- terms Nude anti?

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020