Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2nd Year 1st Semester (Third Semester) (2-1) 3066 Chemistry Previous Question Paper
E.Sc. lll-Sen'Iestar [CECE] Examinatiun. Huuarnhar! Decambar 21313
Subject : Chemistry
Paper ? III
Time : 3 Hours Max. marks: ED
PART ? A {5 x 4 = 2:: Marks}
[Shari AnsWar Type}
Hate : Answer any FIVE of the failuwlng questlans.
u? Discuss various cxida?nn states 0f 1' - black elements.
In?"r What is vertical plane 01' symmetry? Shnw the 1wartical pianesf?gg'sef?t in water.
3 Expiain the aaidity r31? phenols.
4 Cnmpiete the following reactinns. and name them
. H J ?a
m : 0 ? .3
base -... '9'
{ii} CHIG+CH10 Mil"??
:3" Draw a tabellad phase diagggml?ii??b-Ag system.
3' 2.13:! .3 J
6 What is Zeta pntential ?;g?tg?g
I . ~M-
J?? Write a hate on fulleiiieag?.
I What are- dfaster?amers? Give Mu examples.
m PART- El [4 x 15 = En Marks}
r" _ [Essay Answer Type}
1 3 Hate: Answer ALL questions.
Q ?{9} Explain separation uf Ianmanides by ion exchange methods.
[ii] Discuss the electronic cnn?guratinn and nxida?an states of actinidas,
{b} {i} What is rotational axis of symmetry? Discuss the types of rotational axes,
{ii} Explain precipitation and neutraiizatiun reactiuns ?rn liquid ammonia.
-. the re ara?un {1f alcohols using G?gnard reagent.
10 ME?) :?emn Pi?aguwinacnfuna rearrangement and Riemer??emann Reacugn,
any mu mathnds for the preparation of emars.
(b) (I) Give luf??? reaction and Tullan's test.
{in write a note 011 ha
Bade Ho. ?an? I E
n the curves. areas and t?pte paint of Water system
11 What Is phase rule? Explai-
with the help of its phase diagram. 0
uir adsorption isotherm equ
ce area of solids.
{b} Derive Langm etien and discuss tts application in the
determination of sulfa
12 {a} (it What are Cahn-tngeId-Preleg rules ? Explain with suitahte examples.
{ti} Discuss any two methods for the production of carbon nanotubes.
anteysie of 1. 2. - dichiere +- e ne.
LP)? Discuss the eunfermetienel
tartaric: acid.
tical tseme?srn of T
{it} Write a note an up
This post was last modified on 06 February 2020