Download OU B.Sc 2018 Dec 3rd Year 3210 Biochemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 3rd Year 1st Semester (Fifth and Fourth Semester) (3-1) 3210 Biochemistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. V-Semester (CBCS) Examination, November I December 2018
Subject : Biochemistry (Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry)
Paper - v (080)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Hart?s: 60
PART ? A (5 x 3 = 15 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Write a note on composition of blood.
What are the Cardiac factors controlling blood pressure?
How are the hormones classi?ed?
What are the different hypothalamic hormones?
Abnormal constituents of urine
Adrenal medullary hormones
HDLILDL cholesterol
PART - B (3 x 15 = 45 Marks)
(Essay Answer Type)
Note: Answer ALL questions.
9 /(a) Explain the different contractile proteins and mechanism of muscle contraction.
(b) Explain the structure of neuron and the propagation of nerve impulse.
gical role of pancreatic hormones.
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,(b) Explain the mechanism of peptide hormone action.
11 (a) Writ ?3559 on functions of liver. Explain the various liver function tests.
,(b) @?irwe of kidneys in maintaining the acid base and electrolyte balance in
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10 (a) Explain the chemietry and physiolo

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