Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) 3033 Chemistry Previous Question Paper
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M3} WI'IHt Era Nuclguphilic: Substituijun Heaminna? Explam the mechanism m? 3H
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{b} Draw the Mulenmar Orbital Diagram nf Naphthalene and enmam the r?ac?wty nf
Naphthalane tawards th?' ?lautmphihc subs'?iulmn reactl?ns
11 [H] Vy???iam Azautmpic ?Emmi? Explain the Fra?tmna! Elimination n'E HCI-Hg?
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This post was last modified on 06 February 2020