Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 3rd Year 2nd Semester (6th Semester & 7th Semester) (3-2) 3301 Chemistry Previous Question Paper
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? FAgu?fY or science -
_ B.Sc. Vl-Semestor'?q?CS) Examination, May I June 2019
Subject : Chemistry
7 ? _ Paper? VIII (A) (DSE E-1) : Medicinal Chemistry
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
PART - A (5 x 3 = 15 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
? Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
De?ne Pharmacology. Pharmacodynamlcs and Pharmacophore.
,2?) Givethe generic name and trade name for any two drugs. ?1 ?
,3: Explain brie?y the role of OH group and double bond in?df?gqeceptor complex
formation. gt ?f .f
?4 Whattare agonists and antagonists? Give examples. F
5 What are anti-dlabetic and antipyretic drugs? Give one?example for each.
6 Write the synthesis and therapeutic activity of Dapson.
,7 What are hormones? Give two examples. ,e
{B What are micronutrients? How Na and Ca are? elp?fl for good health?
PART?M - 5)
(Essay Qnsw ?Ar Type)
Note: Answer ALbztgohI the questions.
9 Ja) (i) Give the classi?cation of rugs based on therapeutic activity with
examples. ' gt 5"" (11)
(ii) Discuss about routeaof administration of drugs
" a OR
(b) (i) Describe brie?yfha?e l and Phase II reactions in metabolism of drugs.
(ii) Write a short note on metabolites and antimetabolites.
10 (a) (i) Write?the rgeChanism of enzyme catalyzed reations. (11)
(ii) Discuss. about different types of enzyme inhibition.
(p) E "lain the factors affecting the enzymatic reactions.
' 4 Iain the structure activity relationship studies of Sulfonamides.
11 (3) Write the synthesis and therapeutic activity of Omeprazole. Benzocaine
and Cisplatin. (11)
) (i) Discuss about general and local anesthetics.
(ii) Write the semi synthesis and therapeutic activity of Penicillin - G.
12 (a) (i) What are adrenergic drugs? Write the structure and therapeutic activity of
Salbutamol. ' . . (12)
(ii) Discuss about the sources and de?cuency disorder of water soluble vntamms.
?(b) (i) Write about the de?ciency disorders of A. D, E vitamins.
" ' tion of Do amine and Levodopa.
(u) Discuss about the drug ac ""5
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