Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 6th and 7th Semester 3327 Information technologies 2 Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 3rd Year 2nd Semester (6th Semester & 7th Semester) (3-2) 3327 Information technologies 2 Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 3327
B.Sc. VI-Semester (CBCS) Examination, May / June 2019
Subject : Computer Science
Paper?VII (GE- 2): Information Technologies? 2
Time: 11/: Hours Max. Marks: 40
Note : Answer ALL the questions.
PART - A (2 x 5 = 10 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
1 (a) List the advantages and disadvantages of File processing systeiix
OR ? )7
lb) What is algorithm? Discuss characteristics of aIgorithms. ~ I 7
2 (a) What are the services offered by ISP?
/(b) What are different types of transmission media?
PART? B (2 x 15= 30 Marks)
(Essay AnsWer Type)
5 standard symbols used In ?owchart with their
hart foI addition and subtraction of two given numbers.
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b) Explain DDL and DML commands with syntax and example.
3 /(a) De?ne ?owchart. Discus
description. Draw a ?owc
4 /(a) Explain in detail types 6f Networks aonc'i2 Network Topologies.
(b) Write short notes on (i) Wireless Network (ii) Bluetooth
\ *****

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