Download VNSGU MBBS 1st Year RAN 3704 Biochemistry Theory Paper I April 2019 Previous Question Papers

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RAN-3704 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Medical Faculty, 1st MBBS, Biochemistry Examination
March / April - 2019
Biochemistry Theory
Paper 1
k|Q?p : / Instructions
?uQ? v$ip?h?g ? r?ip?uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu ?f Ah?e gMhu.
Fill up strictly the details of ? signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
? Medical Faculty, 1st MBBS, Biochemistry
Name of the Subject :
? Biochemistry Theory
Subject Code No.: 3 7 0 4
Seat No.:
Student?s Signature
Section 1
Q-l Short notes (2 out of 3) 08 marks
a) Polyol pathway and it's significant in case of diabetes mellitus
b) Metabolism of VLDL and LDL
c) Iron- source, metabolism, RDA and clinical significance
Q-2 Describe in brief (4 out of 6) 12 marks
a) Digestion and absorption of lipid
c) Eicosonoid and it's inhibitors
d) Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis
e) Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
f) Glucose transporters
Q-3 Answer in one or two lines (5 out of 6) 05 marks
a) Equation for calculation of Body Mass Index
b) Equation for calculation of LDL Cholesterol from Cholesterol,
T riglyceride and HDL Cholesterol
c) List substrates for gluconeogenesis
d) List hormones and vitamins involved in Calcium metabolism
e) HbAlC
f) Hormone sensitive lipase
* R A N - 3 7 0 4 * - FirstRanker's Choice
RAN-3704 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Medical Faculty, 1st MBBS, Biochemistry Examination
March / April - 2019
Biochemistry Theory
Paper 1
k|Q?p : / Instructions
?uQ? v$ip?h?g ? r?ip?uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu ?f Ah?e gMhu.
Fill up strictly the details of ? signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
? Medical Faculty, 1st MBBS, Biochemistry
Name of the Subject :
? Biochemistry Theory
Subject Code No.: 3 7 0 4
Seat No.:
Student?s Signature
Section 1
Q-l Short notes (2 out of 3) 08 marks
a) Polyol pathway and it's significant in case of diabetes mellitus
b) Metabolism of VLDL and LDL
c) Iron- source, metabolism, RDA and clinical significance
Q-2 Describe in brief (4 out of 6) 12 marks
a) Digestion and absorption of lipid
c) Eicosonoid and it's inhibitors
d) Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis
e) Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
f) Glucose transporters
Q-3 Answer in one or two lines (5 out of 6) 05 marks
a) Equation for calculation of Body Mass Index
b) Equation for calculation of LDL Cholesterol from Cholesterol,
T riglyceride and HDL Cholesterol
c) List substrates for gluconeogenesis
d) List hormones and vitamins involved in Calcium metabolism
e) HbAlC
f) Hormone sensitive lipase
* R A N - 3 7 0 4 *
RAN-3704 ] [ 2 ] [ 620 ]
Section 2
Q-4 Clinical Case with 5 questions 10 marks
Recently , a town in India witnessed death of many children in span of few
days. On investigation, it was found that parents of most such children were
working as laborers in Litchi farms. Children ate lar ge amount of unripe
litchi fallen on ground, hypoglycin A (Amino-methylenecyclopropyl
propanoic acid) present in litchi was responsible for the event.
Hypoglycin A is metabol ised by body to methyle necyclopropyl acetyl-
Co-A (MCP A-Co-A) and MCP A-carnitine. The metabolites inhibit
fatty acid transport into mitochondria and its metabolism by Acyl-Co-A
dehydrogenase. Inhibitio n of beta-oxidation leads to excess utilization
of glucose in fasting state, leading to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemic
encephelopathy leads to death.
Q.l How fatty acids are transported in to mitochondria?
Q.2 Explain reaction catalysed by Acyl-Co-A dehydrogenase.
Q.3 Action potential transmission requires ener gy . Explain.
Q.4 Hypoglycemia is more dangerous to brain as compared to other or gans.
Q.5 Draw flow-chart explaining biochemical basis ef fects of Hypoglycin A
on body .
Q-5 Answer in few lines(5 out of 7) 10 marks
a) Premature baby tends to develop respiratory distress syndrome
b) Hyperuricemia may be observed in von Gierke,s disease.
c) Odd chain fatty acids are glucogenic.
d) Hyperventilation aggravate tetany .
e) Pregnant woman frequently suf fers from anemia
f) Saturated fatty acids decrease fluidity of membrane.
g) Glucose helps Na+ absorption
Q-6 Answer in one or two lines (5 out of 6) 05 marks
a) Keratan sulfate & Hyaluronic acid
b) Biochemical changes in starvation
c) List metabolic pathways operating in mitochondria
d) T otal parenteral nutrition
e) Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus
f) Diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 06 December 2019