Download MBBS Obstetrics and Gynaecology PPT 1 Placenta Lecture Notes

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Obstetrics and Gynaecology PPT 1 Placenta Lecture Notes



1. Discuss anatomy, function and abnormalities

related to placenta.

2. Explain abnormalities related to length of


? Placenta is a remarkable organ

? Has a relative short life span, it undergoes rapid

growth ,differentiation and maturation.

? A unique fetal ?maternal communication

system which creates a hormonal environment

that helps initially to maintain pregnancy and

eventually initiates the events leading to


The human placenta is:

? Discoid

? Hemochorial

? Deciduate

Development of placenta-

Two sources

? Fetal ? chorion Frondosum

? Maternal- decidua basalis


Placenta is a discoid organ
15 ? 20cm in diameter
3cm Thick at center
Weighs about 500gms

Placental membrane

Total area-4 to 14 sq m

Similar to absorbtive area in adult git

In later part of pregnancy the membrane

thickness reduces from 0.025mm to0.002mm

Is classified as haemochorial



Inspite of close proximity , there is no mixing of the maternal

and fetal blood.


They are separated by placental membranes or barrier.







? It is concerned with the circulation of maternal

blood through the intervillous space.

? Divided in 3 parts
1. Arterial circulation
2. Venous drainage
3. Circulation in intervillous space

? Blood in the intervil ous space is temporarily outside

maternal circulatory system.

? These vessels discharge into the intervil ous space through

gaps in the cytotrophoblastic shel .

? Blood flowing from spiral arteries is pulsatile and is propel ed

in jet-like fountains by the maternal blood pressure.

? Welfare of the embryo and fetus chiefly depends on adequate

bathing of branch vil i with maternal blood.

? Reduction in utero-placental circulation result in fetal hypoxia

and IUGR.

Arterial circulation
? About 120-200 spiral arteries open into

intervillous space.

Spiral artery remodelling

? There is cytotrophoblastic invasion into the spiral

arteries upto the intradecidual portion within

12weeks of pregnancy.

? Endothilial and muscoelastic media is destroyed

and replaced by fibrinoid material

? There is secondary invasion of trophoblast between

12-16 weeks.

? It extends upto the radial arteries within the


? SPIRAL ARTERIES are remodled into large bore


Volume of blood in mature placenta


Volume of blood in intervil ous space


Blood flow in intervil ous space


Pressure in intervil ous space

1) During uterine contraction

30-50mm Hg

2)During uterine relaxation

10-15mm Hg

Pressure in supplying uterine artery

70-80mm Hg

Pressure in draning uterine vein

8mm Hg


? Two umbilical arteries enter the chorionic plate

underneath the amnion, each supplying one half of


? The arteries breakup into small branches which

enter the stems of chorionic villi.

? Each in turn divides the primary, secondary and

tertiary vessels of the corresponding villi.
? This system provides a very large area for

exchange of metabolic and gaseous products

between maternal and fetal blood streams.

? Well-oxygenated fetal blood in fetal capillaries

passes into thin walled veins.

? This follow chorionic arteries to site of

attachment of the umbilical cord, where they

converge to form umbilical vein.

? This large vessel carries oxygen-rich blood to

the fetus.
One (usual) or more smal lobes of placenta, size of

cotyledon, may be placed at varying distances from

the placental margin.

In cases of absence of communicating blood

vessels, it is called placenta spuria.

Incidence: 3%
If the succenturiate lobe is retained, fol owing

birth of the placenta, it may lead to:

1. Postpartum haemorrhage
2. Subinvolution
3. Uterine sepsis
4. Polyp formation

Whenever the diagnosis of missing lobe is made,

exploration of the uterus and removal of the lobe

under general anaesthesia is to be done.

The fetal surface is divided into a central depressed zone

surrounded by a thickened white ring which is usualy


Vessels radiate from the cord insertion as far as the

ring and then disappear from view.

The peripheral zone outside the ring is thicker

and the edge is elevated and rounded.

There is increased chance of:

Antepartum haemorrhage FGR
Preterm delivery
Retained placenta or membranes

? Encroachment of some part over the lower segment.

? Imperfect separation in the third stage.

? Chance of retained placenta is more and manual removal becomes difficult.

? These abnormalities are serious variations in which trophoblastic tissues invade the

myometrium to varying depths.

? They are much more likely with placenta previa or with implantation over a prior uterine

incision or perforation.

The condition is usually associated

? when the placenta is implanted in lower segment

(Placenta praevia)

or over the previously injured sites as in caesarean


?dilatation and curettage operation

? manual removal


The diagnosis is only made

? during attempted manual removal when the plane

of cleavage between the placenta and uterine wall

cannot be made out.

? Ultrasound imaging, colour Doppler and MRI have all

been valuable in the diagnosis.

? Absence of decidua basalis

? Absence of Nitabuch's fibrinoid layer

? Varying degree of penetration of the villi into the

muscle bundle (increta) or upto the

? serosal layer(percreta).

? The risk includes hemorrhage, shock,infection and

rarely inversion of the uterus.

Abnormal length of cord

Short cord

Less than 20cm

1. Prevent descent of the presenting part

special y during labour

2. Separation of normal y situated placenta

3. Favour malpresentation

4. Acute inversion

5. Fetal growth restriction

6. Intrapartum distress

7. Failure of external version

8. Two fold risk of fetal death

Clinical Significance

? cord prolapse

? cord entanglement round the neck or the body

? True knot

? False knots

Battledore placenta

? The cord is attached to the margin of the placenta.

? If associated with low implantation of the placenta,

there is chance of cord compression in vaginal delivery

leading to fetal anoxia or even death; otherwise, it has

got little clinical significance.

Velamentous placenta

? The umbilical vessels spread within the membranes at

a distance from the placental margin, which they reach

surrounded only by a fold of amnion.

? Although their incidence is approximately 1 percent,

velamentous insertion develops in more commonly

with placenta previa and multifetal gestations.

If the leash of blood vessels happen to traverse through the

membranes overlying the internal os, infront of the presenting

part,the condition is called vasa praevia.

? In the presence of fetal bleeding, urgent delivery is

essential either vaginally or by caesarean section.

? The newborn's haemoglobin is estimated and if

necessary, blood transfusion be carried out.

? If the baby is dead, vaginal delivery is awaited.


False Knots

False knots appear as knobs protruding from the cord

surface and are focal redundancies of a vessel or Wharton

jelly, with no clinical significance.

This post was last modified on 07 April 2022