Download MBBS Pediatric Surgery Presentations 16 Undescended Testis Lecture Notes

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year and Final year Pediatric Surgery 16 Undescended Testis PPT-Powerpoint Presentations and lecture notes

Undescended Testis/ Ectopic



? Numerous factors interact to affect normal testicular descent.

? Any abnormality in this process can result in an undescended testis


? Also known as cryptorchidism, an UDT carries fertility and malignancy

? Undescended testis is best defined as a testis that cannot be

manipulated to the bottom of the scrotum without undue tension on

the spermatic cord.

? A normally descended testis resides spontaneously in the lower

scrotum even if it was retracted when the patient was first examined.


? Early gonadal differentiation occurs in the urogenital ridge and is

regulated by at least two genes, located on the short arm of the Y




? The SRY (sex-determining region of Y) gene encodes for a testis-

specific DNA-binding protein that stimulates development of the

embryonic gonad towards a testis by 6 to 7 weeks post gestation.

? Sertoli cells begin to produce M?llerian inhibitory factor (MIF),

causing regression of all M?llerian duct structures except for the

remnant appendix testis and prostatic utricle.

? By week 9, Leydig cells produce testosterone and stimulate

development of Wolffian structures, including the epididymis and vas


? The testis resides in the abdomen near the internal ring until descent

through the inguinal canal at the beginning of the third trimester.

? Two important hormones in testicular descent are

? insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3)

secreted by the testis

? testosterone

? Two important anatomic players are

? gubernaculum testis

? cranial suspensory ligament (CSL)
? The gubernaculum is thought to help anchor the testis near the

internal inguinal ring as the kidney migrates cephalad.

? Androgens prompt the involution of the CSL, allowing for eventual

downward migration of the testicle.

? Testicular descent is biphasic:

? Transabdominal phase- non androgen dependent

? Final phase of inguinoscrotal descent- Androgen dependent
Transabdominal phase

? Under the influence of INSL3 produced by Leydig cell, the

gubernaculum undergoes two phases: outgrowth and regression.

? Outgrowth refers to rapid swelling by the gubernaculum, thereby dilating the

inguinal canal and creating a pathway for descent.

? Next, during regression, the gubernaculum undergoes cellular remodeling

and becomes a fibrous structure.

? Intra-abdominal pressure then causes protrusion of the diverticulum

of peritoneum, processus vaginalis through the internal inguinal ring,

transmitting pressure to the gubernaculum and initiating testicular


? Transit through the inguinal canal is relatively rapid, starting around

week 22 and typically completed after week 27
Final phase of inguinoscrotal descent

? Ahead of the descending testis, the processus vaginalis develops within the

inguinal canal to the scrotum.

? It is surrounded by the cremaster muscle, which is innervated by the

genitofemoral nerve.

? Androgens produced by the fetal testis act to irreversibly virilize the

sensory dorsal root nucleus of the genitofemoral nerve (sexual


? A neurotransmitter, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), released

through the sensory fibres of the genitofemoral nerve, acts on the CGRP-

receptor-rich gubernaculum, inducing strong rhythmic contractions

(100/second), which draw the testis through the inguinal canal into the


? Most undescended testes are located outside the inguinal canal

because the migratory inguinoscrotal phase of testicular descent is

deranged more commonly.

? So, the intra-abdominal testes are relatively uncommon, occurring in

5% to 10% of cryptorchid boys.

? In most cases, the undescended testis is located near the neck of the

scrotum, just outside or a little lateral to the external inguinal ring, in

the "superficial inguinal pouch".
Associated syndromes

? Microcephaly- Possibility of pituitary hormone or gonadotrophin deficiency

? Anthrogryposis multiplex conginata- neurogenic and mechanical anomalies

? Prune bel y syndrome-Absence of processus vaginalis development due to

prenatal urinary bladder distension.

? 10% of cases of PUV

? Gastroschisis and omphalocele- due to rupture of gubernaculum or poorly

formed gubernaculum

? Exstrophy of the bladder- poorly formed gubernaculum

? Neural tube defects- due to the stimulation by sensory genitofemoral

nerve is impaired

Embryology of ectopic testis

? Undescended testes lying well outside the normal line of descent

such as in the perineum or femoral region are rare, and their cause is


? It has been suggested that this may be the result of an abnormal

location of the genitofemoral nerve with consequent abnormal

migration of the gubernaculum to the wrong site.

? May be found in inguinal region, femoral canal, penopubic area, or

even contralateral hemiscrotum.

? The positions of undescended testes can be divided into those

arrested in the line of normal descent and those in truly ectopic




? Imperfectly descended:

? Absent:

? External inguinal ring

? Primary failure

? Superficial inguinal pouch

? Vascular injury

? Gliding or mobile testis

? High location:

? Ectopic:

? Intra-abdominal

? Lateral abdominal wall

? High intracanalicular

? Femoral

? Base of penis

? Perineal

? Crossed ectopia

? A retractile testis is a normally descended testis that retracts into the

inguinal canal as a result of cremaster muscle contraction. It can be

manipulated down into the scrotum on examination without tension

and will remain in place without causing discomfort to child.

? Gliding or mobile testis descends spontaneously to the high/mid-

scrotum but has a short processus vaginalis, such that traction on the

testis causes obvious discomfort to the child.

? Gliding testes are smaller in volume

? Often are associated with a hypoplastic scrotum.

? They show histological features of cryptorchidism and classify as

undescended testes, requiring the same attention.
? The intra-abdominal testis is usually located within a few centimeters

of the internal inguinal ring.

? Usually identified by laparoscopy.

? A nonpalpable testis may also be absent or vanishing due to

intrauterine or perinatal torsion(15-20% of nonpalpable testis).

? This condition is known as monorchia, or anorchia if both testes are absent.

? Biopsy of tissue at the blind-ending gonadal vessels may reveal hemosiderin

and calcification as a remnant of the previously torsed testis.

? Testes that have been documented to be in the scrotum at birth but

subsequently are found to be undescended are often classified as


? The situation may be due to a failure of proportional elongation of the

spermatic cord, such that the testis is progressively retracted out of the

scrotum by linear body growth.

? More common is the iatrogenic undescended or rising testis that becomes

attached to the inguinal fascia by scar tissue following an inguinal operation,

e.g. for hernia or hydrocele, and is then drawn out of the scrotum with body



? UDT occurs in 3% of term male infants and in up to 33% of premature male


? The majority of testes descend within the first 9 to 12 months.

? At age 1 year, the incidence of UDT is 1%, and testicular descent after 1 year is


? The overal rate of secondary testicular ascent has been reported between

2% to 45%.

? 2/3rd to 3/4th of cases are palpable, with most being palpable within the

inguinal canal or distal to the external ring.
? Right-sided undescent (53?58%) is more common than left-sided


? Bilateral undescended testes occur in 10?25% of all cases of



? At term, the seminiferous tubules in the normal testis are filled with gonocytes,

spermatogonia and Sertoli cells.

? Leydig cells are easily identifiable within the interstitial tissue.

? Accentuated growth during the second to sixth months of postnatal life is

associated with a crucial surge in testosterone production and further maturation

of the spermatogonia, followed by relative regression until the onset of puberty.

? Spermatogonia are quantifiable as the tubular fertility index (TFI), which

represents the percentage of tubules containing spermatogonia. The TFI rises

after the sixth year of life, and by the eighth year spermatocytes appear.

Development of a tubular lumen and Sertoli cells is followed by spermatogenesis.
Complications of crytorchidism

? Temperature effect:

? The scrotal testis in the human is maintained at 33?C compared with 34?C to

35?C in the inguinal region and 37?C intra-abdominally.

? The physiology of the testis is well adapted to this lower temperature.

? Therefore, in the undescended testis where the ambient temperature is

increased, the testis undergoes progressive alteration.

? Endocrine Effects:

? Plasma gonadotropin and testosterone levels have been measured in infants

with undescended testes, and the normal postnatal rise in plasma luteinizing

hormone (LH) levels and testosterone were found to be significantly lower

than normal.

? Germ Cell Development:

? Germ cell deficiency in cryptorchidism was previously regarded as congenital.

? It has been observed that the histology of the testes is initially normal and

becomes progressively abnormal with age.

? Leydig cell development is impaired in undescended testes in the first 2 to 6

months, whereas the Sertoli and germ cells appeared normal.

? By the end of the second year of life, nearly 40% of undescended testes have

completely lost their germ cells.

? It is now well established that the transformation of neonatal gonocytes to

type A spermatogonia, an early postnatal step in development of the germ

cells, is deficient in infants with cryptorchidism.

? Fertility:

? Fertility is lower in men with a past history of cryptorchidism.

? In previous generations, it was believed that the undescended testis suffered

no adverse changes until after puberty and surgical intervention was not

necessary until 12 to 15 years of age.

? The evidence that germ cell maturation is already abnormal after 6 months of

age has led clinicians to appreciate that not only is postnatal degeneration an

important issue but also that early intervention may prevent it.

? Paternity rates are not deficient in unilateral cryptorchidism but, with

bilateral cryptorchidism, fertility is significantly impaired.

? Malignancy:

? The progressive degeneration of germ cells and dysplasia seen in cryptorchid

testes is thought to be related to an increased risk of malignancy.

? Relative risk for those with a history of unilateral cryptorchidism is 15-fold or

33-fold for bilateral undescended testes, with the risk of cancer being highest

with intra-abdominal testes.

? The undescended testis and, to a lesser extent, the contralateral

scrotal testis carries a greater content of dysgenetic material, which

is most likely responsible for the increased risk of neoplasia.

? The contralateral scrotal testis carries an increased (5%) risk of

neoplastic change.

? 1 in 5 tumours associated with testicular undescent arises within the

contralateral scrotal testis.

? Long-term follow-up is mandatory for patients with testicular undescent,

particularly those who have had unilateral malignancy.

? 60% of tumours developing in undescended testes are seminomas

presenting at the usual young age for testicular tumours of 20?40

years arising from abnormal gonocytes.

? Inguinal Hernia

? The processus vaginalis normally obliterates after descent of the testis in the

perinatal period.

? Undescended testes are associated with a higher incidence of patent

processus vaginalis and inguinal hernia.

? A clinically evident hernia present with a cryptorchid testis is an indication for

immediate intervention.

? Most surgeons elect to perform a hernia repair and orchidopexy


? Torsion of a Cryptorchid Testis:

? There is a high incidence of up to 20% for torsion in unoperated undescended


? The mobility of a testis within the tunica vaginalis in the superficial inguinal

pouch may predispose to torsion.

? Testicular-Epididymal Fusion Abnormality

? Abnormal connection between the testis and the epididymis is common in


? The risk of abnormal fusion is greater with testes inside the canal or the

abdomen than in inguinal testes or those lying at the neck of the scrotum.

? These abnormalities may be related to underlying androgen deficiency in


? Failure of testicular descent, the absence of testes in the scrotum,

and possible infertility cause profound psychological disturbance for

both the adolescent patient and his family.

? The potential impact on body image, gender identity and, hence, self-

esteem and personality should not be underestimated.

? The diagnosis and location of a UDT are determined by thorough physical

examination performed in a warm room.

? The patient should be examined in both a supine and a frog-legged sitting position.

? The scrotum is observed for hypoplasia and examined for the presence of either


? In cases of monorchia, the solitary testis may be hypertrophied.

? The first maneuver to locate the testis is to walk the fingers gently down the inguinal

canal from the internal ring toward the scrotum, trying to push subcutaneous

structures toward the scrotum.

? Gentle mid-abdominal pressure may help push the testis into the inguinal canal.

? On examination, both retractile testes and low UDTs may be

manipulated into the scrotum.

? Once in scrotal position, the retractile testis appears to remain in place,

whereas the low UDT does not.

? The ipsilateral hemiscrotum is fully developed with a retractile testis, whereas

it may be underdeveloped in a UDT.

? If neither testis is palpable, anorchia, androgen insensitivity syndrome, or a

chromosomal abnormality must be differentiated from bilateral UDT.

? If the baseline follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level is elevated (three standard

deviations above the mean) in a boy younger than 9 years, anorchia is likely and no

further evaluation is recommended.

? If baseline luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH levels are normal and human chorionic

gonadotropic (hCG) stimulation results in an appropriate elevation of testosterone,

functioning testicular tissue is likely to be present and the patient should undergo


? However, if the testosterone level does not increase appropriately, nonfunctional

testicular tissue may stil be present and exploration should stil be performed.

? The hCG stimulation test does not distinguish between normal nonpalpable testes and

functioning testicular remnants.


? Radiographic imaging is rarely helpful in locating a UDT and is not

recommended routinely.

? In unusual situations of bilateral nonpalpable testes, MRI with

gadolinium may be useful for detecting abdominal testes because

testicular tissue is particularly bright on MRI.
TREATMENT: Hormone Treatment

? Hormone therapy is based on the premise that the undescended testis is caused

by deficiency of the hypothalamic pituitary-gonadal axis and that postnatal

treatment can induce the required migration of the gubernaculum.

? Therapy has been tried with testosterone, hCG, and luteinizing hormone

releasing hormone (LHRH)agonist, Buserelin.

? Direct androgen therapy was abandoned many years ago because excessive

doses caused precocious puberty.

? Success rates for treatment range from 10% to 50%.

? Children older than 4 years and those with bilateral undescended testes near the

scrotal entrance or retractile testes respond most favorably to hCG.

Surgical Treatment

? Indications and Timing:

? Guidelines (AAP 1996 and EAU 2012) recommend that orchiopexy in

otherwise healthy males be performed by 12?18 months of age, as the UDT is

unlikely to descend after 12 months of age.

? Repair may be undertaken even earlier if a symptomatic hernia is present.

? The surgical approach for UDT depends on whether the testis is


? Unilateral and bilateral palpable UDT are treated the same way.

? It is important to re-examine the patient after induction of anesthesia

because up to 18% of nonpalpable testes may become palpable on

examination under anesthesia.

? For unilateral and bilateral nonpalpable UDT, definitive management

may be determined through a combination of inguinal exploration

and diagnostic laparoscopy.

? The nonpalpable testis is approached first through diagnostic laparoscopy and

then inguinal exploration is done as needed.

Palpable Undescended Testes

? The mainstay of therapy for the palpable UDT is surgical orchiopexy

with creation of a subdartos pouch.

? The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia.
? The incision should be made along one of Langer's lines, over the

internal ring.

? The external oblique aponeurosis is incised laterally from the external

ring in the direction of its fibers, avoiding injury to the ilioinguinal


? The spermatic cord is separated from the external oblique

aponeurosis and the cord and testis (usually just outside the external

ring) are mobilized out of the wound by blunt dissection.

? The distal gubernacular attachment is divided carefully (diathermy or

scissors), avoiding any long-looping vas deferens.

? A small clamp on the gubernaculum or distal tunica vaginalis allows

traction on the spermatic cord.

? The spermatic cord is dissected by first isolating and stripping off with

blunt forceps any cremaster muscle fibres.

? The remnant of the processus vaginalis is usually obvious in

cryptorchidism as a shiny white, translucent inelastic layer covering

the vas deferens and testicular vessels.

? The hernial sac is grasped with blunt forceps and the vas and vessels

are carefully swept off its posterior surface en masse.

? The vas deferens must be identified formally during this dissection, as it is

closely adherent to the posterior surface of peritoneum.

? The vas deferens and gonadal vessels are retracted away from the

sac, which then can be clamped and divided.

? The processus vaginalis is twisted to exclude intraperitoneal contents

and transfixed and ligated with absorbable suture.

? These manoeuvre provide adequate mobilisation of the testis to

provide adequate length to bring down testis to the scrotum.

? A finger is introduced through the wound and bluntly pushed down to

the scrotum.

? A subcutaneous pouch is developed with scissors or small artery

forceps with the finger still in place.

? Now the testis is brought down to the scrotum holding the


? The testis is nestled into its new subcutaneous pouch and the

scrotum closed with subcuticular suture.

? The inguinal incision is closed in layers.

? The patient is seen in the outpatient clinic after a few weeks for a

wound check and again several months later for testicular


? Final position and condition of the testis should be noted.

? Although rare, complications include atrophy and retraction.

Nonpalpable Undescended Testis

? The standard approach is diagnostic laparoscopy through an umbilical


? If the testicular vessels are seen exiting the internal ring, an inguinal

incision is used to locate the testis or testicular remnant.

? Orchiopexy is performed if a viable testis is found

The testicular vessels and vas deferens are seen to enter the inguinal


There is no evidence for a patent processus vaginalis.

The vessels and vas deferens appear to be of relatively normal caliber.

In this situation, inguinal exploration is necessary

? If the vessels end blindly in the inguinal canal (vanishing testis), the

tip of the vessels may be sent for pathologic examination.

? Remnants of testicular tissue or hemosiderin and calcifications are

indicative of probable perinatal torsion and testicular resorption.

The vas deferens and testicular vessels in this patient end blindly in

the retroperitoneum.

The internal ring is closed.

In this very unusual situation, inguinal exploration is not necessary.

? If diagnostic laparoscopy reveals an intra-abdominal testis, several

options are available.

? The Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy involves ligation of the testicular

vessels, which makes the testis dependent on the vasal and

cremasteric arteries for viability.

? After ligation of the testicular vessels, which can be done

laparoscopically or by laparotomy, a delay of about 6 months is

recommended before orchiopexy to allow development of collateral


A) After intra-abdominal mobilization of the testis, the gubernaculum has been

grasped with forceps inserted through a 10-mm cannula that has been

introduced through the scrotal incision, over the pubic tubercle and into the

abdomen. The testis is then withdrawn into the cannula. Often, it is not

possible to place the testis entirely into the 10-mm port.

B) The testis is delivered over the pubic tubercle and into the right hemiscrotum

This post was last modified on 08 April 2022