Download RGUHS PHD Entrance Examination A012 Swasthavrita Paper II 2020 March Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ) Ph.D Entrance Examination (Doctor of Philosophy) 2020 March A012 Swasthavrita Paper II Previous Question Paper

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

Ph.D Entrance Examination ? 06-Mar-2020

Time: 90 Minutes

Max. Marks: 50 Marks




Q.P. CODE: A012

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.

Answer All The Following Questions

10 X 05 = 50 Marks

1. Plan Ayurvedic diet chart in Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) with Ayurvedic supplement to fulfill

protein and calorie in diet.

2. Procedure of prayogic dhumpanm, how it can prevent Urdhwajatrugat vyadhis (ENT disorders).

3. Obstacles in Yoga (Yogpratibandhak vighna) and remedies to overcome these obstacles.

4. Define Panchavritti and Panchaklesh.

5. Explain concept of prevention, level of prevention and preventable causes of disease.

6. Write a note on demographic cycle and life expectancy.

7. Explain Biomedical waste management.

8. Write elements and principles of "Primary health Care" and how Ayurveda contribute in this

primary health care.

9. Write types of sampling techniques in research.

10. Explain incidence and prevalence rate with example.

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This post was last modified on 08 June 2022
