Download RGUHS PHD Entrance Examination A003 Kaumarabhritya 2019 March Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ) Ph.D Entrance Examination (Doctor of Philosophy) 2019 March A003 Kaumarabhritya Previous Question Paper

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

Ph.D Entrance Examination ? MARCH-2019

Time: 90 Minutes

Max. Marks: 50 Marks

Faculty - Ayurveda

Subject ? Kaumarabhritya

Q.P. CODE: A003

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.

Answer All The Questions

10 X 05 = 50 Marks


Write about the prevention of communicable diseases in children through Ayurvedic measures.


Define Sosha and design a tool for assessment of Sosha in children.
"Sthanya dushti can cause diseases in children". Discuss about the possibilities and suggest a


remedial action plan.


Importance of Vedana parijnana as laid down in Kasyapa samhitha.


Describe about the use of single drugs in day to practice in Pediatrics.


What are the Steps and procedures of Neonatal Resuscitation?


Explain Congenital Heart Diseases.


Discuss about commonly seen Behavioural disorders in Children.


Discuss about two surgical emergencies in Pediatrics.

10. Utility of Samskaras in developmental assessment.

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Document Outline

This post was last modified on 08 June 2022
