Download SGBAU B-Tech 3rd Sem Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 3rd Sem Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Third Semester (Chemical Engineering) (C GS)
10986 : Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics -l
3 CH 04 / 3 PP 04
P. Pages : 2 AW - 2997
lllllyltl??ll?ll? Max. Marks : 80
Time : Three Hours
Notes : 1. Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
5. Retain the construction lines.
6. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
7. Use of slide rule logarithmic tables. Steam tables, Moller?s Chan, Drawing
instrument, Thermodynamic table for moist air, Psychromet?c Charts and
Refrigeration chans is permitted.
8. Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
9. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. 3) Explain in detail the concept of Reversible and Irreversible process. 6
b) State and explain the phase rule. Compute the degree of freedom if. 8
i) liquid water in equilibrium with its vapour.
ii) liquid water in equilibrium with a mixture of water vapour and nitrogen.
iii) A liquid solution of alcohol in water in equilibrium with its vapour.
iv) System is made by partial decomposition of Nlqul.
2. a) Explain the following : 8
1) Heat Reservoir ii) Heat Engine
iii) Heat Pump
b) Explain with example state and path functions. 6
3. a) Explain the ?rst law of thermodynamics for non ?ow process. What are its limitations ?? 6
b) Calculate AU and AH for 1 kg of water when it is vaporized at the constant pressure of
101.325 kPa. The speci?c volume of liquids and vapour water at these conditions are
0.00104 and 1.673 m3/kg for this change. heat in the amount of 2256.9 k1 is added to the
4. a) One Kilomole of gas for which PV = nRT (R : 8.31 kJ/kmol k) is originally at 320 k of l 7
bar. It is then heated at constant pressure to a temperature of 420 k and compressed
isothermally to volume equal to its initial volume. Assume Cp = 25 kJ/kmol k.
Find AV, AH, Q & w.
b) Show that AB = qV of AH ?' qp in this equation qV & qP are state function. 6
AW - 2997 1 P.'F.O

5 a)
6 a)
7 a)
8. a)
9. a)
10. a)
12. a)
AW - 2997
Show the equivalence of:
i) Kelvin Planck statement ii) C?Iausius statement
Explain in detail the concept of Carnot c) etc with propositions.
From a reservoir at 600 It, 1000 J of heat is transferred to an engine that operates 011thc
Carnot cycle. The engine rejects heat to :1 rescn'oir at 300 k. Determine the thermal
ef?ciency of the cycle and the work done by the engine.
Derive the equation for calculation of entropy changes for the processes involving ideal
Explain in detail the vapour compression 2}le with neat sketch and T-S and P~H
A vupcur compressiun tet'rigeration S} slum with ammonia as the working ?uid is to
operate between 266 k and 300 k. Determine COP, given that the enthalpy of saturated
vapour at 266 k = 656 kJ/k g and enthalpy of superheated vapour leaving the compressor is
724 kJ.?kg, enthalpy ofsaturated liquit; at 300 k = 144 kJ/kg.
Explain in detail the Linde process for gas liquefaction.
Show that a 1 kw heat pump working between an indoor temperature of 300 k and an
outside temperature of 290 k is equivalent '0 a 30 kw heater.
Explain in detail the classi?t ation of themmdyhamic properties.
Derive the expression for Gibbs free cnurgy and show that decrease in Gibbs free energy
is CCIUZli to the amount of maximum \wrk which a system can do isothermally and
isobarically over and abox c the mechanical \mrk.
Explain the fundamental property relations and show.
1) CA ='SdT "Pdv Ii) d0 3 "Sd'l +V'dp
Explain Clausius - ClapC) run equation.
Derive the following equations :
N y(v-h
i) .d?z?A.(NIZ??l) ii) 3.:[i]
in u PO 7+1
Explain in detail the Throttling process (Joule Fhomson Expansion).
Steam at 600 kPa and 573 k (ll : 3062 kJ/kg) enters a nozzle at a rate of 10 kgfs and
discharges it at 100 kPa illld 473 k (H = 2875 kJ/kg). Ileat loss to the surroundings is
estimated to be 100 kw. Assuming that the inlet velocity of steam is negligible determine
the discharge velocity.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020