Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Microbiology New Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Microbiology New Previous Question Paper

B. Pharm. Third Semester (New)
35383 : Pharmaceutical Microbiology : BP 303 T
P. Pages: 2 I , . I AW - 2346
Time : Three Hours I?W?MMW Max. Marks : 75
Notes : 1. Answer All questions.
2. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
3. Use of pen Blue/Black, ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. Solve all MCQ. 20
i) Microorganism which grow in absence of oxygen are called:
a) Aerobic b) Microscopic
c) Anaerobic d) None of the above
ii) Paraf?n oil can be sterilized by :
a) Hot air oven b) Autoclaving
c) Filtration d) Disinfection
iii) Best autoclaving is achieved at
3) 121?C for 15 minutes b) 120"C for 1 hr
c) 110?C for 2 hr d) 1 10?C for 3 hr
iv) Process of killing microorganism including spore is:
a) Disinfection b) Sanitization
c) Sterilization d) Filtration
v) Acid-Fast staining is also knovm as:
a) Negative staining b) AFB staining
c) Zlel-Neelsen staining (1) Both b & 0
vi) The purpose ofsta'ming is to demonstrate:
a) Cell size b) Cell shape
c) Arrangement of Bacterial Cell d) All the above
vii) Backbone ol'cell wall in Prokaryotcs is:
a) Lipopolysaccharides b) Polypeptide
c) Murein d) Protein
viii) Which is the following smallest Bacterium :
a) N . Gonorrhocae b) M .Tuberculosis
c) MycoPlasma d) Vibrio Cholerae
ix) Study of Fungi is known as:
a) Mycology b) Parasitology
c) Virology d) Bacteriology
x) The process of sterilization is used in dairy industry is:
a) Pasteurization b) Tyndallization
c) Fermentation d) Segregation
xi) Alcohol concentration above ------- are effective against viruses.
a) 60% b) 70%
c) 90% d) 80%
AW - 2346 1 P.T.O

xii) -------? is a good dismfectam in aqueous or Alcoholic solution.
3) Alcohol b) Halogen
c) Iodine d) Dyes
xiii) Fur gi arc de?ne as :
a) Non-motile Eulhr} mic organism
b) Motile Prokaryutic Organism
c) None-Motile Prokar} otic Organism
d) Autotrophs
xiv) Reserve food material oi?l?ungi is:
a) Starch b) Protein
c) Glucose d) Glycogen
xv) Wh:ch chemical is \xideI} used for Disinfection of Dairy equipmcnt's?
a) Ca(OCIz) and NaOCI b) Agen and H5P02
c) NaOH and Febr d) All the Above
xvi) The presence ofwhich Acid in Bacterial spore make it more Resistance to
3) Nucleic Acid bi Pitoic Acid
c) Dipicolinic Acid d! None ot?thcse
xvii) Which ion destroys the Amino Acid bond in Nucleic Acid and Precipitate proteins?
a') Oh b) (?03
c) N02 d) H
xviii)Why strong Acid and Alkznlies are not useful?
a) Corrosive b) Non-corrosivc
c) Metal d) Non-metal
xix) Sugar concentration in lubnratur) medal of Fungi are.
a) l to 2% b) 2 to 3%
C) 4 [0 570 d) 1410 [50/0
xx) Process of killing of microorganism Including Spore is:
a) Disinfection b) Sanitization
c) Sterilization d) Filtration
Long Answer questions so?ve any two. 20
i) Write in detail about the construction & design of an Aseptic room.
ii) WhaI is sterilization? Explain in detail the various physical methods ofsterilization
iii) Explain morphology. classi?cation and cultivation of viruses in laboratory.
Short Answer question solve any seven questions. 35
i) Write the nutritional requ1n:mcm for the growth of Bacteria
ii) Explain scope and Application ofl?k?cutical microbiology.
iii) Write about Acid?Pasl staining of Bacteria.
iv) Write the classi?cation of Fungi.
v.) Discus the methods of sterility testing.
vi) How Inoculum is prepared for Assay 01' Antibiotic.
vii) Write about method of Reproduction of fungi
viii) Write about the lyophilization technique.
AW - 2346

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020