Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Old Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Old Previous Question Paper

B.Pharm. Third Semester (Old)
35151 : Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry -] z 3.3
P. Pages : 1 AW ? 2297
Time : Three Hours
?11 "'
?ll?l'lqlalmsu'd LEW Max. Marks : 6O
Notes : 1. All question carry equal marks.
2. Answer Any five question.
3 Diagrams and C hemicals equations and structure of organic compound should be
given wherever necessary
Discuss in detail about factors affecting electron availability. 12
Explain nucleophilic substitution reaction with special emphasis on 8N1 Reaction 12
mechanism & stereochemistry.
Give methods ofprepamtion & Reactions ofAicohols & Ethers. 12
Explain Electrophilic Aromatic substitution reaction mechanism with reactivity and 12
Write in detail about Hybridization & types of Hybrid orbitals with example. 12
Write Reaction & mechanism of any two. ? 12
a) Friedel craft reaction.
b) Diel's Alder rca".
c) Oxymcrcuration?Demcrcuration.
d) Chlorination of methane.
Write a note on any two. 12
a) Aromaticity of Benzene.
b) Intermolecular forces.
c) Quantum mechanics.
AW - 2297 1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020
