Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd Sem Digital Techniques II Previous Question Paper
B.C.A. (Part?I) Semester?II Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
Note :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness.
1. (A) What is D-Flip-Flop ? Explain with Diagram and Truth Table. 6
(B) Explain construction and working of astablc multivibrator with suitable diagram. 6
2. (A) De?ne Flip-Flop and differentiate RS and CLKRS F lip-F lop. 6
(B) Explain :
(1) Monostable transistori7ed multivibrator
(ii) Bistable transistorized multivibrator. 6
3. (A) What is Counter ? Explain Asynchronous 4-bit Counter with Diagram and Truth Table.
(B) Explain up-down counters with suitable diagram. 6
4. (A) State and explain applications of Modi?ed Asynchronous Counter. 6
(B) Draw and explain the diagram of [C 74931. 6
5. (A) Explain :
(ii) PISO. 6
(B) Explain IC version of Shift register-7495 with connection diagram. 6
6. (A) Explain the working of Ring Counter with neat diagram. 6
(B) What is Johnson?s Counter ? Explain with Connection Diagram and Truth Table. 6
7. (A) Explain diiTerence between Primary and Secondary Memory. 6
(B) Explain :
(1) RAM
(ii) ROM
(iii) EPROM. 6
8. (A) Explain static RAM Cell with suitable diagram. 6
(B) What is meant by Winchester disk ? Explain. 6
9. (A) What is A/D and D/A converter ? Explain the working of weighted resistor type
D/A Converter. 6
(B) Draw and explain IC ADC 0808 with block diagram. 6
10. (A) Draw and explain IC DAC 0808 with suitable diagram. 6
(B) Draw the block diagram of successive approximation type A/D Converter and explain. 6
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