Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 6th Sem Electronics Advanced Microprocessor n Microcontroller Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 6th Sem Electronics Advanced Microprocessor n Microcontroller Previous Question Paper

AW-I 777
B.Sc. Part?lll (Scmestcr?VI) Examination
(Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontroller)
Time : 'I?hrce Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. l is compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :? 2
(l) BIU stands for _.
(2) PSW stands for __
(3) Intel 8086 is pin 1C.
(4) SCON stand for __
(B) Choose the correct alternative :? 2
(i) 8086 up have ___- operating modes.
(8) 5 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 8
(ii) IC 8086 up has __ byte queue register.
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 6 (d) 12
(iii) Full duplex system consists of __ way Communication.
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) None
(iv) Memory Capacity of 8086 up is __
(a) 2 MB (b) 4 MB
(c) 1 MB (d) 8 MB
(C) Answer in one sentence only :?? 4
(i) What is the addressing mode of MOV AX, BX ?
(ii) State segment register of 8086 pp.
(iii) What is PC in 8086 microprocessor ?
(iv) State the addressing modes of MOV DPTR# 1234H.
2. (A) Explain operating modes of 8086 pp. 6
(B) What is use of memory segmentation in 8086 pp ? Explain the various segment registers.
(P) Explain general purpose registers of 8086 pp. 6
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(Q) Explain the function of hllowing sngml :
(1) MA? (ii) MN/MY
(iii) 16 (iv) WE 4
(R) What is the function of iInStruction queue in 8086 up ? 2
3. (A) Write ALP to add th? mntt-ms 01? the location 2000 : 0500 H to the contents of
3000 : 0600 11 and Store 'chII in 5000 H : 0700 H. 6
(B) Explain Based, Index and Based-Index addressing modes with suitable example. 6
(P) Identify the addressing. mode: of follmving 8086 pp instructions :?
(i) MOV AL. [0401 u]
(ii) ADD AX. [SI]
(iii) XCHG AX, BX
(iv) MOV AL, 581]. 4
(Q) Explain MUL & IMLTL instxuctiun of 8086 pp. 4
(R) Write an ALP to transfcr 1(-bit numbers 1000 H, 2000 H. 3000 H in register AX,
BX & DX respectively.
The data segment is starting from 4000 H. 4
4. (A) State the salient features 01? 8051 microcontrollcr. 4
(B) Explain the function of status bitS RS1 & R80 of 8051 microcwntroller. 3
(C) Explain the function 0 ' .?LP, PC and DPTR of 805] microcontruller. 5
(P) Draw the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller and exp1ain the function 01' ALU,
ACC and Reg B. 7
(Q) What is Register Bank ? Fxp?min Registcr Bank of 8051 Microaontrollcr. 5
5. (A) Explain Immediate and Dtt?ect Jddrcssing modes of 8051 MCS. 4
(B) Explain data transfer and Arithmetic instruction of 8051 MCS. 4
(C) Draw the flow chart and mite 1, program to multip1y 0011 to 0811 and store the result
in register R7. 4
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(P) Write ALP to subtract EHI from FIH and store result in register R0. 4
(Q) Explain Register and Register indirect addressing mode of 8051 MCS with suitable
example. - 4
(R) Explain logical instruction with suitable example. 4
6. (A) Explain Idle and Power down mode of 8051 MCS. 6
(B) Explain Simplex, half & full duplex transmission. 6
(P) Explain interfacing of RS 232 with 8051 MCS. Draw suitable diagram. 6
(Q) What is power mode control register (PCON) of 8051 MCS ? Explain. 6
7. (A) Draw block diagram of AVR AT Mega 32 A MCS and explain each block. 8
(B) Explain EEPROM data memory of AT Mega 32A MCS. 4
(P) What are the different power saving options in AVR AT Mega 32A MCS ? Explain.
(Q) Explain Status Register of AVR AT Mega 32A MCS. 6
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