Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem CA CS IT Data Structure n Advance C Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem CA CS IT Data Structure n Advance C Previous Question Paper

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B.Sc. (Part?I) Semestcr-II Examination
(Data Structure and Advance C)
Time 2 Three [lotus] [IHuximum 31min: ; 80
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :? "
(Vi) Queue is also called as
(ii) The insertion of an element into the stack is called _ operation.
(iii) Collection of homogeneous data element is known as
(iv) The variables declared within function are called variables.
(B) Choose correct ultemative :- 2
(i) Finding the location of given element is called :
(a) Sorting (b) Searching
(c) 'l'raversing (d) Merging
(ii) PUSH operation on stack means ___,, k
(a) Inserting an item (b) Deleting an item
(c) Visiting an item (d) None of the above
(iii) The function fgetc( ) is used to iv
(a) Add data to ?le (b) Find the element
(c) Read char from ?le ((1) None of the above
(iv) Concatenation means ?
(21) Addition of element (b) Extracting string
(c) Combining strings (d) None of the above
(C) Answer in ONE sentence each 2? 4
(i) What is POP operation '.?
(ii) What is sorting '?
(iii) What is a pointer ?
(iv) What is a structure ?
2. (a) How the queue is represented in a memory '3 Explain. 6
(b) What is slack '.? What are the operations performed on stack ? Explain it. ? 6
YBC?15242 1 (Contdf)

What is data structure 2? What arc the various operations 10 he performed on data
structure ? 6
Write an algorithm for traversing an array. 6
What is circular queue '? How is it implemented in computer memory '? 6
Write an algorithm to insert an element into linked list. 6
State and explain the diii?crcnce between queue and circular qucuc. 6
Write an algorithm to traverse linked list. 6
Explain inorder, preordcx' and postorder trcc traversal with example. 6
What is selection sort ? Write an algorithm for selection sort. 6
What is binary tree '3 Draw binary trcc for :
[A + B] ? C/[D a: 1&1. 6
Write an algorithm for inscrtzon sort. 6
What is function ?.? Explain hnction prototype with example. 6
Write a program in (I' for addition 01" two matrix. 6
What is array ? Explain the declaration and initialization of one dimensional array with
suitable example. 6
Describe recursive function with suitable example. 6
What is string ? What operations can be performed on string ? Explain. 6
Write a program in C to ?nd out biggest element from 'n? array element using pointer.
, OR
What is pointcr ? Explain the declaration and initialization of pointer variable. 6
Explain the following string Functions with example :
(i) strcat( )
(ii) strcmt)
(iii) strcmp( ). 6
Describe the declaration and initialization of structure with example.
Explain ?le opening modes in ?C ?
Explain the difference bctxxccn structure and union with suitable example. 6
Explain the following functions with example :
(i) fgets( )
(ii) fprintf()
(iii) fwrite( ) 6
YBC?15242 ?2 525

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020