Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Computer Application Web Designing Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Computer Application Web Designing Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?I) Scmestcr?[I Examination
(Web Designing)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(3) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :? 7
(ii) XML elements arc __
(iii) DTD stands for -?
(iv) OSI stands for ____7
tag is used to creatc horizontal line.
Choose correct alternative ;_ . 2
(i) WAN stands for :
(a) Weight Area Network (b) Wall Area Network
(0) With Area Network (d) Wide Area Network
(ii) Rowspan tag is used 10 7 ?
(a) Span a line (b) Creatc row
(c) De?ne lublc (d) Span a cell in a row
(iii) HTML is used to _ _
(a) Dcsign Database (b) Design Programme
(C) Design Web Pages (d) Design Softwarc
(iv) CSS stands for > _ __
(a) Critical Style Sheet (b) Cascading Style Sheet
(0) Carry Style Sheet (d) Cap Stylc Sheet
Answer in ONE sentence :? 4
(i) What is Marquee tag ?
(ii) What is LAN ?
(iii) What is Networking ?
(iv) What is XML schema '2
What is network topology ? Explain ring topology. Write its advantages.
Explain LAN and WAN. 6
YBC?15245 l (Contd?)

3. (:1) Diffcrcwtiatc between Star twnlog} and Ring topology. 6
(b) Explair. 081 Model in dcmiL. 6
4. (a) Explain need and application of HTML. 6
(b) Explair :?
(i) colspan
(ii) tahlc tag
(iii) < I\1 ARQL?EE> 0
5? (a) Explain basic structure 0! ITTML. with example. 6
(b) Explain :
(i) Archor mg
(ii) List lag
(iii) Heading lags. 6
6. (:1) Explain CSS with HTML 6
(b) Explain the following properties :
(i) Text
(ii) Color
(iii) Dirplay. 6
7. (:1) Explain units. claascs and 11) attributes. 6
(h) Explain advantagcs and up}? icntion: 01' :1er sheet. (3
8. (a) Explain history and features 01' XML. 6
(b) What arc Lhe componcrls ol XMI document 6
9. (:1) Explain document prolog uni document instance. 6
(b) Explain the logical strudurc of XML clcmcnt with example. 6
10. (:1) Explain internal D ID with L'mmplc. 6
(b) Explain the content 171014.6?. \"ilh example. 6
H. (a) What is DTD ?.? Expiair tltc uuribute Iypc in D'I?D. 6
(h) Explain entities and ihci: 1mm iT?. DD). 6
12. ('4) Explain XML schema with vmmplc. 6
(b) How to convert D'I?D lo schnna ?? 6
13. (a) What is namcspacc .7 Ex?plah default and pre?x namespaces. 6
(b) Explain XML data lypw. 6
YBC? 15245 2?
_ 1'1)

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020