Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Physics Kintetic Theory Thermodynamics n Electric Currents Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Physics Kintetic Theory Thermodynamics n Electric Currents Previous Question Paper

AVV?l 657
B.Sc. (Part?I) Semester?II Examination
(Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics and Electric Currents)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks .- 80
Note :? (I) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw ncal arid wcll labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (m' Fill in the blanks :
(i) Ballistic galvanomctcr measures the amount of
(ii) Large Q value indicates the resonance.
(iii) Joule?Thomson effect is an process.
(iv) In an adiabatic change the entropy
(B) Choose the correct alternative :
(i) The numbers of degree of freedom for diatomic gas are :
(a) 3 (b) 5
(C) 7 (d) 6
(ii) When a charged particle moves in a transverse magnetic ?eld. it traces
(21) Circular path (b) Straightpalh
(c) Parabolic path (d) Irregular path
(iii) Internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon
(a) Pressure (b) Volume
(c) 'l?cmpcrature ((1) Mass
(iv) According to Kirchhoff?s Law where the algebraic sum of current is zero ??
(a) In a linear network (b) In a closed circuit
(C!) At a junction (d) None of these 2
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is j-operator ?
(ii) What are the values of critical temperature of H: and 02 gases '3
(iii) De?ne current density.
(iv) What is speci?c heat ?.? 4
YBC 715231 I (C onld.)

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(A) State any four essential featurss of Brownian Motion. 2
(B) What are degrees of l?rcccom Find degrees of freedom for monoatomic and diatomic
molecules. 5
(C) Show that thc averagc kinetic energy per mole per degree of freedom is '/2 RT. 5
(P) Show that average kinelic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature. 2
(Q) Derive Van dcr \Vaal': cc'ualion of State of real gas. 0
(R) Obtain an expression for mean free path ul? the molecule of gas. 4
(A) State the ?rst Law ?)I' thermodvnamics. 2
(B) State and prove Carnut?s Theorem. 6
(C) Slate second Law of thermmbnnmiCS in :
(i) Claussius form
(ii) Kelvin ~ Planck form. 4
(P) Find the e?icicncy offamot's engine working between the steam point and the ice point.
(Q) What is P-V indicator diagram ? Explain the P-V indicator diagram for cyclic an:l non-
cyclic process. 6
(R) Explain the terms :
(i) Reversible Process
(ii) Irreversible Process. 4
(A) State the principle of rcgcncrwivc cooling method. 2
(13) With the help of neat diagram. dcscribc thc method of liquefaction of hydrogen gas.
(C) Derive the thermodynamic rclalion t
?T ? ? 7P
(L?__?V?M)V 4
8V /5 \ Cb /
15231 "
- (Comd )

(P) With the help of neat diagram, describe the method of liquefaction of helium gas. 6
(Q) Describe the porous plug experiment and discuss its result: 6
(A) Explain the motion of charged particle in a transverse electric ?eld. 4
(B) Explain the principle and working of Linear Accelerator. 6
(C) An electron moving in uniform magnetic ?eld (B) is 20X10 ??sz follows a circular
path. If the orbital velocity is 4><107m/s.
Calculate the radius of orbit :
I: .. Mass of electron me = 9.1 x 10?? kg :l
Charge on electron (q): 1.6x10?mc 2
(P) Explain the principle, construction and working of Cyclotron. 6
(Q) Explain the principle. construction and working of Bainbridgc Mass Spectrograph. 6
. (A) State and explain 'l'hcvcnin's theorem.
(B) Obtain an expression for the growth of current LR circuit. 4
(C ) State Kirchbo??s Current Law.
(P) State and prove Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. 6
(Q) Enlist the physical quantities measured by galvanometcr and ballistic galvanomctcr.
(R) Obtain an expression for growth of charge in a CR circuit when connected to a constant
source of emf. 4
. (A) What is series resonant circuit ? 2
(B) Explain the principlc? construction and working of a transformer. 5
(C .) Show that when an (LC. is applied to a pure inductor, the current lags behind the applied
alternating voltage by 7}?; 5
. (P) De?ne the Quality Factor. 2
(Q) Derive an expression for the average power in an a.c. circuit. 4
(R) Using j-upcrator method obtain an expression for the current and impedance in series
C-R circuit when ac is applied to it. 6
YBC??15231 3 625

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