Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Apiculture Entomology n Bee Pathology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Apiculture Entomology n Bee Pathology Previous Question Paper

AW?l 706
B.Sc. Part-ll (Scmcster-III) Examination
(Entomology and Dec Pathology)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? ALL questions are compulsory and Question Nos. 2 lo 7 carry equal marks.
(A) Fill in the blanks :
Ascosphaera apis is a disease that attacks the gut of the larva. V2
Apis?orea belongs to order __. ?/2
Wax glands are located on _7! in honey bee. ?2
Lizard is of honey bee. 1/:
(B) Choose correct option :
Multiple parallel combs are build by : ? "
(i) Apis cerana (ii) Apis dorsata
(iii) Apis ?orea (iv) Trigona
Thc slinz apparatus in honey bee is modi?ed : ?/2
(i) Oviduct (ii) Oviposilor
(iii) Ovary (iv) Oviscctor
In honey bee ?bcc dance? is a means of : '/2
(i) Locomotion (ii) Rccrcation
(iii) Communication (iv) Relation
90% population in bee hive is of caste : V2
(i) Queen (ii) Drone
(iii) Worker (iv) Larvae
(C) Answer in ONE sentence each :
What is the function of drone bee ? l
(b) Name two predators of honey bee. 1
(c) How do lhc honey bees communicate ?3 1
(d) What is the food of honey bee 7 1
Describe bene?cial insects 10 man and describe becs? relation In human culture. 12
Give classi?cation of honey bcc in detail and explain solitary and social bccs with
example. 12
YBC 715277 I (Could)

3. Explain the folkming :
(a) Genera of bccs.
(5) Identi?cation 01? Apis dorsatu.
(6) Queen bcc 01? Apis irdica
((1) Division of labour in bee hive.
(c) Gene?al organization 01' Ti'igona.
(0 Identi?cation opris mellifem.
4. Describe Ihe following :
(g) Antennae of honey bee.
(h) Metamorphosis of (llL?CD )cc.
(i) ReSp;ratory system 01? honey bee.
(j) Eyes ofhoney' bcu.
(k) Circulatory system of hm'ey bee.
(l) Digestive systcm of norm bcc.
5. Describe signi?cance of Iempvmture and humidity in bee hive.
Describe communication behavioral relation in honcy bees and bee dance.
6? Explain the following :
(m) Effect of poisonous 301101 and IICCLDI? on but.
(11) American foul brood dise am: of honey bees.
(o) Ectoimrasitcs in l?oncy hcc.
(p) Viral infection 017110113 ace.
(q) Lethal effects of chemicats 0n honey bees.
.-:?-3.?;(r) Classi?cation of bee diseases.
:5;- '1"
Describe the following : LL?:
(5) Bird; as enemies of horny has
(1) Control of wasp in .?Xpiruy.
(u) Insect predators in .?xpitll':~? {any two).
(v) Lizard as enemies of Apxuy.
,(w) Methods of queen bcc bleeding.
(x) Comrol 01' bcc mite: im my my
YBC?15277 ?
l\J 4:143 4; 4?3
-I?-?- 43-5 43

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020