Download VNSGU MBBS Second Year 2024 February-March 2106000102010102 Pathology Paper II Question Paper

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or South Gujarat University) MBBS 2nd Year (Second Year) 2024 February-March 2106000102010102 Pathology Paper II Previous Question Paper

Examination February ? March 2024
[Time: Three Hours]
[Max. Marks:100 ]
Seat No:
1. Fill up strictly the following details on your answer book
a. Name of the Examination : SECOND MBBS
b. Name of the Subject : PATHOLOGY ( PAPER - II ) - LEVEL 1
c. Subject Code No : 2106000102010102
2. Sketch neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. No negative marks
Student's Signature


Q.1 Multiple choice questions (MCQs).
(Instruction: Encircle the correct answer)

1. Erythropoietin is produced by
a) Liver
b) Lungs
c) Bone marrow
d) Kidney
2. Which is NOT SEEN in Megaloblastic anaemia?
a) Hyper segmented neutrophil b) MCV < 80
c) Evidence of dyserythropoesis d) Giant metamyelocytes
3. Howell Jolly bodies in red cells seen in:
a) Hereditary Spherocytosis b) Lead Poisioning
c) Post Splenectomy d) Iron deficiency anemia
[1 of 5]

4. Thepathognomic abnormality in -thalassaemia minor is:
a) marked rise in HbA2
b) marked rise in HbF
c) marked unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
d) marked anaemia
5. Small warty vegetations along the lines of closure of Valves on
mitral and aortic valves are obserevedin :
a) Infective endocarditis
b) Rheumatic fever
c) Libman -Sach's endocarditis
d) Non-Bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
6. The commonest vessel involved in Myocardial Infarction:
a) Right Coronary artery
b) Left Circumflex artery
c) Left Anterior Descending artery
d) Posterior Descending artery
7. Which of the following is associated with the development of
bronchogenic carcinoma and mesothelioma?
a) Silicosis
b) Asbestosis
c) Siderosilicosis
d) Anthracosis
8. Patients are designated as pink puffers in:
a) Chronic Bronchitis
b) Bronchiectasis
c) Emphysema
d) Pneumoconiosis
9. Essential diagnostic criteria for nephrotic syndrome in adults is :
a) Anasarca with orbital puffiness
b) 24hrs urinary excretion of protein 3.5 gm or greater
c) Hypoalbuminemia
d) A constellation of hypertension, hyperlipedemia and lipiduria
10. Typical "Grain Leather" appearance of kidney is seen in :
a) Benign nephrosclerosis b) Malignant nephrosclerosis
c) Nephrocalcinosis d) Necrotising Papillitis
[2 of 5]

11. Toxic Megacolon is complication of:
a) Crohn's Disease b) Ulcerative Colitis
c) Necrotising Enterocolitis d) Pseudomembranous Colitis
12. The most common site for hydatid cyst is
a) Liver b) Lungs
c) Spleen d) Brain
13. The most common mechanism in pathogenesis of chronic
pyelonephritis is
a) Ascending infection b) Reflux nephropathy
c) Obstructive nephropathy d) Haematogenous infection
14. Cirrhosis in Wilson's disease is related to:
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Mercury
d) Iron
15. Ovarian tumour arising from Stromal cells is :
a) Dysgerminoma
b) Brenner tumour
c) Granulosa theca cell tumour
d) Krukenberg Tumour
16. Giant cell tumour arises from:
a) Diaphysis b) Metaphysis
c) Articular cartilage d) Epiphysis
17. Gout is characterised by deposition of crystals of
a) Uric acid b) Hydroxy apatite
c) Pyrophosphate d) Urate
18. Mutation characteristic of polycythaemia vera
a) JAK2 b) Bcr-abl
c) p53 d) RAS
[3 of 5]

19. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid arises from:
a) C-cells of thyroid
b) Follicular cells
c) Parathyroid cells
d) Primitive pluripotent cell of thyroid
20. Which type of Nevus most commonly progresses to Malignant
a) Blue cell Nevus b) Spindle cell Nevus
c) Dysplastic Nevus d) Compound Nevus


Q.2 Case based Question (Compulsory to attempt )

1. A 50year male with history of chronic alcohol consumption

presented with distended abdomen .ultrasound scan show reduced

size of liver.

a. What is the probablediagnosis?

b. Describe the pathogenesis of this condition

c. Describe gross and microscopic findings.

d. Enumerate three Complications of the condition.
Q.3 Long Essay Questions: (Attempt any 3 out of 4)

1. Describe the Clinical features, pathogenesis and Lab findings in
Thalassemia Major.
2. Describe etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopy & complications
of ulcerative colitis.
3. Describe the Pathogenesis and stages of lobar pneumonia.
[4 of 5]

4. Describe etiopathogenesis of Hypertension vascular Disease. Write
About Benign and Malignant Nephrosclerosis.


Q.4 (Attempt any 8 out of 10) ( 5 marks each )

1. Describe clinical findings, inheritance in von Willebrand disease.
2. Classify germ cell Tumour. Describe Morphological features of
3. Describe Major and Minor criteria to diagnose Rhematic Heart
4. Write the staging Classification of Hodgkin Lymphoma.
5. Giant cell Tumour of Bone
6. Atherosclerosis
7. Squamous cell carcinoma
8. Lab findings in Megaloblastic Anaemia
9. Describe morphologic features of Fibroadenoma.
10. Describe the Pathogenesis and morphology Of Bronchiectasis.
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This post was last modified on 10 December 2024