Download MBBS KUHS 1st Year 2018 August 102001 Anatomy Paper II Question Paper

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) KUHS (Kerala University of Health Science) 1st Year (First Year) 2018 August 102001 Anatomy Paper II Previous Question Paper

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Q.P. Code: 102001

Reg. no.: .....................

First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations August 2018


Time: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 50

Answer all questions

Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Long Essay


1. A middle aged man visited the surgical OPD with history of bleeding per anum since

three months. On clinical examination he was found to have internal hemorrhoids.

From your knowledge of anatomy describe the anal canal under the following


Mucosal anatomy sphincteric muscles blood supply clinical aspects.


Short essays


2. Middle ear

3. Development of the face

4. Histology of the ovary

Short notes


5. Sphincter muscles of the pharynx

6. Lateral sulcus of cerebrum

7. Male urethra

8. Rectus sheath

9. Hepatic and portal lobule

Short answers


10. Ansa cervicalis

11. Anterior fontanelle

12. Positions of appendix

Draw diagrams


13. Circle of Willis

14. Posterior surface of both kidneys showing relations.


This post was last modified on 11 April 2022
