Download RGUHS MBBS Final Year 2012 July 1099 Obstetrics And Gynaecology Paper II Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 3rd Year Part-II (Final Year) 2012 July 1099 Obstetrics And Gynaecology Paper II Previous Question Paper

M.B.B.S. (PART - II), III Professional Examination - June / July 2012

Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks: 100]
(Revised Scheme II)
QP Code: 1099
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
LONG ESSAY [ 2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. | Describe diagnosis, staging of carcinoma cervix. Briefly outline the treatment of stage IB carcinoma
2. | Enumerate the supports of uterus. Describe the degrees of uterine prolapse and management of a
case of III prolapse in a 26 years old woman
SHORT ESSAY | 10 X 5 = 50 Marks
3. | Tanner staging of breast and pubic hair
4. | Artificial menopause
5. | Indications for laparoscopic surgery
6. | Pelvic abscess
7. | Turner's syndrome
8. | Causes of male infertility
9. | Clomiphene citrate
10. | Clinical features of fibroid uterus
11. | Functional ovarian cyst
12. | Medical management of endometriosis
SHORT ANSWERS 10 X 3 = 30 Marks
13. | Gynecological causes for vesico vaginal fistula
14. | Irreqular shedding
15. | Chemotherapy of chorioarcinoma
16. | Non contraceptive benefits of hormone pills
17. | Trichomonas vaginalis
18. | Indications for hysterectomy
19. [ Retroversion of uterus
20. | Causes for secondary amenorrhoea
21. | Complications of dilatation and curettage
22. | Use of ultra sound in fibroid uterus

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This post was last modified on 11 July 2021