Download MBBS 1st Year Physiology Physiology Handwritten Notes Notes

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) Physiology Physiology Handwritten Notes Handwritten Notes

? Homeostasis
? Transport across cell membrane
? Cell junction
? Active transport & passive transport
? Apoptosis
? Immunoglobulin and its classification
? Stages of erythropoiesis
? Intrinsic mechanism of blood coagulation
? Complement system in immunity
? Anemia
? Fate of RBC
? Function of plasma protein
? Hemostasis
? Active immunity
? Rh incompatibility and erythroblastosis fetalis
? Hazards of mismatched blood transfusion
? Cell mediated immunity
? Leukopoiesis
? Classify immunity and autoimmune disease
? Anticoagulant in vitro and mechanism
? Natural anticoagulant
? Excitation contraction coupling in skeletal muscle
? Refractory period & significance of long refractory period in cardiac muscle
? Myasthenia gravis
? Neuromuscular junction
? Action potential and ionic basis of various phase and draw and label phase
? Walk along theory
? Motor unit
? Saltatory conduction
? Swallowing reflex and achalasia cardia
? Composition and function of bile
? Defecation reflex

? Local hormones of GIT
? Lipid absorption in small intestine
? Composition and function of saliva
? Composition of pf pancreatic and gastric juice
? HCL secretion in stomach and its regulation
? Liver function test and dietary fibers(biochem)
? Movements of small intestine
? Peptic ulcer
? Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system
? Tubuloglomerular feedback
? Counter current mechanism
? Juxtaglomerular apparatus
? Renal function test(biochem)
? GFR & factors affecting GFR
? Automatic, atonic & hyperspastic bladder
? Micturition reflex
? GH: action, regulation of secretion, disorder
? TH: action, regulation of secretion, anti-thyroid drug, synthesis
? Insulin: action, regulation
? Mechanism action of peptide
? Cushing syndrome
? Calcium homeostasis
? Other organ with endocrine function
? PTH: synthesis, action
? Oxytocin
(milk ejection reflex)
? Tetany
? Addisonian cortex hormone & Addisonian crisis
? Spermatogenesis
? ovarian hormone & action
? menstrual cycle & ovarian changes
? semen analysis
? functions of placenta

? temporary method of contraception
? ovulation indicator
? puberty onset, stages and describe delayed and precocious puberty
? physiological changes during pregnanacy
? Define shock, circulatory shock 1.stage 2.type and hypovolemic shock
? Coronary blood flow and peculiarities of coronary circulation
? Draw normal trace of ECG & importance of interval & change in ECG in myocardial
infraction and ischemia
? Define heart rate, physiological variation, factors affecting it
(Bainbridge reflex)
? Cardiovascular changes during exercise
? Bipolar limb lead
? Define cardiac output, various values, factors affecting it
(venous return) (peripheral resistance)
? Define blood-pressure, various values, regulation
(sino-aortic, short-term, long-term, baroreceptors)
? Cardiac cycle: phase, pressure & volume change
(ventricular events)
? Causes and applied physiology of second heart sound
? Respiratory regulation
? Mechanics of respiration
(surfactant) (respiratory muscle)
? Transport of gases
(o2-hb curve, Halden, Bohr, chloride shift)
? Draw respiratory membrane and diffusion of o2at pulmonary level
? Acclimatization to high altitude
? Hypoxia
? Periodic breathing
? Alveocapillary membrane
? Timed vital capacity
? Vital capacity
? Spirogram
? Factors affecting lung compliance
? Heat
1. Heat losing mechanism'
2. Regulation of body temperature
3. Hypothermia

? Dark adaptation
? Visual pathway
? Pupillary reflex
(accommodation reflex)
? Refractive error
(myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism)
? Organ of corti
? Test of hearing
? Function of middle ear
? Type of deafness
? Taste buds
? Pathway of taste
? Olfactory receptor and pathway
? olfaction

This post was last modified on 11 August 2021