Download KUHS MBBS First Year First Year 106001 Biochemistry Paper I Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS First Year (1st Year) First Year 106001 Biochemistry Paper I Question Paper.

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Q.P.Code 106001 Reg. No.:?

First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations -
February 2016

Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 50

? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay (10)
1. Describe the salvage pathways for purine and pyrimidine synthesis. Explain the
biochemical basis of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and Von Gierke?s disease. (5+5=10)
Short essays (2x5=10)
2. Define clearance and how it is estimated. Add a note on its diagnostic importance.
3. Genetic code.
Short notes (5x3=15)
4. Draw a neat labeled diagram of DNA structure
5. Role of kidney in blood pH regulation
6. Mitochondrial DNA
7. Enumerate three post translational modifications of proteins with one example
8. Principle of ELISA and two clinical applications in clinical diagnosis
Answer briefly (5x2=10)
9. One example each of detoxification by oxidation and conjugation
10. Enumerate two glomerular function tests
11. Enumerate primary and secondary bile acids
12. Four functions of plasma proteins
13. Two clinical conditions of hyper gammaglobinaemia
Give precise answers (5x1=5)
14. First pharmaceutical product of recombinant DNA technology for human use
15. Vitamin deficiency in beriberi
16. Anti hemorrhagic vitamin
17. Two radio isotopes used in the diagnosis and treatment
18. Active form of vitamin D
 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 11 November 2019