Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing First Year (1st Year) 2012 September 101010 Anatomy Question Paper.
Q.P. CODE: 101010 Reg. No : ??????.
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, September 2012
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks:75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
1. Describe the stomach under the following headings:
? Position ?Parts ?Re!ations ?Blood Supply (1+2+3+4=10)
2. Describe the origin, course, branches , distribution and applied importance of coronary ..? ??
arter ies (1+3+3+2+1=10)
Short notes (7x5)
3. Gluteus maximus
4. Connective tissue cells
5. Elbow j oint
6. Meninges
7. Tongue
8. Fallopian tube
9. Pleura
Answer briefly : (5x3)
10. Axillary nerve
11.Circle of willis
12.Great saphenous vein
13. Male Urethra
14. Pancreas
Match the following: (5x1)
15. Osten a. Mucous Gland
16. Anal Canal b. Abdominal aorta
17. Renal Arteries c. Coiled tubular gland
18. Laterai Ve ntricle d. Portocaval anastomosis
19. Sw eat giand e. Bone
f. Cerebral hemispheres
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