Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) October 2016 sCHEME Community Health Nursing I Question Paper.
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2018
Community Health Nursing - 1
(2016 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay: (12)
1. Define health education. Enlist the aims and objectives of health education. Explain the
principles of health education (2+3+7)
Short Essays: (2x7=14)
2. Define primary health care. What are the elements of primary health care (2+5)
3. Define demography. Explain briefly the demographic trends in India (2+5)
Short Notes: (5x5=25)
4. Health promotion measures
5. Epidemiology of swine flu
6. Control and prevention of AIDS
7. Role of nurse in information, education and communication.
8. Dynamics of disease transmission
Differentiate between: (2x4=8)
9. Brucellosis and salmonellosis
10. Case control study and cohort study
List the following: (2x4=8)
11. Control measures of noise pollution
12. Temporary methods of contraception
Give reasons for the following: (2x4=8)
13. Emergency contraception is a post coital contraception.
14. Oral cancer is amenable to primary prevention
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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019