Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2018 February (2016 Scheme) 112002 General Human Physiology and Biochemistry Question Paper.
First Year BDS Degree Supplementary Examinations February 2018
General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
(2016 SCHEME)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
? Write SECTION A and SECTION B in separate Answer books (32 Pages).
Do not mix up questions from Section A and Section B.
QP CODE: 112002 Section A - PHYSIOLOGY Marks: 35
Essay: (10)
1. Name the anterior pituitary hormones. Describe the functions of growth hormone. (3+7)
Short Notes: (2x5=10)
2. Describe baroreceptor reflex.
3. Describe the composition and functions of saliva.
Brief Notes: (5x3=15)
4. What is saltatory conduction. Mention its advantages.
5. Define glomerular filtration rate (GFR). What is its normal value.
6. What is referred pain. Give examples.
7. Draw a neat labelled diagram of taste pathway.
8. List the contraceptive methods in females.
QP CODE:113002 Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY Marks: 35
Essay: (10)
1. What is gluconeogenesis. Describe the steps of gluconeogenesis. Add a note on its
regulations. (1+7+2)
Short Notes: (2x5=10)
2. Classification of enzymes with examples
3. Steps of beta-oxidation
Brief Notes: (5x3=15)
4. Blood buffer
5. Functions of vitamin D
6. RNA
7. Fluorosis
8. BMR
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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019