Download PTU (I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU)) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) (CSE-IT)- Computer Science Engineering -Information Technology 2020 December 6th Sem 71179 Cloud Computing Previous Question Paper
Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 18
B.Tech. (IT) (E -I 2012 to 2017) (Sem. ?6)
Subject Code : BTCS-912
M.Code : 71179
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
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SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
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SECT ION-B c ontains F IVE questions c arrying FIVE marks eac h and s tud ents
have to atte mpt any FOUR q ues tions.
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SECT ION-C contains THREE questions carrying T EN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any T WO questio ns.
Answer briefly :
What is cloud computing?
Define Elastic IP Addressing.
What are the features of virtualization?
Write a short note about desktop virtualization.
What is resource provisioning?
What are the design challenges in cloud architecture?
What is the use of Google file system?
What are the mapping applications?
Define `Risk Management'.
10. What is data security?
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11. Explain the security architecture design framework.
12. Write a note on Virtual Machine Security.
13. A Company wants to build a test environment to test software updates and new solutions.
The environment should mirror the production environment and be secure and inaccessible
from outside the company network. The company does not want to invest in infrastructure
that may be idle for a significant amount of time. Which cloud computing model will
satisfy all these requirements? Explain.
14. A company is considering a cloud environment to improve the operating efficiency for
their data and applications. The company is part of an industry where strict security and
data privacy issues are of the highest importance. Which type of cloud would be a good
choice and why do you think like that?
15. What are major areas of concern expressed by customers when proposing a multi-tenancy
software solution compared to a single-tenancy solution?
16. Explain the system models for distributed and cloud computing.
17. Compare: Public, Private and Hybrid clouds.
18. What is server virtualization? Explain parallel processing.
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