Download PTU (I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU)) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) (AR)- Automation-And-Robotics 2020 December 3rd Sem 76504 Kinematics And Theory Of Machines Previous Question Paper
Total No. of Pages : 03
Total No. of Questions : 18
B.Tech. (Automation & Robotics) (2018 Batch) (Sem.?3)
Subject Code : BTAR-305-18
M.Code : 76504
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
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SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
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SECT ION-B c ontains F IVE questions c arrying FIVE marks eac h and s tud ents
have to atte mpt any FOUR q ues tions.
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SECT ION-C contains THREE questions carrying T EN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any T WO questio ns.
Write briefly :
What is the difference between lower pair and higher pair? Give example of each.
Explain Kennedy's theorem of instantaneous centres.
What do you mean by engine indicator? Explain with help of suitable diagram.
Differentiate between radial and tangential component.
Why a roller follower is preferred to that of a knife-edged follower?
Which motion of follower is preferred for high speed engines and why?
Name the clutch which is used in cars and trucks.
Differentiate between sliding and rolling friction.
Explain law of gearing.
10. Differentiate between epi-cycloid and hypo-cycloid teeth.
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11. Show that slider crank mechanism is a modification of the basic four bar mechanism.
12. In a slider crank mechanism, the length of crank OB and connecting rod AB are 125 mm
and 500 mm respectively. The centre of gravity G of the connecting rod is 275 mm from
the slider A. The crank speed is 600 r.p.m. clockwise. When the crank has turned 45? from
the inner dead centre position, determine :
a) Velocity of the slider A,
b) Velocity of the point G and
c) Angular velocity of the connecting rod AB.
13. Draw the displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams for a follower when it moves
with simple harmonic motion. Derive the expression for velocity and acceleration during
outstroke and return stroke of the follower.
14. A single plate clutch, with both sides effective, has outer and inner diameters 600 mm and
400 mm respectively. The maximum intensity of pressure at any point in the contact
surface is not to exceed 0.1 N/mm2. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, determine the power
transmitted by a clutch at a speed 3700 r.p.m.
15. State the laws of (a) Dynamic friction, and (b) Fluid friction.
16. A disc cam rotating in a clockwise direction is used to move a reciprocating roller with
simple harmonic motion in a radial path, as given below :
a) Outstroke with maximum displacement of 25 mm during 120? of cam rotation.
b) Dwell for 60? of cam rotation.
c) Return stroke with maximum displacement of 25 mm during 90? of cam rotation.
d) Dwell during remaining 90? of cam rotation.
The line of reciprocation of follower passes through the camshaft axis. The maximum
radius of cam is 20 mm. If the cam rotates at a uniform speed of 300 r.p.m. Find the
maximum velocity and acceleration during outstroke and return stroke. The roller diameter
is 8 mm. Draw the profile of the cam when the line of reciprocation of the follower is offset
by 20 mm towards right from the cam shaft axis.
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17. A compound epicyclic gear is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The gears A, D and E are
free to rotate on the axis P. The compound gear B and C rotate together on the axis Q at the
end of arm F. All the gears have equal pitch. The number of external teeth on the gears A, B
and C are 18, 45 and 21 respectively. The gears D and E are annular gears. The gear A
rotates at 100 r.p.m. in the anticlockwise direction and the gear D rotates at 450 r.p.m.
clockwise. Find the speed and direction of the arm and the gear E.
18. Write notes on :
a) Coriolis component of acceleration
b) Grashof's law
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This post was last modified on 13 February 2021