Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year Development Anatomy Syllabus
F.Y. M.B.B.S.
i) Introduction: Stages of human life phylogeny
Ontogeny, Trimester, Viability,
Terms of reference: e.g. Cranial, Rostral, Caudal, Dorsal, Ventral,
Lateral, Medial, Median, Planes of section
Level 3: The law of recapitulation, "Critical period", malformations,
USG, Amniocentesis Chorionic Villus Biopsy, Fetoscopy, etc Teratology
History of Embryology
ii) Gametogenesis: Menstrual cycle other reproductive cycles, Germ cell
Transport and Fertilisation, Sperm capacitation, Methods of
contraception, Sex determination
Level 3: Teratogenic influences; Fertility and Sterility, Surrogate
motherhood; Social significance of "Sex-ratio",
iii) Cleavage, Blastocyst, Cytotrophoblast, Syncytiotrophoblast
Implantation: Normal sites, Abnormal sites,; Placenta praevia, Extra-
embryonic Mesoderm and Coelom; Bilaminar disc - Prochordal plate
Level 2: "abortion"; Decidual reaction, Chorionic Gonadotropins -
Pregnancy test,
iv) Primitive streak Notochord, Neural tube and its fate Neural crest cells
- their fate, Development of somites, Intra-embryonic coelom, Foetal
membranes :Chorionic villi, Amnion, Yolk sac, Allantois
Level 2: Congenital malformations, Nucleus pulposus, Sacrococcygeal
teratomas, Neural tube defects, Anencephaly
Level 3: Signs of pregnancy in the first trimester, Role of teratogens,
Alpha-fetoprotein levels
v) Folding of the embryo: Derivatives of germ layers,
Pharyngeal arches
Level 2: Thalidomide tragedy, Estimation of Embryonic Age -
Superfoetation & superfoecundation
vi) Fetal membranes: Formation Functions, fate of: Chorion ; Amnion;
Yolk sac; Allantois; Decidua; Umbilical cord; Placenta - Physiological
functions; Foetomaternal circulation, Placental barrier, Twinning:
monozygotic, dizygotic
Level 2: Placental hormones, Uterine growth, Parturition, Estimation of
fetal age,
Level 3: Types of cord attachments, Chorion villus biopsy and
Amniocentesis; Uses of amniotic membranes, Trophoblastic tumours -
Rh incompatibility, Haemolytic disease of newborn,
II) Systemic Embryology
i) Cardiovascular System - Venous System; Heart - Chambers - Septa -
Truncus - Aortic arches - Fetal circulation - Changes at birth, ASDs,
VSDs, PDA, Fallot's Tetralogy.
Level 2: Veins, abnormalities, Surgical corrections
ii) The Respiratory System: Development of Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi,
Lungs; Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula
Level 2: malformations
Level 3: Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Premature births
iii) The Alimentary System: Foregut: Oesophagus, Stomach, (Lesser sac);
Duodenum - Hepatobiliary apparatus, Pancreas, Spleen, Portal vein;
Midgut : Rotation and Fixation, Caecum and Appendix, Meckel's
diverticulum; Hindgut : Cloaca; Rectum and Anal Canal
Level 2: Malformation - Tracheo-oesophageal fistulae; Congenital
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis; Atresia; Omphalocele, Hernia;
Malformations - Fistulae, Situs inversus; Nonrotation; Mixed rotation of
iv) The Urogenital System, Development of Kidneys and Ureters; Cloaca -
Urinary Bladder and Urethra; Suprarenal gland; Genital System - Testis
and Ovary; Ducts and associated glands; External genital organs,
Mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, Uterine tube, Uterus and
Level 2: congenital malformations; Ambiguous genitalia and
Hermaphroditism ; Remnants and Vestiges of Ducts and Tubules
v) Integument : Development of mammary gland, skin & appendages
Pharyngeal arches, nerves, muscles, cartilage, development of face,
vii) Endocrine : Glands, Adrenal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary
viii) The Nervous System: Neural Tube: Spinal Cord and Brain i.e.,
Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain, Hypophysis cerebri; Neural Crest :
Peripheral Nervous System,
Level 2: correlation Spina bifida; Anencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Retinal
detachment; glaucoma; Coloboma iris,
Level 3: Myelination of tracts shortening of spinal cord, Neural Tube
Organs of the special senses - Eye and Ear
Ear - Internal ear -; External and middle ear - anomalies of the Ear
This post was last modified on 13 August 2021