Download VNSGU MBBS First Year Development Anatomy Syllabus

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year Development Anatomy Syllabus

F.Y. M.B.B.S.

i) Introduction:
Stages of human life phylogeny
Ontogeny, Trimester, Viability,
Terms of reference: e.g. Cranial, Rostral, Caudal, Dorsal, Ventral,
Lateral, Medial, Median, Planes of section
Level 3: The law of recapitulation, "Critical period", malformations,
USG, Amniocentesis Chorionic Villus Biopsy, Fetoscopy, etc Teratology
History of Embryology
ii) Gametogenesis: Menstrual cycle other reproductive cycles, Germ cell
Transport and Fertilisation, Sperm capacitation, Methods of
contraception, Sex determination
Level 3: Teratogenic influences; Fertility and Sterility, Surrogate
motherhood; Social significance of "Sex-ratio",

Cleavage, Blastocyst, Cytotrophoblast, Syncytiotrophoblast
Implantation: Normal sites, Abnormal sites,; Placenta praevia, Extra-
embryonic Mesoderm and Coelom; Bilaminar disc - Prochordal plate
Level 2: "abortion"; Decidual reaction, Chorionic Gonadotropins -
Pregnancy test,
iv) Primitive streak Notochord, Neural tube and its fate Neural crest cells
- their fate, Development of somites, Intra-embryonic coelom, Foetal
membranes :Chorionic villi, Amnion, Yolk sac, Allantois
Level 2: Congenital malformations, Nucleus pulposus, Sacrococcygeal
teratomas, Neural tube defects, Anencephaly
Level 3: Signs of pregnancy in the first trimester, Role of teratogens,
Alpha-fetoprotein levels
v) Folding of the embryo: Derivatives of germ layers,
Pharyngeal arches
Level 2: Thalidomide tragedy, Estimation of Embryonic Age -
Superfoetation & superfoecundation
vi) Fetal membranes: Formation Functions, fate of: Chorion ; Amnion;
Yolk sac; Allantois; Decidua; Umbilical cord; Placenta - Physiological
functions; Foetomaternal circulation, Placental barrier, Twinning:
monozygotic, dizygotic

Level 2: Placental hormones, Uterine growth, Parturition, Estimation of
fetal age,
Level 3: Types of cord attachments, Chorion villus biopsy and
Amniocentesis; Uses of amniotic membranes, Trophoblastic tumours -
Rh incompatibility, Haemolytic disease of newborn,

II) Systemic Embryology

i) Cardiovascular System - Venous System; Heart - Chambers - Septa -
Truncus - Aortic arches - Fetal circulation - Changes at birth, ASDs,
VSDs, PDA, Fallot's Tetralogy.
Level 2: Veins, abnormalities, Surgical corrections
ii) The Respiratory System: Development of Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi,
Lungs; Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula
Level 2: malformations
Level 3: Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Premature births
iii) The Alimentary System: Foregut: Oesophagus, Stomach, (Lesser sac);
Duodenum - Hepatobiliary apparatus, Pancreas, Spleen, Portal vein;
Midgut : Rotation and Fixation, Caecum and Appendix, Meckel's
diverticulum; Hindgut : Cloaca; Rectum and Anal Canal
Level 2: Malformation - Tracheo-oesophageal fistulae; Congenital
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis; Atresia; Omphalocele, Hernia;
Malformations - Fistulae, Situs inversus; Nonrotation; Mixed rotation of
iv) The Urogenital System, Development of Kidneys and Ureters; Cloaca -
Urinary Bladder and Urethra; Suprarenal gland; Genital System - Testis
and Ovary; Ducts and associated glands; External genital organs,
Mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, Uterine tube, Uterus and
Level 2: congenital malformations; Ambiguous genitalia and
Hermaphroditism ; Remnants and Vestiges of Ducts and Tubules

v) Integument : Development of mammary gland, skin & appendages

Pharyngeal arches, nerves, muscles, cartilage, development of face,

vii) Endocrine :
Glands, Adrenal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary

viii) The Nervous System: Neural Tube: Spinal Cord and Brain i.e.,
Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain, Hypophysis cerebri; Neural Crest :
Peripheral Nervous System,

Level 2: correlation Spina bifida; Anencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Retinal
detachment; glaucoma; Coloboma iris,
Level 3: Myelination of tracts shortening of spinal cord, Neural Tube
Organs of the special senses - Eye and Ear
Ear - Internal ear -; External and middle ear - anomalies of the Ear

This post was last modified on 13 August 2021