Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year Genetics Syllabus
F.Y. M.B.B.S.
i) Introduction ? Mendelism, Laws Genetic code
Level 2: Evolution, Eugenics and Polygenic inheritance, Radiation and
mutation , Sex chromatin, Population genetics
ii) Cytogenetics
Structure and function of chromosomes, Cell cycle, Cell divisions,
Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis
iii) Molecular genetics (Normal)
Gene, Genetic code, Structure and types of DNA, Structure of RNA
iv) Inheritance: Single gene inheritance, Multifactorial inheritance,
Polygenic inheritance, Mitochondrial inheritance, Pedigree charts with
Genetic basis of variation
Mutation, Polymorphism, Multiple allelism
Level 2: Types, Factors influencing mutational load
Developmental genetics
chromosomes; Lyon's hypothesis; Hermaphroditism and
pseudohermaphroditism; teratogenesis
Gonadal dysgenesis, Adrenogenital syndrome Androgen insensitivity
Level 3: Counselling
Pedigree charting
Chromosomal basis of disease: Numerical, Structural abnormalities
Down's, Cri-du-chat, Turner's, Klinefelter's
Level 2: Dermatographics
Level 3: Counselling
Prenatal diagnosis
Maternal Serum Sampling; Fetal USG; Fetal Amniocentesis; Fetal
Chorion Villus Sampling
Level 2: (cordocentesis); Foetoscopy
Level 3: Eugenics
This post was last modified on 13 August 2021