Download VNSGU MBBS Final Year Psychiatry Topic

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) Final Year (Third Year Part-II) Psychiatry Topic

T.Y. M.B.B.S.
(i) GOAL :
The aim of teaching of the undergraduate student in Psychiatry is to impart such
knowledge and skills that may enable him to diagnose and treat common Psychiatric
disorders, handle Psychiatric emergencies and to refer complications/unusual manifestation
of common disorders and rare Psychiatric disorders to the specialist.

At the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
comprehensive nature and development of different aspects of normal human
behaviour like learning, memory, motivation, personality and intelligence;
recognize differences between normal and abnormal behaviour ;
classify psychiatric disorders;
recognize clinical manifestations of the following common syndromes and
plan their appropriate management of organic psychosis, functional psychosis,
schizophrenia, affective disorders, neurotic disorders, personality disorders,
psychophysiological disorders, drug and alcohol dependence, psychiatric
disorders of childhood and adolescence ;
describe rational use of different modes of therapy in psychiatric disorders.
(b) SKILLS :
The Student shall be able to :
interview the patient and understand different methods of communications in
patient-doctor relationship ;
Elicit detailed psychiatric case history and conduct clinical examination for
assessment of mental status;
Define, elicit and interpret psycho-pathological symptoms and signs;
Diagnose and manage common psychiatric disorders;
Identify and manage psychological reactions and psychiatric disorders in
medical and surgical patients in clinical practice and in community setting.
Training in Psychiatry shall prepare the students to deliver preventive,
promotive, curative and re-habilitative services for the care of patients both in the
family and community and to refer advanced cases for a specialized Psychiatry /
Mental Hospital. Training should be integrated with the departments of Medicine,
Neuro-Anatomy, Behavioral and Forensic Medicine.

4th or 5th semester 5 lectures
2. Motivation (including) frustration, conflicts etc.) Emotion (including mind-body
3. Learning (different types) memory ( Types of memory, cause of forgetting etc.)
4. Intelligence, emotional Quotient including M.R. and sifted child.
5. Personality-Different types with mental mechanisms
6. Difference between normal and abnormal behaviour. Doctor-Patient relationship and
communication skills
In 8th & 9th Semester remaining 15 lectures.
1. Psychiatric classification. Difference between functional and organic psychosis.
Difference between psychosis and neurosis.
2. Schizophrenia including drugs and rehabilitation.
3. Affective disorders including pharmacotherapy
4. Affective disorders including non-pharmocotherapy treatment.
5. Anxiety disorders-Generalised anxiety, disorders, panic disorders.
6. O.K.D. and Phobias.
7. Somatoform disorders.
8. Alcohol dependence
9. Psycho-Physiological disorders.
10. Scholastic problems.
11. Behavioural disorders.
12. Sexual disorders.
13. Psychiatric emergencies including suicide and organic brain disorders.
14. Psychotherapies including behaviour therapy.

This post was last modified on 13 August 2021