Download MBBS OSCE Medicine Spotters Clinical Examination 5

Download MBBS OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) Medicine Spotters Clinical Examination 5

Attempt all the questions

Answer only what is asked !!

1. What are the abnormalities ?

2. Write 2 most important treatment

1.What is the ECG diagnosis?

2. Mention two important causes?
1. What is the use of the balloon and the


2. Name the instrument used to insert the tube ?

1. Mention the use

2. Identify the color codes .

1. Mention two abnormalities.

2. Mention two important causes?

1. Comment on the lung fields.

2. Two important possibilities.
? 30 year old female sudden onset loss of

consciousness with weakness on the left

half of the body. She had a mid-diastolic

murmur on auscultation with a loud S1

? 1. what is the most possible diagnosis?
? 2. what is the most important investigation

to confirm?

? 3. what complication has occurred?
Read the following findings carefully

and answer the following questions

? Normal abdominal findings
? TLC= 2000
? DLC= N= 30 % L= 64 % E = 4 % B= 2 %
? Plat count = 20,000
? Hb = 7 g/dl
? 1. what is the abnormality ?
? 2. what is your investigation of choice?
? 3. what are two your differential diagnosis ?
? Write prescription for
? Giardiasis
? Write prescription for:
? Thyrotoxicosis

This post was last modified on 13 December 2021