Download MBA-IB International Business 3rd Semester Management of Multinational Corporations Notes

Download MBA-IB (International Business) (Master of Business Administration) 3rd Semester Management of Multinational Corporations Notes


Lesson 1:

International Management ? An Introduction


After studying this lesson you should be able to:

To appreciate the need of Multinational Corporation
To take note of trends which will change the landscape of business
To know the process of overseas expansion by international companies


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Evolution of Multinational Corporation

1.3 Trends effecting Corporate World:

1.4 The Process of Overseas Expansion

1.5 Summary

1.6 Glossary

1.7 Self Assessment Questions

1.8 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:

Globalization is the single most significant development changing business

dynamics in this century. The reality of global markets and global competition is

pervasive. The forces that are driving the world toward greater globalization are

greater than the forces that restrain this move. With the improvements in

transportation and communication technologies there is a sea change in the way

the companies are run. International trade leads to international marketing,

which in turn leads to growth in international business. The phenomenal growth
in international business brought about number of new concepts in international

management. The old theories of international trade focused upon natural

resources and crude measures of factor endowments. Newer models focus upon

the actual sources of competitive advantage of companies in industries.

Ultimately, competitive advantage is based upon understanding what customers

need and want and on knowing how to deliver these needs and wants with a

competitive advantage. The formula that guides this task is V=B/P: value =

benefits divided by price. The greater the benefits and the lower the price, the

greater the value. The task of the global company is to deliver value to

customers located in global markets. The ability of corporations of all sizes to

use globally available factors of production is an important factor in

international competitiveness. A single Barbie doll is made in more than ten

countries- designed in the United States, with parts and clothing from Japan,

Korea, Italy, and Taiwan, assembled in Mexico and sold in different countries.

1.2 Evolution of Multinational Corporation:

The dynamics of international business created a great need for the evolution of

Multinational corporation. The multinational corporation is a company engaged

in producing and selling goods or services in more than one country. It normally

consists of a parent company located in the home country and few or more

foreign subsidiaries. Some MNCs have more than 100 foreign subsidiaries

scattered around the world. It is the globally coordinated allocation of resources

by a single centralized management that differentiates the multinational

enterprise from other firms engaged in international business.

MNCs make decisions about market-entry strategy; ownership of foreign

operations; and production, marketing, and financial activities with an eye to

what is best for the corporation as a whole. The true multinational corporation

emphasizes group performance rather than the performance of its individual

parts. There are different types of multinational companies, such as;
a) Raw-Material Seekers: Raw-material seekers were the earliest

multinationals and their aim was to exploit the raw materials that could be

found overseas. The modern-day counterparts of these firms, the

multinational oil and mining companies such as British Petroleum, Exxon

Mobil, International Nickel, etc.,

b) Market Seekers: The market seeker is the archetype of the modern

multinational firm that goes overseas to produce and sell in foreign markets.

Examples include IBM, Toyota, Unilever, Coca-cola.

c) Cost Minimizers: Cost minimizers are a fairly recent category of firms

doing business internationally. These firms seek out and invest in lower-cost

production sites overseas (for example, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, and

India) to remain cost competitive both at home and abroad.

MNCs have to follow the changes in macroeconomic factors, environmental and

social issues, and business and industry developments. These factors will all

profoundly shape the corporate landscape in the coming years. The following

section deals with these trends.

1.3 Trends effecting Corporate World:

Those who say that business success is all about execution are wrong. The right

product markets, technology, and geography are critical components of long-

term economic performance. Bad industries usually trump good management,

however: in sectors such as banking, telecommunications, and technology,

almost two-thirds of the organic growth of listed Western companies can be

attributed to being in the right markets and geographies. Companies that ride the

currents succeed; those that swim against them usually struggle. Identifying

these currents and developing strategies to navigate them are vital to corporate

success. What are the currents that will make the world of 2015 a very different
place to do business from the world of today? Predicting short-term changes or

shocks is often a fool's errand. But forecasting long-term directional change is

possible by identifying trends through an analysis of deep history rather than of

the shallow past. Even the Internet took more than 30 years to become an

overnight phenomenon. Let us take note of the ten trends that will change the

business landscape. We have divided them under three broad categories:

a) Macroeconomic trends;

b) Social and environmental trends;

c) Business and industry trends;

1.3.1. Macroeconomic trends: First, we have identified three macroeconomic

trends that will deeply transform the underlying global economy.

1. New Centers of Economic Activity: Centers of economic activity will shift

profoundly, not just globally, but also regionally. As a consequence of economic

liberalization, technological advances, capital market developments, and

demographic shifts, the world has embarked on a massive realignment of

economic activity. Although there will undoubtedly be shocks and setbacks, this

realignment will persist. Today, Asia (excluding Japan) accounts for 13 percent

of world GDP, while Western Europe accounts for more than 30 percent. Within

the next 20 years the two will nearly converge. Some industries and functions--

manufacturing and IT services, for example--will shift even more dramatically.

The story is not simply the march to Asia. Shifts within regions are as

significant as those occurring across regions. The United States will still account

for the largest share of absolute economic growth in the next two decades.

2. Role of Public sector: Public-sector activities will balloon, making

productivity gains essential. The unprecedented aging of populations across the

developed world will call for new levels of efficiency and creativity from the

public sector. Without clear productivity gains, the pension and health care

burden will drive taxes to stifling proportions. Nor is the problem confined to
the developed economies. Many emerging-market governments will have to

decide what level of social services to provide to citizens who increasingly

demand state-provided protections such as health care and retirement security.

The adoption of proven private-sector approaches will likely become pervasive

in the provision of social services in both the developed and the developing


3. Changing global marketplace: The consumer landscape will change and

expand significantly. Almost a billion new consumers will enter the global

marketplace in the next decade as economic growth in emerging markets pushes

them beyond the threshold level of $5,000 in annual household income--a point

when people generally begin to spend on discretionary goods. From now to

2015, the consumer's spending power in emerging economies will increase from

$4 trillion to more than $9 trillion--nearly the current spending power of

Western Europe. Shifts within consumer segments in developed economies will

also be profound. Populations are not only aging, of course, but changing in

other ways too: for example, by 2015 the Hispanic population in the United

States will have spending power equivalent to that of 60 percent of all Chinese

consumers. And consumers, wherever they live, will increasingly have

information about and access to the same products and brands.

1.3.2. Social and environmental trends:

Next, we have identified four social and environmental trends. Although they

are less predictable and their impact on the business world is less certain, they

will fundamentally change how we live and work.

4. Communication Technology: Technological connectivity will transform the

way people live and interact. The technology revolution has been just that. Yet

we are at the early, not mature, stage of this revolution. Individuals, public

sectors, and businesses are learning how to make the best use of IT in designing

processes and in developing and accessing knowledge. New developments in
fields such as biotechnology, laser technology, and nanotechnology are moving

well beyond the realm of products and services. More transformational than

technology itself is the shift in behavior that it enables. We work not just

globally but also instantaneously. We are forming communities and

relationships in new ways (indeed, 12 percent of US newlyweds in 2005 met

online). More than two billion people now use cell phones. We send nine trillion

e-mails a year. We do a billion Google searches a day, more than half in

languages other than English. For perhaps the first time in history, geography is

not the primary constraint on the limits of social and economic organization.

5. The battlefield for talent will shift. Ongoing shifts in labor and talent will be

far more profound than the widely observed migration of jobs to low-wage

countries. The shift to knowledge-intensive industries highlights the importance

and scarcity of well-trained talent. The increasing integration of global labor

markets, however, is opening up vast new talent sources. The 33 million

university-educated young professionals in developing countries is more than

double the number in developed ones. For many companies and governments,

global labor and talent strategies will become as important as global sourcing

and manufacturing strategies.

6. Corporate Accountability: The role and behavior of big business will come

under increasingly sharp scrutiny. As businesses expand their global reach, and

as the economic demands on the environment intensify, the level of societal

suspicion about big business is likely to increase. The tenets of current global

business ideology--for example, shareholder value, free trade, intellectual-

property rights, and profit repatriation--are not understood, let alone accepted,

in many parts of the world. Scandals and environmental mishaps seem as

inevitable as the likelihood that these incidents will be subsequently blown out

of proportion, thereby fueling resentment and creating a political and regulatory

backlash. This trend is not just of the past 5 years but of the past 250 years. The
increasing pace and extent of global business, and the emergence of truly giant

global corporations, will exacerbate the pressures over the next 10 years.

Business, particularly big business, will never be loved. It can, however, be

more appreciated. Business leaders need to argue and demonstrate more

forcefully the intellectual, social, and economic case for business in society and

the massive contributions business makes to social welfare.

7. Natural Resources: Demand for natural resources will grow, as will the

strain on the environment. As economic growth accelerates--particularly in

emerging markets--we are using natural resources at unprecedented rates. Oil

demand is projected to grow by 50 percent in the next two decades, and without

large new discoveries or radical innovations supply is unlikely to keep up. We

are seeing similar surges in demand across a broad range of commodities. In

China, for example, demand for copper, steel, and aluminum has nearly tripled

in the past decade. The world's resources are increasingly constrained. Water

shortages will be the key constraint to growth in many countries. And one of our

scarcest natural resources--the atmosphere--will require dramatic shifts in

human behavior to keep it from being depleted further. Innovation in

technology, regulation, and the use of resources will be central to creating a

world that can both drive robust economic growth and sustain environmental


1.3.3. Business and industry trends

Finally, we have identified a third set of trends: business and industry trends,

which are driving change at the company level.

8. New global industry structures are emerging. In response to changing

market regulation and the advent of new technologies, nontraditional business

models are flourishing, often coexisting in the same market and sector space. In

many industries, a barbell-like structure is appearing, with a few giants on top, a

narrow middle, and then a flourish of smaller, fast-moving players on the
bottom. Similarly, corporate borders are becoming blurrier as interlinked

"ecosystems" of suppliers, producers, and customers emerge. Even basic

structural assumptions are being upended: for example, the emergence of robust

private equity financing is changing corporate ownership, life cycles, and

performance expectations. Winning companies, using efficiencies gained by

new structural possibilities, will capitalize on these transformations.

9. Management will go from art to science. Bigger, more complex companies

demand new tools to run and manage them. Indeed, improved technology and

statistical-control tools have given rise to new management approaches that

make even mega-institutions viable. Long gone is the day of the "gut instinct"

management style. Today's business leaders are adopting algorithmic decision-

making techniques and using highly sophisticated software to run their

organizations. Scientific management is moving from a skill that creates

competitive advantage to an ante that gives companies the right to play the


10. Ubiquitous access to information is changing the economics of

knowledge. Knowledge is increasingly available and, at the same time,

increasingly specialized. The most obvious manifestation of this trend is the rise

of search engines (such as Google), which make an almost infinite amount of

information available instantaneously. Access to knowledge has become almost

universal. Yet the transformation is much more profound than simply broad

access. New models of knowledge production, access, distribution, and

ownership are emerging. We are seeing the rise of open-source approaches to

knowledge development as communities, not individuals, become responsible

for innovations. Knowledge production itself is growing: worldwide patent

applications, for example, rose from 1990 to 2004 at a rate of 20 percent

annually. Companies will need to learn how to leverage this new knowledge

universe--or risk drowning in a flood of too much information.

Studies of corporate expansion overseas indicate that firms become

multinational by degree, with foreign direct investment being a late step in a

process that begins with exports. For most companies, the globalization process

does not occur through conscious design, at least in the early stages. It is the

unplanned result of a series of corporate responses to a variety of threats and

opportunities appearing at random abroad. From a broader perspective,

however, the globalization of firms is the inevitable outcome of the competitive

strivings of members of oligopolistic industries. Each member tries to both

create and exploit monopolistic product and factor advantages internationally

while simultaneously attempting to reduce the competitive threats posed by

other industry members.

To meet these challenges, companies gradually increase their commitment to

international business, developing strategies that are progressively more

elaborate and sophisticated. The sequence normally involves exporting, setting

up a foreign sales subsidiary, securing licensing agreements, and eventually

establishing foreign production. This evolutionary approach to overseas

expansion is a risk-minimizing response to operating in a highly uncertain

foreign environment. By internationalizing in phases, a firm can gradually

move from a relatively low risk-low return, export-oriented strategy to a higher

risk-higher return strategy emphasizing international production. In effect, the

firm is investing in information, learning enough at each stage to significantly

improve its chances for success at the next stage. Exhibit 1.1 depicts the usual

sequence of overseas expansion.


Firms facing highly uncertain demand abroad will typically begin by exporting

to a foreign market. The advantages of exporting are significant: Capital

requirements and start-up costs are minimal, risk is low, and profits are
immediate. Furthermore, this initial step provides the opportunity to learn about

present and future supply and demand conditions, competition, channels of

distribution, payment conventions, financial

Exhibit 1.1

Typical Foreign Expansion Sequence











institutions, and financial techniques. Building on prior successes, companies

then expand their marketing organizations abroad, switching from using export

agents and other intermediaries to dealing directly with foreign agents and

distributors. As increased communication with customers reduces uncertainty,

the firm might set up its own sales subsidiary and new service facilities, such as

a warehouse, with these marketing activities culminating in the control of its

own distribution system.

1.5.2.Overseas Production

There is a major drawback to exporting an inability to realize the full sales

potential of a product. By manufacturing abroad, a company can more easily

keep abreast of market developments, adapt its products and production

schedules to changing local tastes and conditions, fill orders faster, and provide

more comprehensive after-sales service. Many companies also set up R & D

facilities with their foreign operations; they aim to pick the best brains, wherever
they are. The results help companies to keep track of competition and to design

new products. For example, the Japanese subsidiary of Loctite, a U.S. maker of

engineering adhesives, came up with several new applications for sealants in the

electronics industry.

Setting up local production facilities also shows a greater commitment to the

local market, which typically brings added sales, and provides increased

assurance of supply stability. Certainty of supply is particularly important for

firms that produce intermediate goods for sale to other companies. A case in

point is SKF, the Swedish ball bearing manufacturer. SKF was forced to

manufacture in the United States to guarantee that its product, a crucial

component in military equipment, would be available when needed. The

Pentagon would not permit its suppliers of military hardware to be dependent on

imported ball bearings, because imports could be halted in wartime and are

always subject to the vagaries of ocean shipping.

Thus, most firms selling in foreign markets eventually find themselves forced to

manufacture abroad. Foreign production covers a wide spectrum of activities

from repairing, packaging, and finishing to processing, assembly, and full

manufacture. Firms typically begin with the simpler stages ? for example,

packaging and assembly ? and progressively integrate their manufacturing

activities backward ? for example, production of components and


Because the optimal entry strategy can change over time, a firm must

continually monitor and evaluate the factors that bear on the effectiveness of its

current entry strategy. New information and market perceptions change the risk-

return trade-off for a given entry strategy, leading to a sequence of preferred

entry modes, each adapted on the basis of prior experience to sustain and

strengthen the firm`s market position over time.
Associated with a firm`s decision to produce abroad is the question of whether

to create its own affiliates or acquire going concerns. A major advantage of an

acquisition is the capacity to effect a speedy transfer overseas of highly

developed but underutilized parent skills, such as a novel production technology.

Often the local firm also provides a ready-made marketing network. This is

especially important if the parent is a late entrant to the market. Many firms

have used the acquisition approach to gain knowledge about the local market or

a particular technology. The disadvantage, of course, is the cost of buying an

ongoing company. In general, the larger and more experienced a firm becomes

the less frequently it uses acquisitions to expand overseas. Smaller and

relatively less experienced firms often turn to acquisitions.

Regardless of its preferences, a firm interested in expanding overseas may not

have the option of acquiring a local operation. Michelin, the French

manufacturer of radical tires, set up its own facilities in the United States

because its tires are built on specially designed equipment; taking over an

existing operation would have been out of the question. Similarly, companies

moving into developing countries often find they are forced to begin from the

ground up because their line of business has no local counterpart.


An alternative, and at times a precursor, to setting up production facilities

abroad is to license a local firm to manufacture the company`s products in return

for royalties and other forms of payment. The principal advantages of licensing

are the minimal investment required, faster market-entry time, and fewer

financial and legal risks involved. But the corresponding cash flow is also

relatively low, and there may be problems in maintaining product quality

standards. The licensor may also face difficulty controlling exports by the

foreign licensee, particularly when, as in Japan, the host government refuses to

sanction restrictive clauses on sales to foreign markets. Thus, a licensing
agreement may lead to the establishment of a competitor in third-country

markets, with a consequent loss of future revenues to the licensing firm. The

foreign licensee may also become such a strong competitor that the licensing

firm will have difficulty entering the market when the agreement expires,

leading to a further loss of potential profits. For some firms, licensing alone is

the preferred method of penetrating foreign markets. Other firms with

diversified innovative product lines follow a strategy of trading technology for

both equity in foreign joint ventures and royalty payments.

1.6 Summary

The remarkable growth of the global economy over the past 50 years has

occurred because the balance of driving and restraining forces has shifted

significantly in favor of the driving forces. It is useful to identify these forces to

gain an insight into the foundations of the international economy and

international markets as they exist today and as they can be expected to develop

in the decade ahead. Macroeconomic factors, environmental and social issues,

and business and industry developments will all profoundly shape the corporate

landscape in the coming years. Traditional trade theories such as comparative

advantage, absolute advantage based on factor endowment models have give

way for new competitive advantage models. There is a remarkable growth in the

number of MNCs in recent past. To manage these international companies

require understanding of newer concepts of international management.

1.7 Glossary

Corporation: A corporation is a legal person which, while being composed of

natural persons, exists completely separately from them. This separation gives

the corporation unique powers which other legal entities lack. The extent and

scope of its status and capacity is determined by the law of the place of

incorporation. Investors and entrepreneurs often form joint stock companies and

incorporate them to facilitate a business; as this form of business is now
extremely prevalent, the term corporation is often used to refer specifically to

such business corporations. Corporations may also be formed for political,

religious or charitable purposes (not-for-profit corporations), or as government

or quasi-governmental entities (public corporations).

Globalization: is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social,

technological and political changes that have been identified since the 1980s.

These changes and processes are seen as increasing interdependence and

interaction between people and companies in disparate locations. Globalization

is the source of much debate and controversy about its nature and its merits.

Those over its nature question globalization's pervasiveness and extent, and

whether it is a process that occurs from 'above' (through government and state

actions) or 'below' (through civil society actions). Those over its merits consider

whether globalization helps improve quality of life, or destroy it; they also

question the role and existence of local culture in a 'globalizing world'. Such

debates have been fierce, with its supporters seeing globalization as an economic

saviour for the world's poor and as helping improve quality of life; its opponents

consider it to be oppressing the developing world, destroying local culture and

contributing to global warming.

1.8 Self Assessment Questions

1. Define Multinational Corporation. Explain the need for emergence of


2. What are the major trends that are changing the landscape of business?

3. Explain the normal process of overseas expansion of a business


1.9. Further Readings:

1. Manab Adhikary, Global Business Management In an International

Economic Environment (2001), Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi.
2. Sak Onkvisist., John J.Shaw., International Marketing Analysis and Strategy

(1997), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

3. Warren J.Keegan, Global Marketing Management (1995), Prentice-Hall of

India, New Delhi.

4. Alan C Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management (2002), Prentice-Hall

of India, New Delhi.

5. Anant R.Negandhi, International Management (1987) Prentice-Hall of India,

New Delhi.

Lesson 2:

International Management ? Trends


After studying this lesson you should be able to:

To understand the concepts of international management
To understand the composition of Global Fortune 500 corporations
To know the trends in international business
To understand how companies from rapidly developing economies emerge

as strong global contenders


1.9 Introduction

1.10 Composition of Global Fortune 500 Companies

1.11 Emergence of Global Companies From Rapidly Developing Economies:

1.12 Summary

1.13 Glossary

1.14 Self Assessment Questions

1.7 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:

A multinational corporation (MNC) or multinational enterprise (MNE) or

transnational corporation (TNC) or multinational organization (MNO) is a

corporation /enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers

services in at least two countries. Multinational corporations (MNC) are often

divided into three broad groups:

Horizontally integrated multinational corporations manage production

establishments located in different countries to produce the same or similar


Vertically integrated multinational corporations manage production

establishment in certain country/countries to produce products that serve as

input to its production establishments in other country/countries.

Diversified multinational corporations manage production establishments

located in different countries that are neither horizontally nor vertically


Very large multinationals have budgets that exceed those of many countries. Of

the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are multinational corporations. They

can have a powerful influence in international relations, given their large

economic influence in politicians` representative districts, as well as their

extensive financial resources available for public relations and political

lobbying. Multinationals have played an important role in globalization. Given

their international reach and mobility, prospective countries, and sometimes

regions within countries, must compete with each other to have MNCs locate

their facilities (and subsequent tax revenue, employment, and economic activity)

within. To compete, countries and regional political districts offer incentives to

MNCs such as tax breaks, pledges of governmental assistance or improved

infrastructure, or lax environmental and labour standards. This process of

becoming more attractive to foreign investment can be characterized as a race to
the bottom. There is a dispute as to which was the first MNC. Some have argued

that the Knights Templar, founded in 1118, became a multinational when it

stumbled into banking in 1135. However, others claim that the Dutch East India

Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) was, which first

appeared in 1602. In the following section an attempt has been made to

understand the composition of Global Fortune 500 companies.

1.2 Composition of Global Fortune 500 Companies:

Fortune magazine every year compiles data about world`s leading companies in

terms of revenues, profits, biggest employers, biggest increase in revenues,

Fastest -growing profits, etc. The analysis is comprehensive in nature. Table 2.1

gives the top hundred companies in terms of revenues in the Fortune 500 Global

List of 2006. One look at the largest corporations in the world and immediate

conclusion one can jumps out is natural resources are driving the global

economy as never before. Five of the top ten companies on Fortune's 2006

Global 500 are oil companies, one more than last year. Another four are

automakers, whose customers pump plenty of gasoline. Big Oil's domination is

the product of a decade of industry consolidation combined with sky-high crude

prices and a surge in global demand. Exxon's 2005 revenues jumped 26%, and

its profits hit $36 billion - the biggest payday in the history of the Global 500.

Oil companies aren't the only ones prospering; 2005 was a banner year for most

Global 500 companies. It took $13.7 billion in revenue just to make this year's

list - up from $12.4 billion last year. And profits for the 500 companies jumped

30%. Total revenues for the Global 500 in 2006 add up to $18.9 trillion, a third

of the world's GDP. Companies of the old economy - commodities and oil -

racked up the biggest gains. The mining and crude-oil sector, which excludes

major oil companies that have large refining segments, enjoyed a 77% increase

in profits. Add refiners to that group, and it accounted for $2.8 trillion in

combined revenue, up 27% over the previous year.
Emerging markets jump on

China's banking boom points to that country's fasten-your-seatbelts growth

trajectory. Four new Chinese companies - China Railway Engineering, Shanghai

Automotive Industry Corp., China Railway Construction, and China State

Construction - made it onto the Global 500 this year, more additions than any

other country, bringing China's total to 20.

Table 2.1

Top Hundred Fortune Global 500 Companies



Rank Company

($ millions) ($ millions)


Exxon Mobil




Wal-Mart Stores




Royal Dutch Shell








General Motors












Toyota Motor




Ford Motor




Conoco Phillips




General Electric








ING Group























Cr?dit Agricole




American Intl. Group




Assicurazioni Generali












Nippon Telegraph & Telephone








HSBC Holdings












Intl. Business Machines








Honda Motor




State Grid








BNP Paribas












Bank of America Corp.








China National Petroleum








Nissan Motor




Berkshire Hathaway




Home Depot




Valero Energy




J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.




Samsung Electronics



Matsushita Electric Industrial




Deutsche Bank








Verizon Communications




Cardinal Health












Deutsche Telekom




Dexia Group








Credit Suisse




Royal Bank of Scotland












U.S. Postal Service




Altria Group




Zurich Financial Services
















Soci?t? G?n?rale




?lectricit? De France




Nippon Life Insurance








France T?l?com












Munich Re Group



Deutsche Post




State Farm Insurance Cos




Marathon Oil












Hyundai Motor




Procter & Gamble




ABN AMRO Holding




Royal Ahold




Repsol YPF




Legal & General Group
















Lloyds TSB Group
















Santander Central Hispano Group








Costco Wholesale












Morgan Stanley




Robert Bosch







Source:, From the July 24, 2006 issue
Note: Self-learners are advised to visit the website for complete list

Mexico added three companies: Am?rica Telecom and two that have been on the

list before, Carso Global Telecom and CEMEX. Producing cement from the

Persian Gulf to Central America, CEMEX acquired Britain's RMC Group last

year and posted a 60% gain in profits, to just over $2 billion. And Austria joined

the Global 500 for the first time with oil producer OMV hitting the list at No.


Out of companies in 50-odd industries representing 32 countries, a few other

shuffles warrant mention. Japan lost 11 companies, including Yamaha Motor

and Central Japan Railway. Heineken Holding fell off the list, as did American

companies OfficeMax, American Electric Power, and Texas Instruments.

Notable additions include U.S. homebuilder D.R. Horton and, at No. 500, Nike.

And in a comeback, Apple Computer (No. 492) has returned to the Global 500

this year after a nine-year hiatus, with profits up 384%, to $1.3 billion. Whether

consumer goods companies like Apple maintain their momentum this year,

though, remains a question. The world's voracious appetite for energy is

threatening to ignite inflation around the globe. How ironic that the very factors

that helped produce outsized profits in 2005 may be the ones that squeeze

growth in 2006

Table 2.2

Biggest Employers ? Top Companies

500 revenues

2005 Number of






Wal-Mart Stores




China National Petroleum




State Grid




U.S. Postal Service







Deutsche Post




Agricultural Bank of China




UES of Russia











Table 2.2 provides information about the ten largest employers in the Fortune

500 Global list. Wal-Mart the biggest retailer in the world employs eighteen

lakh people. Next biggest employer is China Petroleum, which employs more

than a million people. Retailers, service organizations top the list. The

particulars given here are of direct employment and indirectly these

organizations are generating lot of employment.

Table 2.3

Top Cites

No. of


Global 500 revenues



Global 500


($ millions)













New York U.S.















South Korea





































10 Rome




10 D?sseldorf Germany



Source: Fortune 500 Global, From the July 24, 2006 issue

Table 2.3 presents the list of top cities in the world, which are having

headquarters of most number of Fortune 500 companies. Tokyo from Japan

ranks top with 52 of Global 500 companies having head offices from that city.

Next place goes to Paris from France hosts 27 companies. Followed by New

York and London. Which are hosting 24 and 23 companies. Majority of the

cities are from G7 nations (Group of seven nations which are industrially

developed). Only Beijing from emerging markets hosting 15 companies.

Table 2.4

How the companies stack up


No. of Fortune Global 500






Britain & France (tied)








South Korea





Table 2.4 gives the information about number of companies and their country of

origin. US lead the pack with 170 companies originated from that country. This

is about 34 per cent of the Global Fortune 500 companies. Japan is in the second

place with 70 global leading companies operates from that country. Britain and

France tied at the third spot. Five countries accounts more than three hundred

leading companies, shows how dominant they are in business world.

Table 2.5

Most Profitable Global Companies



2005 Profits

($ millions)


Exxon Mobil



Royal Dutch / Shell Group



Citi Group






Bank of America Corp.



General Electric



HSBC Holdings











Table 2.5 gives the top ten profitable companies according to the 2005 profits.

Exxon is the leading company in Fortune 500 Global companies list both in

revenues and profits. As mentioned earlier Exxon`s 2005 revenues jumped 26%,

and its profits hit $36 billion. Royal Dutch/ Shell Group records profits over $25
billion. Major oil companies records highest growth in terms of profits in the

2006 list.

Table 2.6

Top 5 in Asia


2005 Revenues

(($ millions)

Toyota Motors




Nippon Telegraph & Telephone


Honda Motor


State Grid


Table 2.6 presents the top five companies from Asia. Toyota Motors is the

leading company form Asia. This company also features in top ten companies in

the world. Asia is emerging as the fastest growing region in the world. Naturally

more and more Asian companies finds place in Fortune 500 list in the coming

years. China and India are having highest GDP growth rates and the countries

attracting the attention of leading MNCs of the world. With liberalized business

environment majority of the companies from these two countries finding place

in Fortune 500 list. China with 20 and India with 6 companies (SBI got entry in

2006 Fortune`s list) are fast becoming growth engines of the world.

Table 2.7

Indian Companies in Global Fortune 500 List







($ millions)




36537.0 New Delhi


Reliance Industries


18773.3 Mumbai

Bharat Petroleum


17613.8 Mumbai


Hindustan Petroleum


17106.4 Mumbai


Oil & Natural Gas


16609.2 New Delhi


State Bank of India


13755.8 Mumbai

Table 2.7 presents the list of six Indian companies finding place in Fortune 2006

list. State Bank of India a public sector giant finds place in latest list. Other five

companies basically belong to oil and gas sectors, known as hydro carbon

sector. India is one of the main oil importing country and consumption rates are

increasing day by day. Except Reliance other companies in the list are from

public sector. In future, one may hope that more and more Indian companies

find place in Fortune 500.

1.3. Emergence of Global Companies from Rapidly Developing Economies:

As we have observed from previous section that the composition of Global

Fortune 500 companies is changing. More and more companies from rapidly

developing economies are finding place. There are six Indian companies at

present in the list. Recently global management consultancy, the Boston

Consulting Group prepared a report titled, The New Global Challengers: How

100 top companies from rapidly developing economies are going global -- and

changing the world, based on observing 3,000 companies from 12 rapidly

developing economies (RDEs).

Table 2.8

The Indian 21




Bajaj Auto

Tata Motors

Mahindra & Mahindra

TVS Motors

Bharat Forge








Engineering and Construction

Larsen & Toubro




Dr Reddy`s Laboratories

Steel and industrial goods


Tata Steel

Crompton Greaves

Other sectors


Reliance Industries



Tata Tea

Source: Business Standard, 4 July 10, 2006

When the top 100 list was published in May 2006, twenty one Indian companies

made it to the elite list. Asian companies formed 70 per cent of that list. And

how? These companies were selected on the basis of being truly based out of

developing economies. For instance, foreign JVs and RDE subsidiaries of

multinational corporations were left out. Only companies with a turnover of

more than $1 billion as of 2004 were considered -- that`s the threshold required

to drive serious globalisation campaigns. If the international presence was less

than 10 per cent of revenue, the companies were struck out -- with exceptions.

Companies which were close to hitting the 10 per cent mark and whose

international business activity had grown swiftly in the recent past were
considered. There was more to pass the test. International presence indicated by

owned and operated subsidiaries, sales networks, manufacturing presence, R&D

facilities and international investments, including M&As, were considered.

Equally important were the company`s access to capital for international

expansion, the breadth and depth of its technologies, intellectual property

portfolio, the international appeal for its existing offerings and value

propositions. The chosen companies belonged to a diverse set of industries (see

Table:2.8 The Indian 21). As the findings below indicate, each company follows

its own way, implementing a number of different strategies. But certain patterns

seem to emerge which fall under six primary models of globalisation.

Model one: Taking RDE brands global:

28 of the RDE 100 are growing internationally by taking their established home-

market product lines and brands to global markets. Take the case of China`s

Hisense, a $3.3 billion consumer electronics group. The company is one of the

largest manufacturers of television sets, air conditioners, PCs and telecom

equipment. In addition to manufacturing in China, Hisense has production sites

in Algeria, Hungary, Iran, Pakistan and South Africa. The company has

expanded mainly through organic growth and sells 10 million television sets and

3 million air conditioners every year in more than 40 countries. International

sales account for more than 15 per cent of revenue (it`s the best-seller of flat-

panel TV sets in France). Hisense`s success formula: stylish consumer products

at an affordable price and a continuous stream of innovations. Its R&D facility is

located in its home-market, China, which is a huge market and a demanding one

too. This gives Hisense a super scale and low-cost manufacturing base. India`s

automobile maker, Mahindra & Mahindra follows this model of taking its brand

global. How does M&M do it can be understood from reading the Insight.1


Does utility vehicle and tractor manufacturer, Mahindra & Mahindra`s (M&M)

global strategy compare with Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer,

Hisense? In a sense, yes. For instance, if Hisense took its television sets to

European markets, M&M tractors rode to developed countries like the US.

There was a strong rationale. India was among the top two tractor markets in the

world. So the other big market, the US was the next frontier. We went global as

we felt this is one field where an Indian company can be a world leader, says V

S Parthasarathy, executive vice president -- international operations, farm

equipment sector, Mahindra & Mahindra. There was also the fear of competition

increasing on the home turf with foreign brands entering India. So M&M started

looking at markets that matched their product profile (20-80 horse power

engines) and markets that delivered large volumes. But markets like western

Europe which uses 150 horse power engines were ruled out. Apart from the US,

M&M also tapped markets like China -- it has set up manufacturing facilities in

China and sold 3,000 units in its first year. M&M also entered Australia last

year. So how does M&M venture into foreign markets? We are trying not only

to leverage cost, but we are also trying to give value and build a brand. Doing it

alone requires more financial investment, but we are using more than one

model, says Parthasarathy. For instance, in the bigger markets like the US,

M&M rides alone. In smaller markets like Sri Lanka or Serbia it uses

distributors. In China, which requires a far greater local knowledge in terms of

the market and the legal framework, M&M has a joint venture where it holds 80

per cent. For utility vehicles and pick-ups, the company has entered South

Africa. The company also has a fool-proof checklist for global forays. This

ranges from guidelines on prioritising global markets according to the size and

attractiveness of market opportunities, to the micro issues of taking the brand

abroad. For instance, did an M&M manager establish contact with the foreign
country`s consulate in India? Did an M&M manager visit the Indian consulate in

that country? The company has certainly learnt from bitter lessons in the past.

A key distributor in the US went bankrupt, the local partner in Greece stopped

paying the company, a diamond merchant who offered to sell M&M jeeps in

South Africa did not have the right intentions. Now M&M executives speak a

different language. To reduce risk you must do your homework, says

Parthasarathy. The company claims to have spent about a year before starting

alone in the US, nearly six-eight months researching China before they entered

that market and so on. For selling its utility vehicles too, M&M plays the value

game. Our approach is to provide value for money products that meet the

aspirations of the people in these countries, says Pravin N Shah, executive vice

president, overseas operations, automotive sector, M&M. According to him, this

approach is more flexible and well-rounded. In foreign markets, you need to be

seen as someone who is really committed, he says. Hence, M&M set up

Mahindra South Africa as a separate venture. While the current approach may

require more investments, it will help in competing with global companies,

believe M&M executives.
Model two: Turning RDE engineering into global innovation:

Twenty-two of the RDE 100 companies are pushing their international clout by

marketing innovative technology-based solutions to leverage their strengths in

engineering and research. An example is Wipro, the Indian IT services group.

Wipro has expanded rapidly by providing software coding support. It was a

$545 million company in 2000. By 2004, it became a $1.8 billion company. At

present, Wipro is taking innovation to the next level by building extensive

engineering capabilities, thus making R&D services the next battleground. The

company already claims to be the world`s largest third party provider of R&D

services. Its 12,000 strong product engineering services (PES) group offers

R&D services from product strategy to hardware design and quality consulting

for clients who sell electronics-based products. Growing at 36 per cent per year

for the last three years, this business group accounts for 36 per cent of Wipro`s


Model three: Assuming global category leadership

Only 12 companies from the list are growing by establishing themselves as

specialists and global leaders in one specific, relatively narrow, product

category. For instance, Hong Kong`s Johnson Electric had $1.1 billion revenue

in 2004 -- 67 per cent of that came from outside of Asia. The company is the

global market leader in small electric motors for automotive, consumer and

various commercial applications. The company can produce 3 million motors

every day in China alone. This is complemented with other manufacturing sites

in Latin America, US, western Europe and R&D centres in Israel, Italy, Japan

and the US. While putting a strong emphasis on aggressive organic growth, the

company has also pursued multiple overseas acquisitions in the US of its tier-

one suppliers. In parallel, the company is also using acquisitions to broaden its

capability base and move into more specialised product lines such as precision

piezoceramic motors (it bought Israel`s Nanomotion) and digital camera motors
(it acquired Japan`s Nihon Mini Motor). Then Johnson has the other China

advantages -- superscale, high volumes and low global unit costs. In India,

companies like Bharat Forge and Crompton Greaves principally follow the

engineering-led innovation approach (like Wipro too), they have managed to

establish strong positions in their categories. Take the example of Bharat Forge,

which is the second largest forging company in the world.

Model four: Monetising RDE natural resources globally

Thirteen of the RDE 100 companies adopt this approach. They leverage their

home country`s natural resource advantages. Prime examples are Brazilian food

processors Sadia and Perdigao, with annual revenue of $2.2 billion and $1.8

billion respectively. Half of their turnover comes from more than 100 countries.

Both companies hold 30-50 per cent shares of the Brazilian market in their main

product lines. Both operate along the entire value chain from farming to

marketing chilled and frozen foods and high value added products like ready-to-

eat meals. Both the companies` expansion models focus on growing their

domestic production capacity, while investing in overseas supply chain

management capabilities. Their key competitive advantage lies in abundant

production resources for pork, poultry and grain which is complemented by

ideal growing conditions for animal feed and by low labour costs. Both have

hatcheries that are among the most productive in the world, achieve low

production costs and high yields with highest quality standards. In India,

Hindalco and Tata Steel follow this model. The $2.5-billion Hindalco is Asia`s

largest producer of finished aluminium and alumina. It`s also India`s largest

integrated copper producer. With India having the fifth largest reserves of

bauxite in the world -- reserves that could last for more than 20 years --

Hindalco has an inherent competitive advantage. Similarly, in steel making,

India has access to some of the richest supplies of iron ore, which gives Tata

Steel a competitive edge.
Model five: Rolling out new business models to multiple markets

These 13 companies are building regional or global portfolios in their respective

businesses by rolling out business models that were pioneered in their home

markets. Cemex, the $15.3-billion Mexican cement conglomerate is an example.

One of the largest ready-mix concrete companies in the world, Cemex is

vertically integrated and generates 79 per cent of its revenue abroad. It has built

a global presence with acquisitions in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, west Asia and

Europe. The key to Cemex`s success is in its rigorous approach to integrating

and running acquisitions in a way that it covers every aspect of the business.

Integral to this approach is a seasoned M&A and integration team that executes

serial acquisitions. A number of companies which follow this model are still in

the early stages of globalisation. Indian companies adopting this approach

include VSNL and Reliance.

Model six: Acquiring natural resources

In contrast to others, the 12 companies in this category are expanding overseas

to acquire vital raw materials for their home markets. Companies in this

category are active either in fossil fuels or metal and mining products. Nine of

the 12 companies who follow this strategy are Chinese. A good example is

Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, China`s biggest steel maker. The

company has a production capacity of 20 million tonnes of crude steel a year

(half of Arcelor`s capacity). But more than 98 per cent of its revenue comes

from China. To secure stable supplies, Baosteel acquired a 50 per cent stake in

Brazilian CVRD`s Agua Limpa iron mining complex in 2001. A year later it

invested in a joint venture with Hamersley Iron, an Australian subsidiary of Rio

Tinto group. In India, ONGC follows this model. It has expanded globally to

access oil resources and has committed investments of $4.3 billion in overseas

exploration projects.

Companies from the rapidly developing economies may broadly fit into one of

the six strategies. But there is a rider: while these strategies are distinct in

principle, they often overlap in practice. For instance, while Tata Steel

monetises natural resources of its home country, it is also rolling out business

models that are perfected in its home country in its acquired businesses abroad.

The RDE 100 also have some features in common. First, all of they build on

positions of low cost -- a key competitive advantage of rapidly developing

economies. Virtually all the companies are adept at learning and adapting. This

is what enables them to learn the lessons of established companies. Moving

forward, that might be their biggest strength


The RDE 100 companies grew at 24 per cent year-on-year from 2000-04 while

the India 21 grew even faster -- 30 per cent. The RDE companies also earned

operating margins of 20 per cent over sales, compared to 16 per cent for US

S&P 500 companies and 10 per cent for Japan`s Nikkei companies. The India 21

beat the crowd again with operating margins of 25 per cent. Still, these emerging

challengers have their strengths and weaknesses.


They operate in rapidly growing markets and become quite large on their home

turf before venturing abroad Working in a difficult operating environment at

home creates high capabilities while going abroad. Most RDEs are key markets

for MNCs. They become training grounds for competing with global

incumbents. Low cost in labour, property, equipment, raw materials and capital.


Low on innovation. Between 1999-2003, 100 RDE companies were granted

only 3,900 US patents. Japanese companies alone got 166,000 patents in the

same period. Supply chain. Added costs can wipe out manufacturing cost
savings. Establishing a foothold in a new highly developed market is not very

easy. Shortage of managers with international experience

1.4 Summary

Each company`s path of development is unique. Companies that decide to

expand beyond their home country change. Development of a company from

domestic to transnational involves lot of action. Different companies follow

different route. Some companies achieve this through organic growth. That is

growing on its own systematically. Some follow inorganic route by acquiring

other companies or brands. Companies are not pure types: actual companies are

almost always a mixture of the different stages of development. Some have

moved through all of the stages in an orderly progression and others have

leapfrogged to develop as global or transnational companies.

The benefits of international operations are considerable. Trade moderates

inflation, and improves both employment and standard of living, while

providing better understanding of business process at home and abroad. For

many companies, survival or the ability to diversify depends on the growth,

sales, and profits from abroad. The more commitment a company makes to

overseas markets in terms of personnel, sales, and resources, the more likely it

will become a multinational corporation (MNC). There is a growing trend that

more and more corporations from rapidly developing economies challenging the

supremacy of corporations from advanced economies.

1.5 Glossary

Lobbying is the professional practice of public affairs advocacy, with the goal

of influencing a governing body by promoting a point of view. A lobbyist is a

person who is paid (or volunteers) to influence legislation as well as public

opinion. Most major corporations and political interest groups hire professional

lobbyists to promote their interests as intermediaries; others maintain in-house

government relations or public affairs departments. Think tanks aim to lobby
through regular releases of detailed reports and supporting research to the media

for dissemination .

Environmental law is a body of law, which is a system of complex and

interlocking statutes, common law, treaties, conventions, regulations and

policies which seeks to protect the natural environment which may be affected,

impacted or endangered by human activities. Some environmental laws regulate

the quantity and nature of impacts of human activities: for example, setting

allowable levels of pollution. Other environmental laws are preventive in nature

and seek to assess the possible impacts before the human activities can occur.

Labour law or employment law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and

precedents which addresses the legal rights of, and restrictions on, workers and

their organisations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship

between trade unions, employers and employees. In some countries (such as

Canada), employment laws related to unionised workplaces are differentiated

from those relating to particular individuals. In most countries however, no such

distinction is made. The labour movement, heavily influenced by socialism, has

been instrumental in the enacting of laws protecting labour rights in the 19th and

20th centuries.

Race to bottom

In government regulation, a race to the bottom a phenomenon that is said to

occur when competition between nations or states (over investment capital, for

example) leads to the progressive dismantling of regulatory standards. It may be

used also in a more general sense of evolutionary trends gravitating to the lowest

common denominator.

1.6 Self Assessment Questions:

1. Define Multi National Corporation and explain major types of MNCs.

2. Highlight the importance of MNCs in world of business. Describe the

composition of MNCs, which featured in Fortune 500 Global list.
3. How companies from Rapidly Developing Economies challenging the

supremacy of companies from developed economies?

4. Pick an Indian Corporation with which you are familiar and analyze the

reasons why it might be motivated to expand its internationalism.

1.7 Further Readings:

Financial Dailies:

1. The Economic Times

2. Business Standard

3. Business Line

4. The Financial Express

Business Magazines:

5. Business World

6. Business India

7. Business Today

8. Outlook Money

Lesson 3:

International Management ? Challenges and Opportunities


After studying this lesson you should be able to:

To understand the challenges and opportunities of international management
To observe the trends that influence the management of global company


1.15 Introduction

1.16 Challenges and opportunities

1.17 Trends
1.18 Summary

1.19 Glossary

1.20 Self Assessment Questions

1.21 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:

As renowned management thinker the late Peter Drucker once wrote, they wish

to create the future, not just predict it. This he mentioned regarding how

organizations need to create their own future. It was widely accepted that major

trends have to be predicted and required modifications to be made from time to

time. Predicting the future is the easy part. What really matters is the ability to

harness waves of change and use them to achieve high performance.

In the following section we discussed about ten crucial trends and the actions

organizations need to take to create their own future. On Wall Street, they like

to say that "the trend is your friend." Accenture a global consultancy firm

recently completed a comprehensive analysis covering the most important

global trends--business, social and technological--it also links those trends to

specific actions organizations should be considering right now if, they wish to

create the future, not just predict it. According to the analysis high performers

detect the implications of trends for the distinctiveness of their capabilities, the

strength of their market focus and position, and the vigor of their performance

anatomy. They then take action to shape their own futures while their

competitors are preoccupied with imitating the high performers` current

successes. Changing business trends constantly create windows of opportunities

and throws daunting challenges.

1.2 Challenges and Opportunities:

A profound, but silent, transformation of our society is happening. Our corporate

system is generating more goods and services than at any point in history,

delivered through an ever-growing number of channels. Product variety is
overwhelming to consumers. Propagation of cell phones, web sites, and media

channels increased access to more information, at greater speed and lower cost,

than ever before. However, product variety has not necessarily resulted in better

consumer experiences. At the same time, competition is increasing and profit

margins are shrinking to companies. Managers can no longer focus solely on

costs, product and process quality, speed, and efficiency. For profitable growth,

managers must also strive for new sources of innovation and creativity.

Thus the paradox of the twenty-first-century economy: Consumers have more

choices that yield less satisfaction. Top management has more strategic options

that yield less value. Managers are under intense pressure to create value. But

value creation by improving operational efficiency ? through such initiatives as

outsourcing, business process reengineering, and work force reduction - has

natural limits in terms of morale potential. Firms must couple such efficiencies

with innovation and new business development. The following section

discusses the trends, which influence business and how organizations are

meeting the challenges and opportunities in resulting environment.

1.3 Trends:

Trend 1: Permanent, Increasingly Pervasive Information Connectivity

Information technology is extending not only its horizontal reach but also its

vertical reach --delving deeper into patterns of behavior or into operational

information, enabling richer knowledge about companies, products and

customers. Companies know more about their customers, but customers also

know more about companies' products and services. As customers become

increasingly comfortable shopping online, they learn how easy it is to compare

market prices, inventories and even production costs. As a result, pricing and

discounting have been upended, with the average retail discount in the United

States rising from 10 percent to 30 percent between 1967 and 1997. Of course,

companies that generally come out on top in a comparative search will welcome
price transparency. Organizations have to maintain competitive advantage by

counteracting pricing transparency.

Toyota Motor Corporation, for example, even provides a link from its website to

the comparative pricing at, thus using pricing transparency

to its advantage. But most companies will be vulnerable. One way companies

are responding to the threat is by using the same IT trend to create a slew of

enhanced pricing and revenue optimization capabilities, including ones for

revenue management, markdown management, dynamic pricing, promotion

optimization and customized pricing. Beyond this approach, however,

companies must learn ways to bundle products and services to create new kinds

of value in the eyes of customers, so it becomes more difficult for them to make

simplistic comparisons. Companies will also find value in enabling customers to

reduce information overload, helping them overcome the "decision paralysis"

that can result from an overabundance of purchase information.

Increasingly sophisticated software and tools will enable companies to use

analytics not only for better decision making but as a competitive weapon as

well. The ability to derive real-time insight from predictive analytics can help a

high performer dominate the game, or even change the game entirely. uses analytics to predict what products will be successful and to

optimize the efficiency of its supply chain. Supply chain analytics also help

companies such as Dell and Wal-Mart to reduce inventory and stock-outs. These

initiatives help companies to create real-time business and market insights to

change the competitive game in their favour.

Permanent information connectivity is fundamentally changing the way

employees, teams and businesses communicate, collaborate and interact with

one another. Organizations must be proactive about designing work tasks and

flows to increase productivity and to enhance the kinds of collaboration that

more frequently result in innovations. For example, investment bank Dresdner
Kleinwort Wasserstein uses "wiki software," which enables workers to

collaborate on Web pages, to encourage teamwork among its traders and

bankers; the technology has also replaced e-mail and conference calls for tasks

like pricing international bond offerings.

Trend 2: The Ascendancy of Major Emerging Economies:

Competitive advantage across industries in the coming years will be determined

in large part by the manner in which companies anticipate both the opportunities

and the threats of four vital emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and,

especially, China popularly known as BRIC countries.

One imperative need for MNCs is to prepare to compete in the Chinese industry

segments that are right for their businesses. China already is one of the largest

global consumer markets. The Chinese, for example, buy 16 percent of the

world's refrigerators and 33 percent of the world's air conditioners. Moreover,

China's large domestic market is creating strong local companies that are

expanding beyond the country's borders and vying for spots as leading global

players. Haier Group, for example, has in just 22 years grown into a global

brand and the world's fourth-largest whitegoods maker. The key to proactive

entry strategies in China and the other emerging economies is selecting the right

segments, based on specific industry dynamics, and then managing risk

accordingly. The Chinese marketplace is anything but monolithic; the country

has more than 20 provinces and multiple languages and dialects.

Trend 3: The Accelerating Pace of Globalization:

The pace of globalization and its effects have increased dramatically because of

ubiquitous information connectivity. When major business functions, from

production to sales, can be performed almost anywhere, it presents companies

with unprecedented opportunities for both cost optimization and brand

extension. Organizations have to create best-of-breed global solutions for

operating businesses with the best capabilities at the lowest possible cost.
Optimizing cost in a global labour market is about more than moving jobs to

low-wage countries. Increasingly, it is about creating a global network in which

every location is put to its best use, independent of its labour costs or even if the

company sells or produces in the country.

Consider American appliance maker Whirlpool Corporation, which makes its

microwave ovens in southern China and its washing machines in Germany.

Despite Germany's relatively high labour costs, it has the necessary technology,

as well as a trained workforce and a factory already tooled to the company's

needs. If Whirlpool had focused its strategy only on labour costs, it would have

missed the nuances of the global sourcing strategy by which it was ultimately

able to expand its capacity at a very incremental investment.

The globalization of work and the removal of global sourcing barriers will create

much more flexibility in an organization's value chain, and outsourcing models

will actually become a strategic means by which to fine-tune that value chain.

With the new discipline of "capability sourcing," more and more of that value

chain will be outsourced.

One noteworthy example is Toshiba Corporation's hiring of logistics provider

UPS to administer its customer PC repair processes. Companies will continue to

more easily mix off-the-shelf and customized solutions to quickly gain new

benefits from outsourcing activities, which range from application and business

process outsourcing, through vertical outsourcing, to partnering to offshore

owned and shared assets. Such a strategy is already in place at a number of

companies, including Procter & Gamble, which has pursued outsourcing

solutions in the United States and Europe for a range of corporate functions such

as human resources and IT.

Enable a brand strategy that is simultaneously global and local. Yes, a brand

must have global appeal. But global marketing must be accompanied by greater

product and marketing differentiation, with brands adapted to local markets. For
example, although McDonald's has adopted uniform brand packaging

throughout the world, during 2006 the company is including nutritional value

charts on the product packaging that are designed to be visually appealing to

local markets. Procter & Gamble adjusts its branding strategy depending on

regional perceptions. For example, it prominently displays the company name

on its packaging in Asia, but in the United States and Europe it focuses instead

on its product brand names and images.

Trend 4: Rapidly Changing Demographics:

In both industrialized nations and emerging economies, a large percentage of the

workforce will soon retire, resulting in the loss of critical knowledge and skills.

Because of declining fertility rates in many developed nations, retiring workers

are not being replaced fast enough, which raises the specter of global shortages

of highly skilled labor. The situation is particularly troublesome in the public

sector. Meanwhile, huge areas within both rich and poor nations are being

hollowed out by the mass movement of populations to urban zones.

Organizations have to support workforce performance to raise the productivity

of every employee. As the number of skilled workers declines in some

industries, companies must focus on getting the most out of those who remain,

on developing strength in what we call an organization's performance

anatomy--the integration of elements such as leadership and strategy, people

development and performance management. By taking a more comprehensive

approach to talent management, companies must become effective "talent

multipliers," able to increase the productivity and impact of each employee.

Companies such as Yahoo are already becoming more sophisticated at

developing a "talent organization"--a holistic approach to managing talent that

attracts, hires, develops and retains the workers needed to achieve high


Successfully managing human capital is becoming increasingly challenging in a

world where more workers are temporary; where they want to carry their

learning, performance history, health care records and more between employers;

and where generational differences--between Gen X and Gen Y as well as with

Baby Boomers--lead to misunderstanding and resentment in the workplace.

Companies must therefore create new employment value propositions, which, in

turn, require different people capabilities and tools.

In addition, to counteract the effects of skills shortages, companies must both

retain their best workers and ensure that each worker is supported by the

organization's best knowledge and experience. For a start, companies are

increasingly tailoring benefits--for example, allowing employees to choose not

only individualized retirement and medical plans but also more wide-ranging

and important components of their jobs, such as work hours, location and

vacation days. The result is increased employee satisfaction, engagement and

retention. Companies are also modifying everything from leadership styles to

levels of social activism to be more fully responsive to these changes. Treat

employees like a "workforce of one."

In terms of supporting individual performance, role-based knowledge portals, or

"performance workspaces," are now supporting specific performance needs of

workers. BT Retail's performance workspace for its call center employees, for

example, has increased employees' confidence in their ability to perform well by

23 percent, and also produced call handling efficiencies that generated $6

million in savings. Focus on offerings that leverage or address the effects of

urban congestion. The percentage of the world's population living in cities is

expected to grow to 61 percent by the year 2030, up from just 30 percent in

1950 and 48 percent in 2003. Denser urban environments create many business

opportunities for those companies that can think creatively outside their existing
business models. One example is the development of "small box" formats by

retailers such as Wal-Mart and The Home Depot.

Another recent phenomenon is the "lifestyle center," a roofless retail center in an

urban setting that features primarily upscale retail stores meant to attract higher-

income shoppers. The appeal is not only the quality of the merchandise but also

the experience of the "good old days," when small, downtown shopping centers

provided comfort and a sense of community, as well as easy access and the

ability to make quick purchases.

Public-sector entities are also responding to these demographic trends with

innovative thinking of their own. Several local governments in the United States

have moved to implement "congestion pricing"--higher tolls on the busiest

highways or during high-traffic hours, for example. They also have begun to

partner with the private sector. The state of California has been an early adopter

of highway privatization, and the state of Indiana recently leased one of its

major highways to a Spanish-Australian consortium for several billion dollars.

Trend 5: An Increasingly Complex and Fragile Business Environment

As business solutions and services become more elegant and complex, they also

become more fragile and susceptible to business failure and security risks. With

ever-larger infrastructures with more components, more things can go wrong.

High mobility and extended customer reach increase the possible points of

attack for those seeking to breach both information and physical security.

Security is one of the salient concerns for the 21st century, as businesses and

governments look for solutions not only to protect both information and physical

assets in real time but also to recover in the event of disasters. One financial

services group, for example, had responded to some information security

concerns during the 1991 Gulf War by developing "mirror sites" (redundant

backups) for its most critical information systems. Consequently, within an hour

of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, a mirror
site in another city had already taken control of the company's mission-critical

systems. Security will also become a revenue generator for companies that

develop innovative products and services to protect businesses and consumers

from the effects of fraud, identity theft, computer viruses and other kinds of

privacy or security violations. Products or services with embedded security

features will grow in importance. Secure the business and create security-based

value-added offerings.

Trend 6: Shorter Time Frames for Decision Making

The increasing pace and complexity of business today means managing almost

moment to moment, with an eye on both cost optimization and the quality of

business performance. But many managers find themselves either unable to

access the data needed to inform their decisions fast enough through their legacy

IT systems, or overwhelmed by the amount of data available to them.

Recent research has clearly shown that effective enterprise performance

management capabilities are critical to achieving high performance, and can

increase a company's ability to create value. A Harvard Business Review study

shows that companies with best-in-class performance management processes

achieved nearly 3 percent higher return on assets and just over 5 percent higher

returns on equity than their competitors. Imperative need is to develop the

capability to comprehensively view and act on business performance in real


Trend 7. Shrinking Windows of Profitability

The global information network and the transparency of business operations

have resulted in less opportunity for an innovative or first-mover product to

maintain market dominance. The competition can more rapidly imitate or even

leapfrog over products originally seen as innovative. Intellectual property rights

are not protected for as long, or are violated more easily. Meanwhile, brand

loyalty is declining.

Market dominance cannot be maintained without the continuous use of

innovation to extend the value of existing products or to develop new ones. To

increase revenue from new products, companies must develop the capability to

introduce highly differentiated products in targeted markets more rapidly.

Consider, for example, Apple Computer's aggressive rollout of new variants of

iPod products, a strategy reminiscent of how pharmaceuticals companies extend

the value of a blockbuster drug, even as it goes off patent, by rapidly releasing

enhanced versions while dropping the price of older varieties. Just as important

is establishing an "ideas infrastructure"--a formalized process by which ideas

can be captured, analyzed and transformed into innovations. For example,

Kaiser Permanente encourages more innovative attitudes, making employees

feel they can effect change that will lead to improved care, member loyalty and

affordability. The health care company has developed what it calls Innovation

Support Teams, which are charged with focusing on innovations and are also

connected to operations to assist in making the innovations a reality. Finally,

bottlenecks to innovation must be removed more quickly, through a constant

review of new ideas and the conscientious application of solutions to remove

any barriers to such new thinking. Innovate rapidly or die is the mantra.

Trend 8. Rapidly Changing Industry and Market Boundaries

Falling trade barriers are redefining markets globally, while technology

advances and other factors are blurring lines between industries like

entertainment and telecommunications. Competing in evolving global markets at

today's pace of innovation requires making rapid adjustments to capabilities and


Companies must continue to shorten the time between a merger or acquisition

and when that move begins generating value. Today, most companies' approach

to inorganic growth reflects the cottage industries of the 19th century. Just as
new product development and R&D have been industrialized in companies in

the past 25 years, the same must now occur for M&A and related capabilities.

This type of approach will no longer be reserved for companies like Cisco

Systems, BP and Novartis; instead, it will extend out to all companies.

Accelerate value through rapid acquisitions and divestitures.

Trend 9: A Growing Public Demand for More Corporate Transparency

and Better Governance and Accountability

Calls for stricter accounting and reporting standards and more transparency are

coming not just from regulators but from employees and shareholders as well.

Shareholders are also now routinely pressing companies about their

environmental records, hiring and firing practices, fair trade policies and

charitable contributions. A number of online business practices have come under

public scrutiny as well. Even companies less vulnerable to these possible actions

will face an increasing need to conduct themselves in accordance with emerging

national and global standards. It is better to transform the governance mindset

from compliance to value creation.

High performers will increasingly be those that see governance not merely as a

set of operating restrictions but also as a means to create value. Consider Brazil,

Latin America's biggest economy. In 2000, the Brazilian stock market was

suffering from slow growth in new listings. Institutional investors met with

Brazilian officials to help them explore how new approaches to corporate

governance could stimulate the economy by raising investor confidence levels.

BOVESPA, the S?o Paolo stock exchange, responded by creating a new listing

segment, in which participating companies would have to meet more stringent

standards of corporate governance.

Trend 10: An Explosion of the Life Sciences Economy

Recent discoveries, including the sequencing of the human genome, advances in

information technology, and demographic trends such as aging populations

throughout the industrialized world, are stimulating health spending and growth

in the life sciences economy, or "bioeconomy." Driving the leading edge of the

health care industry, and health care spending, in the next few years will be

consumer demand for "personalized medicine." As a consequence, one of the

biggest trends in life sciences is "pharmacogenomics"--treatments tailored not

just to individual need or disease but also to individual genetic makeup. Drugs

are already available for groups of people sharing a genetic profile.

Herceptin, for example, is a breast cancer drug designed for the approximately

25 percent of breast cancer sufferers who overproduce one particular gene.

Another drug, Gleevec, is for the roughly 5,000 patients in the United States

diagnosed each year with chronic myeloid leukemia, which means they have a

genetic variation that causes an overproduction of white blood cells.

But it won't be simply the obvious players--pharmaceuticals companies and

health care providers--that leverage opportunities of the bio-economy going

forward. Implications extend to many industries, including insurance,

agribusiness, food and consumer products. Each will find opportunity in the

demand for better health and fitness that comes with the growing affluence of

populations. Even telecommunications providers can benefit from this trend.

Too far-fetched? With the advent of television programming delivered using

Internet technologies--also called IPTV--telemedicine solutions will grow in

importance. Such solutions would enable, for example, a physician to make an

interactive virtual house call to consult directly with the homebound elderly.

The imperatives and action steps listed here can be, are daunting when taken in

one dose. Yet most businesses will not feel the effects of all of these trends

immediately or simultaneously. By mobilizing the appropriate executives and,
most important, the best-suited program managers and change agents to address

each imperative individually, companies will successfully begin the journey of

evolving both their vision and their business strategy. High performers know

that the future does not come all at once. With vision, but also with rigorous

planning, successful companies will embody the observation of the late historian

Will Durant--that the future never just happens; it is created.

1.4 Summary:

Globalization affects all sizes and types of organizations. Workforce diversity

requires managers to recongnize and acknowledge employee differences.

Entrepreneurship is important to societies around the world and all types and

sizes of organizations will need to be entrepreneurial to be successful.

Managers need to recognize the realities of an e-world, whether as an e-business

enhanced, e-business enabled, or total e-business organization. Successful

organizations will need to be innovative and flexible, and managers will need to

encourage innovation and flexibility. Managers who emphasize quality

management processes are committed to continuous improvement of work

activities. Managers will need to foster the development of learning

organizations and cultivate a knowledge management culture. Finally,

managers will have to recognize the importance of maintaining work-life


1.5 Glossary:


The Internet (also known simply as the Net) can be briefly understood as "a

network of networks". Specifically, it is the worldwide, publicly accessible

network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data. It consists of

millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and governmental networks,

which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail,
online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other documents of

the world wide web.


Demographics is a shorthand term for 'population characteristics'. Demographics

include race, age, income, mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of

vehicles available), educational attainment, home ownership, employment

status, and even location. Distributions of values within a demographic variable,

and across households, are both of interest, as well as trends over time.

Demographics are primarily used in economic and marketing research.


The classic definitions of innovation include:

1. the process of making changes to something established by introducing

something new

2. the act of introducing something new: something newly introduced (The

American Heritage Dictionary).

3. the introduction of something new. (Merriam-Webster Online)

4. a new idea, method or device. (Merriam-Webster Online)

5. the successful exploitation of new ideas (Dept of Trade and Industry,


6. change that creates a new dimension of performance Peter Drucker

(Hesselbein, 2002)

In the organisational context, innovation may be linked to performance and

growth through improvements in efficiency, productivity, quality, competitive

positioning, market share, etc. All organisations can innovate, including for

example hospitals, universities, and local governments.

While innovation typically adds value, innovation may also have a negative or

destructive effect as new developments clear away or change old organizational
forms and practices. Organisations that do not innovate effectively may be

destroyed by those that do.


The term Telemedicine is the delivery of medicine at a distance. The term is

composed of the Greek word (tele) meaning 'far', and medicine.

Telemedicine may be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case

over the telephone, or as complex as using satellite technology and video-

conferencing equipment to conduct a real-time consultation between medical

specialists in two different countries. It can also involve the use of an unmanned

robot. Telemedicine generally refers to the use of communications and

information technologies for the delivery of clinical care.

Wiki software:

Wiki software is a type of collaborative software that runs a Wiki system. This

typically allows web pages to be created and edited using a common web

browser. It is usually implemented as a server-side script that runs on one or

more web servers, with the content generally stored in a relational database

management system, although some implementations use the server's file


1.6 Self Assessment Questions

1. Organizations at least have to follow trends if not create them Comment.

2. Explain various trends that may affect business organizations worldwide.

3. Discuss the challenges and opportunities that are existed for the global

business organizations.

1.22 Further Readings

Financial Dailies:

9. The Economic Times

10. Business Standard

11. Business Line
12. The Financial Express

Business Magazines:

13. Business World

14. Business India

15. Business Today

16. Outlook Money

17. Business & Economy

Lesson 4:

International Management ? Ideas and Insights


After studying this lesson you should be able to:

To provide basic ideas and insights about the international business practices
To observe the trends that influence the management of global company
To understand how Indian companies internationalizing their operations

through examples


1.23 Introduction

1.24 Executive take on the top business trends

1.25 Response of Corporations

1.26 Summary

1.27 Glossary

1.28 Self Assessment Questions

1.29 Further Readings

The prime objective of this lesson is to provide basic ideas and insights of

international business practices to the self-learner. What are the top trends

influencing business organizations and how managers of global companies are

responding to them forms the core of this lesson. We also see how companies

adapting to the new situation with examples from Indian and foreign


1.2. Executives take on the top business trends:

Consulting firm McKinsey conducted a global survey with executives of MNCs

regarding top business trends. Executives report an accelerating pace of change

in an increasingly competitive business environment, driven by knowledge and

information trends and the forces of globalization. In brief the findings of the

survey are as follows;

Executives see innovation and the free flow of information as the primary

drivers of ever-faster change in the business world.

Eighty-five percent describe their own business environment as more

competitive than it was five years ago, largely because of the improved

capabilities of their competitors and growth in the number of low-cost


Executives predict that future profitability will depend most on knowledge

and information trends and the forces of globalization.

Executives say that their companies are better prepared to cope with core

risks in their own industries than with general threats such as a pandemic or

natural disaster.

The following sub sections describe the findings of the survey in detail.

1.2.1. Forces shaping the business environment:

Executives around the world see innovation and the free flow of information as

the primary drivers of an accelerating pace of change in the global business
environment. At the same time, executives continue to confront familiar and

powerful forces that bear the unmistakable signature of an emerging global

market--plentiful, cheap, and mobile capital; expanded access to talent and

labor pools; and a reduction in trade barriers. The survey findings paint a picture

of an increasingly competitive business world, characterized by great

opportunity and risk. But while executives appear to have opportunities at the

front of their minds, they may be underrating some of the equally great risks

involved. The respondents cited a broad range of factors that they see as

contributing most to the accelerating pace of change. Of these, innovation in

products, services, and business models as well as the greater ease of obtaining

information and developing knowledge figure most prominently, with 41

percent of the responses.

Against the backdrop of accelerating change, 85 percent of respondents describe

the business environment in which their companies operate as "more

competitive" (45 percent) or "much more competitive" (40 percent) than it was

five years ago. The intensity is increasing for small as well as big companies,

and in all industries. Executives report notable differences, however. Judging by

the responses, telecommunications is the toughest industry: more than six in ten

of its representatives see it as much more competitive. At the other end of the

scale is the business services industry: just over three in ten of its representatives

say their industry is much more competitive, and marginally less than half view

it as more competitive. While the executives clearly agree that competitive

intensity is increasing within their industries, they have differing takes on which

factor contributes most to this development. Close to 25 percent single out the

improved capabilities of their competitors--as measured by knowledge and

talented employees, for instance--and almost as many note a growing number

of low-cost competitors. Opinions about the competitive challenges differ by

industry. More than one-third of heavy-industry representatives, as opposed to
just one in ten in financial services, single out low-cost competitors as the most

important factor. Telecom executives are almost twice as likely as respondents

from other industries to be concerned about innovative market entrants.

Managers in health care view regulatory changes as the most important factor

behind growing competition in their industry

1.2.2. Trends to watch:

To a large degree, the global business landscape is shaped by macroeconomic,

social and environmental, and business trends. Correctly anticipating their future

impact on global business and on the profitability of individual companies can

enable companies to succeed by riding the currents rather than swimming

against them. Respondents rate two macroeconomic trends namely the growing

number of consumers in emerging economies and the shift of economic activity

between and within regions and the business trend of greater ease of obtaining

information and developing knowledge will be most important for global

business during the next five years. However, when assessing the impact on the

profitability of their own company, they place this business trend first and rate a

related social development (the increasing communication and interaction in

business and social realms due to technological innovation) almost as highly as

the two macroeconomic trends. The result appears to reinforce this survey's

findings about the growing role of information and knowledge in driving the

pace of change and shaping the global business environment. A significant

finding about another important trend--increasingly global labor and talent

markets--is that it ranks somewhat higher than average in India and North

America as well as in the IT and business services industries. Notably,

executives expect most of the ten trends to be substantially more important to

global business overall than to the profitability of individual companies. A

significant exception is the application of scientific techniques and approaches

to business management.
1.2.3. Preparing for risk:

Managing risks will be one of the keys to corporate success in a fast-moving,

increasingly competitive, and global economy. Yet only three respondents in ten

report that their companies have taken active steps to prepare for any one of the

following scenarios that could harm virtually any company: a pandemic, a

natural disaster, or increased geopolitical instability, such as terrorism. The state

of preparedness is significantly higher for what appear to be core risks in

individual industries. Around 70 percent of executives in health care, financial

services, and telecommunications say that their company has taken active steps

to prepare for major regulatory changes. More than half of the respondents in the

health care industry report preparations for pandemics (for example, avian flu or

SARS). In heavy industry, 65 percent of executives say their company is

prepared for significant shortages or steep increases in the price of raw

materials. Generally speaking, bigger companies are better prepared than

smaller companies. At companies with annual revenues of less than $1 billion,

more than 20 percent of respondents report that their company has not prepared

for any such risks. At companies with annual revenues of more than $1 billion,

less than 5 percent were equally unprepared.

1.2.4. Planning ahead

A long-term strategic-planning process can be a powerful tool for identifying

growth opportunities and external risks. Asked how their strategic planning is

organized, executives revealed significant differences between small and big

companies. Those at companies with annual revenues of more than $1 billion

have a process that takes place at more levels of the organization and has a

longer time horizon. When executives are probed about what strategic planning

achieves at their companies, an interesting divergence emerges. C-level

executives are more confident than their lower-ranking counterparts that the

process results in concrete measures. Top executives also emphasize the
effectiveness of their company's strategic planning in identifying new

opportunities for growth. Others, in turn, underline its role in the annual

budgeting process.

1.3 Response of Corporations:

In the following sub sections we have given the responses of Indian and global

organizations the way they are responding to the changes through examples.

1.3.1. MNC fast food chains go `local':

After almost a decade in the our country, transnational fast food retail chains

like KFC, McDonald`s, Domino`s, Pizza Hut and others are re-learning

marketing lessons and segmenting their product portfolio to capture Indian

consumers across diverse income levels and lifestyles. The strategy is an attempt

by top food retailers to tone up profit margins with a multi-layered product

portfolio that addresses the aspirational need of consumers willing to splurge

while meeting the basic requirement at the bottom end. Retailers have

intensified the localisation of products to cater to the Indian demand of your

kind of place but our kind of food` and wooing consumers to shift from the

unorganised to organised outlets. Globally too, profit worries have led to food

retailers moving away from a pure volume-focused strategy.

We have learnt that while Indian consumers like our ambience, the food has to

meet their local tastes. A consumer in an urban setting is as value-seeking as a

consumer in a non-urban market like Ludhiana is willing to splurge. We have

therefore adopted a multi-layered marketing strategy. The attempt is to have a

multi-dimensional approach of meeting the needs of a Karol Bagh shopkeeper, a

Tamilian diner or a Gujarati businessman while meeting the demands of a globe

traveller, said Mr.Arvind Mediratta, chief marketing officer (Indian

subcontinent) of Yum! Restaurants International, which owns KFC, Pizza Hut,

Taco Bell and other food chains. Companies are learning that local needs and

global brand images do not necessarily function on mutually exclusive terms.
KFC has introduced a range that offers a complete meal to value-seeking Indian

consumers on regular days. The company tweaks its basket to launch

aspirational food products, combining it with entertainment to attract, during

weekends, consumers who are willing to splurge. Pizza Hut, for instance, has

beefed up its delivery model by customising offerings to replace home meals

and offering international, Indian fusion and value-meal products to target

various consumer requirements.

Similarly, in line with global trends, McDonald`s is addressing the need to tone

up profit margins by moving away from focusing only on the value-meal

segment and offering products to health-conscious consumers. The outlet today

offers Indianised products like the paneer salsa wrap or a McAloo Tikki. The

focus is on having a high margin portfolio, at the same time, chasing volumes

with another range of products.

Company officials said it was crucial that the brand addressed various consumer

needs and is not seen merely as a children`s brand. Apart from offering the

Happy Meal for children, the brand is changing strategies to accommodate wider

consumer requirements. McDonald`s low prices and taste factors have been its

main attractions while KFC`s unique selling proposition (USP) has been its

specialty chicken fare. Food retailers say they protect the brand`s global ethos

by ensuring that 60% of the offerings are international while 40% is tweaked to

meet local tastes.

1.3.2. Godrej Consumer buys Rapidol's South Africa unit

Godrej Consumer Products has entered into an agreement for the acquisition of

the South African hair color business of the UK-based Rapidol, as well as its

subsidiary Rapidol international which had as combined turnover of 52 million

South African Rand (Rs 33 crore), for an undisclosed amount. The company

proposes to facilitate the acquisition through a 100 per cent cash deal, subject to
regulatory approvals. Acquisition gives company entry into large ethnic hair

colour markets

Godrej Consumer Products, in a release to the Bombay Stock Exchange, stated

that the acquisition gives the company an entry into a large ethnic hair color

market through a profit making company. The South African deal will not only

augment its top line and bottom line, which in turn will enhance stakeholder

value, but also provides the company an opportunity to acquire the Inecto and

Sofelene trademarks that would allow the company much larger territorial rights

over the brand equities and the combined entity will be in a position to create

value at a faster pace. It will also provide a springboard for the introduction of

the company`s products in South Africa and other African countries, the

company said in the release.

Rapidol South Africa owns Inecto that is an internationally known brand, which

enjoys a reputation of being a safe and affordable hair colourant with consumers

across South Africa and the African continent. Inecto is distributed across

Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, The Democratic Republic of Congo,

Swaziland, Ghana, Gabon, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mauritius,

Seychelles and Madagascar mainly through the cash and carry route.

Additionally, Godrej also proposes to introduce some of its products such as hair

colors, FairGlow and Evita, viewed to enjoy a significant potential, in the

African market. The company proposes to drive further value from the

transaction by leveraging its high-quality low-cost manufacturing skills to

considerably improve the South African offering.

Adi Godrej, chairman and managing director said; This transaction is

consistent with our endeavour to build a strong personal and household care

business both in India and across the globe, especially in Hair Colors. Rapidol

South Africa is a profit making company that manufactures and markets

premium hair colourants in the African market. Godrej added that the brands
would widen its portfolio of hair colourant and hair care offerings and give the

company access to the large and growing African market. We also propose to

introduce some of our own products there, via Rapidol`s established distribution

network. This is our second international acquisition in less than a year and

reflects our aggressive growth focus. We will continue to pursue value

enhancing inorganic and organic growth opportunities both in India and

overseas, he said. The South African acquisition comes on the back of Godrej

Consumer`s acquisition of UK-based Keyline Brands in October 2005, which

was the first international acquisition by Godrej Consumer. Currently, the group

is also looking at expanding its presence to other countries in the East

particularly China.

1.3.3. In India, it's a brand new way

What do you do when you are a leading MNC and want to tap into the Indian

consumer market? Look at how the second best global brands have executed

their India strategy.

While global market leaders have proven to be flat-footed and bookish, brands

like Reebok, LG, Hyundai and Lee have stolen a march over their arch-rivals by

burning the book and thinking on their feet. Most MNC companies are run by a

global manual, but those succeeded in India have shredded this manual and

taken the 'when in India, go local' approach and developed on local consumer

insight to chart their strategy, reasons marketing consultant Harish Bijoor,

CEO, Harish Bijoor Consults. Consider Lee. When it entered India in 1995,

there was a very nascent market for branded apparel, much less premium jeans

wear. Premium brands like Levi's chose to play it safe by using the multi-brand

outlet route, but Lee chose to go it alone and set up exclusive showrooms.

According to market watchers, Levi's suffered from a brand perception problem

because it was clubbed with non-premium brands.

Further, Arvind Brands, which owns the licence for Lee in India, decided to

retain ownership of operations for Lee. According to Chakor Jain, head

(business development, Lee), Arvind Brands, Exclusive showrooms and

owning the operations added to our costs. However, it also added to the overall








When Reebok came to India in 1995, it forged alliances with health clubs and

fitness centres to create brand awareness. When the retail market matured,

Reebok changed focus. Says Subhinder Sing Prem, MD, Reebok India, On the

retail front, we went about opening up new markets beginning with metros and

large cities, we swiftly moved into tier II and III towns.

To further establish its brand, Reebok signed up Indian cricketers, while Nike

continued showing its international advertisements in Indian media. Today,

Reebok has a exclusive retail presence through 400 plus outlets, second only to

Bata, while Nike lags behind. LG's is the proverbial 'third time lucky' story.

After two failed joint ventures, it made a re-entry into the Indian market in 1998

all by itself. The other chaebols were on their way here, too, while Phillips and

Sony were already well-established. LG began with a rapid national roll-out,

mass customisation and products adapted specifically for Indian markets. It also

kept its dealers happy with a wide portfolio and allowed them to cut sweet deals.

Our success in India can be attributed to our ability to focus on empowering

people, profit-driven market presence and being an open organisation, with just

about all employees having access to the company's finances, says LG India's

MD, KR Kim. Today, with over Rs 7,500 crore in sales, LG leads in almost all

the categories in consumer durables. When Hyundai, with a name prone to mis-

pronounciation and virtually no global heritage, entered India in 1998, it signed

up Shah Rukh Khan to educate the consumers about the brand.

Behind the scenes, the company resorted to extensive market studies and
technical camps before coming up with its first offering, Santro, a hatchback

with tall boy design. And it had chosen its market well, starting with the small

car. To date, Hyundai has stayed true to its strategy and played by the

conventional Indian market rules tailored to suit its specific targets.

1.3.4. Farex to acquire a new taste

A Rs.250-crore brand a few years back, Farex has now slipped to less than

Rs.10 crore. So a few eyebrows were raised when Wockhardt announced its

acquisition of the baby food brand last week. But Wockhardt says it has a few

plans up its sleeve to reposition the brand in a big way. That includes changing

its look and flavour. The in-house spraydry milk processing technology will

come in handy for Wockhardt in adding a dash of fresh milk`s taste in bland

Farex. It may even launch Farex in different flavours to tingle the baby palate.

This will be done to regain the lost market shares. Market research showed that

babies do not like the taste of the 50-year old infant nutrition product, and seem

to prefer Nestle`s Cerelac, which is the leader in this segment. For Farex,

Wockhardt will be its third owner. The brand had changed hands twice earlier ?

first, when the original owner, Glaxo, sold it to the ketchup major Heinz India

almost a decade ago. Subsequently, the brand moved from Heinz to Dumex

India, which was acquired by the UK-based Royal Numico in 2004. Wockhardt

had last week announced the acquisition of this brand along with another

medical nutritional brand Protinex in a deal, which involves takeover of Dumex

India, a company owned by the UK-based Royal Numico.

Besides the two heritage brands with over 50 years of brand equity, Wockhardt

inherits a strong sales and marketing organisation with 235 personnel with this

deal. The acquisition follows Royal Numico`s decision to exit India and focus

on China and other markets. Royal Numico move to exit India comes less than

a year after it acquired Farex from Heinz and at a time when the company was
setting up a Rs 100-crore plus modern manufacturing facility for nutritional

supplement products. Under the agreement, Royal Numico will also offer

technical know-how to Wockhardt for the manufacture of specialised sugar-free

infant food products currently marketed in India and internationally, under its

brand names Dulac and Dupro. These brands are fast gaining acceptance in the

Indian market.

1.3.5. Future Beholds A Global Corp

Infosys Technologies, as it rings In Its 25th Anniversary this year is uniquely

positioned to take the Global Delivery Model it has perfected, to the next level.

INFOSYS CEO Nandan Nilekani is rather fond of saying the model of the

future is yet to emerge, with reference to IT services companies. Implicit in the

statement is the assumption, more rather the belief, that if Infosys were to play

its cards right, it will have a better shot at defining the new global standard than

anybody else, local or global. Nobody can accuse Infosys or its iconic founders

of thinking small. The logic being that it takes the same amount of energy and

time to think big as small!.

Infosys, as it rings in its 25th anniversary, is uniquely positioned to take the

model it has almost perfected, to the next level. It is a given that IT services as

they were historically delivered by companies like EDS, CSC, IBM Global

Services, is history. All of them, IBM being the most aggressive, have

embraced the virtues of offshoring and of the global delivery model. In the

meantime Indian IT services like Infosys who led the offshoring charge and

brought about a paradigm shift in the industry are building the front ends in the

US and other western markets and beefing up their consulting arms.

Infosys is betting that going from top to bottom as the big American companies

are doing (from a high-cost platform with expensive consultants to a low cost

platform), will prove to be more disruptive for the balance sheets of those

companies than the reverse will be for Infosys and ilk. That is go from a solid
low cost model and build the costlier high end in the US and Europe. Some

might quibble with this theory, arguing that it is easier to set up people factories

in India and other low-cost destinations than to build a strong brand and front

end in the Western world. Infosys, of course, isn`t buying the toughness` of this

argument. The model of the future,` that Infosys wants to script to a large extent

depends on it emerging as a true global corporation. To its chairman and

talisman, NR Narayana Murthy, Infosys will be truly global when it will be able

to walk into the top campuses in the world and get the best talent from there to

work for it.

Infosys, as he points out, is already truly global in terms of its customers. As

over 90% of its revenues flow in from overseas, it follows that its clients are

outside of India. It now needs to get global in terms of employees, and

geographical presence. As K Dinesh, a co-founder of Infosys says: Our biggest

challenge will be to be a truly global company. Today, we are still very India

centric though we have 38 nationalities working with us. We need to be present

in all the continents and not just US and Europe. While the company has

local nationals on its sales team, it is now planning to set up HR hubs overseas

and increase the number of foreign nationals even in the delivery function. As

Infosys crosses the quarter century mark and aims for true blue MNC status,

another issue it needs to confront is, Who, after the founders?`

This is not an immediate concern as Nilekani at 51 has another seven years to

retirement. But with the rest of the promoters being in Nilekani`s age bracket, it

is essential for the company to groom the next tier, who at the moment aren`t

visible, publicly at least. Also, one might argue that the first 25 years were the

easy ones. The absolute ignorance about the IT sector meant that Infosys grew

to its current size is attracting very little attention from the political

establishment. But increasingly as its ambitious growth targets and need to

house its thousands of employees run smack into political forces who are
inimical to parting with land in boom towns like Bangalore, Infosys` ability to

tread the fine line will become critical.

1.3.6 Welspun wraps up UK's Christy

Welspun India today announced that acquisition of 85 per cent stake in CHT

Holdings, the promoters of UK`s leading towel brand Christy, for an enterprise

value of Rs 132.6 crore. The acquisition is in line with the company`s strategy

of emerging as one of the largest global home textile company by 2008. B K

Goenka, vice-chairman and managing director of Welspun India, said the

company had paid Rs 100 crore towards the acquisition. The company

mobilised Rs 40 crore from internal resources and took a loan of Rs 60 crore

from Bank of India. Standard Chartered Bank advised Welspun on the deal.

Following the announcement of the acquisition, the share price of Welspun

closed at Rs 87.70 on the BSE, 12.51 per cent higher over its previous Rs 77.95.

The balance 15 per cent stake will continue to be with CHT management.

Welspun will acquire the stake after three years. Both the parties shall be able to

exercise a put / call option after April 1, 2009. Rajesh Mandawewala, joint MD

of Welspun has been appointed as chairman of Christy. Founded in 1851,

Christy is the world`s oldest towel maker and enjoys 75 per cent share of the UK

market with an annual turnover of pound 35 million (nearly Rs 284 crore). It

invented the first loom to mechanically weave and the sole supplier to

Wimbledon Championship tennis towel. It supplies to retailers such as Mark

and Spencer`s and John Lewis in UK.

Goenka, said, We want to benefit from Christy`s product technology. Christy

also complements our recent initiatives to develop a more robust model

providing global consumers including the UK and US with contemporary

products for the home. The acquisition is expected to give Welspun an access

to UK and European markets and extend the Christy brand to domestic
consumers through Welspun retail. Welspun is expected to cross the $1 billion

mark at the end of the current financial year. Welspun said it would realign its

US distribution network with Christy`s own network. Joel Rosenblatt, CEO of

Christy, said the company expected to post a turnover of nearly Rs 338 crore

next year. Welspun is the largest terry towel producer in Asia and fourth largest

in the world.

1.3.7. Outsourcing is passe, companies now bet on Co - sourcing

New methods of outsourcing are today redefining the way of working. One

such way is co-sourcing which is an investment relationship marked by shared

objectives, shared risks and shared rewards between two companies, one of

which is a service provider. Specifically, the service provider would have to

help restructure the company and be willing to make new investments, while

driving out costs from the co-sourcing company`s existing ways working.

According to a joint case study by Accenture and Thomas Cook, the cosourcing

agreement between Accenture and Thomas Cook, UK and Ireland has helped

Thomas Cook to improve operations and reduce costs. The study notes that due

to the alliance, Thomas Cook has been able to save ?140 million ($243.72

million) in 16 months.

The more recent expansion of services at Accenture`s delivery centre

capabilities has resulted in an additional 30% savings. The study notes that

under a 10-year arrangement, Accenture transitioned approximately 60% of the

shared services workload, including functional areas such as application

management, accounting operations, payroll help desk and training

administration, to its delivery centre in Bangalore. The remaining shared

services resources focused on more strategic activities, including IT operations,

reporting and payroll processing. The term was able to migrate the majority of
the work in six months, and completed the transition in 11 months with all

transition goals met on time and on budget.

Accenture had initially collaborated with Thomas Cook UK and Ireland to share

a 10-year co-sourcing arrangement. The main component of this agreement was

a cost-effective shared services centre co-located in Peterborough, United

Kingdom. Accenture and Thomas Cook designed the shared services centre to

be a multi-process centre covering all the services under one roof. According to

Carl Dawson, Thomas Cook UK and Ireland`s IT director, We knew that co-

sourcing would enable us to create a single administrative focus, with a single

set of information systems under the management of experts. In addition, the

arrangement would free Thomas Cook UK from non-strategic functions,

allowing it to propel its business forward. To support the shared services

model, Accenture transferred nearly 400 Thomas Cook employees to Accenture.

Accenture also collaborated with Thomas Cook to develop a single, integrated

SAP platform for the entire business. Given the cost savings and other benefits,

co-sourcing can well be the new model for outsourcing allowing both parties to

retain stake.

1.4 Summary:

In future we will see the emergence of economic domains, which have no regard

to borders. The world is reorganising itself around economic domains.

Celebrated futurist John Naisbitt spoke about globalisation long before anyone

did in the 1980s. He predicted the rise of China and Asia in 1996, much before

the now famous Goldman Sach`s BRIC report. In his latest book Mind Set he

has given eleven mindsets which may help global business managers to have

better perspective of global trends. He mentioned that the compulsion to be right

is the enemy of creativity and growth. Organizations should not worry about

wrong decisions. They should learn from their mistakes. The success as well as
failure stories have to be documented and should be shared among different

divisions, entities, subsidiaries, etc., One of the key mindsets is that you get

results not by solving problems but by seeking opportunities. Problem solvers

are necessarily dealing with yesterday. Most of the business organizations are

responding proactively to the changes in the international business environment

and reaping rich benefits.

1.5 Glossary:

BRIC Report This report is prepared by Goldman Sach an international

financial and consulting firm. In it they mentioned countries such as Brazil,

Russia, India and China will become major economies and alter the structure of

international business.

Chaebols: South Korean business conglomerates popularly known as chaebols.

Cosourcing: Which is an investment relationship marked by shared objectives,

shared risks and shared rewards between two companies, one of which is a

service provider.

1.6 Self Assessment Questions:

1. Describe briefly the findings of McKinsey Global survey of executives on

top business trends.

2. Give two example of how Indian companies are approaching the

internationalization of their businesses.

3. Explain with examples how global companies are localizing their business

strategies to suit Indian market conditions.

1.7 Further Readings:

Financial Dailies:

18. The Economic Times

19. Business Standard

20. Business Line

21. The Financial Express

Business Magazines:

22. Business World

23. Business India

24. Business Today

25. Outlook Money

Lesson 5:

International Management ? Schools of Thought


After studying this lesson you should be able to:

To understand the concepts of international management
To study traditional theories of International Trade
To know modern competitive models of international business


1.30 Introduction

1.31 International Trade Theories

1.32 Alternative Theories

1.33 Competitive Models of International Business

1.34 Summary

1.35 Glossary

1.36 Self Assessment Questions

1.37 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction;

International business activity is not new. The transfer of goods and services

across national borders has been taking place for thousands of years. Since the

end of World War II, however, international business has undergone a

revolution. Contemporary business is characterized by growing globalization.

Globalization refers to the process of internationalization, typical of open

economies. There are different theories which explain how and why MNCs

come up, in what direction they are moving or when they will take a definite

form, etc., Let us discuss briefly these theories in the following sections.

1.2 International Trade Theories:

Whenever a buyer and seller come together, each expects to gain something

from the other. The same expectation applies to nations that trade with each

other. It is virtually impossible for a country to be completely self-sufficient

without incurring undue costs. Therefore, trade becomes a necessary activity,

though in some cases trade does not always work to the advantage of the nations

involved. Virtually all governments feel political pressure when they experience

trade deficits. Too much emphasis is often placed on the negative effects of

trade, even though it is questionable whether such perceived disadvantages are

real or imaginary. The benefits of trade, in contrast, are not often stressed, nor

are well communicated to workers and consumers.

Why do nations trade? A nation trades because it expects to gain something

from its trading partner. One may ask whether trade is like a zero-sum game, in

the sense that one must lost so that another will gain. The answer is no, because

though one does not mind gaining benefits at someone else`s expense, on one

wants to engage in a transaction that includes a high risk of loss. For trade to

take place, both nations must anticipate gain from it. In other worlds, trade is a

positive sum game. In order to explain how gain is derived from trade, it is

necessary to examine a country`s production possibility curve. How absolute

and relative advantages affect trade options are based on the trading partners`

production possibility curves.

1.2.1. Production Possibility Curve

Without trade, a nation would have to produce all commodities by itself in order

to satisfy all its needs. Exhibit 1 shows a hypothetical example of a country

with a decision concerning the production of two products, computers and

automobiles. This graph shows the number of units of computer or automobile

the country is able to produce. The production possibility curve shows the
maximum number of units made when computers and automobiles are produced

in various combinations, since one product can be substituted for the other

within the limit of available resources. The country may elect to specialize or

put all its resources into making either computers (point A) or automobiles

(point B). At point C, product specialization has not been chosen, and thus a

specific number of each of the two products will be produced.

Because each country has a unique set of resources, each country possesses its

own unique production possibility curve. This curve, when analyzed, provides

an explanation of the logic behind international trade. Regardless of whether the

opportunity cost is constant or variable, a country must determine the proper

mix of any two products and must decide whether it wants to specialize in one

of the two. Specialization will likely occur if specialization allows the country

to improve its prosperity by trading with another nation. The principles of

absolute advantage and relative advantage explain how the production

possibility curve enables a country to determine what to export and what to


Exhibit 1

Production Possibility Curve: Constant Opportunity Cost


Units of





Units of Automobile
1.2.2. Mercantilism:

According to the philosophy of mercantilism prevalent in the sixteenth and

seventeenth centuries, nations should create and accumulate wealth through

trade, by maximizing net export surplus (exports minus imports). Accordingly

trade and commerce was deemed more important than manufacturing and

production. Several trading companies such as East India Company and Dutch

India Company started exploring and exploiting colonies like India in search of

raw materials and market for the finished goods of mother countries like

England and Holland. Thus, the then MNCs in the crudest form confined only to

trading initially and eventually tried to build an empire in the form of which

capitalism spread.

This theory emphasizes the responsibility of the state to protect and promote

national wealth by encouraging exports and limiting imports. Since wealth is

limited, trade between nations is a zero-sum game, so one country can only

benefit at the expense of another. Mercantilism was advocated by a number of

English, French and German writers, many of whom were merchants. Leading

Mercantilists included Gerald Malynes (1586-1641), Thomas Mun (1571-1623)

and John Locke (1632-1704). Mercantilists welcomed government involvement

in economic matters as a means of stimulating the creation of wealth, and

favored such policies as high-import tariffs, prohibition of bullion exports, and

exchange control.

1.2.3. Absolute advantage theory:

This model comes under classical economic model suggests the use of the

principles and policies of laissez faire to get the best out of a development

process. Extension of this philosophy from domestic to international transactions

implies that free-trade` is better than restricted trade` which is better than no-

trade`. The wealth of nations can grow only through free-trade between

countries based on the principle of Absolute Cost Advantage` or Comparative
Cost Advantage`. Either way, free trade will generate gains from trade`. As a

corollary, countries should encourage not only foreign trade, but also foreign


Absolute advantage theory of Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) was

an international trade history theory that asserted individuals or nations trade

because they have superior productivity in particular industries. Nations should

produce and export goods for which they possess an absolute advantage and

import others which other nations possess an absolute advantage for. A country

has an absolute advantage economically over another when it can produce

something more cheaply. Governments may attempt to counter absolute

advantage by erecting trade barriers, allowing young, uncompetitive, industries

enough time to become established. Adam Smith`s absolute advantage theory

was superseded by the comparative advantage approach.

1.2.4. Comparative Advantage:

The theory of comparative advantage explains why it can be beneficial for two

to trade, even though one of them may be able to produce every kind of item

more cheaply than the other. What matters is not the absolute cost of production,

but rather the ratio between how easily the two countries can produce different

kinds of things. The concept is highly important in modern international trade


Comparative advantage was first described by Robert Torrens in1815 in an

essay on the corn trade. He concluded that it was to England`s advantage to

trade various goods with Poland in return for corn, even though it might be

possible to produce that corn more cheaply in England than Poland. However,

the theory is usually attributed to David Ricardo, who explained it in greater

detail in his 1817 book The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation in an

example involving England and Portugal. In Portugal it is possible to produce

both wine and cloth with less work than it takes in England. However, the
relative costs of producing those two goods are different in the two countries. In

England it is very hard to produce wine, and only moderately difficult to

produce cloth. In Portugal both are easy to produce. Therefore, while it is

cheaper to produce cloth in Portugal than England, it is cheaper still for Portugal

to produce excess wine, and trade that for English cloth. Conversely, England

benefits from this trade because its cost for producing cloth has not changed but

it can now get wine at closer to the cost of cloth.

In simple words David Ricardo showed that a nation might properly import

goods it could make itself with a lower expenditure of labour as long as its

relative efficiency in making other exportable goods was greater. He suggested

that specialization, based on absolute cost advantage, would not be possible

because of the immobility of both capital and labour. However, the assumption

of this theory were questioned by many.

Critical Analysis of Ricardo's theory

Ricardo's principle relies on a variety of implicit assumptions that are debatable,

such as that there is no (or a low) cost for transportation, and that the advantages

of increased production outweigh externalities such as environmental

contamination or social inequities. Opponents of free trade often point out that

globalized communications and transportation unavailable in Ricardo's time

invalidate the assumption of capital immobility and cause capital to gravitate

toward absolute advantage. Another concern is that comparative advantage only

works when competition is absolutely perfect. It has also been argued that

comparative advantage may reduce economic diversity to risky levels. Advice to

diversify one's portfolio is allegedly generally applicable to economies also.

Some would dissent, however, and say that globalization has decreased

transportation costs and despite the increased movement of capital, differences

in capacities of production are still wide, in fact, usually the opponents of

globalization also claim that the gap is widening. As to perfect competition,
supporters of the theory claim that this could be achieved through universal free

trade, which although has not been achieved to date should be an active goal of

state leaders.

1.2.5. Heckscher-Ohlin Trade theory (1919):

First developed by Eli Heckscher (1879-1952) and later developed by fellow

Swedish economist Bertil Ohlin (1899-1979) in 1933, Heckscher-Ohlin trade

theory is a theory to explain the existence and pattern of international trade

based on a comparative cost advantage between countries producing different

goods. Heckscher and Ohlin state that this advantage exists because of the

relative resource endowments of the countries trading. Heckscher-Ohlin

identified the source of comparative advantage not just in labour costs but in

total factor-endowments` in different countries. A labour-abundant country

will specialize in the production of labour-intensive goods; a capital-abundant

country will specialize in the production of capital-intensive goods.

Accordingly, there will be trade between countries depending on their respective

factor-endowments. A labour-abundant country will export labour-intensive

goods, but import capital-intensive goods. However, the Russian-born American

economist Wassily Leontief (1906-1999) in 1954 examined US foreign trade

and found that US exports were more labor intensive and imports were more

capital intensive (the Leontief paradox). Where as we believe US is capital-

intensive rather than labour-abundant.

This generalization is based on the tacit assumption of factor immobility,

identical production functions, perfect competition, zero information costs,

absence of external economies of production, scale and norms of market

efficiency-all these conditions being obtained with the trading partners. On this

basis countries will enter international trade until it equalizes factor prices

between countries` (Samuelson). The major weakness of this model lies in the
unrealistic nature of the underlying assumptions. In particular, in today`s world,

factors like labour, capital and technology are mobile among the countries.

Therefore, empirical findings on flows of foreign capital, foreign technology,

foreign goods and services, foreign brand names across countries often negate

the proposition of this model.

1.2.6. Trade Theories ? Conclusion:

Trade theories, in spite of their usefulness, simply explain what nations should

do rather than describe what nations actually do. The desired trade pattern based

on those theories related to comparative advantage and factor endowment often

deviates significantly from the actual trade practice. It is thus necessary to

modify the theories to account for the divergence caused by extraneous

variables. Industrial nations` high-income levels for instance may foster a

preference for high-quality products that least developed countries (LDCs) may

be unable to supply. Furthermore, trade restrictions, a norm rather than an

exception, heavily influence the extent and direction of trade, and any

investigation is not complete without taking tariffs, quotas, and other trade

barriers into consideration. Perhaps the most serious problem with classical

trade theories is their failure to incorporate marketing activities into the analysis.

It is inappropriate to assume that consumers` tastes are homogeneous across

national markets and that such tastes can be largely satisfied by commodities

that are homogeneous. Marketing activities such as distribution and promotion

add more value to a product, the success of the product is often determined by

the planning and execution of such activities.

In theory, the more different two countries are, the more they stand to gain by

trading with each other. There is no reason why a country should want to trade

with another that is a mirror image of itself. However, a look at world trade
casts some doubt on the validity of classical trade theories. Developed countries

trade more among themselves than with developing countries.

1.3.1. Alternative Models:

This section outlines a brief view of alternative models, which also influence the

major international business decisions.

1.3.1: Theory of International Product life cycle:

Long-term patterns of international trade are influenced by product innovation

and subsequent diffusion. A country that produces technically superior goods

will sell these first to its domestic market, then to other technically advanced

countries. In time, developing countries will import and later manufacture these

goods, by which stage the original innovator will have produced new products.

The international product life cycle (IPLC) theory, developed by Vernon and

others economists to explain trade in a context of comparative advantage,

describes the diffusion of an innovation across national boundaries. The life

cycle begins when a developed country, having a new product to satisfy

consumer needs, wants to exploit its technological breakthrough by selling

abroad. Other advanced nations soon start up their own production facilities, and

before long LDC`s do the same. Efficiency / comparative advantage shifts from

developed countries to developing nations. Finally, advanced nations, no longer

cost-effective, import products from their former customers. The moral of this

process could be that an advanced nation becomes a victim of its own creation.

The international product life cycle can be defined as market life span stages the

product goes through in international markets sequentially, simultaneously or

asynchronously. The sequential stages are introduction, growth, maturity,

decline and extinction in the international markets. When a product is positioned

in different international markets at the same time and is going through similar

life cycle stages, the cycle process is simultaneous. The life cycle stages are
asynchronous when the product is in different stages in different international

markets at the same time. The life cycle stage in which a product can be

positioned is influenced by macro variables indigenous to country markets.

Stanton and others cite examples of this phenomenon. Steel-belted auto radial

tires had reached the saturation level in Western Europe when they were being

discovered by the U.S. market. Thus it was in the maturity stage in Western

Europe and introductory stage in the United States.

1.3.2. Technological gap theory:

Technological gap theory proposes that changes in international trade are

dictated by the relative technological sophistication of countries. Some nations,

such as the US or Japan, have a competitive trade advantage because of their

ability to innovate. Over time, other countries will bridge a particular gap

although the really innovative will have opened others.

1.3.3. Diamond Model ? Competitive Advantage of Nations

The Diamond model of Michael Porter for the Competitive Advantage of

Nations offers a model that can help understand the competitive position of a

nation in global competition. This model can also be used for other major

geographic regions.

Traditionally, economic theory mentions the following factors for comparative

advantage for regions or countries:

A. Land

B. Location

C. Natural resources (minerals, energy)

D. Labor, and

E. Local population size.
Because these factor endowments can hardly be influenced, this fits in a rather

passive (inherited) view towards national economic opportunity.

Exhibit 5.2

Porter's Diamond Model for Competitive Advantage of Nations:




Structure and rivalry







Supporting Industries

Porter says sustained industrial growth has hardly ever been built on above

mentioned basic inherited factors. Abundance of such factors may actually
undermine competitive advantage! He introduced a concept of "clusters," or

groups of interconnected firms, suppliers, related industries, and institutions that

arise in particular locations.

As a rule Competitive Advantage of nations has been the outcome of 4

interlinked advanced factors and activities in and between companies in these

clusters. These can be influenced in a pro-active way by government.

These interlinked advanced factors for Competitive Advantage for countries or

regions in Porters Diamond framework are:

1. Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry (The world is dominated by

dynamic conditions, and it is direct competition that impels firms to work for

increases in productivity and innovation)

2. Demand Conditions (The more demanding the customers in an economy,

the greater the pressure facing firms to constantly improve their

competitiveness via innovative products, through high quality, etc)

3. Related Supporting Industries (Spatial proximity of upstream or

downstream industries facilitates the exchange of information and promotes

a continuous exchange of ideas and innovations)

4. Factor Conditions (Contrary to conventional wisdom, Porter argues that the

"key" factors of production (or specialized factors) are created, not inherited.

Specialized factors of production are skilled labour, capital and

infrastructure. "Non-key" factors or general use factors, such as unskilled

labor and raw materials, can be obtained by any company and, hence, do not

generate sustained competitive advantage. However, specialized factors

involve heavy, sustained investment. They are more difficult to duplicate.

This leads to a competitive advantage, because if other firms cannot easily

duplicate these factors, they are valuable).

The role of government in Porter's Diamond Model is "acting as a catalyst and

challenger; it is to encourage - or even push - companies to raise their

aspirations and move to higher levels of competitive performance. They must

encourage companies to raise their performance, stimulate early demand for

advanced products, focus on specialized factor creation and to stimulate local

rivalry by limiting direct cooperation and enforcing anti-trust regulations.

Porter introduced this model in his book: The Competitive Advantage of

Nations, after having done research in ten leading trading nations. The book was

the first theory of competitiveness based on the causes of the productivity with

which companies compete instead of traditional comparative advantages such as

natural resources and pools of labour.

1.4. Competitive Models of International Business

The following section deals with models of contemporary nature and very useful

for strategy formulation of MNCs.

1.4.1. Core competency

The concept of core competencies was developed in the management field.

C.K.Prahalad and Gary Hamel introduced the concept in a 1990 Harvard

Business Review article. They wrote that a core competency is "an area of

specialized expertise that is the result of harmonizing complex streams of

technology and work activity." As an example they gave Honda`s expertise in

engines. Honda was able to exploit this core competency to develop a variety of

quality products from lawn mowers and snow blowers to trucks and

automobiles. To take an example from the automotive industry, it has been

claimed that Volvo`s core competence is safety. A company's core competency

are things that a firm can do well and that meet the following three conditions;

1. It provides customer benefits,

2. It is hard for competitors to imitate, and
3. it can be leveraged widely to many products and markets.

A core competency can take various forms, including technical / subject matter

know how, a reliable process, and/or close relationships with customers and

suppliers. It may also include product development or culture such as employee

dedication. Modern business theories suggest that most activities that are not

part of a company's core competency should be outsourced. If a core

competency yields a long term advantage to the company, it is said to be a

sustainable competitive advantage.

Ever since this concept is introduced in the 1990`s many researchers have tried

to highlight and further illuminate the meaning of core competence. According

to Leonard-Barton, D. Capabilities are considered core if they differentiate a

company strategically. On the other hand Galunic and Rodan (1998) argue that

a core competence differentiates not only between firms but also inside a firm

it differentiates amongst several competencies. In other words, a core

competency guides a firm recombining its competencies in response to demands

from the environment.

It is important to distinguish between individual competencies or capabilities

and core competencies. Individual capabilities stand-alone and are generally

considered in isolation. Gallon, Stillman, and Coates (1995) made it explicit that

core competencies are more than the traits of individuals. They defined core

competencies as "aggregates of capabilities, where synergy is created that has

sustainable value and broad applicability." That synergy needs to be sustained in

the face of potential competition and, as in the case of engines, must not be

specific to one product or market. So according to this definition, core

competencies are harmonized, intentional constructions. Coyne, Hall, and

Clifford (1997) proposed that "a core competence is a combination of

complementary skills and knowledge bases embedded in a group or team that
results in the ability to execute one or more critical processes to a world class

standard." Two ideas are especially important here. The skills or knowledge

must be complementary, and taken together they should make it possible to

provide a superior product."

For example, Black and Decker`s core technological competency is in 200 to

600 W electric motors. All of their products are modifications of this basic

technology (with the exception of their work benches, flash lights, battery

charging systems, toaster ovens, and coffee percolators). They produce products

for three markets;

1. the home workshop market - In the home workshop market, small

electric motors are used to produce drills, circular saws, sanders, routers,

rotary tools, polishers, and drivers.

2. the home cleaning and maintenance market - In the home cleaning and

maintenance market, small electric motors are used to produce dust busters,


3. kitchen appliance market. In the kitchen appliance market, small electric

motors are used to produce can openers, food processors, blenders, bread

makers, and fans.

1.4.2. Sustainable Competitive Advantage:

Sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) A company that is more profitable

than its rivals is exploiting some form of competitive advantage. The benchmark

for profitability is the company's cost of capital. To consistently make profits in

excess of its cost of capital - economic rent - the company must possess some

form of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) to derive firm specific

distinctive strategic positioning.

A firm possesses a SCA when it has value creating processes and positions that

cannot be duplicated or imitated by other firms that lead to the production of

above normal rents. A SCA is different from a competitive advantage (CA) in

that it provides a long-term advantage that is not easily replicated. However,

these above normal rents can attract new entrants who drive down economic

rents. A CA is a position a firm attains that lead to above normal rents or a

superior financial performance. The processes and positions that engender such

a position (CA) is not necessarily non-duplicable or inimitable. It is possible for

some companies to, temporarily, make profits above the cost of capital without

sustainable competitive advantage.

A key difference between CA and SCA is that the processes and positions a firm

may hold are non-duplicable and inimitable when a firm possesses a SCA.

Hence a sustainable competitive advantage is one that can be maintained for a

significant amount of time even in the presence of competition. This brings us to

the question what is a significant amount of time". A CA becomes SCA when all

duplication and imitation efforts have ceased and the rival firms have not been

able to create the same value that the said firm is creating.

In marketing and strategic management, sustainable competitive advantage is

an advantage that one firm has relative to competing firms. The source of the

advantage can be something the company does that is distinctive and difficult to

replicate, also know as a core competency. It can also simply be a result of the

industry's cost structure, for example the large fixed costs that tend to create

natural monopolies in utility industries

For example P&G' ability to derive superior consumer insights and implement

them in managing its brand portfolio. It can also be an asset such as a brand, e.g.

Coca Cola or a patent, such as Viagra.

1.4.3. Value Chain

The Value chain was described and popularized by Michael Porter in his 1985

best-seller, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior

Performance. The value chain categorizes the generic value-adding activities of

an organization. The "primary activities" include: inbound logistics, operations

(production), outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and service

(maintenance). The "support activities" include: administrative infrastructure

management, human resources management, R&D, and procurement. The costs

and value drivers are identified for each value activity. The value chain

framework quickly made its way to the forefront of management thought as a

powerful analysis tool for strategic planning. Its ultimate goal is to maximize

value creation while minimizing costs.

The concept has been extended beyond individual organizations. It can apply to

whole supply chains and distributions networks. The delivery of a mix of

products and services to the end customer will mobilize different economic

actors, each managing its own value chain. The industry wide synchronized

interactions of those local value chains create an extended value chain,

sometimes global in extent. Porter terms this larger interconnected system of

value chains the "value system." A value system includes the value chains of a

firm's supplier (and their suppliers all the way back), the firm itself, the firm

distribution channels, and the firm's buyers (and presumably extended to the

buyers of their products, and so on). Capturing the value generated along the

chain is the new approach taken by many management strategists.

For example, a manufacturer might require its part suppliers to be located

nearby its assembly plant to minimize the cost of transportation. By exploiting

the upstream and downstream information flowing along the value chain, the
firms may try to bypass the intermediaries creating new business models, or in

other ways create improvements in its value system.

1.5. Summary

The ability of corporations of all sizes to use globally available factors of

production is a far bigger factor in international competitiveness than broad

macroeconomic differences among countries. Based in part on the development

of modern communications and transportation technologies, the rise of the

multinational corporation was unanticipated by the classical theory of

international trade as first developed by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. In

present day world differences among corporations are becoming more important

than the aggregate differences among countries. Furthermore, the increasing

capacity of even small companies to operate in a global perspective makes the

old analytical framework even more obsolete. In this present day integrated

world, the best model for organizations is Creating and Sustaining Superior


1.6. Glossary

Invisible hand:

This phrase was used by Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) in

explaining his belief that the actions of individuals, although taken for their own

economic benefit, are guided in such a manner as to benefit society as a whole.

Leontief Paradox:

According to Factor endowment model the trade will be done between countries

depending their respective factor endowments. A labour-abundant country will

export labour-intensive goods, but import capital-intensive goods. Leontief

observed that US exports more labour intensive and imports were more capital

intensive. These paradoxical findings are known as Leontief Paradox.

An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in

commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to

operate according to its own economic laws. It is often used interchangeably

with the term free market`. Some may use the term laissez-faire to refer to "let

do, let pass" attitude for concepts in areas outside of economics.

1.7. Self Assessment Questions:

1. What are the important traditional theories of international Trade? Explain

them briefly.

2. Explain the relevance of International Product Life Cycle` model in the

context of present day international business environment.

3. Describe Porter`s Diamond Model for Competitive Advantage of Nations.

4. Explain various Competitive Models of International Business.

1.8. Further Readings:

6. Manab Adhikary, Global Business Management In an International

Economic Environment (2001), Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi.

7. Sak Onkvisist., John J.Shaw., International Marketing Analysis and Strategy

(1997), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

8. Warren J.Keegan, Global Marketing Management (1995), Prentice-Hall of

India, New Delhi.

9. Alan C Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management (2002), Prentice-Hall

of India, New Delhi.

10. Anant R.Negandhi, International Management (1987) Prentice-Hall of India,

New Delhi.
Unit II



Multinational corporations are spreading their wings globally. Their growth

is unprecendented. The causes for their growth are diverse. They bring benefits to

nation States and their potentials to harm them are also very high. They also face

problems created by nation states. All these and more are presented in this lesson.


Multination al Corporation s hav e been growing in number, volume,

geographical spread and so on. Though, generally and MNC consists of a parent

company located in the home country and atleast five or six subsidiaries with a

high degree of strategic alliance among the units, there are MNCs which have over

150 foreign subsdiaries as well. The MNCs had a global sales in excess of 24.8

trillion which is larger than the value of global trade in 2005. About a third of world

ou tp ut is co ntrib uted b y th e MNCs. About 100 million people are in direct

employment with the MNCs, representing 10% of world employment in non-

agricultural employment. The number of MNCs was at around 47000 in 2005 with

over 2 lakh for eign su bsd iaries. Th e top most 100 MNCs, ex cluding those in

banking and finance, held 6.8 trillion in 2005, of which 40% were located outside

their home country.

With liberalisation of economic policy being earnestly followed by most

countries of the world, there has been enormous increase in the geographical spread

of MNCs.

The popularity of MNCs can be known from the fact that most of them

receive 50% or more of their revenues and profits. Some of them are: IBM, Gillette,

Colgate-Polmolive, Philips, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola and so on. It is

said that coco-cola earns more money by selling soda in Japan than it does in USA.

Exxon a American base MNC, had about 56% of its assets, 74% of its sales and

97% of its profits abroad.

In India of the top 500 companies by market value, about 225 were MNCs

during 2004-05. 60 of the MNCs came in the top 50. Notable MNCs present in

India include the lever, the ITC, the Nestle, the Ponds, the Glaxo, the smithkline-

beecham etc. These MNCs brands are almost house-hold names in India. Thus

MNCs have been growing in stature and spread all over.


There are several factors that underlie the growth of MNCs. These include,

increasing factor mobility, opening up of command economies, growth urge, and

opportunities for growth, the Bretton woods system, market capturing, raw-material

availability, low-cost of production possibilities, profit orientation and management



First factor mobility is the most important of all factors that has contributed

to the growths of MNCs. During the time of the great economists like Adam Smith

and David Ricardo , Cr oss-b ord er mo vement of g ood s only o n the b asis of

comparative cost principle was envisaged. Cross-border movement of factors of

p rod uction was no t env is ag ed. Now capital, techn olog y, labo ur an d ev en

man agement just mo ve fr om an ywher e to any where. Perh aps international

understanding and economic corporation have paved the way for world-wide flow

of factors of production.

Technical collab orations, overseas job market expan sion and overseas

management consultancy are all on the increase. MNCs play a vital role in this

factor mobility contributing to their growth. As a r esult of factor mobility, instead

of goods being traded across national borders, production plants are set up in the

identified markets themselves by the MNCs.


Second, the economic reforms undertaken in most of the developing and

u nd er d evelo ped econ omies ar e ano ther cause f or th e gr ow th o f MN Cs.

Governments of most of these countries having become vexed with the regressed

performance of their public sector and their bureaucracy and consequent waste of

precious resources resulting in poor gross domestic product growth fuelling poverty

and unemployment, in order to take their economies on to the growth path have

started embarking on a programme of economic reforms.

Globalisation as a part of such reforms process, has opened their economies

to international players on an equal footing with domestic operators. Ever since

the reforms process has been introduced in India, for instance, many MNCs have

started opening up their shops in the country. Pepsi, Coco-Cola etc. have set their

foot in India.

Existing multinations have enhanced their stake in the country and some

ar e p utting u p 100% subsidiaries. For instance P&G is putting up P&G Home

Products Private Limited to make detergents, Gillette is putting up Wilkinson India

Private Limited to channelise investments into other companies, H.P. is putting up

H.P. India to develop and export software and GEC is putting GEC India Limited

to oversee the group s expanding Indian operations. 100% ownership will enable

the parent company to retain proprietary control over technologies and products.

Beside backward integration to gain economies and shed diseconomies of scale is



Third, opening up of command economies is a factor behind, recent growth

in MNCs. China, Russia, etc. are no longer command economies. Socialism and

Communism have given way to capitalism in their very place of origin and growth.

The communist countries have opened up their economies to competition. Since

1985, Russia introduced restructuring measures. The collapse of political structure

has hampered the transition to market economy resulting in economic disruption.

Privatisation is being acceleratingly followed in Russia. A logical extension of this

privatisation programme is the entry of MNCs into these lands.

China is sporting excellently in opening up its economy, as is borne out by

foreign investment statistics. The Chinese reforms process has been introduced in

top-down orderly fashion. Of late, foreign investment rose significantly and many

MNCs have put up their plants in China. Some have hastened to have their plants

there, as they did not want to lag behind potential competitors.


Fourth, MNCs generally have the growth impetus with them. They always

look upon growth opp ortu nities anywhere in the globe and tr y to seize th em.

Strategic alliance, joint ventures, wholly owned subsdiaries, mergers on acquisition,

franchising etc. are th e diverse strategies they adopt to expand their op eration

globally. The motives for such expansion are securing supplies of materials, energy

and scarce raw materials.

- development of technology or brand recognition leading to global

demand met through overseas investment and

- availability o f cheap er factors overseas and using the same by

geographically spreading the operations.

MNCs have technology and competitiv e edge. With these they easily

establish brand image. Global spread is very simple for them unless nation, states

are vociferously against the entry of MNCs. Liberalisation and reforms process

adopted in the third world nations have opened out vast growth opportunities for

MNCs. However, the essential element is the urge of MNCs to seek out, undertake,

and integrate manufacturing, marketing, R&D and finance opportunities on a global

scale rather than on domestic level.


Fifth, the Bretton woods organs-the world Bank and International Monetary

Fun d and their subsdiaries like the International Development Association,

International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guaratnee Agency and

other multilateral bodies generally insist on borrowing countries to open their

economies and going for competitive bidding. This paves the way for the growth

of MNCs.


Sixth, there are MNCs who always have an eye on foreign markets. IBM,

Valvo, Unilever etc. come in this category. Originally American firms bought plant

and equipment in Western Europe. Later, Western Europe firms opened shops in

USA. In the last part of the 20 th C

entury, Japanese acquired firms in Europe and

America. Now, there is camping of MNCs in the emerging world markets like India,

China, Mexico etc. Perceiv ed r estrictions on imports led to MNCs opening up

factories in foreign lands.

India and China are a great attraction as market for most MNCs at present.

There is a classic difference between US and Japanese MNCs in market capturing.

US MNCs look at the up-end of the market, while Japanese MNCs look at the

unattended low-end. Low-end market has lot of growth potential and this gives scale

econ omies. With accu mu lated resou rce, wid e mark et, and pr oven process

technology, Japanese MNCs are a threat to the US MNCs.

Seventh, initially most MNCs were spreading their wings globally just to

tap raw-materials available elsewhere for supporting production at the patent plant.

British, French and Dutch East India Companies are classic examples of MNCs of

the raw-material seeking type. Now instead of tapping raw-materials, the MNCs

set up plants where factor markets are favourable. Because their search for growth

never is inward but always outwards. That is their culture.


Eighth, MNCs are now driven by cost-minimisation drives. They set up

plants at places where low-cost production possibilities are great. Taiwan, Hongkong

and Finland are preferred by MNCs for setting up electronic industrial units for

there is cost efficiency. India, being a cheap labour country, MNCs have started

flooding into India. IBM, Ford outsource production of parts to low-wage countries

such as Mexico and by establishing assembly plants and R&D Centres in Europe

and Japan.


Nineth, MNCs have long back realized the need for risk-minimising. Threats

from their oligopolitic competitors are always there. Further, country-risk is always

there. Meeting both the risks is facilitated by geographical spread. By being close

to market, better orientation to market is possible and that monopolistic product

differentiation is easily facilitated. Geographical spread is risk-minimising strategy

and there is growth. Japanese Competition affects the American Auto Industry. So,

American Auto firms go out to the third wo rld in search o f strategic allian ce


Tenth, MNCs are interested in profits. And MNCs are generally highly

profitable. Profit booking facilitates growth, diversification, modernization and

R&D competitiveness. Actually MNCs book profits by being flexible, adaptable

and quick. In today s head-on competition, the most important factor for growth is

speed. Ability to design, develop and distribute products / services in short span of

time holds the key to success.


Eleventh, growth of MNCs is very much influenced by their management

culture. MNCs generally adopt to local conditions and the relationship between

parent and subsdiar ies is that of coordinated federation . Decisions on investment

financing and market are localized. But Japanese MNCs do centralize decisions.

The East-West difference is thus found. But the underlying similarity is the basis

fo r actio n. Co rpo rate strateg ic p lan ning is an essen tial packag e o f MNCs

management practice whereby the MNCs scan and plan for enhanced integration

and co-ordination of their global activities.

Microsoft Corporation allows its European subsdiaries to develop local

strategies to meet local market needs. This type of autonomous adoption to fast

changing local business environment has been the main reason for the spread of

MNCs. The au tonomy enjoyed by subsd iaries is not to turn into dysfunctional

anarchy, for the behaviour of individual managers is well shaped through shared

vision of identification with and binding commitment to the global strategy of the

MNCs. Hence the growth of MNCs.


Twelf th and fin ally the g r owth of MNCs is p ar tially attrib uted to

developmen t in communication an d transportatio n techno log y. The advent of

information technolo gy has helped MNCs to sp read their wings far and wide.

Internet, e-mail, Fax and other communication tools being used by MNCs to do

their business from the place of its origin to the place of doing transaction.


The development and spread of the MNCs through direct foreign investment

is a more recent phenomenon. The earliest MNCs were mainly European fir ms,

setting up manufacturing facilities in their colonies to extract primary resources

for con ver sion into finished p rodu cts b ack at home. I nstitution s such as the

International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, World Trade Organisation and the

World Court provided a stable world wide environment in which MNCs could

conduct their business. Due to the advent of globalization, the arrival of MNCs

have become unavoidable. In term of its ability to move knowledge, people, capital,

goods and services and technology across borders, the process of globalization led

by MNCs had gone far beyond the reach of any national sovereign Government or

Multinatio nal Agreement. To borrow a ph rase from an expert on multinational

business, Raymond, the MNC had reached a level of maturity and influence world

wide whereby it could keep sovereignity at bay .


It is observed that MNCs have their branches or subsdiaries not only in

developing countries or third world countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America

but also in developed countries in Europe, Australia and Newzealand.

The MNCs in developing countries generally operate in the following fields:

var ious plantations, in mine extracting and refining crude oil, pharmaceuticals,

fertilizers, manufacture of various consumer goods and of capital goods, electronic

& telecommunication goods both for domestic consumption and for exports. The

MNCs are also functioning in various services such as banking, insurance, shipping

and tourism etc.

The MNCs have been play ing a v ery sig nificant r ole in the economic

development of many countries some of which are stated below:

- The MN Cs h ave a str on g f inancial bas e an d th ro ug h d irect

investment in developing and under developed countries, have been

contributing to their economic development. As the rate of domestic

savings in most underdeveloped countries is low, the MNCs help

these countries to push the rate of investment which is vital aspect

of development strategy.

- Because of their stro ng fin ancial base, MNCs can su ccessfully

undertake business risks which are inherent in the initial stages of

industrialisation of developing countries. These countries are not in

a position to su ccessf ully und er tak e r isks which are gr eat in

industries like mining, oil exploration etc.

- MNCs are in a p osition to develo p and pr ovide infrastr uctural

facilities like mean s of trans por t and co mmun ication , po wer,

technical institutes. These ar e all essential for r ap id eco nomic

development of less developed countries.

- MNCs h elp d evelo pmen t o f modern skills in d ev elo ping and

underdeveloped countries as also entrepreneurial, managerial and

organisational capabilities and variou s oth er sk ills necessary for

modernization of th ese econ omies wh ich generally lack these

abilities and skills.

- Research and Development are the very foundations of economic

development and progress. They require huge investment initially

and there is no guarantee about the success of various experiments

conducted for quite some time. The R&D by the MNCs often result

in discovering new products or new uses of existing natural resources

contributing to their economic development.

- The MN Cs tr an sf er mod er n tech no lo gies to dev elo pin g and

underdeveloped countries. Among various inputs, technology is the

most important for increasing efficiency, productivity and consequent

rapid economic development of these countries.

- The MNCs adopt aggressive marketing and advertising strategy and

thus help capture foreign markets into which goods and services

from under developed countries may enter and thus help acquire

foreign currencies needed for developmental imports.

- The MNCs help further utilization of natural and human resources

of third world co untries, help to raise level o f employment and

income and thus bring about rise in standard of living of people in

these countries.
- When MNCs enter other under developed countries, the latter are

exposed to modern techniques and values which help bring about

social and psychological transformation which is absolutely essential

for rapid economic development of less developed countries.

PATTERN OF GROWTH OF MNCs and Country of origin

As you know already, a multinational enterprise in any business that has

productive activities in two or more countries. Since the 1960s, there have been

two notable trends in the demographics of the MNCs.

(i) the risk of non-U.S. multi nations particularly Japanese Multinations


(ii) the growth of mini multi nationals.


In the 1960s, multinational business activity was dominated by large U.S.

mu ltinational corpor ations with U.S. firms accounting for ab out two-thirds of

foreign direct investment dur ing 1960s, one would expect non MNCs to be U.S.

enterprises. According to the sources from the Economics of the MNC, 1973, 48.5

percent of the world s 260 largest multinationals were U.S. firms. The second largest

sou rce country was th e U.K. with 1 8.8 p er cent of th e larg est MNCs. Japan

accounted for only 3.5 percent of the world s largest MNCs at the time.

By 2000, however things had shifted significantly. U.S. firms accounted for

26 percent of the world s 100 largest MNCs, followed by Japan with 17 percent.

France was third with 13 percent. The globalization of the world economy

with Japan s rise to the top rank of economic powers has resulted in a relative

decline in the dominance of U.S. firm in the global market place.

According to United Nations data, the rank s of the world s largest 100

multinationals are still dominated by firms from developed economies. However,

for the first time three firms from developing economies entered in the UN s list

of the 100 largest MNCs. They were Hutchison of Hong Kong, China which ranked

48 in terms of Foreign assets, Petroleos de Venezuela of Venezuela which ranked

8 ,

th and Cemex of Mexico which came in at 100. However, if we look at smaller

firms, it is ev ident that th ere h as been growth in the number of MNCs from

developed economies. At starting of 2000, the largest 50 MNCs from developing

economies had foreign sales of $ 103 billion out of total sales of $ 453 billion and

employed over more than 4,50,000 people outside of their home country. Looking

to the future, we can reasonably expect growth of new MNCs from the world s

developing nations.


Another trend in multinational business has been the growth of medium

sized and small multinationals. When people think of multinational business, they

tend to think of firms such as General Motors, Ford, Fuji, Kodak, Matsushita,

Procter & Gamble, Sony and Unilever large, complex multinational corporations

with operation s th at span th e g lo be. Alth oug h it is certainly tru e that most

international trade and investment is still conducted by large firms, it is also true

that many medium sized and small business are becoming increasingly involved

in multinational trade and investment.


This lesson sets the scene for understanding the growth and development

of MNCs. The reasons for the growth of MNCs are clearly discussed in detail. The

role and significance of MNCs are also highlighted. We have also explained the

changing nature of MNCs which have been demographically divided into Non

US MNCs and Mini-MNCs. Multinational business is conducted not just by large

firms but also by medium sized and small enterprises.



Although some people treat the terms managership and leadership as

similar, two should be distinguished. As a matter of fact, there can be leaders of

completely, unorganized groups, but there can be managers, only where organized

structures create roles. Separatin g leadership from man ager ship has analytical

adv an tag es . It permits leaders hip to b e sin gled ou t f or stu dy witho ut the

encumbrance of qualifications relating to the more general issue of managership.

Leadership is an important aspect of managing. As this lesson will highlight,

the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager, also,

undertaking the other essentials of managing doing the entire managerial job

has an important tearing on ensuring that a manager will be an effective leader.

Multinational Cor poration Managers must exercise all the functions of their role

in order to combine human and material resources to achieve objectives. The key

to doing this is the existence of a clear role and a degree of discretion or authority

to support manager s actions.

Management Styles

There are several theories on management styles. This part focuses on

(1) Management style based on the use of authority

(2) Likert s four systems of managing
(3) The managerial grid and

(4) Manager s in volving a var iety of styles, r anging from a maximum to a

minimum use of power and influence.

Styles Based on Use of Authority

Earlier management analysts classified styles based on how authority was

being used. Managers were seen as applying three basic styles.

The Autocratic style which commands and expects compliance, is dogmatic

and positive, and leads by ability to with hold or give rewards and punishment.

The democratic or participative style is one where the manager consults with

subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and encourages participation from

th em. This type of manager ranges from the per son who does not take action

without subordinates concurrence to the one who makes decisions but consults

with subordinates before doing so.

The free rein management style is a style where manager uses his power

very little, giving subordinates a high degree of independence in their operations.

Such managers depend largely on subordinates to set their own goals and the means

of achieving them and they see their role as one of aiding the operations of followers

by fu rnishing them with information and acting primarily as a contact with the

group s external environment.

There are variations with in this simple classification of management styles.

Some autocracies are seen as benevolent autocrats . Although they listen

considerably to their followers opinions before making a decision, the decision


th eir own. Th ey may be willing to hear and consider subo rdinates ideas and

concerns, but when a decision is to be made, they may be more autocratic than


A variation of the participative manager is the person who is supportive.

In this category, they may look upon their task as not only consulting with followers

and carefully con sidering their op in ion s b ut also d oin g all they can supp ort

subordinates in accomplishing their duties.

The use of any management style will depend on the situation. A manager

may be highly autocratic in an emergency; one can hardly imagine a fir e chief

holding a long meeting with the view to consider the best way of fighting a fire.

Managers may also be autocratic when they alone have the answers to certain


A manager may gain considerable knowledge and a better commitment on

the part of persons involved by consulting with subordinates. Further, a manager

dealing with a group of research scientists may given them free rein in developing

their inquiries and experiments. But the same manager might be quite autocratic

in enforcing a rule stipulating that employees were protective covering when they

are handling certain potentially dangerous chemicals.

Likerts Four Systems of Management

Professor Liker t and his associates at the Un iversity of Michigan h ave

studied the patterns and styles of managers for three decades. In the course of this

resear ch, Likert has developed certain ideas and approaches to understan ding

managerial behaviour. He sees an effective manag er as strong ly or iented to

subordinates, relying on communication to keep all parties working as a unit. All

members of the group, including the manager adopt a supportive attitude in which

they sh ar e in o ne an oth er s co mmo n n eed s, values , g oals asp iration s and

expectations. Since, it appeals to human motivations, Likert views this approach

as the most effective way to lead a group.

As guidelines for research and for the classification of his concepts, Likert

has suggested four systems of management.

System 1 managemen t is d escribed as exploitive authoritative; its

managers are highly autocratic, have little trust in subordinates, motivate people

through fear and punishment and only occasional rewards, engage in downward

communication and limit decision making to the top.

System 2 management is called benevolent authoritative; its managers

have a patronizing confidence and trust in subordinates, motivate with rewards and

some fear and punishment, permit some upward communication, solicit some ideas

and opinions from subordinates, and allow some delegation of decision making

but with close policy control.

System 3 management is referred to as consultative . Managers in this

system have substantial but not complete confidence and trust in subordin ates,

usually try to mak e use of subor dinates ideas an d o pinions, use reward s for

inspir ation with occasion al pu nishmen t and some par ticip ations , en gage in

communication flow both down and up, make broad policy and general decisions

to be made at lower levels, and act consultatively in other ways.

System 4 Likert saw this management as the most participative of all and

referred to it as participative group . Under this system, managers have complete

trust and co nfidence in sub ordin ates in all matters; they always get id eas and

opinions from subordinates and constructively use them. They also give economic

rewards on the basis of group participations and involvement in such areas as setting

goals and appraising progress toward goals. They engage in much communication

down and up with peers, encourage decision making throughout the organization

and operate among themselves and with their subordinates as a group.

In general Likert found that those managers who app lied the System 4

approach to their operations had greatest success as leaders in the multinational

corporations. Moreover, he noted that departments and companies managed by

the System 4 approach were most effective in setting goals and achieving them

and were generally more productive. He ascribed this success mainly to the degree

of participation and the extent to which the practice of supporting subordinates was


The Managerial Grid

A well known approach to defining management styles is the managerial

grid, developed some years ago by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. Building on

precious research that showed the importance of a managers having concern both

for pr oduction an d f or peo ple, Blake and Mouton dev ised a clever dev ice to

dramatise this concern. This grid, shown in figure 2.1, has been used throughout

the world as a means of training managers and of identifying various combinations

of management styles.


The Grid Dimensions

The gr id has two d imensio ns : co ncern for peop le and co ncern for

production. As Blake and Mouton have emphasised, the phrase concern for is

meant to convey how managers are concerned about production or how they


1.9 Management

High 9

9.9 Management

Thoughtful attention to

Work accomplished

needs of people leads to a

is from committed

friendly and comfortable

people with

organization atmosphere



and work tempo.

through a common

stake in organization

purpose and with

trust and respect.



5.5 Management

Adequate performance


through balance of work

requirements and

maintaining satisfactory





9.1 Management

1.1 Management

Efficiency results from

Exertion of minimum

arranging work in such

effort is required to get

a way that human

Low 1

work done and sustain

elements have little

organization morale.



Low 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Adopted from R.R. Blake and J.S. Mouton, The managerial Grid (Page 10)

concerned about people and not such things as how much production they are

concerned about getting out of a group.

Concern for Production includes the attitudes of a supervisor toward a wide

variety of things, such as the quality of policy decisions, procedures and processes,

creativeness of research, quality of staff services, work efficiency and volume of

output. Concern for people is likewise interpreted in a broad way. It includes

such elements as degree o f personal commitment toward go al achiev ement,

maintenance of the self-esteem of workers, provision of good working conditions

and maintenance of satisfying interpersonal relations.

The Four Extreme Styles

Blak e an d Mo uto n r ecognise fo ur extremes o f style. Under 1.1 sty le

(referred to as impoverished management ), managers concern themselves very

little with either people or production and have minimum involvement in their jobs;

to all intents and purposes, they have abandoned their jobs and only mark time or

act as messengers communicating information from superiors to subordinates.

At the other extreme are the 9.9 managers, who display in their actions the

highest possible dedication both to people and to production. They are the real

team managers who are able to mesh the production needs of the enterprise with

the needs of individuals.

Another style is 1.9 management (called country club management ) in

which managers have little or no concern for production but are concerned only

for people. They promote an environment in which every one is relaxed, friendly

and happy an d n o on e is concern ed about putting forth co-ordinated effort to

accomplish enterprise goals.

At another extreme are the 9.1 managers (sometimes referred as autocratic

task managers), who are concerned only with developing an efficient operation,

who have little or no concern for people and who are quite autocratic in their style

of leadership.

By usin g these fo ur extremes as p oints of refer ence, every managerial

technique, approach or style can be placed somewhere on the grid. Clearly 5.5

manager s have medium concern fo r p roduction and for people. They o btain

adequate but not outstanding, morale and production. They do not set goals too

high, and they are likely to have a rather benevolently autocratic attitude toward


The manager ial grid is a useful device fo r identifying an d classif ying

managerial styles but it does not tell us why a manager falls into one part or another

of the grid. To determine the reason, one has to look at underlying causes, such as

the personality characteristics of the managers or the followers, the ability and

training of manages, the enterprise environment and other situational factors that

influence how managers and followers act.

Management as a Continuum

The adaptation of management styles to different contingencies has been

well char acterised b y Robert and H. Sch emidt, developers of the Management

Continuum concept. Under this concept, management as involving a variety of

styles, ranging from one that is highly boss-centered to one that is highly subordinate

centered. The sty les vary with the degree of freedo m a manag er grants to

subordin ates. Thus, in stead of suggesting a choice between the two

styles of

management authoritarian or democratic this approach offers a range of styles,

with no suggestion that one is always right and another is always wrong.

This contin uum theory recognises that which style of management is

appropriate depends on the manager, the followers and the situation. To Robert

and Schmidt, the most important elements that may influence a manager s style

can be seen along a continuum as

(1) The forces operating in the manager s personality, including his value system,

confidence in sub ordinates, inclination toward s management styles and

feelings of security in uncertain situations ;

(2) The forces in subordinates (such as their willingness to assume responsibility,

their knowledge and experience and their tolerance for ambiguity) that will

affect the manager s behaviour ; and

(3) The forces in the situation, such as organisation values and traditions,


effectiveness of subordinates working as a unit, the nature of a problem and

the feasibility of safely delegating the authority to handle it and the pressure

of time.

In reviewing their continuum model in 1993, Robert and Schmidt placed

much importance on the concept in such a way that it represent to influence on the

style imposed by both the organisational environment and the social environment.

This was done to emphasise the open-system of management styles and the various

impacts of the organisational environment and of the social environment outside

an enterprise. In their 1993 review, they put increased stress on the interdependency

of management style and environmental forces such as labour unions,


pressures for social responsibility, the civil rights movement and the ecology and

consumer movements that challenge the rights of managers to make decisions


handle their subordinates without considering interests outside the organisation.

Fiedler s Contingency Approach to Management

Althoug h their ap proach to managemen t is primarily one of analysing

management sty le, Fiedler and his associates at the University of Illinois have

suggested a contingency theory of management. The theory holds that people

become managers / leaders not only because of the attributes of their personalities

but also because of various situational factors and the interactions between managers

and group members.

Critical Dimensions of the Management Situation

On the basis of his studies, Fiedler described three critical dimensions of

the management situation that help determine what style of management will be

most effective ;

(1) Position Power

This is the degree to which the power of a position, as distinguished from

other sources of power such as personality or expertise enables a leader to get group

members to comply with directions; in the case of manages, this is the power arising

from organisational authority.

(2) Task Structure

With this dimension, Fiedler had in mind the extent to which tasks can be

clearly spelled out and people held responsible for them. If tasks are

clear, the

quality of performance can be more easily controlled and employees can be held

more definitely responsible for performance.

(3) Manager Employee Relations

Fiedler regarded this dimension as the most important from a manager s

point of view, since position power and task structure may be largely under the

control of an enterprise. It has to do with the extent to which group members like

and trust a manager and are willing to abide by the regulations formulated by

Management Styles

To approach his study, Fiedler set forth two major styles of management.

One of these is primarily task oriented and the other is oriented toward achieving

good interpersonal relations and attaining a position of personal prominence.

In reviewing Fiedler s research one finds that there is nothing automatic or

good in either the task oriented or the people satisfaction oriented style.

Management eff ectiveness depends up on the various elemen ts in th e g roup


The Path Goal Approach to management Effectiveness

The path goal appr oach suggests that the main function of the manager /

leader is to clarify and set goals with subordinates, help them find the best path

for achieving the goals and remove obstacles. This approach, rather than suggesting

that there is one best way to lead, it suggests that appropriate style depends on the

situation. Ambiguous and uncertain situations can be frustrating for subordinates,

and a mo re task or iented sty le may b e called for. In o th er wo rds, wh en

subordinates are confused, then the manager may tell them what to do and show

them a clear path to goals.


Man agement is the art of getting th ings done by others perh aps using

different styles to achieve desired goals. There are various approaches to this study,

ranging from the trait to the contingency approach. One such approach focuses


three styles : the autocratic, the democratic and the free rein. Likert identified

four systems of management, ranging from system 1 (exploitative authoritative)

throug h system 4 ( participative group) which he considers the most effective


The managerial grid identified two dimensions : concern for production and

concern for people. On these basis, four extreme styles are identified and a middle

of the road style is recommended for practice . Management can also be viewed

as a continuum. At one extreme, the manager has a gr eat deal of freedom while

subordinates have very little. At the other extreme, the manager has very little

freedom where as subordinates have a great deal.

Fiedler s contingency approach takes into account the position of power of

the manager, the structure of the task and the r elations between the manager and

the employees. The conclusion is that there is no best management style and that

managers can be successful if placed in appropriate situ ations. The path-g oal

app ro ach to man agement su gg ests that the mo st effective manag er s h elp

subordinates achieve enterprise and personal goals.




In the last lesso n, we have seen the differ ent management styles being

followed b y managers of various multinational corporations. In this lesson, we

propose to discuss the different strategies that multinationals pursue when competing

globally. Consider the merits and demerits of these strategies, explain the various

factors that affect a firm s choice of str ategy and look at the tactis multinational

adopt when competing in the international arena.


Str ategic man ag ement is concer ned with the pro cess of f ormulating,

implementing and evaluating strategies to achieve a firm s objectives. In concept,

strategic management process is a multinational corporation is similar to that in

any other form of organisation, the main complicating factors being the numerous

coun tr y an d region al en viron ments it has to analyse and understand b efo re

considering the various strategic options.

More time and effort are required to identify and evaluate external trends

and events in MNCs Geographic distances, cultural and national differences and

variations in business practices, often make communication between home offices

and overseas operations difficult. Strategy implementation can be more difficult

because different cultures have different norms, values and work this.

Strategic management is critical to multinational business. An MNC needs

to keep track of its increasingly diversified oper ations in a continuously changing

multinational environment. This need is particularly obvious when one considers

the amount of foreign direct investment that has taken place in recent years. Foreign

direct investment has outgrown trade acro ss th e glob e and this development

necessitates the need to coordinate and integrate diverse operations with an effective


For example, take the case of Ford Motor, which has re-entered the market

in Thailand and despite a shrinking demand for automobiles there, is beginning to

build a strong sales force and to increase market share. The firm s strategic plan is

based on offerin g the right contribution of price and financing to a car efully

identified market segment. In particular, Ford is working to bring down the monthly

payment so that customers can afford a new vehicle. This is the same strategy that

Ford used in Mexico, where the currency crisis of 1994, resulted in serious problems

for many multinationals.

An MNC is able to increase its profitability in ways often not available to

a domestic firm. For example, a global firm is able to:

Earn a greater return from its distinctive skills and core competencies.

Realise location of economies by dispensing operations to those locations

where they can be performed most efficiently.

Realise greater economies of scale, which reduces the cost of production.

Acquire and or/develop widely known brands.

However, the MNC s ability to increase its profitability by exploiting the

four strategies stated above depends on how well its formulates its production,

mark eting and finance strategies and implemen ts them in diff er in g national



Nestle, a multinational food company has been highly successful in its global

operations. It has ad opted sev eral strategies to achieve th e success. Th rough

aggressive acquisition s it has expanded its sales with new, high margin, and

sophisticated products. Another company Mittal Steels which is using the strategy

of acquiring number of companies in Eur ope and other regions. The final strategy

being used here is that the company has given local managers substantial


Multinational corporations reap the benefits of large scale production thereby

reducing the production costs and fixing competitive selling price. One firm that

has exploited the strategy of mass production is in India by name Hero Cycles.

Mass production has led to the organisation to fix low selling price and increase

the market share in the cycle segment. This Hero Honda has entered into many

European and African markets and successfully doing its business profitably.


As we are aware, that countries differ on a wide range of dimensions such

as economic, political, legal, cultural and that these differences can either increase

or decr ease the costs of do ing bu siness, location of pr oduction units

play an

important role in optimising the profit levels. Advantages of location economic help

a firm lower its cost of production and help it differentiate its product from those

of competitions. For example General Motors did precisely the same thing. Design

of its pontiac car was done in Germany, key components were manufactured in

Japan, Singapore and Taiwan, assemply was performed in South Korea, and the

advertising strategy was formulated in Great Britain. Each of these countries was

best suited to perform a particular value creation activity.


The term core competence refers to skills within the firm that competitors

cannot easily initiate. The skills may exist in production, finance, R&D in marketing,

but they are the bedrock of the firms competitive advantage. For example, Toyota

has a co re competen ce in the pr odu ction of cars; Mc Do nald s has a co re

competence in managing fast food operations and P&G has core competence in

developing and marketing consumer products.


Strategic man agement process invo lves for mulation of str ategies, their

implementation and evaluation and con trol of the con sequences. Specifically

multinational strategic management involves four major steps namely:

Scanning of global environment

Formulation of strategies

Implementation of strategies and

Evaluation and control


Environmental scanning provides management with accur ate forecasts of

trends that relate to external changes in geographic areas where the firm is currently

doing business. An MNC is interested in three areas of macro environment.

First, the MNC will begin by conducting a forecast of macro economic and

industry performance dealing with factors such as markets for specific products

per capita income of the population and availability of labour and raw materials.

A second commo n forecast will p redict likely trends in exchan ge r ates,

exchange controls, balance of payments and rates of inflation.

A third in the forecast of the company s potential market share in a particular

geographic area as well as that of the competitors.

Several MNCs have profited fr om car eful environ mental scanning. For

example, Alcatel of France after a careful analysis of macro environment, made a

ser ies o f acquisition s and alliances an d n ow is the world s largest teleph one

equipmen t company. Alon g with th e scanning of external env iron men t, MNC

conducts a study of internal resource position which helps the firm evaluate its

current managerial, technical, financial and material strengths and weaknesses. This

strategy is used by the firm to determine its ability to take advantage of multinational

market opportunities.


Before describing how strategies are formulated by an MNC, it is useful to

understand that the firm has four major strategy options:

World Wide Itegration

National Responsiveness

Regional Responsiveness and

Multifocal Approach


A wo rldwid e in tegr atio n strategy is aimed at d evelopin g r elativ ely

standardized pro ducts with glo bal ap peal, as well as rationalisin g o per atio ns

throughout the world. Rationalisation means exploiting the comparative advantage

of costs which nations possess.

Worldwide integration is based on the notion that there are a number of

products that can be used around the globe with alteration of specifications. Coca-

cola which is sold in more than 165 countries, is a classic example of a global

product requiring only limited alterations of formula. Not all products and situations

lend themselves to such cross-country integration.


A national responsiveness strategy allows subsdiaries to have substantital

latitude in adapting products and services to suit the particular needs and political

realities of the countries in which they operate. Subsidiaries operate almost as if

they were stand alone companies, although they retain many of the substantial

benefits of being affiliated with an MNC, such as shared financial risks and access

to global R&D resources.


This strategy allows regional offices to have substantial freedom to

co-ordinate the activities of local subsidiaries and adapt products and services to

suit the particular needs and political realities of the regions in which they operate.

Regional offices are able to obtain some economies of scale and make adjustments

to suit regional tastes, yet still retain many of the benefits of being affiliated with a

multinational company. For example, Thomson Consumer Electronics of France

established four factories in Europe that assemble specific types of TV sets for the

European market.


A mutlifocal strategy is aimed at achieving the advantages of world wide

integration wherever possible, while still attempting to be responsive to national

needs. Thus, the str ategy encompasses both world wide integration and national

responsiveness. Firms with multifocal strategies are difficlt to manage as they need

to be concerned with two dimensions simultaneously.


Whatever may be the focus, strategy formulation should be preceded by goal

setting. MNCs pursue a variety of goals. These goals typically serve as an umbrella

beneath which the subsdiaries operate.

Profitability and marketing usually dominate the strategic plans of today s

MNCs. Profitability is of a very high significance because MNCs generally need

higher profitability from their overseas operations than they expect from

activities. The reason is obvious. Setting up overseas operations involves greater

risk and effort. Further, a firm that has done well domestically with a product or

service usually has done so because the competition is less severe. Firms, with such

an advantage often find additional lucrative opportunities beyond their borders.

Moreover, the more successful a firm is domestically, the more difficult it

is to increase market sh are without strong competitive response. Multinatio nal

markets, however, offer an ideal alternative to the desir e for increased growth and


Another reason why profitability and marketing top the list of goals is that

these tend to be more externally environmentally responsive, whereas production,

finance and personnel areas tend to be more internally controlled. Thus, for strategic

planning, profitability and marketing goals are given higher importance and deserve

closer attention.

Once the strategic goals are set, the MNC will develop specific operational

goals and controls, usually through a two-way process at the subsidiary or affiliate

level. For example, the MNC headquarters may require periodic financial reports,

an d require that all client contracts be clear ed through the house office. These

guidelines are designed to ensure that the overseas group s activities support the

goals in the strategic plan and that all units operate in a co-ordinated effort.


The strategy formulated needs to be implemented. Strategy implementation

is the process of attaining goals by using the organisational structure to


the strategy formulated. Three issues deserve serious

implementation.c onsideration for strategy


Ownership decisions and

Functional area implementation.


An MNC must decide the location of its subsidiary. Core consideration in

choosing a country is the size of its market. MNCs have traditionally invested in

the rich countries. Another consideration in choosing a country is the extent of

Government control. Earlier, MNCs refused to do business in eastern European

countries and to some extent even in India. The recent liberalization of economy

in India and shift towards free market in the republics of the former Soviet Union

and other European nations, however encouraged MNCs to change their perception

and they are now making moves in this largely untapped part of the global


Location is important for an MNC for a number of reasons. Facilities in a

host country contribute to the competitive edg e to the MNC. Location is also

important because host country citizens prefer locally produced products. Imported

goods may be subject to tariff restrictions. Besides, an MNC may already be doing

so much business in a country that the local Government will insist that it set up

local operations and begin producing more of its goods internally.


Ownership of multinational operations has become an important issue in

recent years. There are a number of forms of ownership in international operations.

The most common ownership patterns are joint ventures, alliances, mergers and

acquisitions and new facilities. Depending on the region of the world, some patterns

are more popular than others. For example in China joint ventures are more popular

while in Australia alliances are widely used. However, the most widely recognized

strategies are wholly owned subsdiaries acquired through mergers and acquisitions,

licensing agreements, franchising and basic export and import operations.


Functional strategies are used to coordinate operations and to examine that

the str ategies are implemented effectively. While the specific functions in MNCs

vary, they typically fall into five major areas namely marketing, manufacturing,

finance, technology and human resources.


The final phase in multinational strategic management is evaluation and

co ntrol. Ev aluation involves an examination of th e MNCs performance for the

purpose of determining:

i. how well the organisation has done and

ii. what corrective actions should be taken in the light of this performance.

Strategy evaluation includes two basic activities:

i. assessing the actual results and comparing them with the expected ones


ii. taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms the plans.

Strategy evaluation is essential to ensure that stated objectives are being

achieved. It is also important because MNCs face dynamic environments in which

forces change quickly and dr amatically. Today s success is not guaranteed for

tomorrow. An organisation should never be lulled into complacency with


Quan titativ e criteria such as financial r atios, may also be emplo yed to

evaluate the performance of the firm. Some key financial ratios that are particularly

useful as criteria for evaluation include Return on investment, Return on equity,

Profit margin, Debt to equity, Earnings per share and Sales and Assets growth.


In this lesson we have seen multinational strategic management issues in

general and more particularly strategic management process. We have also analysed

multinational environment scanning. Further, we have analysed how strategies are

formu lated and its four major strategy options such as world wide integration,

national and regional responsiveness an d multifocal ap proach . We have also

analysed the implementation part of the strategy and the involvement of three issues

namely location, ownership, decisions and functional areas of implemen tation.

Finally evaluation and con trol o f multinational strategic manag ement ar e also

discussed in detail.

1. Explain the factors behind the growth of MNCs.

2. Write a short note on the development of MNCs.

3. The study of multinational business is fine if you are going to work in

a large MNC, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to

work in small firms. Evaluate this statement.

4. What is strategic management? How is it important for an MNC?

5. Describe the Multinational Strategic Management Process?

6. Explain how MNCs formulate their strategies?

7. How is environmental scanning useful to multinational business?

8. Explain Lickert s four systems of management?

9. Write a note on Managerical Grid ?

10. Explain contingency approach to management style?

11. Discuss management styles based on use of authority?


1. International Business - Charles W.L. Hill

2. International Business - Aswathappa

3 International Business - Francis Cherunilam

4. Management - Herold Koontz & Heinz Weikmich

[Comparative Management : Importance and scope; Methods of comparative

management ; management styles and practices in US ,Japan, China, Korea,

India; Organizational design and structure of international corporations; Locus

of decision making; Headquarter and subsidiary relations in international firms.]

Learning Objectives:

After reading this chapter, you should be able to understand the

Importance and scope of comparative management.
Management styles and practices in different countries
Various forms of International organizational structure.
Locus of decision making.
Headquarters and subsidiary relationships and control.


Today's and tomorrow's managers confront increasingly complex organizations,

accelerated technological change, and a demanding business environment.

Internationalization and globalization of the markets and an ever increasing

exchange with foreign cultures have become reality in everyday business today.

Nearly all small and medium-sized companies are increasingly exporting to

foreign countries or are part of a global supply chain. How does the enterprise

deal with highly competitive and open market economies which directly affect

the bottom lines of organizations? How to prepare a responsible manager?

What business rules apply in different countries? Immediate relevance to current

business issues and the lasting benefit to corporations are the guidelines in

designing multinational corporations management programme.
In a fast changing global business environment Multinational Companies are

preparing a comprehensive approach which will work effectively at various

environmental conditions. The basic idea of this approach is to study the

multiplicity of business environments and management principles adopted by

the companies to administer the situation. Based on the experiences at different

countries firms are proficient to identify the cause and effect relationships by

which they can prepare a strategy for meeting different environmental

requirements which is called as comparative management.

Comparative management is defined as the study and analysis of

management in different environments and the reasons that enterprises show

different results in various countries. Management is an important element in

economic growth and in the improvement of productivity. The art and the skill

of comparative management require manager understanding of the Political,

Economic, Social, Technological and Ecological context in which enterprises

operate. Managers must make a judgment call about what works where and why.



The increase in the number of multinational companies that invest

directly in foreign countries has given rise to a relatively new management field

known as comparative management. Comparative management is identifying,

measuring, and interpreting similarities and differences among managers`

behavior, techniques, and practices in various countries.

Multinational companies have opened plants in foreign countries for

several reasons: to gain a share in a foreign market to take advantage of

economies of scale, to capitalize on savings gained through fluctuations in the

foreign exchange market, to avoid trade restrictions, and to take advantages of
low-cost government loans that encourage foreign investment. Difficulties arise

from the different environments, beliefs, government influences, social customs,

and forces in the foreign country. Comparative management approach has

become essential to solve the problems faced by a company operating in a

foreign environment. Following are the major points for captivating comparative


1. Versatile :

There are several reasons to understand management in an international

context. First, as an increasing number of managers go abroad for overseas

assignments, they are faced with the problems of motivating and

communicating with the foreign work force. Understanding and being

responsive to local conditions help managers to achieve personnel and

organizational goals. Second, awareness of potential conflict between the

multinational company and the host country makes for a mutually beneficial

relationships. For example; the multinational might hire a higher percentage

of nationals for managerial positions or permit more local autonomy as a

way of smoothing labor relations. Third, getting to know how the managers

in foreign countries perform their tasks expedites continued trade and

cooperation. Fourth, observing how different cultures solve similar problems

provides the multinational with innovative problem-solving techniques,

which lead to improved management. Finally, the ability to see worthwhile

differences and to observe how to act in varying situations is made available.

2. Convergence:

There is a divergence of opinion with respect to this concept. A German

manager of a U.S. plant suggests: We are finding out that the way of the

future is one world ? one market place. The plethora of goods such as

watches, cars, musical instruments, office copiers, and the electronic
products supplied by multinationals suggests that a common set of

managerial beliefs is becoming more relevant. As countries share more

common external problems, their different management and organizational

system results to a convergence or adoption of various traditional

management systems.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that environmental factors will

continue to dominate management of a foreign plant. It is interesting to note,

however, that successful Japanese and Europeans approaches to

management have been adopted in several of their U.S. plants.

3. Semantic difficulties :

Misunderstandings about the different ways cultures interpret certain words

or concepts can lead to major inefficiencies. For example, the word leader

has a different meaning in Australia than in the United States. Even the word

manager does not have a uniform meaning throughout the world. And words

like status, security, and esteem mean different things in different countries.

In some countries, the meaning and the measurement of what it means are

both in a single word. Further, a number of managerial terms originated in

the United Status and have been adopted unchanged in the foreign

languages, but the common meaning of the word in the foreign country has

grown to mean something quite different from the original U.S. term.

Additionally, every culture has some idiomatic expressions that convey no

meaning at all when translated into another language.


Globalisation of business complicated the management of international

companies at various levels. Striving to be a truly global company is a relatively

new quest. A few early explorers steered uncharted courses during the first half
of the 20th century. But most companies recognized the opportunities presented

by an increasingly global marketplace only in the past two decades. So it's not

surprising that the number of global companies remains extremely small.

Besides the newness and, of course, the difficulty of this quest, there is one other

important reason so few global companies exist today. Not many

executives/managers possess the qualities needed to lead their companies around

the world. The practice of comparative management increases the scope for the

managers to learn in a versatile environment. The following are the scope of

comparative management in management of multinational companies

1. Think globally, act locally:

Companies working through comparative management get the opportunity of

finding the best management approach. Players in this new environment will

have a fast response capability, will be comfortable with cross-cultural

influences, and will be entrepreneurial and flexible. Global managers will

require a working knowledge of international relationships and foreign affairs,

including global financial markets and exchange-rate movements. These

expanded business management skills will need to be coupled with global

responsibilities to take advantage of manufacturing rationalization, "mass

customization" of products, and low-cost, global sourcing. The global mind-set

required by these new economic and competitive realities will be needed at all

levels in the firm. Managers with this global perspective will need to strike a

balance between national responsiveness and exploitation of global economies

of scale. This is the vaunted ability to "think globally, but act locally."

2. Forming of transnational corporations:

Managing change in the unstable environment is an unending challenge.

Constantly fine-tuning the balance between global and local pressures under
changing competitive conditions will contribute to the need for frequent reor-

ganization of resources, human networks, technology, and marketing and

distribution systems. The shortening of product life cycles, driven by

technological change in the products and how they are manufactured and

delivered, contributes to the acceleration of change. As difficult as these

constant changes are to manage, the overall transition to global operations

represents a formidable challenge in itself. Existing international operations,

often marked by standardization of products and uniformity of procedures, may

be a barrier to effective globalization. For example, a long history of mass-

producing standard products may make it especially difficult to invest in and

effectively operate flexible factories, one way that firms may offer differentiated

products to different markets on a global scale.

For a successful transition to global operations, it is also important that country

managers are in agreement with the strategy. If poorly implemented, the move to

globalisation can pit headquarters managers against country or field managers.

There is a tendency for autonomous units in a firm to protect their own turf. If

global strategy is perceived as a move toward a centralization of responsibility, a

local manager's role may become less strategic. Subsidiary managers who joined

a company because of its commitment to local autonomy and adapting products

to local environments may become disenchanted or even leave the organization.

In terms of organization structure, effective global managers will need the skills

to manage the transition from independence/dependence to interdependence,

from control to coordination and cooperation, and from symmetry to


3. Ability to Manage Cultural Diversity:
Global aptitude encompasses several different qualities. First, of course, is

foreign experience. But probably equally important is sensitivity to other

cultures. As one starts to function internationally, an understanding of culture

and its impact on behavior, particularly management behavior and practices,

becomes essential. Very often, people experience difficulties when they have to

work in another culture because peoples' world views and mental programs are

different in different cultures. Culture has been called "the collective

programming of the mind which distinguishes one human group from another."

As a result of having different mental programs, people often see situations

differently and has different approaches and solutions to problems. Each tends to

believe that his or her way is the right way and makes the most sense. The result

can be frustration, conflict, and an inability to successfully carry out strategy or

plans. Understanding has two parts: cultural awareness or how another person's

culture affects his or her behavior; and self-awareness or understanding how our

own culture affects our behavior. It is not sufficient to understand how others

differ, if we do not understand how we also differ.

The first imperative for effectively managing cultural diversity is cultural sensi-

tivity. The marketers of Coca-Cola, the world's most recognized brand, attribute

their success to the ability of their people to hold and to understand the

following perspectives simultaneously: Their corporate culture, the culture of

their brand, and the culture of the people to whom they market the brand.

Sometimes cultural sensitivity leads to marketing one's products to a particular

market segment across cultural boundaries, basically finding common

subcultures within otherwise diverse cultures. In a classic study of international

marketing practices of several bed linen companies headquartered in the United

Kingdom, findings stressed the ability to develop a high level of cultural

awareness in order to:
1. Know the culture and understand consumption pattern.

2. Obtain high product acceptance in light of the fact that culturally

rooted differences have a significant impact on a product's success in

a global market.

3. Recognize universal themes by segmenting according to similarities

instead of geographical differences.

Lack of cultural awareness can be devastating to organizations competing glob-

ally. An organization not managed according to values felt by its members is

likely to experience conflict. Hidden values and beliefs must be recognized and

understood in order to manage effectively. Global managers must have the

ability to recognize that cultural differences operate internally and externally. It

is important to understand the influence of the home office's own cultural filters

when dealing with foreign affiliates and to accept that the home office way of

doing things will not be appropriate in all instances.

In today's global environment, a firm's home culture must no longer dominate

the entire organization's culture. Instilling such an attitude, a global mind-set, is

not as simple as sending a memo announcing the change. Attitudes are

notoriously resistant to change. There are four distinct attitude clusters that are

useful in thinking about, and characterizing, corporate worldviews or mind-sets:

ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. These attitudes may be

reflected in a firm's structure; authority and decision-making processes;

selection, development, evaluation, control, and reward systems; information

flows; and geographical identification.

4. Design Flexible Organizations:

Companies worldwide are facing unprecedented challenges in handling

uncertainty, and thus in managing their organization structure too. Given the

complexities of the global economy and its attendant demands on managers, it is

unlikely that any single organizational form will be adequate to the tasks. Global

managers will surely need significantly increased creativity in organizational

design, but limited organizational capability may represent the most critical con-

straint in responding to the new strategic demands. An individual manager

cannot be expected to develop and use all the diverse skills required for

successful global management. It is essential then that the organization support

global managers. Global managers will, therefore, be called on to design and

operate the very organizations that will help them to be more effective.

The best managers are already creating borderless organizations where the abil-

ity to learn, to be responsive, and to be efficient occurs within the firm's

administrative heritage. This suggests that a wide range of people in such firms

must demonstrate the capacity for strategic thinking and action, assisted by open

communication of plans, decentralization of strategic tasks, early opportunities

for development of top management capabilities, and control systems measuring

performance across many dimensions. These new organizations will have

multiple centers of influence and managers will move between jobs at these

centers. This lateral movement between centers and jobs will be common and

will displace hierarchy and promotion "up the ladder. To ensure that the

potential cultural diversity in such situations is taken advantage of, managers

will need the ability to create an alignment of authority and responsibility

between home office and field offices that moves decision making as close as

possible to the customer. Balance is required though and, as noted earlier, the
ability to coordinate manufacturing interdependencies to maximize economies

of production will be a key task of the global manager.

To operate effectively in these radically different, global organizations will take

new skills and old skills honed to a new sharpness. Some of the abilities and

characteristics needed by the global manager to function in flexible

organizations will be:

1. New levels of creativity and inventiveness in organizational design.

2. High tolerance for ambiguity.

3. The ability to learn, be responsive, and be efficient, all simultaneously.

4. The ability to identify and implement diverse managerial behaviors and

ideas for ongoing renewal of the organization.

5. The ability to coordinate complicated financial, human resource,

marketing and manufacturing interdependencies, not only across

functions, but also within each business activity.

6. The ability to recognize different manufacturing, marketing, and

organizational problems and priorities across different locations and to

accommodate these with new structures and processes.

5. Building global teams:

Increased cultural diversity in today's global organisations, combined with the

popularity of team based management techniques, makes the influence of

cultural differences on work team process and function a salient management

issue. Team-working is not the great panacea. It's not the latest management fad.

It's not the easy way of reducing costs. Team-working is a means to an end. It

enables organisations to employ a range of other techniques for improving

quality and reducing unit costs. Teams provide the platform on which to build

continuous improvement, just-in-time production systems, an empowered,
motivated and self-managed workforce committed to common goals. Teams

don't make these things happen - they enable them.

Even before the advent of global companies, effective teamwork was becoming

essential for managerial success. As specialization of people and differentiation

in organizations increased there was a concomitant increased need for

integration-for putting the specialized units back together in the service of the

organization's objectives. Teams, committees, and task forces were among the

devices used to accomplish the desired integration.

The need for transnational teamwork shows up in different ways in different

functions. Consider the different assumptions about the nature and purpose of

accounting and auditing in various parts of the world, for example. In one

country financial statements are meant to reflect fundamental economic reality

and the audit function is to ensure that this is so. In another country the audit is

to check the accuracy of the statements vis-?-vis the economic records. In still

another country it is only to make sure legal requirements have been met.

Imagine, then, the need for cross-cultural understanding and sensitivity in

auditing an international subsidiary or the teamwork needed to develop

international audit standards.

Other functions pick up the teamwork theme differently. In operations manage-

ment, the literature emphasizes the need to develop system-sensitive outlooks

and processes that will develop personal relationships across subsidiaries. The

human resource literature emphasizes the need to develop capabilities for

leading multinational teams in flexible and responsible ways. The ability to

work effectively with other people and in teams will be critical to the successful

implementation of a global strategy. Participation in global teams should,

therefore, occur early in the careers of managers in order to transform these

developing people into globally effective managers.
6. Ability to Communicate:

Managers of global companies make decisions across a range of firm and plant-

level activities encompassing activities associated with traditional functions such

as finance, marketing and production, as well as those associated with less

traditional actions such as international business-government relations and

international accounting. Although it is difficult to define a homogeneous set of

management principles that harmonize the heterogeneous set of activities

ongoing in a global organization, it is possible to identify several core and

common concerns. It is obvious that in a global environment managers will need

to be able to communicate with diverse groups of people.

To do so effectively will require multilingual skills and high levels of cross-

cultural awareness and sensitivity. In addition to the positive effects of good

communication skills among colleagues and with customers, there is another

advantage of particular importance to geographically dispersed and culturally

diverse organizations. Sensitive communications will also build trust, and a

common message can help build a strong corporate culture emphasizing shared,

global value systems.

7. Ability to Learn and to Transfer Knowledge in an Organization:

Given the diversity of market requirements and needs, the dispersion of

manufacturing and sourcing, the rise of Research and Development leadership

in developed countries, and the importance of technological advances for

product and process innovations, learning and transfer of knowledge are key to

global success. Managers who are globally competent will be deeply curious;

organizations that are successful will be able to coordinate, transfer, and use the

knowledge gained by curious executives rapidly and effectively.
The ability of organizations to learn and to transfer knowledge will only increase

in importance as markets continue to globalize. In a global environment, the

ability of people to learn from diverse sources and to transfer knowledge within

their organization is essential for success.


Today, the framework of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling

has become the most popular way of structuring managerial knowledge.

Managerial experience based on this framework are widely used around the

world. Still, there are challenging tasks ahead for integrating the body of

managerial knowledge into a unified theory. There is evidence that the

management theory jungle not only continuous to flourish but get more dense,

with nearly twice as many schools or approaches as were found more than 20

years ago.

At the same time, there are signs that the various schools of thought are

converging. Realizing that these are only signs along the road to a more unified

and operational theory of management, and that there is more of this road to

travel, let us briefly examine some of methods towards comparative


1. The Empirical Approach:

In reviewing the many programs that use cases as a means of educating

managers, one finds that there appears to be much greater emphasis on distilling

fundamentals that there was two or three decades ago. Likewise, in the field of

business policy, there has been increased emphasis on teaching and research

that goes beyond recounting what happened in given situation to analyzing the
underlying causes. One major result of all this has been a new emphasis on

strategic management.

2. Systems Approach:

Practicing managers as well as operational theories increasingly use the basics

of systems theory in analyzing managerial jobs. On the macro level, managers,

especially those in multinational corporations, are viewing their operations as a

global interdependent system. Japanese managers, for example, are in change of

their manufacturing plants in the United States, and U.S. managers direct their

firms in Europe and other countries.

3. Situational Approach :

It is now clear that the concept of situational, or contingency management are

merely a way of distinguishing between science and art, knowledge and

practice. Those writers and scholars who have emphasized situation or

contingency approaches have done the field of management theory and practice

a great service by stressing that what the intelligent manager actually does

depends on the realities of the situation, whether it is in the United States or


4. The Motivational Theory Approach:

Another interesting sign of the move toward a comparative management is the

way that research and analysis have tended to merge motivation and leadership

theory. Leadership research and theory have found that people tend to follow

those who offer them a means of satisfying their own desires. Thus, explanations

of leadership have been increasingly related to motivation.

Implied by most recent research and theory is the clear message that effective

leaders design a system that takes into account the expectations of subordinates,
the variability of motives between individuals, the factors specific to a situation,

the need for clarity of role definition, interpersonal relations and types of


5. Organization Development Approach:

Both organization development and the field ordinarily referred to as

organization behavior have grown out of the interpersonal and group behavior

approaches to management. Many specialists in these areas are now beginning

to see that basic management theory and techniques fit well into their programs

of behavior intervention.

Studies indicate that many experts in this field are beginning to understand that

the study of behavioral elements in group operations must be more closely

integrated with the study of organization structure design, staffing, planning, and

control. This is a hopeful sign. It is recognition that analysis of individual and

group behavior, at least in managed situations, easily and logically falls into

place in the scheme of operational-management theory. By the application of

comparative management firms can develop an excellent international


6. Impact of Technology: Research an Old Problem :

Technology has wide impact on organization structure, behavior patterns, and

other aspects of managing has been recognized by practitioners for many years.

Fortunately, academic researchers in recent years have directed their attention to

the impact of technology on managerial effectiveness.




The United States is a democratic country and it is more difficult to determine to

what extent authority is centered at the top and to what extent it is balanced by

the authority of the working population exercising their power through the

withdrawal of their labour.

US managers are often under pressure by stockholders to show favorable

financial results. This, unfortunately, may not encourage investments that have a

payout in the more distant future. Also, Americans usually stay in their

managerial positions only a relatively short time, and so a myopic decision can

seldom be traced to the manager who had made it but in the meantime was

promoted or even changed companies.

Decisions are made primarily by individuals, and usually only a few people are

involved. Consequently, after a decision has been made, it has to be sold to

others, often people with different values and different perceptions of what the

problem really is and how it should be solved. In this way the making of a

decision is rather fast, but its implementation is very time consuming and

requires compromise with those managers holding different view points.

The management of human resource in USA is quite different from other

countries. American firms also recruit employees from schools, but they hire

employees from other companies too. A common practice in America to

appraise the performance of new employees rather soon after they join the
company. If the performance does not meet the companion`s expectations

employment may be terminated. But even for those who have been with a

company for many years, performance is evaluated at least once in a year. In

general, the focus of performance appraisal is on short?term results and

individuals contributions to the companies aims.

The managerial function of leading is carried out quite differently in

U.S.companies. Leaders are seen as decision makers heading the group, they are

expected to be directive, strong, firm, and determined. their task is to integrate

diverse values, but the emphasis on individualism in the society in general and

in organization in particular may hinder cooperation.


Short-term orientation.

Involvement of few people.

Decision making at the top, flowing down.

Fast decision making.

Loyalty to profession.

Comprehensive performance evaluation.

Job insecurity.

Face- to face confrontation.

Fixing blame.


In the post-World War II era a set of Japanese cultural patterns and managerial

practices came to be known collectively as the Japanese management style or

Japanese management techniques. Many of these techniques were credited with

helping vault the Japanese economy to its status as the world's second largest,

behind only the United States. Japanese management styles have never been that
different from those prevalent in Western business, although many managers

and pundits appear to believe they are. However, there certainly have been

several useful concepts emanating from or developed by Japanese entrepreneurs

and management. Kaizen is a good example, although Edwards Deming and

others from the West largely articulated this (Japanese) Buddhist view of

organisation, influencing management pundits such as Masaaki Imai.

In Japan planning is greatly aided by the cooperation between government and

business. After second world war II Japan developed policies for economic

growth and strength as well as international competitiveness. These policies

harmonized monetary and fiscal policies with in the industrial structure. One of

the most interesting part of Japanese management is the way decision are made.

In typical organisation, several levels are involved in making a decision.

Actually, the most important aspect of the process is the understanding and the

analysis of the problem and development of various alternative solutions.

Japanese managers are seen as social integrators who are a part of the work

group. Using a paternalistic leadership approach, managers show great concern

for the welfare of other subordinates. Common values and team spirit facilitates

cooperation. The role of managers is to create an environment of spirit de corps,

and they are willing to help out in doing the same work their subordinates do. In

an attempt to maintain harmony at almost any cost, managers avoid face-to-face

confrontation. This means that things may be purposely left ambiguous.

One of the major contributions of Japanese management to the world is Z

theory. Theory Z is often referred to as the 'Japanese' management style, which

is essentially what it is. It's interesting that Ouchi chose to name his model

'Theory Z', which apart from anything else tends to give the impression that it's a

Mcgregor idea. One wonders if the idea was not considered strong enough to

stand alone with a completely new name... Nevertheless, Theory Z essentially

advocates a combination of all that's best about theory Y and modern Japanese
management, which places a large amount of freedom and trust with workers,

and assumes that workers have a strong loyalty and interest in team-working and

the organisation.

Theory Z also places more reliance on the attitude and responsibilities of the

workers, whereas Mcgregor's X,Y theory is mainly focused on management and

motivation from the manager's and organisation's perspective. There is no doubt

that Ouchi's Theory Z model offers excellent ideas, albeit it lacking the simple

elegance of Mcgregor's model, which let's face it, thousands of organisations

and managers around the world have still yet to embrace.


Long term orientation.

Collective decision making.

Slow decision making.

Paternalistic leadership style.

Common values facilitating cooperation.

Control by peers.

Saving face.


In the age of globalisation, China presents a unique setting for organizations.

The unprecedented growth of China's economy, which remains the fastest

growing in the world, offers significant potential for the practice of modern

management concepts. As China's economy evolves -- growing larger, more

complex and more competitive -- so is the way that multinational corporations

(MNCs) are managing their operations there. CEOs and other senior executives

at MNCs in the U.S., Europe and Asia are focusing more of their time and their

companies' resources on China. A research suggests that the MNCs that have
had the most success in China are those whose top managers have gone out of

their way to stress the importance of their China businesses in relation to their

global operations. At the same time, the managers on the ground in China are

also changing. Expatriates still hold the most senior positions in China, but

Chinese locals are assuming a greater role in both middle- and senior-

management ranks.

In years to come, multinationals will face new challenges in their China

operations: nurturing the growing number of more educated and experienced

Chinese managers and leveraging their China operations in a way that

contributes to their global competitive advantage. In past years, the typical

general manager in China was assigned the relatively straightforward task of

either selling his multinational's products in that country or helping the parent

firm establish operations to leverage China's strength as a low-cost producer. To

be sure, these remain important responsibilities; indeed, the number of

companies that wish to outsource to China is accelerating. But the demand on

China managers has become more multifaceted. For one thing, China managers

still have to address significant growth in demand in China and all of the

challenges inherent in competing against foreign and domestic companies in

what is already a vast, difficult market. They also must deal with the global

migration of customers. Industrial companies or suppliers that provide

components to assembly plants are finding that more and more of their

customers are migrating their manufacturing to China either because of demand

or China's attractiveness as a low-cost space. Hence, China managers must now

interact with a constant stream of visits by customers from many parts of the

world. Furthermore, general managers of MNCs in China must strengthen their

ability to develop managerial talent -- as well as engineers and scientists --

within China.
In 2003, Boston Consulting Group and the Wharton School (BCG ) conducted a

survey to benchmark the best corporate approaches to China. The study focused

on ways in which 14 MNCs manage their overall presence in China from a

broad corporate perspective, as distinct from the level of individual business

units. BCG also looked at how MNCs ensure sufficient global visibility of their

China operations and how functions and processes are carried out. Specifically,

the consultancy analyzed the MNCs from a number of perspectives: how the

multinational manages its China operations; target setting and management

processes; government and public relations; localization and human resources

development; the role of the China operation; the relationship of sourcing to

sales and marketing; and the extent of cross-product development activities.

The study found that leading MNCs treat China uniquely in at least 10 ways:

1. The China operation has a very senior, accountable sponsor at the global

level; at Samsung, for example, the China CEO is one of three top group


2. Clear, bold targets are set internally, and sometimes externally; GE has

goals of $5 billion in sales and $5 billion in sourcing by 2005.

3. A continual, top-down management push is reinforced with management

processes; Michael Dell of Dell Computer and other CEOs visit China at

least once a year.

4. The MNC is willing to change its rules regarding global priorities and

norms to favor China; Kodak moved its Asia headquarters to China.

5. China-specific products are pursued; virtually all major MNCs have

China-specific products.

6. The MNC works aggressively to bring the industry value chain,

including R&D, into China; Samsung set up a 300-person handset R&D

laboratory in Beijing.
7. Managers are nurtured for the long term; Motorola University runs

management development programs in China.

8. Government relations and public relations are strongly emphasized;

Pepsi has stepped up its government-relations focus on the central

government and less on provincial governments.

9. The China operation is given a truly "value-added" role; Kodak's China

organization prepares an integrated strategy across six businesses.

10. China is made a global or regional center -- or both -- for key

responsibilities; Nike says its China operation will become increasingly

important in the build-up to the 2008 Olympics.


Korea and the other countries adjacent to China have been under the influence

of Chinese culture for up to two thousand years. Chinese culture, therefore, has

dominated Korean society and their everyday lives through political, legal and

social systems in addition to literature, religion and ethics. In Korea Japanese

management receives a greater deal of attention, partly because of the economic

success of Japanese. Korea has also known for its fast and remarkable economic

growth, but its management practices are less known to the world. It would be

incorrect to assume that Korean management is simply an extension of Japanese

management. It is not although there are some cultural and structural

similarities, such as the dominance of powerful conglomerate companies.

In Japan, managers emphasis group harmony and cohesion, expressed in the

concept of wa; the Korean concept of inhwa also translates into harmony, but

with less accept on group values.

There have also been cultural changes which reflect on the Korean way of doing

business and of living. The knowledge and skills for coping with these changes

need to be mastered by those who want to interact with Koreans. The need for
interpersonal relationships and good communication should be emphasized.

Korean organizations are quite hierarchical, with family members occupying

key positions .Beyond blood relationships, the factors affecting hiring decisions

often include the school attended or being from the same geographic region as

the top person. The leadership style can best be described as top-down, or

autocratic/paternalistic. This approach enables the firm to adjust quickly to the

demands in the environment by issuing commands. Lifetime employment does

not prevail.Indeed,the labor turnover rates are high when compared with the low

rates in Japan. Turnover is primarily attributable to people quitting their job

rather than being dismissed. All in all, Korean management is different from

both Japanese and U.S. management practices.


Since 1991, the Indian industry has been exposed to a globally competitive

marketplace. Despite the impact of globalisation, Indian companies have not

completely discarded Indian managerial philosophy. India seems to be moving

towards a unique `hybrid' form of management that seeks to remain grounded in

selected `traditional' patterns of behaviour, while embracing many of the

globally accepted management practices.

India has a rich and enduring cultural heritage that has shaped and reshaped

itself over thousands of years. The country has not shut itself completely to

global information and cultural flows. In the past three centuries, a British

inspired institutional underpinning, a vigorous democratic political system and a

highly-educated, English-speaking social elite have exposed the country to

global trends. In that sense, India is quite unlike China, which shut itself off

from the Western world for several years and only recently opened up to the

outside world.

Management practices India exhibits India's work culture. Hierarchical

management, high power-distance, a low risk taking propensity and the
importance of familial and social networks have been cited as reasons for India's

relatively slow industrialisation. A high power-distance culture means that

workers prefer authoritative and hierarchical forms of management. They also

respond favourably to close supervision. Managers who demonstrate a high

`power figure' type of behaviour are more likely to gain the respect of

subordinates. Clear and direct orders are preferred. In order to enthuse and

motivate workers, clear job descriptions and detailed instructions are needed.

One problem faced in professionalising Indian management is that many Indians

derive their identity based on family. Additionally, age and seniority are given

great respect in India. A typical Indian is also very loyal to his or her own group

or team, and places the interest of the group before his or her own interests.

On the face of it, one would expect to see this collectivism to be carried over to

the work place in the form of hard work, commitment, dedication and loyalty to

the company. But a closer examination reveals that Indians are not that

committed to their organisations as say the Japanese. Indeed, many Indians put

their individual interests ahead of those of their organisations.

Another aspect of Indian management is that Indian CEOs receive greater

idealisation from senior managers than their counterparts in the West.

Consequently Indian leaders are insulated from critical feedback from their

senior managers. Moreover in contrast to Western managers who are expected to

react consistently, logically and objectively in different situations, place, time

and person influence Indian managers. Some behaviour that is judged

appropriate for a given place, time and person(s) may not be appropriate for

other times, places and person. But here again, thanks to globalisation, things are

changing, especially in industries like the IT.

Ultimately, it is the quality of management, which will determine India's

progress in the next few decades. Indian managers need to introspect and show
flexibility. They must accept the best practices from other countries and yet

modify them to suit the country's unique needs.




Organisation design, sometimes called organisation structure, is the overall

pattern of structural components and configurations used to manage the total


Organizational structures generally establish internal authority relationships,

responsibility for work performance, and paths of communication and control

required for a company to achieve its objectives. These structures are typically

set up to blend the specialized expertise needed to facilitate decision making on

a variety of short- and long-range problems. The development of structures

should generally be planned and managed.

The type of structure managers select should take into consideration the social

and psychological aspects of the environment and personnel and should be

designed to achieve operational efficiency and control without inhibiting

individual creativity and initiative. This task becomes much more complex when

a domestic enterprise desires to internationalize its operations. This is because

organizations` managers need to establish lines of authority and responsibility

from top headquarters management to managers in a variety of foreign

environments and at the same time keep open the necessary lines of

communication required to manage effectively and efficiently in all the diverse


Importance of organisation design

A firm through its organisation design (organisation structure)

1. Allocates organisational resources.
2. Assigns tasks to its employees.

3. Instructs those employees about the company`s rules, procedures, and

expectations relating to their job

4. Collects and transmits information necessary for problem solving and

decision making.



The term organization takes new meaning for a multinational company based

on the dimensions of the business. The basic dimensions of an international

business enterprise are technical or product needs, functional needs, and regional

or environment needs. Technical or product needs are specialized factors such as

construction, operation, manufacturing, research and development, special

knowledge, and experience. Functional needs are special knowledge of such

functions as personnel, planning, purchasing and finance. Regional or

environmental needs are special knowledge of areas such as the foreign

government, politics, trends and economy. To attain maximum over all benefit

and to ensure effective communication and develop the means to make effective

decisions, the international organizational structure managers must effectively

integrate these three basic dimensions throughout the organization.

An organization`s international structure is usually based on one of few

traditional or contemporary models. The traditional models include the

functional structure international division, foreign subsidiary, product division,

and regional structure. The contemporary models include the matrix

organization, the non-equity-based contractual/strategic alliance, and the mixed

(hybrid) structure. These are discussed in the following sections.


This form of organization extends the traditional domestic functional hierarchy,

and its development often bypasses the international division stage. Under the

functional structure, major functions are the focus. Product knowledge is

centered in manufacturing, engineering and marketing, and management of each

of these departments is responsible for both the domestic and information

activities. Large international companies rarely use this structure at the corporate

level; it is sometimes used in regions, divisions, and / or subsidiaries. The

functional structure is traditionally European. It is typically used by smaller

firms, or by larger firms with one major product and stable demand. Domestic

firms whose internationalization strategy entails indirect exporting often use

this structure. A firms low dependence on foreign sales and its staffs lack of

international business experience often leads it to adopt this structure, as oppose

to the international division structure. This structure works well in small

companies, or in those with narrowly defined technologies where integrated

manufacturing or service activities can achieve economic goals.

Advantages of Functional Structure

1. Emphasis on functional expertise:. The key business tasks define work,

and functional expertise is brought to bear on all aspects of the operation.

2. Tight control. This centralized functional approach permits a small staff

to control the firm`s operations. Top management has authority and

operational responsibility.

3. Prevents We versus Them conflicts. The absence of secondary profit

centers (there is no international division) prevents internal conflicts ?

the we versus the international division problems (discussed in the

next section) is prevented.
4. Firms can develop and transfer expertise within each functional area.

5. It is possible to maintain highly centralised control over functional


6. It focuses attention on the key functions of the firm.

7. Accountability ? someone is responsible for the section.

8. Clarity in functional definition ? know your and others` roles.

Disadvantages of the Functional Structure

1. Weak regional coordination. Disputes between functional managers must

often be resolved at the corporate level. The CEO is often asked to solve

problems in areas in which he or she lacks expertise, such as

international business.

2. In firms with multiple product lines, functional structure can lead to top-

heaviness. In multiproduct firms, functional managers need expertise in

each product, or a functional manager is needed for each product. The

latter, which is often the case, would lead to an expensive, top-heavy


3. Much greater emphasis is often placed on domestic sales than on foreign


4. It is practical only when the firm has relatively few products or


5. It does not promote coordination between divisions.

6. It may result in duplication of resources between managers.

7. Closed communication could lead to lack of focus.

8. Departments can become resistant to change.

9. Coordination may take too long.

10. Gap between top and bottom.


When international business continue to grow companies can go for

international division structure. After gaining some international business

experience through indirect exporting and their reliance on international

business has increased somewhat, many companies internationalize their

operations further by creating an export department. Typically, the aim of the

export department is simply to handle shipment of existing domestic products to

foreign markets. But when firms` foreign transactions subsequently increase, the

export department is generally developed into an international division. The

international division usually supervises exports, distribution agreements,

foreign sales forces, foreign sales branches, the foreign sales subsidiaries. Staff

members in the international divisions are selected on the basis of their general

familiarity with corporate products, technology, and the culture, combined with

their ability to the hands on managers who are culturally sensitive and

adaptable to the constraints imposed by the foreign environmental factors.

In the international division structure, functional staffs such as

marketing, finance, and research and development are typically established, and

an executive responsible for international operations is appointed. International

businesses adopt this structure when they desire to have an expert responsible

for managing each specialized function. Managing these functions across

countries requires skills beyond those required for managing them in the home


The international division is generally given total authority and

responsibility for the enterprise`s foreign operations and activities. Historically,
some smaller enterprises for whom an international division was not really

necessary have nevertheless adopted such a structure because they saw it being

used by larger, successful enterprises.

Advantages of the International Division:

1. International executive development: Managers and employees in such a

division are forced to develop expertise in international business and will

subsequently able to participate in, or direct, operations in foreign sites.

2. Focused international responsibility and authority: Foreign operations are

generally more complex than domestic operations and distant from the

home base. As experienced executive whose sole responsibility and

authority is the international division is therefore more free to react to the

needs of such areas than would be an executive whose responsibility and

authority is for both domestic and international operations.

3. The International operation has a single, strong voice in the company`s

strategy/policy-setting process. Since heads of international divisions are

usually totally responsible for profits and losses of the foreign operations,

they will be forceful in acquiring the share of resources necessary to

accomplish the firm`s international goals. On the other hand, an executive in

charge of both domestic and foreign operations may focus more on

obtaining resources for domestic activities than for foreign operations.

4. Top management is cognizant of consequences: Because of the complexity

of international business, many domestic executives focus mainly on their

home-country operations and lose themselves in domestic issues, therefore

ignoring global operations. By having an international division, top
management is made cognizant of the consequences of focused decisions on

global operations.

5. Company-wide view of international operations: Managers in the

international; division are usually concerned with the success of all of the

firm`s products in foreign markets. These managers are therefore impartial

in determining the best overall corporate strategy for international profits.

On the other hand, managers of individual product lines made responsible

for both domestic and foreign operations may be partial to their own

international operations as opposed to the firm`s overall international


Disadvantages of the International Divisions:

1. Exports slowdown: Production division may not always adequately

supply what the foreign division needs because they favor the domestic

operations. Consequently, foreign orders may go unfilled even if the

profit potential is higher than that for domestic orders. On the other hand,

the heads of product divisions who are responsible for both domestic and

foreign business may pay more attention to foreign operations when they

see a higher profit potential than in the domestic market.

2. Bottleneck: Managers of international divisions sometimes lack adequate

product or technical expertise, and the physical separation between

domestic and foreign operations often precludes enterprises from

providing adequate technical support to international divisions. This

cause bottlenecks.

3. Conflict between employees in the domestic division and the employees

in the international divisions: Organizational struggles between domestic
and foreign operations often occur. Because the international division

cuts across all product areas, a we-they situation can occur.

4. International versus other divisions: In the ideal corporate organization,

operating divisions should be equal in size and profit. In reality,

however, the international division often becomes more profitable than

the product divisions. When this occurs, the product divisions sometimes

gang-up to reduce the international division`s power.

5. International Managers spread too thin: Managers of international

divisions are often made responsible for several disparate markets, such

as South America, Europe, and Asia. This makes developing expertise



Environmental changes, such as increased demand in foreign markets, or a

foreign government`s mandate, or changing conditions in the home market,

often force international corporations to cease exporting and being establishing

manufacturing facilities in the foreign markets ? they establish subsidiaries in

foreign countries. These firms thus restructure their organization; they change

from an international division structure to a foreign subsidiary structure. Each

foreign subsidiary is treated as an entity. Each reports directly to top

management at headquarters. Coordination between product and service

departments is carried out at the headquarters office. These firms therefore apply

the multidomestic strategy. Applying a multidomestic strategy, the headquarters`

managers generally allow the subsidiaries to function as a loose federation with

local managers processing substantial autonomy, allowing them to respond

quickly to local situations.
Advantages of the Foreign Subsidiary Structure:

1. Autonomy of affiliates:. The affiliate subsidiaries operate free of layers

of management between them and top management. These independent

affiliate companies are generally allowed to operate with the little control

from above and can thus develop their own local identity.

2. Direct top management involvement: Problems beyond the affiliates

talents go to top management for response and resolution. This enables

top management to reflect long-range corporate goals rather than

parochial interests. Also, it forces top management to develop a stake in

international business and acquire knowledge in that area.

Disadvantages of the Foreign Subsidiary Structure:

1. Diffuseness of international responsibility: there is no center for

international operations responsibility. With so many groups reporting

directly to the board, clarity and focus can be lost ? although the board

can delegate the responsibility to certain expert members.

2. Potential unwieldiness: Many items that could be resolved without

board action, such as by experts, are often pushed to the board level

again, the board could delegate many responsibilities to expert members.


A company that sells a diversified selection of goods or services will likely

organized on a product group structure. Many corporations are diversified and

use this structure. Under the product division structure, each of the enterprises

product divisions has responsibility for the sale and profits of its product.

Therefore, each division has its own functional, environmental, sales, and

manufacturing responsibilities. When a product division decides to

internationalize its operations, as in the case of one product companies, it may
first begin by indirect exporting, subsequently establishing its own export

division, and then establishing foreign subsidiaries. This means that if sales in

foreign markets by firms with numerous product divisions became substantial,

these enterprises could end up operating numerous subsidiary companies in a

single foreign territory. Ford Motors began restructuring itself along the product

line in the early 1990s Canon Corporation used the product division structure

when it became a multi product enterprise in 1962. ( Figure -1 )

Product division structure


Hewlett Packard






HP Services

HP Financial


Systems Group




Advantages of the product Division Structure:

1. Product and technology emphasis. Since both the domestic and

international units report to the product division and compared with the

whole, product divisions tent to be small, closer ties could result.

Therefore, because of the common product benefit and the closer ties,
products and technology can be easily transferred between the domestic

and international units.

2. Worldwide product planning. Foreign and domestic plans can be more

easily integrated in a product division than in an international division. A

worldwide division perspective could therefore evolve.

3. Conflict minimized. The problem of substantiating the difference

between international and domestic needs may be less difficult than

when the international function is in the international division. Having

both functions in the same division may lead to similar loyalties and the

we-they conflict often caused by placing the international function in

an international division may be mitigated.

4. Managers are able to gain expertise in all aspects of a product or


5. Efficiencies in production are facilitated.

6. Production can be coordinated at a variety of facilities reflecting global

demand and cost fluctuations.

7. Managers are in a position to incorporate new technologies into their

products and respond quickly and flexibly to technological changes that

affect their market.

8. Clear focus on market segment helps meet customers` needs

9. Positive competition between divisions

10. Better control as each division can act as separate profit centre

Disadvantages of the Product Division Structure

1. Division managers often lack international skills. International product

managers are often selected on the basis of domestic performance and

may therefore lack the required international skills.
2. Weakness in worldwide know-how. Managers of individual product

divisions may become knowledgeable in operating in certain markets,

but worldwide knowledge is often impossible. For example, in the past,

many managers of U.S. domestic enterprises that internationalized their

operations have developed strong skills in the Canadian and European

markets but weaker skills in other parts of the world. This may result in

weak performance in certain markets.

3. Inherent weakness of multiproduct systems. Managers of the overall

corporate system may encounter conflicting international demands from

the different product divisions. Since managers are part of the overall

corporate system, they may not posses adequate abilities to handle such

conflicting demands.

4. Foreign coordination problems. Managers of different product divisions

operating in the same foreign country may not coordinate efforts to attain

overall corporate efficiency because they are too busy looking out for

each other`s interests. For example, to cut costs, perhaps some support

functions typically carried out in all product divisions, such as personnel

and payroll, could be carried out by a single unit.

5. It may encourage expensive duplication in functional areas and even in

physical facilities.

6. Each product group must develop its own knowledge about the local


7. Coordination and corporate learning across product groups is more


8. Duplication of functions (e.g. different sales force for each division)

9. Negative effects of competition

10. Lack of central control over each separate division


The most common form of the group structure defines activities by

geographic regions. Under the regional structure, regional heads are made

responsible for specific territories, usually consisting of areas such as, Asia,

South America, North America, etc., and report directly to their CEO or his or

her designated executives at the headquarters. In general, firms with low

technology and a high marketing orientation tend to use this structure. Firms

whose foreign subsidiary or foreign product structure has became too large and

too complex to manage from a single headquarters often restructure themselves

using this form. This type of structure enables regional heads to keep abreast of,

and provide for, the needs of their respective regional markets. Managers at

regional headquarters are typically responsible for a range of activities, such as

production for and marketing in their respective regions. Pharmaceutical, food,

and oil companies trend to use this structure.( Figure-2 )

Advantages of the Regional Structure:

1. Decentralization: Authority and responsibility, and therefore

performance accountability, is delegated directly to the regional office.

The management tasks of planning and strategy are less complex than if

the central headquarters were to hold this responsibility.

2. Adaptation: Regional managers are better able to adapt to local needs

than headquarters managers because they are in closer touch with local

changes and requirements.

Organization by Region


Hewlett Packard


Europe, Middle East, Africa

Asia Pacific

Houston, Texas

Geneva, Switzerland

Hong Kong

3. Single management units posses regional knowledge. Regional

managers develop local expertise because they are responsible for

regional strategies and daily operations. Regional differences exist

throughout the world. Inputs from knowledgeable regional managers

can enable central headquarters managers to use these differences

effectively in developing and attaining overall corporate objectives.

Disadvantages of the Regional Structure:

1. Policy barriers:. Inconsistent overall corporate management practices

may evolve. This is specially so when central management tries to, or is

persuaded to, satisfy specific regional needs.

2. Weak worldwide product emphasis and technical knowledge: Because

technical knowledge is spread out, a global perspective on products is

sometimes difficult to attain. And because the emphasis is usually on
regional concerns, the formulation of worldwide strategy formulation

can be difficult.

3. Technology transfer barriers: Employee loyalty is often focused on the

region rather than on the overall organization, and each regional manager

tends to claim that things are different in his or her region. Therefore,

when headquarters managers attempt to implement new technology on

an overall corporate basis, it may not be readily accepted by the regional.

4. Costly application: The typical support functions shown. Exist in each

regional division. Costly duplication of efforts results. Efficiency could

result if these support functions were combines, but in this structure, the

number of functional product staff specialists tends to increase through

the years.

5. Weak communications: Necessary information may not reach top

management because of the regional managers` focus on regional

performance. Overall corporate performance may therefore be weakened.


Matrix structure is a team approach to project development within an

organisation. The team is comprised of members from different functional areas

or departments within the company. The ideal global corporation is strongly

decentralized. It allows local subsidiaries to develop products that fit into local

markets. Yet at its core it is very centralized; it allows companies to coordinate

activities across the globe and capitalize on synergies and economies of scale.

To accomplish this, many international businesses have adopted matrix

structures. Companies such as Nestle have adopted matrix organizations that
allow for highly decentralized decision making and development while

simultaneously maintaining a centralized corporate strategy and vision.

Advantages of the Matrix Structure

1. It allows firms to draw on the functional and product expertise of its

employees because it brings together the functional, area, and

product expertise of the firm into teams that can develop new

products or respond to a changing marketplace.

2. Coordination and cooperation across subunits enable the firm to use

its overall resources efficiently and therefore to respond well to

global competition in any market.

3. Overall corporate global performance is highlighted.

4. Many internal conflicts are resolved at the lowest possible level, and

those that cannot be resolved are pushed up.

5. It promotes organisational flexibility and promotes coordination and

communication across divisions.

6. Improves individual motivation

7. Increases job satisfaction

8. Enhance and evolve the organisation`s pool of available expertise

and knowledge, thus making the organisation more flexible

Disadvantages of the Matrix Structure

1. World wide responsibility may be given to product managers with weak

international experience.

2. The organization tends to create a mountain of paperwork.
3. The dual-boss, cross-communication system is expensive and complex.

4. Decisions sometimes must be made quickly. Quick decisions can be

made by one person. In this matrix group decision-making process,

decisions are usually made slowly.

5. It is inappropriate for firms that have few products and operate in

relatively stable markets.

6. Employees have more than one boss.

7. It creates a paradox regarding authority.

8. It tends to promote compromises or decisions based on the relative

political clout of the managers involved.

For a successful matrix organisation:

1. Ensure everyone understands the rationale behind the structure--

understanding the purpose behind the apparently complex structure

contributes to people exploiting its features to deliver its objectives.

2. Document the relationships between the different axes of the matrix

organisation in the form of protocols, contracts or service level


3. Foster close communication and understanding between the specialist

managements of the different axes--this is likely to involve extensive

networking between the senior management of the axes of the matrix .

4. Exploit latest communications technologies

5. To overcome problems of distance and potential information indigestion.

6. Reflect the multiple dimensions in budgeting and financial reporting.

7. Ensure that individuals belong to one dimension of the matrix--

generally the axis that will support their career aspirations, reflecting
professional specialism, limits to personal geographic mobility,

personality or skill set.

8. Ensure that due allowance is provided by the each axis for the

development and training needs of staff belonging to one axis to

support their continued career development and professional obligations.

9. Protect staff with dual reporting responsibilities from cross-fire by

creating a culture in which it is okay to escalate to dispute resolution to

the directors of the functions, profit centers, country units etc. making

the conflicting demands.


Many enterprises enter foreign markets via non-equity based joint ventures,

often referred to as contractual alliances and strategic alliances. For example.

One firm`s strength may be production and another firm`s distribution. Instead

of these two firms forming an equity-based joint ventures to capitalize on each

other`s strengths, they form a non-equity-based contractual alliance. Thus, when

the two firms no longer need each other, in theory, they simply break up the

partnership. The advantage of this partnership arrangement is that when there is

a breakup, there is no long, drawn-out-fight for the division of assets, as often is

the case when equity-based partnership breaks up.

There are disadvantages to this approach, however. For instance, when

one partner acquires the other partner`s skills, and the reverse is not the case, the

learned partner may leave the unlearned partner in a dubious situation or the

learned partner may easily take over the unlearned partner. Of course, this type

of arrangement can work only when neither partner possesses an secret motive.


Somewhat similar to the contractual alliance arrangement is networking.

Applying this approach, a corporation subcontracts its manufacturing function to

other companies. For example, Nike, the American shoe maker, subcontracts the

manufacture of its athletic shoes and clothing to forty separate locations, mostly

in Asia

Networking, a typical twentieth-century organisation has not operated well in a

rapidly changing environment. Structure, systems, practices, and culture have

often been more of a drag on change than a facilitator. If environmental

volatility continues to increase, as most people now predict, the standard

organisation of the twentieth-century will likely become a dinosaur

Organisational structures change with the changing business and social

environment. Increasingly, organisations are project-based, expanding and

contracting as projects of different sizes come and go. In some cases the

organisation exists only for one major project, eg a film production. However in

most cases there is a core organisation which continues between projects, and

indeed holds the projects together. The individual projects are not only tied

together administratively but more importantly are linked in terms of a central

business strategy, charitable purpose or artistic mission. The core organisation

selects projects strategically to fit its mission and core skills. In this way,

synergies are achieved.

The characteristics of a network organisation are:

1. Independent teams.

2. Departments which share common values.

3. Projects which support each other
4. Multiple links between projects

5. Information and Communications Technology is used to connect the


There is a key coordinating role for the Chief Executive to construct the

teams and manage the interrelationship of projects . When an organization enters

into such contractual alliances or networking agreements, it must create a unit

whose responsibility is to monitor the arrangement. For instance, IBM has

created an alliance council of key executives who meet monthly to keep track of

more than forty partnerships throughout the globe.


The traditional and contemporary alternative structures described above

are not independent entities that cannot co-exist within the same company. By

mixing the structural types, the weaknesses of each type can be minimized. For

example, companies with worldwide product division structure can appoint

regional coordinates who attempt to supply the concentrated environmental

expertise that is usually absent in the product division structure. Similarly,

companies with regional structures (either worldwide or within an international

division) can set up positions for product coordinators. While such coordinator

positions are not particularly new, giving them some real influence short of

classical line authority is a relatively recent development. Furthermore,

international organizations can centralize some functions, such as an accounting

division that provides services for all worldwide subsidiaries, while other

functions, such as marketing, remain decentralized.

Regardless of which structure is used, it should be as flat as possible. That is, it

should have fewer managerial layers than traditional hierarchical organizations.

A flat structure is needed because a twelve-layer company cannot compete with

the three-layer company. For example, a decade or so ago, General Motors, the

U.S. based car manufacturer, had an organizational structure consisting of more

than fifteen managerial levels. General Motors had a problem competing with

Toyota, the Japanese car manufacturer at least partially because Toyota`s

organizational structure contained only four managerial levels. (This is in part

because Japanese employees are not motivated by the opportunity to climb up

the hierarchy as are American employees.) One reason companies with tall

structures are less competitive than firms with flat structures is that they have to

pay more managers at more levels, thus increasing their costs.

Another reason is that an organization can create an atmosphere of maximum

creativity only if it reduces hierarchical elements to a minimum and creates a

corporate culture in which its vision, company philosophy, and strategies can be

implemented by employees who think independently and take initiative. The

flatter structure means that managers have to communicate with more

employees than do managers in tall structures. The ability to communicate with

more subordinates has been made possible by the enormous advancements in

communications technologies, which, as American management authority Peter

F. Drucker noted, enables managers to communicate with a far wider span of

individuals than was possible in the past. Spans of control thus give way to

spans of communication.


Another problem confronting managers is determining how organic or how

mechanistic the organizational structure should be. Basically managers in

organic structures allow employees considerable discretion in defining their
roles and the organization`s objectives, In mechanistic organizations roles and

objectives are clearly and rigidly outlines for employees ? managers and

subordinates are allowed little or on discretion. Historically, large organizations

have tended to adopt the mechanistic form and small organizations the organic

form; mass producing organizations have tended to adopt the mechanistic form

and firms producing specialized products have tended to adopt the organic form.

Thus, the form an organization adopts is determined by varying situational


In making a determination as to which approach is appropriate for an

organization functioning across nations, managers also need to consider national

cultural factors. For example, organizational structures tend to be more

mechanistic in strong uncertainty avoidance cultures, such as France and

Germany, than in weak uncertainty avoidance cultures, such as Great Britain,

and organic structures tend to be more prevalent in the latter cultures than in the

former. If one adheres to the national cultural factors model, subsidiaries in

some nations will be more structured than subsidiaries in other nations; but if

one adheres to the situational factors model, the same structure is applied in the

same situation in all nations.


The international organizational structure adopted by a firm`s management is

influenced by many factors, including the firm`s economic situation, the type of

product or technology, managerial preference (organizational culture), the

foreign country`s cultural, economic, technological, and political conditions, the

wide separation of operations, and the different foreign market characteristics,

including the nature of competition. Therefore, organization structures that work

well for domestic operations are often not suitable for multifunctional

operations. For example, matrix organizations are very scarce in Latin America.

This is in part because Latin America`s patron system does not lend itself to the
power sharing that characterizes matrices. The structure is also influenced by the

firm`s level of experience in international business and its dependence and

revenues from foreign markets.

Historically, when firm`s first venture into foreign markets, and when

both foreign sales and the diversity of products sold in the foreign country were

limited, global companies generally managed their international operational

division. Companies that subsequently expanded their sales in foreign markets

without significantly increasing foreign products diversity generally adopted the

regional structure. Those enterprises that subsequently increased foreign product

diversity tended to adopt the product division structure. Firm`s that increase

both foreign sales and foreign product diversity tended to adopt the matrix


International business executives must be thoroughly familiar with the

strengths and weaknesses of each organizational structure and be ready to switch

from one form to another as a means of adapting to changing environments

(including moving an important business unit`s head quarters to foreign soil.

The right structure must be matched to the right environment as both inertial and

external situations change. And the fit must attain a balance between

organizational complexity and simplicity. Adopting an organizational structure

too complex for its environmental demands can be as in effective s adopting a

structure two simplistic to operate in a turbulent environment. Not adopting the

right structure can be very costly-not only in sense that it will be ineffective, but

in the sense that reorganizing is very expensive.

Information Technology and Organizational Structure:

The advent of new information technologies such as the internet, world wide

web, teleconferencing, portable telephones now allows organizations to

implement inter and intra organizational structures that were impossible or

economically unfeasible to for too long ago. These technologies enable small,
medium and large organizations to access information from most parts of the

world. This suggests that companies usually smaller ones, organized under the

functional structure, can now have access to the same information as large

companies. Therefore, smaller companies by selling their products/services

through electronics commerce can more effectively compete with larger


Companies such as Wal-Mark that are organized under the international

division structure with subsidiaries located in many parts of the world can now

manage more effectively from single location and may often avoid the cost of

establishing physical regional offices when they have grown. And many

companies with regional offices throughout the globe can now revert to a single

location or at least reduce the number of locations. For example, Eastman Kodak

Company consolidate a 17 data centers (on 4 continents) into seven.

Perhaps some of the larger companies can even restructure themselves

using the functional structure. As was mentioned earlier, General Electric, one

of the largest corporations in the world, has plans it restructure itself from matrix

to functional structure. Many of the functions carried out at several point in the

matrix structure can now be performed more easily than in the past, when they

were centralized. Therefore, the mixed structure is easier to manage, and the

information technology makes global strategic alliances and networks easier to


Communication Flow:

Identifying the ideal international organizational structure is a huge challenge

for the managers of any organization; there may not even be an ideal structure.

Nevertheless, regardless of which organizational structure firm adopts, a neat

chart with neat boxes is useless unless information and communications flow

freely to develop proper business decisions. The relationship of domestic,
international, and senior corporate organization can be described by three

general guidelines.

1. The organization must be formulated in such a way that planning and

decision making on every aspect of the firm`s operations can be done by

people with the breadth of functional, geographic, and/or product

knowledge and responsibility necessary to develop the potential for a

unified strategy.

2. The channels for the flow of important or recurring decisions and

information should be as directed and as short as possible.

3. Individuals with expert international knowledge and competence in

overcoming the obstacles to international communication should be

readily available within the organization and be used wherever their

capacities are needed.

This means that top management in all organizations must incorporate the

following dimensions into their systems:

1. The structure must allow for the development and communication of a

clear corporate vision.

2. It must allow for the effective management of human resource tools to

broaden individuals` perspectives and develop identification with

corporate goals.

3. It must allow for the integration of individual thinking and activities into

a broad corporate agenda.


Quality and timely decision-making is essential for the success of any firm. In

fact, how an organisation chooses to design its decision-making rules are one of

the most fundamental aspects of its organizational design. It describes the
assignment of decision rights, along with the reward system and the way

performance is evaluated, as one the key aspects of an organization`s

architecture or design. A firm`s ability to make good decisions is particularly

important in the face of increasing global competition, and the greater

uncertainty from exposure to more competitors and a greater number more

markets that this brings.

The increasing globalisation of markets has generated new debates about the

decision-making role of MNCs . Globalisation may be expected to result in

greater centralisation of the decision-making process. For various reasons MNCs

are adopting the strategy of decentralised decision making. Based on the

importance of the issue things are changing. In most cases it was found that

considerable authority was devolved to subsidiaries in terms of operational

decisions. However, strategic decision making remained very much under the

control of the parent.

Locus of decision making refers to the degree to which the decision making

authority is centralized or decentralized. Number of factors influencing the

decision making authority that is likely to be given to subsidiary. Company size

influences decision making in that large organizations have a greater need for

coordination and integration of operations. To ensure that all subsidiaries are

being effectively managed, the MNC will centralize the authority for a number

of critical decisions.

This centralisation is designed to increase overall efficiency of operations, and

to the extent that the centralization creates the desired uniformity and

coordination, this is precisely what happens. The greater the MNC`s capital

investment, the more likely that decision making will be centralized. The home

office wants to keep a tight rein on its investment and ensure that everything is

running smoothly. The subsidiary manager will be required to continually

submit periodic report, and on-site visits from home office personnel are quite
common. The more important the overseas operation is to the MNC, the closer

the MNC will control it. Home office management will carefully monitor

performance, and the subsidiary manager usually will not be allowed to make

any major decisions without first clearing them with the MNC senior

management. In fact, in managing important overseas operations, the home

office will typically appoint someone who they know will respond to their

directives and will regard this individual as an extension of the central

management staff.

In domestic situations, when competition increases, management will

decentralize authority and give the local manager greater decision making

authority. This reduces the time needed in responding to competitive threats. In

the international arena, however, just the opposite approach is used. As

competition increases and profit margins are driven down, home office

management seeks to standardize product and making decisions to reduce cost

and maintain profitability. More and more upper level operating decisions are

made by central management and merely implemented by the subsidiary.

Factors that influencing centralisation of decision making:

The following factors are influencing the MNCs to go for centralisation of

decision making authority.

1. Corporate culture -- mainly referring to accepted management models

and practices (decentralised, partly centralised or fully centralised)

2. Industry type and business maturity -- including both generic industry

features (e.g. manufacturing vs. services, wholesale vs. retail, market

leadership, market and competition dynamics, etc.) as well as enterprise-

specific characteristics (e.g. size, growth, geographic distribution,

sophistication, etc.)
3. Technology infrastructure and architecture -- current status in so far as

an open and common environment, IT management models and


4. Third-party services sourcing philosophy -- attitude towards single

rather than multiple providers, internal rather external service provision

orientation, previous experience, etc.

5. Tax, legal and regulatory restrictions -- deriving from the external

environment as well as from the legal structure and the business model

of the organisation

6. Highly competitive environment

7. Large size

8. Relatively high importance to MNC

9. Low level of product diversification

10. Homogeneous product lines

11. More experience in international business.

Factors that influencing decentralization of decision making:

1. Availability of experienced professionals

2. Stable environment

3. Small investment

4. High level of product diversification

5. Low interdependence between the units

6. Heterogeneous product lines
Participative decision making in Multinational Corporations:

In almost all foreign countries, we are seeking more participation by the

employees in decision making. No longer is the employee accepting a passive

role of simply reacting to management decisions. What is now wanted is to

know what is being considered and for one`s views to be taken into account. In

some way, the employee wants to feel associated with the decision-making

process of the enterprise for which she or he works. What traditionally has been

reserved for unilateral decisions by management members is now being opened

to some degree for participation by all the employees or their representatives.

No longer accepted as a matter of course is for the manager alone to decide the

working hours, to determine how the work is organized , and to handle work

distribution. In short, a recasting of the employer-employee work relationship is

taking place in most foreign countries. The new relationships between employer

and employee have met with approval by many U.S workers who work for

foreign corporations. As one American auto worker employed by a Japanese

firm said, When something goes wrong, you`re not afraid to tell the foreman.

People used to try to hide their mistakes so they wouldn`t get fired.

Work councils, work committees, or similar bodies are the main means through

which the foreign employees participates, and the trend is toward widening and

strengthening this activity. Typically in many European countries the trend of

these bodies appears to be toward sharing, not merely advising or suggesting in

the decision-making process on the matters of the economic and financial

operations. For U.S workers with foreign bosses, the paternalistic approach of

the company has been welcomed. Here it feels like family, said one U.S

worker. Here you`ve got a name,said another.

Around the world there are a variety of degrees and the ways in which

employees participate in managerial decisions that affect them.Similarities and

dissimilarities exist even within a given country. The most different and
probably the most interesting in comparision to that of the United States is the

arrangement in Japan. There decision making is by consensus or ringisei, which

means reverential inquiry about a superior`s intentions. By nature, the

Japanese spend much time finding out what others are thinking and how they

feel about a issues.The prevailing belief is that the Japanese manager must know

how subordinates feel about certain issue, otherwise he cannot maintain the

peace and harmony of the group .

A decision is always started by an employee at a low level in the

organization.This is justified by realizing that change within accompany should

come from those closest to the thing being changed;hence,change is elicited

from below . For example, an employee who has an idea or a problem prepares

an outline of that idea or problem, called the superior , and explains how it

should be used or will help in solving a problem.This contribution is circulated

to the various superiors in succession.The intent is to reach a consensus by

coordinating very closely the activities of each area affected by the issue.The

decision reached ,usually after considerable discussion and exchange of

thoughts, in essence creates a commitment of all parties to the chosen

solution.To the Japanese this quality of commitment is vital-perhaps even more

important than the quality of the decision itself. Keep in mind that the Japanese

manager`s status is well defined,but the manager is not burdened with decision

making in the Western sense.Each manager plays a key role in shaping decisions

by encouraging the subordinate to develop the proposal until it has merit and is

worthy of referring to the next higher manager in the organization.

Decisions of considerable importance are analysed with extreme care, and the

effort is taken to ascertain the viewpoints of all who may be affected by them as

well as everyone in the company who may influence their outcome.The result is

a minimum of disagreement over decisions implemented. The superior does not

alter the decision but motivates and assists the writer of it to change and improve
it so that consensus can be reached. The initiator of a decision always carefully

checks it to make certain nothing in it will offend the superior or evoke outright

disapproval. Thus conflict is avoided.

The Japanese decision-making procedure is centuries old,yet it features modern

management techniques from the U.S viewpoint and is giving excellent results

to Japanese industries. The approach stresses asking the right questions and

logically from this the right answers emerge. It is also claimed that formulating

the decisions after all have had their say is superior to making the decision at the

beginning and then striving to sell it to others.

Perhaps the hallmark of foreign-run business in U.S is the open communication

of workers with top management. A German manager of a U.S plant regularly

walks the production floor. Foremen and workers at a Japanese-owned company

hold 10- minute meetings twice a day and employees hear management re-

minute meetings twice a day and employees hear management reports on growth

twice a day.Nuturing the individual has paid off for those firms in low turnover

rates, improved productivity, and higher profits.



The success of an international firm can be greatly affected by the control

techniques they practices. To maintain proper control systems, an appropriate

organizational structure is essential. Along with identifying the appropriate

structure, headquarters management must decide whether the headquarters-

foreign subsidiaries relationship should be centralized or decentralized. In a

centralized system, most of the important decisions relative to local matters are

made by the headquarters management. In a decentralized system, managers at
the subsidiary are given the autonomy to make most of the important decisions

relative to local matters.

When decision making is decentralized, judgments made by local managers may

sometimes have negative consequences for other subsidiaries and/or may not be

the best decision when overall firm`s objectives are considered. For instance, a

decision made by managers at the Riode Janeiro subsidiary to pay generous

benefits to their workers may demoralize workers in other subsidiaries if they

perceive their benefits to be comparatively unfair. Centralized decision making

would thus enable headquarters managers to consider the consequences of a

decision on all of the firm`s subsidiaries. Centralization, in this respect, would

be advantageous.



i) Governance Mechanism:



Normative Integration.

A contemporary idea on headquarters-subsidiary governance relationships

(HSRs) has been discussed by business professors Sumantra Ghoshal and Nitin

Nohria, from INSEAD, France, and Harvard Business School, respectively.

They described the relationships in terms of three basic head-quarters?

subsidiary government mechanisms:

Centralization concerns to the role of formal authority and hierarchical

mechanism in the company`s decision making processes.

Formalization represents decision making through bureaucratic mechanisms

such as formal systems, established rules, and prescribed procedures; and
Normative Integration relies neither on direct headquarters involvement nor on

impersonal rules but on the socialization of managers into a set of shared goals,

values, and beliefs that then shape their perspectives and behavior.

The following sections present two schemes that identify factors to help

determine the right headquarters-foreign subsidiary control relationship. The

first scheme posits proposes that certain situational factors influence the

relationship in all countries. The second proposes that certain factors influence

the relationship in all countries.


National culture scheme

Situational scheme

The Natural Cultural Scheme

Cross-cultural researcher Geert Hofstede proposed a paradigm to study the

impact of national culture on individual behavior. He developed a typology

consisting of four national cultural dimensions by which a society can be

Classified as:

1. Power distance,

2. Individualism,

3. Uncertainty avoidance,

4. Masculinity.

5. Confucianism.

The ensuing section indicates whether the headquarters-subsidiary relationship

(HSR) with subsidiaries located in these cultures leans toward low and high

centralization (C), low or high formalization (F), or low or high normative

integration (NI). (Table III-1)


Global Cultural Framework





Large power distance


Small power distance

LC, HF, or HNI

High power distance

HC or HF

Low individualism


Strong uncertainty avoidance


Weak uncertainty avoidance




High masculinity


Low masculinity


C = Centralization, F = Formalization , NI = Normative Integration,

H = High, L = Low (Source : Empowerment in organisations ,Carl.A.Rodrigues)

1) Power Distance

Power distance refers to the degree to which people in a society accept

centralized power and depend on supervisors for structure and direction.
i) Moderate-to-Large Power Distance:

Individuals in societies dominated by this dimension tend to accept centralized

power and depend heavily on superiors for direction. Therefore, an HSR leaning

toward high C probably would be preferred by subsidiary managers who are

dominated by this cultural dimension.

ii) Moderate-to-Small Power Distance:

Individuals in societies dominated by this cultural dimension do not tolerate

highly centralized power and expect to be consulted, at least, in decision-

making. Furthermore, Hofstede remarked that status differences in these

countries are suspect. Thus, subsidiary managers who are dominated by this

cultural dimension probably would favor an HSR leaning toward low C, high

NI, or high F.

2) Individualism

i) Moderate-to-High Individualism:

Individuals in societies dominated by this dimension think in me terms and

look after primarily their own interests. Since these individuals often consider

their own objectives to be more important than the organization`s, the HSR that

involves in subsidiaries managed by people influenced by this cultural

dimension probably leans toward high C or high F.

ii) Moderate-to-low Individualism:

Low individualism societies are tightly integrated and individuals belong to in-

groups from which they cannot detach themselves. People think in we` as

opposed to me terms and obtain satisfaction from a job well done by the

group. Individuals in these societies are controlled mainly by the group`s norms

and values. These people would therefore require less formal structure than

individuals who think in me terms. An HSR leaning toward high NI would

thus fit these societies.
Finding by some researchers lend support to the above contentions. These

researchers concluded that control systems in the United States are designed

under the assumption that workers and management seek primary control over

their work environments. primary control is manifested when employees with

individualistic tendencies attempt to shape the existing social and behavioral

factors surrounding them, including co-workers, specific events, or their

environments, with the intention of increasing their rewards. Thus many

employees exhibit behaviors and establish goals that may diverge from those

desired by the organization. For these reasons, control systems consisting of

rules, standards, and norms of behavior are established to guide, motivate, and

evaluate employees` behavioral performance (high F).On the other hand,

organizations in Japan (a low individualism culture) rely more on secondary

controls, controls that rely mostly on informal peer pressure (high NI). And

Japanese corporations with subsidiaries in the United Stats tend to give

American managers working for them little or no authority.

3) Uncertainty Avoidance

i) Moderate-to-Strong Uncertainty Avoidance:

Individuals in these cultures feel uneasy in situations of uncertainty and

ambiguity and prefer structure and direction. Therefore, because it tends to

reduce uncertainty for individuals, managers of subsidiaries who are influenced

by this cultural dimension probably would prefer an HSR leaning toward high F

or high C. Hofstede has proposed that improving quality of life for employees in

these societies implies offering more security and perhaps more task structure on

the job.

ii )Moderate-to-Weak Uncertainty Avoidance:

Hofstede found that in countries dominated by a moderate-to-weak uncertainty

avoidance dimension, individuals tend to be relatively tolerant of uncertainty

and ambiguity; they do not require as much high C or high F as do people in
strong uncertainty avoidance cultures. Thus, an HSR leaning toward low C or

high NI, since it provides more challenge than does high C and high F, probably

would be preferred by managers of subsidiaries who are dominated by this

cultural dimension.

For example, managers in Britain, a weak uncertainty avoidance culture, end to

value achievement and autonomy (low C or high NI behavior) and managers in

France, a strong uncertainty avoidance society, value competent supervision,

sound company policies, fringe benefits, security, and comfortable working

conditions (high C and high F). French manages do not believe matrix

organizations , which tend to apply high NI-like behavior, are feasible; they

view them as violating the principle of unit of command.

4) Confucianism:

Individuals in East Asian cultures (the People`s Republic of China, South Korea,

Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore) are also influenced by the Confucian cultural

dimension. In essence, individuals in Confucian based organizations are forced

to adhere to rigid, informal group norms and values (high NI like relationship).

Since individuals are so strictly bound to group norms, organizations based on

the Confucian cultural dimension probably apply less formalization (low F) than

do organizations in the West. This contention is partially supported by research

findings that organizations in China, where the Confucian influence is still

strong, tend to be far less formalized than Western organizations. There is

evidence that Confucian-based organizations apply high C. for example, South

Korean managers demonstrate the Confucian virtues of loyalty and obedience to

authorities and they tend not to adopt systems of shared management and power

equalization within organizations. Chinese subordinates have been found to be

passive, preferring that orders make decisions for them (high C).

5) Masculinity
i) Moderate-to-High Masculinity.

Societies dominated by this dimension stress material success and assertiveness

and assign different roles to males and females. To review, males are expected

to carry out the competitive roles in the society; females are expected to care for

the nonmaterial quality of life. In strong masculine countries where people

perceive such behavior as being inequitable, an HSR leaning toward high F,

emphasizing reduction of such social inequities would probably preferred.

ii) Moderate-to-Low Masculinity.

Hofstede also concluded that those nations dominated by a low masculine

cultural dimension stress interpersonal relationship, a concern for others, and the

overall quality of life, and define relatively overlapping social roles for males

and females. In these cultures, neither male nor female need be ambitious or

competitive; both may aspire to a life that does not assign great values to

material success and respects others. According to Hofstede, improved quality

of work life for individuals in these societies means offering opportunities for

developing relationships on the job, which is perhaps best accomplished through

low C or high NI-like HSR. For example, people in Sweden, a low masculine

society, generally prefer organic (low C, NI-like) organizational structures and

they like to be involved in the decision-making process.


Headquarters-subsidiary control relationships not only influenced by the

cultural factors but various other situational factors also plays a pivotal role The

following section describes those factors.

1. Size of the organization:

This has been found to be a factor in determining HRRs. Large?scale operations

have tend to apply structural relationships leaning toward high formalization

and small-scale organisations tend to apply a high normative integration or high
centralization relationship. How ever this factor is influenced by the

organization`s strategy. Some international business establish global strategy.

2. Subsidiary's local context:

Local context of the subsidiary can be conceptualized based on the

environmental complexity and amount of local resources available to the

subsidiary. For different levels context a governing mechanism scheme is as

follows: Low environmental complexity and low levels of local resources dictate

a high level of centralization and low levels of formalization and normative

integration. Low environmental complexity and high levels of resources dictate

a low levels of centralization and high levels of formalisation and normative

integration. High environment complexity and low resource levels dictate a

moderate level of centralization, a Low level of formalization, and high level of

normative integration. High environment complexity and high resource level

indicate a low level of centralization, a moderate level of formalisation, and a

high level of normative integration.

3. Preference of the management:

Preference of the management towards the control of the subsidiary also form

the strategy. High centralization may be used to maintain strong control over

activities of the subsidiary. When the management prefer a strong organizational

stability high formalisation can be followed.

4. Communication:

The availability of internet, Web, and video-conferencing is forcing may

organizations to rethink of their organization structure and control techniques.

As improvement in technology reduce communication and coordination costs,

the preferred way to make decisions moves in the following stages .When

communication costs are high, the best way to make decision is via independent

decentralized decision makers which means lower centralization. When
communication costs are less organizations can prefer highly normative


An effective global corporation needs to establish a balanced headquarters-

subsidiary relationship and that balance can be attained through the

implementation of a global corporate culture and values.

Key Terms

Comparative Management: The study and analysis of management in different

environments and the reasons that enterprises show different results in various


Centralization: Most of the important decisions relative to local matters are

made by the headquarters management rather than by managers in the local


Locus of decision making: Refers to the degree to which the decision making

authority is centralized or decentralized.

Formalization: Represents decision making through bureaucratic mechanism

such as formal system.

Multi cultural team: Teams whose members represent diverse views and

come from varied cultural backgrounds.

Power Distance: Refers to the degree to which people in a society accept

centralized power and depend on supervisors for structure and direction.

Ringi: A group oriented participative decision making technique used in many

Japanese organizations

Questions for Practice

1. Define comparative management? Explain its importance.

2. Explain the different methods of comparative management.

3. Explain the various features of the American management system.
4. Explain the focus of Japanese management system

5. Explain the merits and drawbacks of the functional organizational


6. Briefly discuss the merits of product organization structure.

7. What are the merits and drawbacks of matrix organization?

8. Discuss the impact of modern technology on structuring organizations.

9. Which international organization structure allows local subsidiaries to

use discretion in developing products or services to fit local markets

and at the same time allows headquarters to coordinate activities around

the globe to capitalize on synergies and economies of scale?

10. In what way do formalization, specialization, and centralization have

impact on MNC organization structures?

11. Which organizational structure enables organizations to minimize the

weakness of the other structures

12. Write a note on locus of decision making.

13. Explain the centralized and decentralized headquarters-foreign

subsidiaries control relationships and some of the merits and drawbacks

14. Why are foreign subsidiaries that provide a wide range of products less

centrally controlled than those that provide a narrow range of products?

International Business Strategy: Creating strategy for international business;

Management of production, Services technology and operations; Marketing

financial, legal and political dimensions; Ethics and social responsibility of

business. Strategic Alliances: Acquisitions and mergers; Management of joint

ventures and other international strategic alliances

Lesson 1:

International Business Strategy


After studying this lesson you should be able:

To provide basic idea about the international business strategy

To explain the different approaches to strategy formulation.

To indicate the different levels at which strategy is formulated

To explain the nature of the different steps in the process of strategic


To describe the features and design of an effective control system


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Different Approaches to Strategy Formulations

1.3 Strategic Choices

1.4 Strategic Planning Process
1.5 Organizational Structure

1.6 Process Control

1.7 Summary

1.8 Glossary

1.9 Self Assessment Questions

1.10 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:

International business operations are not at random. A proper strategy is

formulated, planning follows to define the means to attain the goal,

organisational structure provides a route for decision-making and the control

assesses the extent to which the goals have been achieved. The following

sections deals with these issues. Many international markets are now extremely

competitive due to the liberalization of the world trade and investment

environment. In industry after industry, capable competitors confront each other

around the globe. To be profitable in such as environment, a firm must both

reduce the costs of value creation and differentiate its product offering so that

consumers value that product more and are willing to pay more for the product

than it costs to produce it. Thus, strategy is often concerned with identifying

and taking actions that will lower the costs of value creation and / or will

differentiate the firm`s product offering through superior design, quality,

service, functionality, and on.

1.1.1. Profiting from global Expansion:
Expanding globally allows firms to increase their profitability in ways not

available to purely domestic enterprises. Firms that operate internationally are

able to:

1. Realize location economies by dispersing individual value creation

activities to those locations around the globe where they can be

performed most efficiently and effectively.

2. Realize greater cost economies from experience effects by serving an

expanded global market from a central location, thereby reducing the

costs of value creation.

3. Earn a greater return from the firm`s distinctive skills or core

competencies by leveraging those skills and applying them to new

geographic markets.

4. Earn a greater return by leveraging any valuable skills developed in

foreign operations and transferring them to other entities within the firm`s

global network of operations.

However, a firm`s ability to increase its profitability by pursuing these strategies

is to some extent constrained by the need to customize its product offering,

marketing strategy, and business strategy to differing national conditions; that is,

by the imperative of localization.

1.2. Different Approaches to Strategy Formulation:

The strategy of a firm is of course to achieve superior performance (competitive

advantage) on a sustainable basis. There is no single answer as to how this can
be achieved. Michael Porter is of the view that a firm`s competitive advantage

depends on the selection of the most appropriate generic strategy, which

incorporates three elements, namely, cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

If the cost of a product is lower than the competitors`, the firm can maximise its

sale/profit. Similarly, if the product is unique, differentiated from the rivals`

product, and it meets consumers` preference, the firm will be able to maintain an

edge over its rivals. Again, if the firm has focus on a particular segment of the

market, either with a low-cost product or a differentiated product, the

concentrated effort will definitely confer a competitive advantage upon it.

Porter (1986, 1990) developed the generic strategy theory for international

business through the incorporation of the concept of configuration and

coordination. The concept of configuration is based on the value chain concept.

It shows whether it is better to concentrate the manufacturing activities in one or

two nations and cater to the outside demand through export, or to disperse the

manufacturing activities over a number of countries. However, Porter is of the

view that configuration alone does not assure competitive advantage unless and

until the activities in different countries are properly coordinated. Prahalad and

Doz (1987) support this view and are of the opinion that a sound global

management requires (1) centralised management of the dispersed activities, (2)

coordination of R&D, pricing and intra-firm technology transfer, and (3) the

subsidiaries` ability to make decisions with respect to local issues.

The other approach, which has been developed by Prahalad and Hamel (1990)

and Kay (1993) is known as competence-based strategy. It is the core

competence or the distinctive capability of the firm that puts it in a superior

position. Core competence can be possessed if the resources ? physical,

financial, technological, and human ? are available at the least cost,
conveniently and, without interruption. Again, the existing core competence can

be strengthened and new core competence can be built up.

The above views boil down to the simple fact that the international business

strategy of a firm manifests in, first, the development of core competency, which

helps the firm either to market an innovated / differentiated product or to reduce

the cost of the existing product so as to earn large profits; and, second,

adaptation of the technology and product, which is known as local

customisation, to suit the local consumers in different markets, leading to large

profits. Normally, an international firm combines both these strategies.

However, either of the two strategies various from one case to the other. In one

case, development of the core competency gets greater emphasis; in the other,

local customisation gets greater emphasis; in yet another case, both are given

equal importance.

1.2.1 Various Levels of Strategy Formulation

a) Strategy at the International Level:

Strategy at the international level depends on whether the structure of the

international firm is ethnocentric, or polycentric or geocentric.

b) Corporate level Strategy:

Corporate level strategy allows successful business lines to grow, unsuccessful

business lines to cut short their activities, and allows still others to maintain


c) Business level Strategy:

Business level strategy is formulated for either minimising costs or for

differentiating the product by adding special features therein.

1.3 Strategic Choices:

Firms use four basic strategies to enter and compete in the international

environment: an international strategy, a multidomestic strategy, a global

strategy, and a transnational strategy. Figure 1.1 illustrates when each of these

strategies is most appropriate. In this section we describe each strategy, identify

when it is appropriate, and discuss the pros and cons of each. Each of these

strategies has its advantages and disadvantages (Table 1.1). The appropriateness

of each strategy various with the extent of pressures for cost reductions and local


1.3.1. International Strategy

Firms that pursue an international strategy try to create value by transferring

valuable skills and products to foreign markets where indigenous competitors

lack those skills and products. Most international firms have created value by

transferring differentiated product offerings developed at home to new markets

overseas. Accordingly, they rend to centralize product development functions at

home. (e.g. R&D). However, they also tend to establish manufacturing and

marketing functions in each major country in which they do business. But while

they may undertake some local customization of product offering and marketing
strategy, this tends to be limited. In most international firms, the head office

retains tight control over marketing and product strategy.

1.3.2. Multidomestic Strategy

Firms pursuing a multidomestic strategy orient themselves toward achieving

maximum local responsiveness. They key distinguishing feature of

multidomestic firms is that they extensively customize both their product

offering and their marketing strategy to match different national conditions.

Consistent with this, they also tend to establish a complete set of value creation

activities, including production, marketing and R&D, in each major national

market in which they do business. As a consequence, they are generally unable

to realize value from experience curve effects and location economies.

Accordingly, many multidomestic firms have a high cost structure. They also

tend to do a poor job of leveraging core competencies within the firm.

Figure 1.1






Cost Pressures








ures for Local Responsiveness


1.3.3.Global Strategy

Firms that pursue a global strategy focus on increasing profitability by reaping

the cost reductions that come from experience curve effects and location

economies. That is, they are pursuing a low cost strategy. The production,

marketing, and R&D activities of firms pursuing a global strategy are

concentrated in a few favorable locations. Global firms tend not to customize

their product offering and marketing strategy to local conditions because

customization raises costs (it involves shorter production runs and the

duplication of functions). Instead, global firms prefer to market a standardized

product worldwide so they can reap the maximum benefits from the economies

of scale that underlie the experience curve. They may also use their cost

advantage to support aggressive pricing in world markets.

1.3.4. Transnational Strategy

In today`s environment, competitive conditions are so intense that to survive in

the global marketplace, firms exploit experience-based cost economies and

location economies, they must transfer core competencies within the firm, and

they must do all of this while paying attention to pressure for local

responsiveness. They note that in the modern multinational enterprise, core

competencies do not just reside in the home country. Valuable skills can

develop in any of the firm`s worldwide operations. Thus, the flow of skills and

product offerings should not be all one way way, from home firm to foreign

subsidiary, as in the case of firms pursuing an international strategy. Rather, the

flow should also be from foreign subsidiary to home country and from foreign

subsidiary to foreign subsidiary-a process they refer to a global learning.

Experts refer to the strategy pursued by firms that are trying to simultaneously

create value in these different ways a transnational strategy.

Table 1.1

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Four Strategies





Exploit experience curve effects

Lack of local responsiveness

Exploit location economies


Transfer core competencies to

Lack of local responsiveness

foreign markets

Inability to realise location


Failure to exploit experience curve



Customize product offerings and

Inability to realize location

marketing in accordance with local economies


Failure to exploit experience curve


Failure to transfer core

competencies to foreign markets


Exploit experience curve effects

Difficult to implement due to

Exploit location economies

organizational problems.

Customize product offerings and

marketing in accordance with local


Reap benefits of global learning

1.4 Strategic Planning Process:

Strategic planning is a continuous process, it is not an end activity. However, for

operational purpose organizations define and describe strategic plans.

1.4.1 Steps in the Process of Strategic Planning :

There are different steps in the process of strategic planning, which are adopted

in sequence, although sometimes they occur simultaneously. The steps are:

1. Assessment of the external environment and internal resources.

2. Formulation of global strategy

3. Development of global programme

Assessment of the external environment and the internal resources: The

assessment of the external environment has a greater relevance in case of an

international company as host countries present varying environments. The

assessment takes into consideration the present position and the future trends in

relation to the size of the market, consumption pattern in different markets, the

intensity of competition, and the business linkages in different markets.

Formulation of global strategy: This strategy involves the market as well as

the product. As far as the market strategy is concerned, a suitable market

representing a sufficiently large demand for the product or having the least

competition is selected. The ease with which the parent company can allocate

resources is yet another factor that influences market selection. Also, a foreign
market that has some kind of resemblance with its existing markets is preferred,

as in this case, it will be easier for the firm to cope with the market demand.

Development of global programme: This step includes planning, mainly with

the respect to the degree of product standardisation, marketing programme, and

location for production. Both standardisation of product and adaptation of

product have merits and demerits. Therefore, the firm needs to assess how

much adaptation / standardisation of the product can be recommended so as to

achieve economies of scale and at the same time attract the consumers` abroad.

The entire process of international strategy can be better viewed through an

example of McDonald`s everywhere (Insight.1) how the multinational fast food

chain implementing global it`s strategy.


McDonald's everywhere

Established in 1955, McDonald`s faced a problem by the early 1980s: after three

decades of rapid growth, the U.S. fast-food market was beginning to show signs

of market saturation. McDonald`s response to the slowdown was to expand

abroad rapidly. In 1980, 28 percent of the chain`s new McDonald`s restaurant

openings were abroad; in 1986 the figure was 40 percent, in 1990 it was close to

60 percent, and in 2000 it was almost 90 percent. Since the early 1980s, the

firm`s foreign revenues and profits have grown at 22 percent per year. By the

end of 2000, the firm had 28,707 restaurants in 120 countries outside the United

States. They generated $21 billion (53 percent) of the firm`s $40 billion in


McDonald`s shows no signs of slowing down. Management notes there is still

only one McDonald`s restaurant for every 500,000 people in the foreign

countries in which it currently does business. This compares to one McDonald`s

restaurant for every 25,000 people in the United States. Also, the firm currently

serves less than 1 percent of the world`s population. Plans call for this foreign

expansion to continue at a rapid rate. The firm opened more than 500

restaurants in Europe in 1999 and again in 2000, while the figures for Asia were

around 600. In 1997, McDonald`s said it would open 2,000 restaurants per year

for the foreseeable future, the majority of them outside the United States. This

included major expansion plans for Latin America, where the company planned

to invest $2 billion over the next few years.

One key to the firm`s successful foreign expansion is detailed planning. When

McDonald`s enters a foreign country, it does so only after careful preparation.

In what is a fairly typical pattern, before McDonald`s opened its first Polish

restaurant in 1992, the firm spent 18 months establishing essential contacts and

getting to know the local culture. Locations, real estate, construction, supply,

personnel, an legal and government relations were all worked out in advance. In

June 1992, a team of 50 employees from the United States, Russia, Germany,

and Great Britain went to Poland to help with the opening of the first four

restaurants. A primary objective was to hire and train local personnel. By mid-

1994, all these employees except one had returned to their home country. Polish

nationals who had now been brought up to the skill level required to run a

McDonald`s operation replaced them.

Another key to the firm`s international strategy is the export of the management

skills that spurred its growth in the United States. McDonald`s U.S. success was

built on a formula of close relations with suppliers, nationwide marketing might,
tight control over store-level operating procedures, and a franchising system that

encourages entrepreneurial individual franchisees. Although this system has

worked flawlessly in the United State, some modifications must be made in

other countries. One big challenge has been to infuse each store with the same

gung-ho culture and standardized operating procedures that have been the

hallmark of U.S. success. To aid in this task, McDonald`s has enlisted the help

of large partners through joint ventures in many countries. The partners play a

key role in learning and transplanting the organization`s values to local


Foreign partners have also played a key role in helping McDonald`s adapt its

marketing methods and menu to local conditions. Although U.S.-style fast food

remains the staple fare on the menu, local products have been added. In Brazil,

for example, McDonald`s sells a soft drink made from the guarana, an

Amazonian berry. Patrons of McDonald`s in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand

savor shakes flavored with durian, a foul-smelling (to U.S. tastes, at least) fruit

considered an aphrodisiac by the locals. In Arab countries, McDonald`s

restaurants maintain Halal menus, which signify compliance with Islamic laws

on food preparation, especially beef. In 1995, McDonald`s opened the first

kosher restaurant in suburban Jerusalem. The restaurant does not serve dairy

products. And in India, the Big Mac is made with lamb and called the

Maharaja Mac.

McDonald`s biggest problem, however, has been to replicate its U.S. supply

chain in other countries. U.S. suppliers are fiercely loyal to McDonald`s, they

must be, because their fortunes are closely linked to those of McDonald`s.

McDonald`s maintains very rigorous specifications for all the raw ingredients it

uses-the key to its consistency and quality control. Outside the United States,
however, McDonald`s has found suppliers far less willing to make the

investments required to meet its specifications. In great Britain, for example,

McDonald`s had problems getting local bakeries to produce the hamburger bun.

After experiencing quality problems with two local bakeries, McDonald`s built

its own bakery to supply stores there. In a more extreme case, when

McDonald`s decided to open a store in Russia, it found that local suppliers

lacked the capability to produce goods of the quality it demanded. The firm was

forced to vertically integrate through the local food industry on a vast scale,

importing potato seeds and bull semen and indirectly managing dairy farms,

cattle ranches, and vegetable plots. It also had to construct the world`s largest

food-processing plant, at a cost of $40 million. The restaurant itself cost only

$4.5 million.

Now that it has a successful foreign operation, McDonald`s is experiencing

benefits that go beyond the immediate financial ones. The firm increasingly is

finding that its foreign franchisees are a source for valuable new ideas. The

Dutch operation created a prefabricated modular store that can be moved over a

weekend and is now widely used to set up temporary restaurants at big outdoor

events. The Swedes came up with an enhanced meat freezer that is now used

firmwide. And satellite stores, or low overhead mini-McDonald`s, which are

now appearing in hospitals and sports arenas in the United States, were invented

in Singapore.

1.5 Organizational Structure:

The organisational structure facilitates the implementation of measures designed

through the planning process. When the involvement of a firm in international

business is only ad hoc and fortuitous, the domestic division looks after the

international business too, and as a result, the organisational structure of the

international firm is not different from that of a domestic company. But with

growing export of a permanent character, an export department is added to the

marketing department. With massive growth in export, when the export

department proves incapable of handling export, an international division is

created independent of the domestic marketing department, although proper

coordination is maintained between the domestic division and the international

division. However, when the firm begins international operation, the challenges

appear far greater. The organisational structure becomes global. The emphasis

is the on product structure, area structure, or still on the functional structure.

The growing complexities in the organisational structure do not end here. If,

with growing international involvement, all the three structures-product, area,

and the function-need to be combined, the structure turns to be a global matrix

structure that permits different types of inter-linking between products and

areas. However, the organisational structure has also come to evolve in different

shapes in different sets of countries.

1.6 Process of Control:

Lastly, the process of control involves examination of whether the set goals have

been achieved and also corrective measures in case of deviations from the set

standards, if any. An effective control system is based on correct and timely
information, which is judged against the set standards. It is difficult to set

standards in view of wide heterogeneity in the international environment.

Nevertheless, the standard maintains a proper balance between the firm`s overall

view and host country variations.

There are various techniques for control. One is accounting and audit control,

used mainly for judging the financial performance. The other is control through

plans, policies, and procedures, where performance is compared with the actual

plans and policies. Procedures differ from one country to another and so they

come in the way of process of control. Cultural control is based on the concept

of socialisation where informal personal interaction is very significant. Again,

the process of control may be centralised or decentralised, or a mixture of the

two known as a coordinated decentralisation approach.

1.7 Summary:

Strategy involves setting of goals. The ultimate goal is the maximisation of

corporate wealth, which can be achieved through superior performance

(compared to the rivals) on a sustainable basis. There are different strategies to

put the firm in a superior position. Some of the more important are the strategy

of competitive positioning, competence-based strategy, and total global strategy.

The spectrum of strategy may be broad, covering production, financial,

marketing, and other vital aspects. Strategy is formulated at different levels. At

the international level, it may be ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric

strategy. At the corporate level, it may be a growth strategy, retrenchment

strategy, stability strategy, or a combination of any two of these or more. At the

business level, it may be a cost-minimisation strategy or product differentiation
strategy, or both. At the department level, the strategy concerns both primary

and supportive activities. Planning shapes strategy and defines the means to

achieve goals. The process of planning has three sequential steps. The first is

the assessment of the external environment and internal resources. The second

is the formulation of global strategy, which involves identification of the market

and matching of the products with market-specific needs. The third step is to

develop a global programme that includes planning with respect to the degree of

product standardisation, marketing programme, and the location for

manufacturing. The planning may be centralised. Alternatively, it may be

decentralised, leaving it to different strategic business units (SBUs). The choice

depends, among other things, upon the level of technology used, mobility of

funds and other factors of production, and the heterogeneity of host country


1.8 Glossary:

Strategy: A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a

particular goal, as differentiated from tactics or immediate actions with

resources at hand. Originally confined to military matters, the word has become

commonly used in many disparate fields.

Strategic planning consists of the process of developing strategies to reach a

defined objective. As we label a piece of planning "strategic" we expect it to

operate on the grand scale and to take in "the big picture" (in contradistinction to

"tactical" planning, which by definition has to focus more on the tactics of

individual detailed activities). "Long range" planning typically projects current
activities and programs into a revised view of the external world, thereby

describing results that will most likely occur. "Strategic" planning tries to

"create" more desirable future results by (a) influencing the outside world or (b)

adapting current programs and actions so as to have more favorable outcomes in

the external environment.

Purpose is deliberately thought-through goal-directedness. According to some

philosophies, purpose is central to a good human life. Helen Keller wrote that

happiness comes from "fidelity to a worthy purpose", and Ayn Rand wrote that

purpose must be one of the three ruling values of human life (the others are

reason and self-esteem).

1.9 Self Assessment Questions:

1. What are the different approaches to strategy formulation? Explain its broad


2. The characteristics of strategy formulation at different levels are different


3. What are the different steps in the process of strategic planing?

4. What are the features of an effective control mechanism in international

business? Explain the techniques of control.

1.10 Further Readings:

11. Manab Adhikary, Global Business Management In an International

Economic Environment (2001), Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi.
12. Sak Onkvisist., John J.Shaw., International Marketing Analysis and Strategy

(1997), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

13. Warren J.Keegan, Global Marketing Management (1995), Prentice-Hall of

India, New Delhi.

14. Alan C Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management (2002), Prentice-Hall

of India, New Delhi.

15. Anant R.Negandhi, International Management (1987) Prentice-Hall of India,

New Delhi.

16. Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, Concept, Environment and

strategy (2006), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

17. Charles W.L.Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global

Marketplace(2003), Tata Mc-Graw-HillPublishing Company Limited, New


Lesson 2:

International Management- Production, Technology and



After studying this lesson you should be able:

To observe the production management practices adopted by global


To understand the technological developments and their influence on

operations management

To get more insights about international production practices through

examples of global corporations


1.38 Introduction

1.39 Location for Production

1.40 Technology

1.41 Make-or-buy Decisions

1.42 Materials Management

1.43 International Services

1.44 Summary

1.45 Glossary

1.46 Self Assessment Questions

1.10Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:
As trade barriers fall and global markets develop, many firms increasingly

confront a set of interrelated issues. First, where in the world should productive

activities be located? Should they be concentrated in a single country, or should

they be dispersed around the globe, matching the type of activity with country

differences in factor costs, tariff barriers, political risks, and the like in order to

minimize costs and maximize value added? Second, what should be the long-

term strategic role of foreign production sites? Should the firm abandon a

foreign site if factor costs change, moving production to another more favorable

location, or is there value to maintaining an operation at a given location even if

underlying economic conditions change? Third, should the firm own foreign

productive activities, or is it better to outsource those activities to independent

vendors? Fourth, how should a globally dispersed supply chain be managed,

and what is the role of Internet-based information technology in the

management of global logistics? Fifth, should the firm manage global logistics

itself, or should it outsource the management to enterprises that specialize in this

activity? In the following sections we shall consider all these questions and

discuss the various factors that influence decisions in this arena.

1.2 Location for Production:

An essential decision facing an international firm is where to locate its

manufacturing activities to achieve the goals of minimising costs and improving

product quality. For the firm contemplating international production, a number

of factors must be considered. The can be grouped under broad categories;

country factors, technological factors, and product factors.

a) Country Factors: Other things being equal, a firm should locate its various

manufacturing activities where the economic, political, and cultural

conditions, including relative factor costs, are conducive to the performance
of those activities. Location economies have to be considered. Also

important in some industries is the presence of global concentrations of

activities at certain locations. Location externalities include the presence of

an appropriately skilled labour pool and supporting industries can play an

important role in deciding where to locate manufacturing activities. Formal

and informal trade barriers obviously influence location decisions, as do

transportation costs and rules and regulations regarding foreign direct

investment. Adverse changes in exchange rates can quickly alter a country`s

attractiveness as a manufacturing base.

b) Technological Factors: The technology we re concerned with in this

subsection is manufacturing technology ? the technology that performs

specific manufacturing activities. The type of technology a firm uses in its

manufacturing can be pivotal in locations decisions. A number of

technological factors support the economic arguments for concentrating

manufacturing facilities in a few choice locations or even in a single

location. Other things being equal, when fixed costs are substantial, the

minimum efficient scale of production is high, and/or flexible manufacturing

technologies are available, the arguments for concentrating production at a

few choice locations are strong. This is true even when substantial

differences in consumer tastes and preferences exist between national

markets, since flexible manufacturing technologies allow the firm to

customize products to national differences at a single facility. Alternatively,

when fixed costs are low, the minimum efficient scale of production is low,

and flexible manufacturing technologies are not available, the arguments for

concentrating production at one or a few locations are not as compelling. In

such cases, it may make more sense to manufacture in each major market in

which the firm is active if this helps the firm better respond to local


c) Product Factors: The product features affect location decisions. The first is

the product`s value?to-weight ratio because of its influence on transportation

costs. Many electronic components and pharmaceuticals have high value-to-

weight ratios; they are expensive and they do not weigh much. Other things

being equal, there is great pressure to manufacture these products in the

optimal location and to serve the world market from there. The opposite

holds for products with low value-to-weight ratios. The other product feature

that can influence location decisions is whether the product serves universal

needs, needs that are the same all over the world. Since there are few

national differences in consumer taste and preference for such products, the

need for local responsiveness is reduced. This increases the attractiveness of

concentrating manufacturing at an optimal location.

1.3 Technology:

1.3.1 Nature of technology

Technology means the utilisation of the materials and processes necessary to

transform inputs into outputs. Understanding technology requires knowledge;

operating a technology requires skills. Technology is created by people and it

affects people; especially through the goods is produces and the working

conditions (extent of the division of labour, employee involvement in

operational decision making, use of discretion at work, etc.) it creates. Changes

in technology affect (i) physical devices (such as machines, tools, instruments

and equipment); and (ii) techniques and working methods (procedures, routines,

application of specific skills, etc.). Accordingly, technology usually influences:

Employee training needs
The nature of employees tasks

Organisation structures

Employee job satisfaction and attitudes towards work.

Management has to choose which particular devices and techniques are best for

improving efficiency and for achieving organizational goals.

1.3.2 Technology transfer

Technology transfer is the transmission of innovations arising in one firm or

country to others. Innovations might involve new products, processes or

working methods, or the use of specialised know-how. In all cases knowledge

passes from the innovator to one or more recipients, who thus avoid the need to

conduct independent research, or to develop projects, or to test and evaluate the

outcomes of research. International businesses are a primary vehicle for the

transfer of technology between nations. Technology is a key factor in the

economic and social development of nations, so the importation of new

technology is actively encouraged by the government of many states. The

European Commission is also very keen to encourage technology transfer, in

order to prevent the cartelization` of technology within certain EU regions and /

or nation states (Germany and France for instance). Note how the transfusion of

technology is frequently accompanied by an exchange of new management ideas

and methods, although some techniques might have to be simplified to make

them understandable to local workers.

Point-to-point technology transfer occurs when a single donor transfers a

technology to a single recipient, e.g. firm-to-firm or from one research institute

to another. Diffusion, conversely, refers to the situation where there are many

recipients all having easy access to the technology. Point-to-point technology

transfer agreements require bilateral negotiations between the partners, and
normally involve some contractual device for protecting the confidentiality of

the transferred knowledge. The term hard technology` is the management,

organisation and administration of technical processes. Typically the

intellectual property embodied within hard technology can be legally protected.

Accompanying soft technology, however, is usually non-copyright and / or non-

patentable. It is essential to realise that modern industrial technology is multi-

dimensional and involves much more than patents, designs and the use of

machines and computers. Crucial aspects of today`s new technologies concern

management and support services, ongoing R&D and product development, and

the expertise surrounding production techniques and methods. Technology,

therefore, is a package of activities that might include a reinvestment study,

capital equipment, technical support services, the training of personnel, and the

implementation of quality control systems, as well as the provision of designs,

drawings and materials specifications.

1.3.3 Key issues in technology transfer

The basic issues that need to be addressed by donor firms are how to transfer

technology to another country (via licensing, direct foreign investment, contract

manufacture under patent, etc.); whether to undertake research and technical

development in foreign locations; the choice of the technology that best it`s the

foreign environment; and how to maintain a technology-based competitive

advantage over time. The latter will involve (i) measures to protect trade secrets,

and (ii) ongoing R&D. Recipients of technology have to consider how best to

integrate new technologies into existing administrative structures and working

methods; the standards of skill required for their operation; the availability of

training facilities in the local area; and the extent of local grants and subsidies

for the introduction of new methods.

1.3.4 Reasons for technology transfer

Firms engage in technology transfer in order to :

Increase overall company profitability. Production may be cheaper abroad,

and output does not have to be sent long distances to reach end consumers.

Gain a competitive edge in foreign markets through supplying technically

superior products (irrespective of short-run profitability considerations).

Obtain grants and subsidies from foreign governments. Note how certain

underdeveloped countries require MNCs to bring with them the latest

technology as a condition of being allowed to operate within the local


Overcome capacity limitations in the home country.

Exploit superior capital markets, access to skilled labour and other inputs in

foreign countries.

Increase the competence and potential of foreign subsidiaries.

1.4. Make-or-Buy Decisions:

International businesses frequently face sourcing decisions, decisions about

whether they should make or buy the component parts that go into their final

product. Should the firm vertically integrate to manufacture its own component

parts or should it outsource them, or buy them from independent suppliers?

Make-or-buy decisions are important factors of many firm`s manufacturing


Advantages of making inputs within the firm:

- Full control over the quality and timing of supply

- Availability of input at lower cost

- Easy modification in design
- Maintenance of secrecy of technology

- Generation of profit through arbitrary pricing of inputs

Advantages of buying inputs from outside

- No additional investment for input manufacturing

- No need for acquiring technology required for input manufacturing,

which may be inappropriate / obsolete

- Freedom to get inputs from the cheapest source

- Diversification of the sources of inputs leading to lower political and

exchange rate risk

- Operational flexibility in face of changing demand

1.5. Material Management:

Materials management encompasses all the activities that move materials to a

manufacturing facility, through the manufacturing process, and out through a

distribution system to the end user. The materials management functions

complicated in an international business by distance, time, exchange rates,

custom barriers, and other things. Just-in-time systems generate major cost

savings from reducing warehousing and inventory holding costs and from

reducing the need to write off excess inventory. In addition, JIT systems help the

firm spot defective parts and remove them from the manufacturing process

quickly, hereby improving product quality. For a firm to establish a good

materials management function, it needs to legitimize materials management

within the organization. It can do this by giving materials management equal

footing with other functions.

1.6 International Services:
Although goods and services are more often complementary to each other, they

have different identifies. So the operations management in an international

service-providing firm is to some extent different. It is also different between a

service firm that is closely tagged with some manufacturing firms and an

independent service firm. There has been phenomenal growth in international

services such as banking and insurance, tourism related services, consultancy

and engineering services, and communication services. Factors responsible for

growth are mostly the same as those applicable to manufacturing firms;

however, there are some additional factors.

Services providing firms have to face restrictive regulations in a number of

developing host countries; but the WTO has eased the problem by assuring

most-favoured-nations treatment for trade in services, by providing for

transparency in rules and regulations and by the free flow of payments in this

context. The operations management of service providing firm`s should stress,

among other things, a close relationship with consumers and flexibility in prices

as well as in the structure of operations. With the developments in information

communication technology, it is now possible to offshore a part of service

functions. It available cost advantage and is beneficial for both the home

country and the host country. Insight 1 describes the Make or Buy decisions at

the Boeing Company. Insight 2 throws light on how Dell Computers uses

information to reduce inventories.

Insight 1

Make-or-Buy Decisions at the Boeing Company

The Boeing Company is the world`s largest manufacturer of commercial aircraft

with a 55 to 60 percent share of the global market. Despite its large market
share, in recent years Boeing has found it tough going competitively. The

company`s problems are twofold. First, Boeing faces a very aggressive

competitor in Eurpoe`s Airbus Industrie. The dogfight between Boeing and

Airbus for market share has enabled major airlines to play the two companies

off against each other in an attempt to bargain down the price for commercial jet

aircraft. Second, the airline business is quite cyclical and airlines sharply reduce

orders for new aircraft when their own business is in a downturn. This occurred

in the early 1990s and again in the early years of the new century. During

downturns, some of which can be extended, intense price competition often

occurs between Airbus and Boeing as they struggle to maintain market share and

order volume in the face of falling demand. Given these pricing pressures, the

only way that Boeing can maintain its profitability is to reduce its own

manufacturing costs. With this in mind, during the 1990s Boeing launched an

ongoing company wide review of its make-or-buy decisions. The objective was

to identify activities that could be outsourced to subcontractors, both in the

United States and abroad to drive down production costs.

When making outsourcing decisions, Boeing applies a number of

criteria. First, Boeing applies a number of criteria. First, Boeing looks at the

basic economics of the outsourcing decision. The central issue here is whether

an activity could be performed more cost-effectively by an outside manufacturer

or by Boeing. Second, Boeing considers the strategic risk associated with

outsourcing in activity. Boeing decided it would not outsource any activity that

it deemed to be part of its long-term competitive advantage. For example, the

company has decided not to outsource the production of wings because it

believed that doing so might give away valuable technology to potential

competitors. Third, Boeing looks at the operational risk associated with

outsourcing an activity. The basic objective is to make sure Boeing does not
become too department on a single outside supplier for critical components.

Boeing`s philosophy is to hedge operational risk by purchasing from two or

more suppliers. Finally, Boeing considers whether it makes sense to outsource

certain activities to a supplier in a given country to help secure orders for

commercial jet aircraft from that country. This practice is known as offsetting,

and it is common in many industries. For example, Boeing decided to outsource

the production of certain components to China. This decision was influenced by

forecasts suggesting that the Chinese will purchase over $100 billion worth of

commercial jets over the next 20 years. Boeing`s hope is that pushing some

subcontracting work China`s way will help it gain a larger share of this market

than its global competitor, Airbus.

One of the first decisions to come out of this process was a move to

outsource the production of insulation blankets for 737 and 757 aircraft to

suppliers in Mexico. Insulation blankets are wrapped around the inside of the

fuselage of an aircraft to keep the interior warm at high altitudes. Boeing has

traditionally made these blankets in-house, but found that it could save $50

million per year by outsourcing production to a Mexican supplier. In total,

Boeing reckons that outsourcing cuts its annual cost structure by $500 million

per year.

Insight 2

Dell Computer ? Replacing Inventories with Information

Michael Dell started Dell Computer Corporation in 1984 when he was an

undergraduate student at the University of Texas. Sixteen years later Dell had

grown to become one of the world`s great computer companies, with a leading
share in the personal computer and server businesses, and global sales of $32

billion, one-third of which are made outside the United States. To support its

global business, Dell has manufacturing sites in Brazil, Ireland, Malaysia, and

China, in addition to the United States. Its suppliers, more than half of which

are located outside the United States. Some 30 suppliers accounting for about

75 percent of Dell`s total purchases. Over 50 percent of its major suppliers are

in Asia.

From inception, Dell`s business model was based on direct selling to

customers, cutting out wholesalers and retails. The o original thought was that

by cutting out the middleman in the distribution chain, Dell could offer

consumers lower prices. Initially, direct selling was achieved through mailings

and telephone contacts, but since the mid-1990s the majority of Dell`s sales

have been made over the Internet, and by 2000, some 80 percent of all sales

were made through this medium. Internet selling has enabled Dell to offer its

customers the ability to customize their orders, mixing and matching product

features such as microprocessors, memory, monitors, internal hard drives, CD

and DVD drives, keyboard and mouse format, and the like, to get the system

that best suits their particular requirements.

While the ability to customize products, when combined with low prices,

has made Dell very attractive to customers, the real power of the business model

is to be found in how Dell manages its global supply chain to minimize

inventory while building PCs to individual customer orders within three days.

Dell uses the Internet to feed real-time information about order flow to its

suppliers. Dell`s suppliers have up-to-the-minute information about demand

trends for the components they produce, along with volume expectations of the

next 4 to 12 weeks that are constantly updated as new information becomes
available. Dell`s suppliers use this information to adjust their own production

schedules on a real-time basis, producing just enough components for Dell`s

needs and shipping them by the most appropriate mode, typically truck or air

express so that they arrive just in time for production. This tight coordination is

being pushed back even further down the supply chain, with Dell sharing key

data with its supplier`s principal suppliers. For example, Selectron builds

motherboards for Dell that incorporate digital signal processing chips from

Texas Instruments. To better coordinate the supply chain, Dell passes

information to Texas Instruments in addition to Selectron, This allows Texas

Instrument to adjust its schedules to Selectron`s needs, which in turn adjusts its

schedule to order data from Dell.

Dell`s ultimate goal is to drive all inventories out of the supply chain

apart from that in transit between suppliers and Dell, effectively replacing

inventory with information. Although Dell has not yet achieved this goal, the

firm has reduced inventory to the lowest level in the industry. Dell caries about

five days of inventory on hand, compared to 30, 45, or even 90 days` worth at

competitors such as Compaq Computer inventory, where component costs

account for 75 percent of revenues and typically fall by 1 percent per week due

to rapid obsolescence. For example, when larger, faster hard drives are

introduced, which occurs every three to six months, the value of previous-

generation hard drives is significantly reduced. So if Dell holds one week of

inventory, and a competitor holds four weeks, this translates immediately into 3

percent worth of component cost advantage to Dell, which can mean a 2 percent

advantage on the bottom line.

Dell`s Internet-based customer ordering and procurement systems have

also allowed the company to synchronize demand and supply to an extent that
few other companies can. For example, if Del sees that it is running out of a

particular component, say 17-inch monitors from Sony, it can manipulate

demand by offering a 19-inch model at a lower price until Sony delivers more

17-inch monitors. By taking such steps to fine-tune the balance between

demand and supply, Dell can meet customer`s expectations. Also balancing

supply and demand allows the company to minimize excess and obsolete

inventory. Dell writes off between 0.05 percent and 0.1 percent of total

materials costs in excess or obsolete inventory. Its competitors write off

between 2 percent and 3 percent, which again gives Dell a significant cost


1.7 Summary:

The operations strategy of an international firm is concerned primarily with the

location of the manufacturing activities, inventory management, sourcing of the

inputs, and supportive logistics. Location may be centralised, reaping economies

of scale and some other benefits. It may be decentralised at the subsidiaries

level, keeping in view the specific demand of consumers. Again, the firm may

have a vertical set up, locating different activities of production in different

countries. The decision depends on the size of the market; availability of inputs;

state of logistics; and political, legal, and socio-cultural environment. The

strategy aims at minimising cost, maintenance of quality, and at production


As regards inventory management, an international firm normally places orders

for a greater amount of stock than warranted by the economic order quantity.

This is known as stockpiling, and is done in order to avoid various risks in

international transactions. Similarly, the re-order point lies much earlier,

keeping in view the distance between the user and the supplier and the
obstructions coming in the way. The JIT system of inventory management is

often applied. It saves carrying cost, but the risk of delayed transit of goods

cannot be easily avoided. Inputs are either sourced from another independent

firm or manufactured by the firm itself. The international manager takes the

make or buy decision only after weighing the cost and benefits of the two

alternatives. The procurement may be made through imports, through

procurement offices abroad, or through direct in vestment.

International logistics are concerned with the movement of inventory. However,

there are a couple of problems associated with logistics. One is of general

nature, and is common to all host countries. The other is specific, and varies

from one host country to another. The transportation issue dominates logistics

management. The transportation network should be well developed. The made

of transport should be chosen based on the cost, availability, and actual need.

Packaging and storage are other important elements of international logistics.

Packaging should consider cost and quality. Similarly, when warehouses are

created, their location, size, and the availability facilities are the main points for


1.8 Glossary:

Flexible manufacturing technology: Also known as lean production covers a

range of manufacturing technologies designed to (1) reduce setup times for

complex equipment, (2) increase the utilization of individual machines through

better scheduling, and (3) improve quality control at all stages of the

manufacturing process. Flexible manufacturing technologies allow the company
to produce a wider variety of end products at a unit cost that at one time could

only be achieved through the mass production of a standardized output.

Minimum Efficient Scale: As plant output expands, unit costs decrease.

However, beyond a certain level of output, few additional scale economies are

available. Thus, the Unit Cost Curve declines with output until a certain

output level is reached, at which point further increases in output realize little

reduction in unit costs. The level of output at which most plant-level scale

economies are exhausted is referred to as the minimum efficient scale of output.

This is the scale of output a plant must operate at to realize all major plant-level

scale economies.

Logistics: is a process involving movement of inputs from supplier to the firm

and of the finished product from the firm to the market.

JIT system: In Just In Time (JIT) system inputs reach the manufacturing

location just when they are required.

Make-or-Buy decision refers to procurement of inputs: from within the

firm/from outside sources.

Diffusion of technology means transfer of technology without much care to

maintain secrecy.

Technology Audit: Technology audit is the process of, identifying a particular

technology, the firm`s capabilities to develop it, and the funds required

developing it.

Patent: Innovated technology can be protected through and Patent Trademark.

Patent rewards the innovator with temporary monopoly rights.

Trademark is a unique mark on the product that differentiates it from similar

products of rival firms.

1.9 Self Assessment Questions:

1. What are the different options for the location of an international firm? What

are the factors influencing location?

2. What are the major issues in Technology Management that an international

firm may confront?

3. Comment on the make or buy decision as far as sourcing of input is

concerned in an international firm.

4. Is inventory management in an international firm different from that in a

domestic firm? Explain.

1.10 Further Readings:

18. Manab Adhikary, Global Business Management In an International

Economic Environment (2001), Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi.

19. Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, Concept, Environment and

strategy (2006), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

20. Charles W.L.Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global

Marketplace (2003), Tata Mc-Graw-HillPublishing Company Limited, New


Lesson 3: ? International Business Strategy - Marketing and Financial



After studying this lesson you should be able:

To understand issues related with marketing of goods and services globally

To know the international marketing strategies adopted by MNCs

To know the basic concepts of multinational financial management


1.47 Introduction

1.48 International Marketing

1.49 International Finance

1.50 Summary

1.51 Glossary

1.52 Self Assessment Questions

1.53 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:

Global business management in today`s world is full of prospects as well as

problems. The parameters of global business management need to be evaluated

in their functional setting. Thus we can speak of international marketing,

international finance, international negotiations, international legality and ethics,

international management of staff across different culture. Given the perspective

of the emerging international business environment, the challenges of global

business management can be identified, analysed and appreciated. After all,

business has to always operate under risks and uncertainty. Business risks are

numerous in number and various in form ? there are market risks, product risks,

process risks, technology risks, investment risks, etc. Country risk analysis is a
precondition for business strategy formulation. Some of these risk elements are

not calculable and the risks, which are undefined, constitute the element of

business uncertainty. Global business forecasting is an attempt to minimize and

control these risks and uncertainties involved in global business operations. The

following sections throws light on some of the important functional dimensions

of international business strategy.

1.2 International Marketing:

The world is getting smaller day by day. As trade barriers among nations get

reduced, communication, travel, and transport have made the world a smaller

place, customer needs across the world are getting homogenized. Global

marketing is the only way to satisfy these needs. Global marketing differs from

export and inter-national marketing in terms of focus, goals, and content. In

global marketing, the firm`s focus is the world as a market place, thus diffusing

the difference between the home, domestic, or foreign markets. The goal is to

maximize efficiency and returns on investment in the world market and the

strategy is dictated by local country market conditions like customer

preferences, laws, and competition. In evolving a global marketing strategy the

firm has to consider alternatives like standardization (full or partial),

differentiation (full or partial), localization, and nichemanship. Lead market

model and insiderization are important tools for developing a global product.

Headquarters should involve local management teams for an effective marketing

strategy and gaining higher market penetration in different country markets.

Exhibit 3.1 depicts the major decisions in international marketing.

Exhibit: 3.1

Major Decisions in International Marketing:



Deciding how

Deciding on the

Deciding on the

to enter the



whether to





go abroad

markets to


Companies cannot simply stay domestic and expect to maintain their markets.

Despite the many challenges in the international arena (shifting borders,







technological pirating), companies selling in global industries need to

internationalize their operations. In deciding to go abroad, a company needs to

define its international marketing objectives and policies. The company must

determine whether to market in a few countries or many countries. It must

decide which countries to consider. In general, the candidate countries should

be rated on three criteria: market attractiveness, risk, and competitive advantage.

Once a company decides on a particular country, it must determine the best

mode of entry. Its broad choices are indirect exporting, direct exporting,

licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment. Each succeeding strategy

involves more commitment, risk, control, and profit potential. In deciding on the

marketing program, a company must decide how much to adapt its marketing

mix (product, promotion, price, and place) to local conditions. The two ends of

the spectrum are standardized and adapted marketing mixes, with many steps in

between. At the product level, firms can pursue a strategy of straight extension,

product adaptation, or product invention. At the promotion level, firms may

choose communication adaptation or dual adaptation. Exhibit 3.2 depicts the

five international product and promotion strategies. At the price level, firms

may encounter price escalation and gray markets. At the distribution level,

firms need to take a whole-channel view of the challenge of distributing

products to the final users. In creating all elements of the marketing mix, firms

must be aware of the cultural, social, political, technological, environmental, and

legal limitations they face in other countries. Depending on the level of
international involvement, companies manage their international marketing

activity in three ways: through export departments, international divisions, or a

global organization.

Exhibit 3.2

Five International Product and Promotion Strategies


Do not change


Develop New



Do not C Phraonduc

ge t




P Adapt Prom S

ot tr


n g





Product invention





1.2.1. Global Competitive Strategy:

A global competitive marketing strategy is based on the strategic intent of a

global firm. Hamel and Prahlad in their article Do you really have a global

strategy` published in Harvard Business Review found that their sample firms

had three strategic intents, as mentioned below:

(a) building a global presence

(b) defending a domestic position

(c) overcoming national fragmentation

The authors studied the world television industry and found that Japanese firms

focused on building a global presence. US firms defend their domestic position

in the US market against the Japanese onslaught, and European firms fought to

overcome national fragmentation. They also found that in each of these firms

the different strategies were like a loose brick, each of which helped them

achieve their goal. In developing a global competitive marketing strategy, a

firm needs to adopt an innovative approach to valuing the market share in

different countries. Competitiveness of a firm will vary in different markets.

Several firms have become truly global organizations. People in different

countries are using more global brands than local brands. Some of the local

brands become global. Developing a global strategy is of paramount importance

to brand builders everywhere. For many companies, however, global branding

has been both a blessing and a curse. A global branding program can lower

marketing costs, realize greater economies of scale in production, and provide a

long-term source of growth; but if not designed and implemented properly, it

may ignore important differences in consumer behaviour and/or the competitive

environment in the individual countries. How McDonald`s designing its

business model in Indian context can be known through Insight 1. How local

celebrities from India became brand ambassadors to global companies can be

observed from Insight 2.

Insight 1
McDonald's gears up for home run

After making its way to your hearts through your stomachs, fastfood major McDonald's is











The company will soon have a national footprint for its McDelivery format. The quick

service restaurant (QSR) chain will be rolling out its home delivery format across the

country within the next few months. Soft-launched in '04, the company had maintained a

low profile on the home delivery channel. "We were soft-pedalling it (the channel)

because we were deliberating on a uniform model for all our stores.

Insight 2

Local celebrities global connect

What's Saif Ali Khan doing on Mexican television? And why is Shah Rukh Khan wooing

super-rich Canadians? Or for that matter, why is Sania Mirza featuring in North American and
European tennis channels and what are Rahul Dravid posters doing in a non-cricketing nation
like the US? No, we aren't testing your trivia quotient. This is about desi celebs and their brand

muscle. Outside the country, Indian celebrities are finally coming of age in the world of

international advertising. There is an emerging trend where multinational brands which have

signed Indian brand ambassadors are now using them for international campaigns. Interestingly,
in some cases these brands are not targeting the NRI market alone. Sometimes the
commonalties between India and other international markets drive the celeb choice. Take

Lenovo. The company signed on Saif Ali Khan recently as its brand ambassador and is using

him in Mexico as well as Latin America, apart from North America. Says Anirban Das Blah,

VP, Globosport, the sports and entertainment management company which manages Saif Ali
Khan, Lenovo asked for Saif for their brand promotions in Mexico. It even beats us why they
are using him but it is definitely proof that the Indian brand ambassador has grown. Miss India

aspirants who went on to win global pageants have been used for international campaigns in the

past, but now, a whole host of other Indian celebs are also being tapped. And it's not just

Bollywood all the way. MNCs are using Indian brand ambassadors for their brands in global
campaigns. Take the case of Rahul Dravid, the latest brand ambassador for Japanese watch
maker Citizen. He has signed a global endorsement contract with the brand which will see him

promote Citizen products not just in India but also in the US. According to Hideaki Nakazaki,

managing director of Citizen Watches India, Our brand managers in America would be using

Rahul Dravid in ad campaigns prior to the upcoming cricket World Cup in the West Indies.

Citizen looks at the Indian diaspora as a sizeable market with high disposable income. The

trend of using Indian celebs abroad is also linked to the product category to which the brand

belongs. It is more common for luxury products like watches. So, Bollywood star Shah Rukh

Khan is a global brand ambassador for Tag Heuer. Shah Rukh Khan is a bigger star outside

1.3 International Finance:

The field of multinational business finance is somewhat a blend, which

combines elements of corporate finance with international economics. However,

it is not merely an extension of these fields using international examples. On the

contrary, it challenges some of the basic concepts of these fields. MNCs face

unique risks that do not hamper domestic firms as much. These risks are related

to foreign exchange risks and political risks. The following subsections deal

with some of the important factors, which influence international financial


1.3.1. Foreign exchange Risk: Foreign exchange risks for MNCs might raise

their cost of capital and lower their optimal debt ratios. Foreign exchange risks
cause MNCs to alter ? typically upward - their hurdle rates for projects located

in countries with volatile currencies and economies. MNCs encounter three

types of currency exposure: (1) transaction exposure; (2) operating exposure;

and (3) accounting (translation) exposure.

a) Transaction exposure measures gains or losses that arise from the settlement

of financial obligations whose terms are stated in a foreign currency.

Transaction exposure arises from (1) purchasing or selling on credit goods or

services whose prices are stated in foreign currencies; (2) borrowing or lending

funds when repayment is to be made in a foreign currency; (3) being a party to

an unperformed forward foreign exchange contract; and (4) otherwise acquiring

assets or liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.

b) Operating exposure measures the change in value of the firm that results

from changes in future operating cash flows caused by an unexpected change in

exchange rates. The objective of operating exposure management is to

anticipate and influence the effect of unexpected changes in exchange rates on a

firm`s future cash flow, rather than being forced into passive reaction to such

changes. This task can best be accomplished if a firm diversifies internationally

both its operations and its financing base.

c) Accounting exposure results from translating foreign-currency-denominated

statements of foreign affiliates into the parent`s reporting currency so the parent

can prepare consolidated financial statements. Accounting exposure is the

potential for loss or gain from this translation process.

1.3.1. Political Risk: MNCs face political risk premiums on their activities in

unstable or emerging overseas markets. Political risk premiums may increase the

cost of debt and equity for MNCs resident in such markets. Most political risk

arises because of a conflict in goals between host governments and firms when

the normal functioning of governmental administrative and legislative process

leads to regulations that influence the well being of the firm. In recent years,

ethnic, religious, racial, and civic strife have added another dimension to the

political risks faced by MNCs. MNCs are usually welcome in host countries to

the extent that they transfer technology, market access, and investment capital.

The FDI decision results from a complex process involving strategic, behavioral,

and economic considerations.

1.3.3. International monetary system:

The international monetary system gives the structure within which foreign

exchange rates are determined, international trade and capital flows are

accommodated, and balance of payments adjustments made. It also includes all

the instruments, institutions, and agreements that link together the world`s

currency, money markets. Securities, real estate, and commodity markets.

Understanding contemporary currency regimes, shielding against the ill affects

of currency crises, knowing the derivative products, following hedging

technique, and observing the exchange rate changes forms the basic set of duties

of global manger.

1.3.4. Interest rates

The increasing volatility of world interest rates, combined with the increasing

use of short-term and variable-rate debt by firms worldwide, has led many firms

to actively manage their interest rate risks. The primary sources of interest rate
risk to a multinational non-financial firm are short-term borrowing and

investing, as well as long-term sources of debt. The techniques and instruments

used in interest rate risk-management in many ways resemble those used in

currency risk-management: the old tried-and-true methods of lending and

borrowing combined with the new methods of option-based derivatives. The

primary instruments and techniques used for interest rate risk-management

include forward rate agreements (FRAs), forward swaps, interest rate futures,

and interest rate and currency swaps. The interest rate and currency swap

markets allow firms that have limited access to specific and interest rate

structures to gain access at relatively low costs. This access in turn allows these

firms to manage their currency and interest rate risks more effectively.

1.3.5. Market Imperfections:

Market imperfections provide the rationale for the continued prosperity of

MNCs. This rationale allows MNCs to make abnormal profits and to reduce risk

through diversification. Capital market segmentation is a financial market

imperfection caused by government constraints and investor perceptions. The

most important imperfections are (1) asymmetric information: (2) transaction

costs; (3) foreign exchange risk; (4) takeover defenses; (5) small-country bias:

(6) political risk; and (7) regulatory barriers.

MNCs with their superior information tries to encash market imperfections.

They use arbitrage as a means to achieve profit. Arbitrage has traditionally been

defined as the purchase of securities or commodities on one market for

immediate resale on another in order to profit from a price discrepancy.

However, in recent years arbitrage has been used to describe a broader range of

activities. Tax arbitrage, for example, involves the shifting of gains or losses

from one tax jurisdiction to another in order to profit from differences in tax
rates. In a broader context, risk arbitrage, or speculation, describes the process

that leads to equality of risk-adjusted returns on different securities, unless

market imperfections that hinder this adjustment process exist. In fact, it is the

process of arbitrage that ensures market efficiency. MNCs constantly seek

opportunities at global level.

1.3.7. Capital Budgeting Decision- Adjusting for Risk in Foreign


Capital budgeting for foreign projects involves many complexities that do not

exist in domestic projects. A foreign project should be judged on its net present

value from the viewpoint of funds that can be freely remitted to the parent.

Comparison of a project`s net present value to similar projects in the host

country is useful for evaluating expected performance relative to potential.

Rates of return were calculated from both the projects` viewpoint and the

parent`s viewpoint. Once the most likely outcome has been determined, a

sensitivity analysis is normally undertaken. Foreign project returns are

particularly sensitive to changes in assumptions about exchange rate

developments, political risk, and the way the repatriation of funds is structured.

A MNC undertaking foreign direct investment (FDI) must determine the cost of

funds and the required returns on the investment. The MNC must weigh the

expected cash flow returns and business prospects against the possibilities of

political disruption or intervention, political and economic actions that
undermine the business environment, or restrictions and regulations on the

activities of foreign MNCs operating in the country. Risks associated with

foreign investments are inherently subjective, qualitative not quantitative.

Shareholders, however, expect the management of the MNC to assess the risks,

make informed and consistent judgements, and manage them responsibly.

Traditional definitions of risk emphasize the potential for loss, a form of one-

sided risk. For a MNC, examples of these one-sided risks include the risk of

expropriation and the risk of funds blockages. Other risks, however, are

definitively two-sided in character. The most obvious one for MNCs is foreign

exchange risk. The foreign risks of a project from the viewpoint of the parent

company include the risk of host government interference-political risk; the

ability to exercise effective control over the foreign affiliate within the country`s

legal environment-governance risk; the ability to move capital freely and

efficiently in and out of the host country-transfer risk; and the value of the

local currency cash flows generated and remitted to the parent in parent currency

terms-foreign exchange risk. These risks from the parent perspective are

collectively referred to as country risk.

1.3.8. Tax Planning:

Tax planning for multinational operations is a complex technical subject that

requires the inputs of experienced tax and legal counsel in both parent and host

countries. Nevertheless, the financial manager of a MNC should be acquainted

with the national tax environments in the host countries in which the firm

operates. This environment includes the role of local income taxes, value-added

taxes, and other indirect taxes, and the less tangible aspects of local tax morality.

The financial executive must also understand how the parent country taxes

foreign-source income in order to organize efficiently for foreign operations.

Important considerations include how the parent`s country views tax neutrality
as well as how it treats tax deferral, foreign tax credits, and intercompany

transactions. Bilateral tax treaties may also influence the way foreign operations

are structured. Finally, the financial manager must choose the specific

organization form that would be optimal for each foreign location as well as for

the group as a whole. This activity typically involves choosing the branch or

corporate form of organization. It also might require use of one or more special-

purpose corporations or tax-haven affiliates.

By shifting profits from high-tax to lower-tax nations, the MNC can reduce its

global tax payments. Similarly, the MNC`s ability to transfer funds among its

several units may allow it to circumvent currency controls and other regulations

and to tap previously inaccessible investment and financing opportunities.

However, since most of the gains derive from the MNC`s skill at raking

advantage of openings in tax laws or regulatory barriers, governments do not

always appreciate the MNC`s capabilities and global profit-maximizing

behaviour. Thus, controversy has accompanied the international orientation of

the multinational corporation.

1.4 Summary:

Most companies would prefer to remain domestic if their domestic market were

large enough. Managers would not need to learn other languages and laws, deal

with volatile currencies, face political and legal uncertainties, or redesign their

products to suit different customer needs and expectations. Yet several factors

are drawing more and more companies into the international arena. Because of

the competing advantages and risks, companies often do not act until some event

thrusts them into the international arena. Someone ? a domestic exporter, a

foreign importer, a foreign government ? solicits the company to sell abroad, or

the company is saddled with overcapacity and must find additional markets for
its goods. The business organizations have to decide whether to go abroad or

not. If yes then they have to decide which markets to enter. Then they have to

decide how to enter the market. After that, the crucial issue is about deciding the

marketing program. Then they have to decide about the structure of marketing

organization. MNCs have to plan several issues before they finalise finance

strategy. Developments in global financial markets, introduction of new

financial securities, changes in regulatory framework, interlinkages of various

financial markets throws up a challenge on global financial manager. Both

international finance and international marketing functions are crucial for the

success of global business organizations.

1.5 Glossary:

Operating exposure: The potential for a change in expected cash flows, and

thus in value, of a foreign affiliate as a result of an unexpected change in

exchange rates. Also called economic exposure.

Revaluation: A rise in the foreign currency that is pegged to other currencies or

gold. Also called appreciation`.

Transaction exposure: The potential for a change in the value of outstanding

financial obligations entered into prior to a change in exchange rates but not due

to be settled until after the exchange rates change.

Transfer Pricing: The setting of prices to be charged by one unit (such as a

foreign affiliate) of a multiunit corporation to another unit (such as the parent

corporation) for goods or services sold between such related units.

Translation exposure: This is also called accounting exposure`. The potential

for an accounting ? derived change in owners` equity resulting from exchange

rate changes and the need to restate financial statements of foreign affiliates in
the single currency of the parent corporation so as to create a consolidated

financial statement.

Tax haven: A nation with moderate level of taxation and / or liberal tax

incentives for undertaking specific activities such as exporting.

1.6 Self Assessment Questions:

1. What are the objectives of global competitive marketing strategy?

2. Describe various product and promotion strategies of international


3. Describe the importance of international finance and list out various factors

to be considered while framing it.

4. What type of currency exposures normally a multinational corporation may


1.7 Further Readings:

21. Sak Onkvisist., John J.Shaw., International Marketing Analysis and Strategy

(1997), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

22. Warren J.Keegan, Global Marketing Management (1995), Prentice-Hall of

India, New Delhi.

23. Alan C Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management (2002), Prentice-Hall

of India, New Delhi.

24. Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, Concept, Environment and

strategy (2006), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

25. Charles W.L.Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global

Marketplace (2003), Tata Mc-Graw-HillPublishing Company Limited, New


Lesson 4:

International Business Strategy ? Legal, Political, Ethical and Social

Responsibility Dimensions


After studying this lesson you should be able:

To provide basic ideas and insights about the international business practices

To observe the legal issues involved in international business

To understand the political issues having bearing on international business


To know the importance of ethical process in business decision making

To appreciate the importance of corporate social responsibility in changing

business arena.


1.54 Introduction

1.55 Legal Issues in International Business

1.56 Political issues in International Business

1.57 Ethical Issues

1.58 Social Responsibility of Global Business Firms

1.59 Summary

1.60 Glossary

1.61 Self Assessment Questions

1.62 Further Readings

1.1 Introduction:
In a world in which change is the rule and not the exception, the key to

international competitiveness is the ability of management to adjust to change

and volatility at an ever faster rate. In the words of General Electric former

Chairman Jack Welch, I`m not here to predict the world. I`m here to be sure I`

ve got a company that is strong enough to respond to whatever happens.

The rapid pace of change means that the new global manager needs detailed

knowledge of his or her own operation. The global manager must know how to

make the product, where the raw materials and parts come from, how they get

there, the alternatives, where the funds come from, and what their changing

relative value does to his or her bottom line. He or she must also understand the

political and economic choices facing key nations and how these choices will

affect the outcomes of his or her decisions. In making decisions for the global

company, managers search their array of plants in various nations for the most

cost-effective mix of supplies, components, transport, and funds. All this is done

with the constant awareness that the choices change and have to be made again

and again. The problem of constant change disturbs some managers. It always

has. But today`s global managers have to anticipate it, understand it, deal with it,

and turn it to their company`s advantage. The payoff to thinking globally is a

quality of decision making that enhances the firm`s prospects for survival,

growth, and profitability in the evolving world economy. Understanding legal,

political, ethical and social issues of international business helps global business

firm in strategizing its business policy. In the following sections an attempt is

made to describe these factors.

1.2. Legal Issues in International Business:

This section examines the various legal issues to the conduct of international

business activities. Because of the variety of legal systems and the different
interpretations and enforcement mechanisms, the discussion must, of necessity,

be some-what general. Based on the same rationale, it is impossible for the top

management and legal staff at corporate headquarters to completely master the

knowledge of foreign law on their own. To appreciate the problem and subtlety

of foreign law, it is clearly necessary to consult local attorneys to find out how a

company`s operation may be constrained by particular laws. To deal with

problems related to bribery, incorporation, counterfeiting, and infringement, the

services of local attorneys are essential. Just as essential is the cooperation of the

governments of both the host and home countries.

All countries regulate trade and commerce with other countries and control the

access of foreigners to national resources. Each country has its own unique

system of law, regulation, and custom that impacts the ability of the global

marketer to address market opportunities in a country. There are rules for

exporting and importing goods, people, money, and experience across national

boundaries. In addition there are industrial and consumer healthy and safety

standards and regulations as well as packaging labeling and advertising and

promotion regulations. The global marketer must operate in conformance with

each of these unique sets of national constraints. Frequently these constraints are

ambiguous and they are always undergoing change.

The legal environment is complex and dynamic, with different countries

claiming jurisdiction (or a lack of jurisdiction) over business operations. The

interaction among domestic, foreign, and international legal environments

creates new obstacles as well as new opportunities. A host country may use an

MNC`s subsidiary in its country as a method of influencing the MNC and

subsequently its home country`s policies. Likewise, the home country may

instruct the parent company to dictate its foreign subsidiary`s activities. It is

thus not uncommon to find a situation in which the firm is being pressured in
opposing directions by two governments. Still the MNC can use its global

network to counter such a threat by shifting or threatening to shift the affected

operations to other countries, thus lessening the governments` influence on its

behavior. It is this countervailing power that allows the company to have a great

deal of freedom in adjusting its business strategies. It is important to keep in

mind that legal contracts and agreements can only be as good as the parties who

create them and the countries that enforce them. Therefore, a contract cannot be

used as a substitute for trust and understanding between parties or careful

screening of business partners.

1.3.Political issues in International Business:

The international manager`s political environment is complex and difficult

because of the interaction among domestic, foreign, and international politics. If

a product is imported or produced overseas, political groups and labor

organizations accuse the marketer of taking jobs away from people in the home

country. On the other hand, foreign governments are not always receptive to

overseas capital and investment be cause of suspicions about the marketer`s

motives and commitment. When both the host country and the home country

have different political and national interests, their conflicting policies can

complicate the problem further. Because of the diversity of political and

economic systems, governments develop varying philosophies. In some

circumstances, their political motives overshadow their economic logic. The

result is often that political risks ? such as expropriation, nationalization, and

restrictions ? are created against exports and/or imports and are likely inevitable.

Exhibit 3.1 illustrates micro and macro decomposition of Political risk.

Exhibit 3.1
Micro-Macro Decompositions of political Risk

Political Risk

Macro Risk

Micro Risk

(Affects all foreign

(Affects specific


firms or Industries)


Ethnic Strife

Goal Conflict



(Foreign firms


(a way of life


are only

goals of

in many

ownership of

bystanders but

government and


foreign firms)

get hurt)

firms diverge)

International business decisions are thus affected by political considerations.

When investing in a foreign country, companies must be sensitive to that

country`s political concerns. Because of the dynamic nature of politics in

general, companies should prepare a contingency plan to copy with changes that

occur in the political environment. To minimize political risk, companies

should attempt to accommodate the host country`s national interests by

stimulating the economy, employing nationals, sharing business ownership with

local firms, and being civic-oriented. On the other hand, to protect their own

economic interests companies should maintain political neutrality, quietly lobby

for their goals, and shift risks to a third party through the purchase of political

insurance. Finally, a company should institute a monitoring system that allows

it to systematically and routinely evaluate the political situation. Some

companies view politics as an obstacle to their effort to enter foreign markets
and as a barrier to the efficient use of resources. For other companies, political

problems, instead of being perceived as entry barriers, are seen as challenges

and opportunities. According to firms with the more optimistic view, political

situations are merely environmental conditions that can be overcome and

managed. Political risks, through skillful adaptation and control, can thus be

reduced or neutralized.

There are a number of political risks with which marketers must contend.

Hazards based on a host government`s action include confiscation,

expropriation, nationalization, and domestication. Such actions are more likely

to be levied against foreign investments, though local firm` properties are not

totally immune. Confiscation is the process of a government`s taking ownership

of a property without compensation. Expropriation differs somewhat from

confiscation in that there is some compensation, though not necessarily just

compensation. More often than not, a company whose property is being

expropriated agrees to sell its operations ? not by choice but rather because of

some explicit or implied coercion. After property has been confiscated or

expropriated, it can be either nationalized or domesticated. Nationalization

involves government ownership, and it is the government that operates the

business being taken over. In the case of domestication, foreign companies

relinquish control and ownership, either completely or partially, to the nationals.

The result is that private entities are allowed to operate the confiscated or

expropriated property.

1.4 Ethical Issues:

Public confidence in business ethics has declined. Many critics say that we live

in the time of the ethics crisis. As a result, many experts are calling for a

broader examination of business ethics. Because most business decisions have
an ethical component (i.e., they affect the intentions of others), managers must

add ethics to their understanding of organizations. Many companies have made a

commitment to ethics in business. Many decisions that managers make require

them to consider who may be affected-in terms of the result as well as the

process. The term ethics refers to rules or principles that define right and wrong

conduct. Whether a manager acts ethically or unethically is the result of a

complex interaction between the manager`s stage of moral development, his or

her individual characteristics, the organization`s structural design, the

organization`s culture, and the intensity of the ethical issue. A comprehensive

ethics program would include selection to weed out ethically undesirable job

applicants, a code of ethics and decision rules, a commitment by top

management, clear and realistic job goals, ethics training, comprehensive

performance appraisals, independent social audits, and formal protective

mechanisms. Consciously or unconsciously, we engage in some kind of ethical

reasoning every day of our lives. To improve our ethical reasoning, we must

analyze it explicitly and practice it daily. The key terms of the ethical language

are values, rights, duties, rules, and human relationships.

1.4.1. Four Different Views of Ethics:

There are four different perspectives on business ethics. They are:

a) Utilitarian view of ethics: Decisions are made solely on the basis of their

outcomes or consequences.

b) Rights view of ethics: Decisions are concerned with respecting and

protecting basic rights of individuals.

c) Theory of justice view of ethics: Decision makers seek to impose and

enforce rules fairly and impartially.
d) Integrative social contracts theory: A view that proposes decisions should

be based on empirical (What is) and normative (What should be) factors. It

recognizes the implicit contracts between organizations and the ethical

standards of the community within which they operate.

1.4.2. Four levels of ethical questions in business

We cannot avoid ethical issues in business any more than we can avoid them in

other areas of our lives. In business, most ethical questions fall into one or more

of four categories: societal, stakeholder, internal policy, or personal.

A) Societal. At the societal level, we ask questions about the basic institutions

in a society. Issues like racism, apartheid, terrorism, hunger, poverty, and

illiteracy raises several ethical questions. For example,

Is it ethically correct to have a social system in which a group of people is

systematically denied basic rights?

Is capitalism a just system for allocating resources?

What role should the government play in regulating the marketplace?

Should we tolerate gross inequalities of wealth, status, and power?

Societal-level questions usually represent an ongoing debate among major

competing institutions. As managers and individuals, each of us can try to shape

that debate.

B) Stakeholder. The second kind of ethical questions concern stakeholders

like suppliers, customers, shareholders, and the rest. Here we ask questions
about how a company should deal with the external groups affected by its

decisions, as well as how stakeholders should deal with the company. There are

many stakeholder issues. Insider trading is one; another is a company`s

obligation to inform its customers about the potential dangers of its products.

What obligations does a company have to its suppliers? To the communities

where it operates? To its stockholders? How should we attempt to decide such


C) Internal Policy A third category of ethics might be called internal policy.

Here we ask questions about the nature of a company`s relations with its

employees. What kind of employment contract is fair? What are the mutual

obligations of managers and workers? What rights do employees have? These

questions, too, pervade the workday of a manager. Layoffs, benefits, work rules,

motivation, and leadership are all ethical concerns here.

D) Personal Here we ask questions about how people should treat one another

within an organization. Should we be honest with one another, whatever the

consequences? What obligations do we have- both as human beings and as

workers who fill specific work roles- to our bosses, our employees, and our

peers? These questions deal with the day-to-day issues of life in any

organization. Behind them lie two broader issues: Do we have the right to look

at other people primarily as means to our ends? Can we avoid doing so?

The following are questions for examining the ethics of a business decision.

1. Have you defined the problem accurately?

2. How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the


3. How did this situation occur in the first place?
4. To whom and to what do you give your loyalty as a person and as a member

of the corporation?

5. What is your intention in making this decision?

6. How does this intention compare with the probable results?

7. Whom could your decision or action injure?

8. Can you discuss the problem with the affected parties before you make your


9. Are you confident that your decision will be as valid over a long period of

time as it seems now?

10. Could you disclose without qualm your decision or action to your boss, your

CEO, the board of directors, your family, society as a whole?

11. What is the symbolic potential of your action if understood? If


12. Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand?

These questions help business leaders to seek answers regarding values,

purpose, and goals of business. The answers will provide clarity and sense of

direction. Majority of organizations are now explicitly stating their code of

conduct, and designing ethical standards and committed towards ethical

practices to suit global standards. Hewlett Packard`s commitment to ethical

standards can be observed from Insight 1. It can be observed from Insight 2 how

Chennai`s leading construction company has proved that ethical business is


Insight 1

We are committed to uncompromising integrity

At HP we are guided by enduring values that stretch back to our roots -- values

that reflect basic, fundamental ideas about who we are. Ideas like these:

there is no substitute for personal and professional integrity;

doing well and doing good can go hand in hand; and

trust and respect have always been the cornerstones of our success.

The open doors to our offices reflect the ethical, transparent business practices at

every level of the company. They also help foster the open communication that

fuels our creativity and camaraderie. We strive to be a company that manages by

inspiration, not fear; by sharing information, not guarding it; by empowering

people to make decisions; and by unleashing people's talents for the common

good. As a business we must remain profitable to remain viable. But profitable

operations are not our only concern. At HP we seek uncompromising integrity

through what each individual can contribute -- to our customers, our co-

workers, our company and our communities. Our business success is dependent

on trusting relationships. Our reputation is founded on the personal integrity of

the company's personnel and our dedication to our principles of:

Honesty in communicating within the company and with our business

partners, suppliers and customers, while at the same time protecting the

company's confidential information and trade secrets

Excellence in our products and services, by striving to provide high-

quality products and services to our customers

Responsibility for our words and actions

Compassion in our relationships with our employees and the

communities affected by our business
Citizenship in our observance of all the laws of any country in which we

do business, respect for environmental concerns and our service to the

community by improving and enriching community life.

Fairness to our fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners,

customers and suppliers through adherence to all applicable laws,

regulations and policies, and a high standard of behavior.

Respect for our fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners,

customers and suppliers while showing willingness to solicit their

opinions and value their feedback

Insight 2

Ethical business the Alacrity way

Alacrity is the undisputed leader amongst apartment construction companies in

Chennai. It`s got to that position, with a turnover of more than Rs 100 crore,

without ever having paid a bribe or dealt in black money or any other illegal

operation. In India at least, a company that has proved that it is possible to do

ethical business and still be a commercial success, is an exception. Launched in

1978, Alacrity is owned by its employees. The undertaking is based on the

values of honesty, commitment and accountability. Today the company is the

undisputed leader not only in the fields of construction but also energy

management, health and education in Chennai. Alacrity has changed the rules of

construction in this city. The company represents a house of trust for the

common man. More than 60 per cent of the respondents in a recent market

survey in Chennai named Alacrity as their most preferred company. The

company has constructed more than 30 per cent of Chennai`s apartments,
effectively minimising the problem of housing in this metropolis. Moreover,

each housing project undertaken by this company subscribes to the rules of the

Director of Development Control, the nodal government agency. Recalling the

nascent stages of this undertaking, Amol Karnad, chairman of the Alacrity group

of companies, says, The central idea of starting this venture was to bring about

a merger between the quality of social life and individual life. Not being

satisfied only with ethical business, this company has also provided employment

opportunities and fair wages for a migrant labour force, thereby showing that its

concern transcends class barriers. Although there have been problems by way of

political pressure and acute competition, the organisation has been successful in

persisting with its values of discipline, renewal and commitment. Says a

customer who has benefited from the Alacrity experience, When you are

investing the savings of your life, you need a builder you can trust and we have

found one in Alacrity. Alacrity has effectively proved that value-based

management does not curb profits and that economic growth and social

development can go together

1.5 Social Responsibility:

The classic statement of corporate social responsibility was created by Andrew

Carnegie in his The Gospel of Wealth (1899). Carnegie`s gospel was based on

the charity principle (Society`s more fortunate members are obligated to help the

less fortunate) and the stewardship principle (the rich are the caretakers of

wealth and public property). Carnegie was a noted philanthropist and his

philosophy inspired a concern for corporate social responsibility between the

1930s and 1960s. The drawbacks of Carnegie`s gospel were that it preserved

the status quo and protected business from other forms of pressure, and that the

term social responsibility was so vague that it left too much to individual
discretion. In the 1970s and 1980s, the developments of a number of economic

forces led to reexamine the notion of corporate social responsibility. Many

experts like Friedman believe that if businesses were to survive, they must be

relived of inappropriate social responsibilities and allowed to get back to basics:

making money. A business`s primary responsibility is to maximize profits. A

company`s contribution to the general welfare should be the efficient production

of goods and services. Social problems should be left to concerned individuals

and government agencies.

Keith Davis has said that there is an iron law of responsibility which states that

in the long run those who do not use power in a manner that society considers

responsible will tend to loose it. So it may be that it is in the enlightened self-

interest of organizations to be socially responsible ? or at least responsive to

social forces. Many organizations are now designing their business models

taking into consideration of emerging social context.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an expression used to describe what

some see as a company`s obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all of the

stakeholders in its business operations. A company`s stakeholders are all those

who are influenced by, or can influence, a company`s decisions and actions.

These can include (but are not limited to): employees, customers, suppliers,

community organizations, subsidiaries and affiliates, joint venture partners, local

neighborhoods, investors, and shareholders (or a sole owner). CSR is closely

linked with the principles of "Sustainable Development in proposing that

enterprises should be obliged to make decisions based not only on the

financial/economic factors but also on the social and environmental

consequences of their activities.

Arguments For and Against Social Responsibility:

Arguments For: The major arguments supporting businesses being socially

responsible are;

1. Public expectations. Social expectations of business have increased

dramatically since the 1960s. Public opinion now supports business

pursuing social as well as economic goals.

2. Long-run profits. Socially responsible businesses tend to have more secure

long-run profits. This is the normal result of the better community relations

and improved business image that responsible behavior brings.

3. Ethical obligation. A business firm can and should have a social conscience.

Business should be socially responsible because responsible actions are right

for their own sake.

4. Public image. Firms seek to enhance their public image to get increased

sales, better employees, access to financing, and other benefits. Since the

public considers social goals important, business can create a favorable

public image by pursuing social goals.

5. Better environment. Business involvement can help solve difficult social

problems, helping create a better quality of life and a more desirable

community in which to attract and keep skilled employees.

6. Discouragement of further government regulation. Government regulation

adds economic costs and restricts management`s decision flexibility. By

becoming socially responsible, business can expect less government


7. Balance of responsibility and power. Business holds a large amount of

power in society. An equally large amount of responsibility is required to

balance against it. When power is significantly greater than responsibility,
the imbalance encourages irresponsible behavior that works against the

public good.

8. Stockholder interests. Social responsibility will improve a business`s stock

price in the long run. The stock market will view the socially responsible

company as less risky and open to public criticism. Therefore, it will award

its stock a higher price-earnings ratio.

9. Possession of resources. Business organizations have the financial

resources, technical experts, and managerial talent to support public and

charitable projects that need assistance.

10. Superiority of prevention over cures. Social problems must be addressed at

some time. Business should act before these problems become more serious

and costly to correct, taking management`s energy away from accomplishing

its goal of producing goods and services.

Arguments Against:

1. Violation of profit maximization. This is the essence of the classical

viewpoint. Business is being socially responsible when it attends strictly to

its economic interests and leaves other activities to other institutions.

2. Dilution of purpose. The pursuit of social goals dilutes business`s primary

purpose: economic productivity. Society may suffer if both economic and

social goals are poorly accomplished.

3. Costs. Many socially responsible activities don`t cover their costs.

Someone has to pay these costs. Business must absorb the costs or pass

them on to consumers through higher prices.
4. Too much power. Business is already one of the most powerful sectors of

our society. If it pursues social goals, it would have even more power.

Society has given business enough power.

5. Lack of skills. The outlook and abilities of business leaders are oriented

primarily toward economics. Businesspeople are poorly qualified to address

social issues.

6. Lack of accountability. Political representatives pursue social goals and are

held accountable for their actions. Such is not the case with business

leaders. There are no direct lines of social accountability from the business

sector to the public.

7. Lack of broad public support. There is no broad mandate or outcry from

society for business to become involved in social issues. The public is

divided on the issue of business`s social responsibility. In fact, it is a topic

that typically generates heated debate. Actions taken under such divided

support are likely to fail.

Despite the arguments against for businesses being socially responsible,

many firms globally embracing the Corporate Social Responsibility

philosophy with open mind. Nowadays, individuals like Warren Buffet, Bill

Gates leading philanthropic movements by sharing their personal wealth to

the social causes. Insight 3 highlights how LG Electronics as a global

corporation fulfills its corporate social responsibilities. Insight 4 throws light

on how IT major Infosys putting public good ahead of private good. Insight

5 gives an idea how pharma company Cipla combines its business goals

with social goals.

Insight 3
LG Electronics

As a global corporation, LG Electronics diligently and passionately fulfills its

corporate social responsibilities. Not only does the company donate money

toward these goals, but it also participates in voluntary social activities, inspiring

people in need the world over to pursue their hopes and dreams. LG Electronics

takes part in these corporate activities with the primary goal of serving society.

Since its inception, LG Electronics has strived to create a society in which

people enjoy happiness and comfort, and has been at the forefront of Korea`s

electronics industry. As a global corporation, LG Electronics is now

endeavoring to do its part all over the world, as a global corporate citizen.

LG Electronics has set an example at home and abroad, giving generously to its

neighbors and others in need. Currently LG Electronics` executives offer one

percent of their monthly salaries, and other employees offer one percent of their

performance incentives, to give something back to societies around the world.

The company then matches these monthly contributions and donates the entirety

as corporate social contribution funds. Since 1958, LG Electronics and its

overseas subsidiaries have endeavored to serve communities all over the world

through participating in various voluntary social activities. In addition, in

performing its duties as a corporate citizen, LG Electronics` corporate

business activities enrich worldwide economic development. LG Electronics, as

a global corporate citizen, is committed to giving hope to neighboring

communities and inspiring them to purse their visions, as members of society,

with courage and pride.

Insight 4

Infosys believes in putting public good before private good

Unless you create wealth by legal means, you cannot distribute it. And without

the two, you do not have progress, says N R Narayanamurthy of the celebrated

and very successful Indian IT company Infosys. Putting public good ahead of

private good in every decision you make will, in fact, result in enriching the

private good. To distribute its substantial wealth and formalise its social

support initiatives, Narayanamurthy and his wife Sudha set up the Infosys

Foundation in March 1997, which receives 1 per cent of all the company`s after-

tax profits. All financial assistance to the needy is given in the form of a rule-

based distribution of money.

The Infosys Foundation supports disadvantaged people directly or through

organisations. The Foundation prefers to work through smaller organisations and

donate in kind rather than cash. For instance, recently it gave books in Kannada

worth Rs 10,000 to a village library, so that it could help strengthen the local

language. In the field of education the Foundation has instituted 26 scholarships

for PhD scholars in 13 prestigious institutions. It has also anchored the Train the

Trainee programme in which computer science students from engineering

colleges are exposed to the latest IT trends. The Foundation has also played an

important role in setting up science centres and libraries and to date 1001

libraries have been inaugurated with assistance from this Foundation. Infosys

Technologies has rationalised the Foundation`s distribution of funds. Money is

distributed according to the ratio of its employees in the four states where it has

offices: Karnataka gets 70 per cent, Maharashtra 15 per cent, Orissa 5 per cent

and Tamil Nadu 10 per cent. The Infosys Foundation is committed to giving 30

per cent of its funds to old people, the destitute and the handicapped, 15 per cent
for rural development, 30 per cent for the education of talented but poor

children, 15 per cent for cultural activities and 10 per cent for healthcare, both in

villages and cities.

Each applicant is selected after the Foundation has met the person or a company

executive has visited the applying institution, so that the bona fides of the

applicant are verified. Infosys also asks that the organisations it supports do not

discriminate against people according to caste or creed. The company`s policies

of transparent accounting and its socially-relevant HR policies are extended to

the management of the Foundation.

Insight 5

Cipla prompts a worldwide slide in the price of anti-HIV drugs

The Indian pharmaceutical`s move has made anti-HIV drugs more accessible to


According to the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO), the total number

of HIV patients in India is about 3.7 million, of which 5 lakh have AIDS.

Unofficial sources place the figures much higher. The threat of AIDS in India is

aggravated by highly-priced medicines as well as the lack of a concrete medical

strategy. However, Cipla, an Indian generic drug manufacturing firm founded in

1935, offered to slash prices of three anti-HIV drugs in February 2001. Cipla has

offered to sell a cocktail of three anti-HIV drugs, Stavudine, Lamivudine and

Nevirapine, to the Nobel Prize-winning voluntary agency Medicine Sans

Frontieres (MSF) at a rate of $350, and at $600 per patient per year to other

NGOs over the world. In the international market the price of these triple

combination anti-retroviral drugs ranges from $1,000-15,000. With the Cipla

offer, prices have tumbled to $750. This has not only made the drugs accessible

to a wider range of people but it has also forced other pharmaceutical houses to
lower their prices. Cipla`s offer has triggered a movement towards reduced drug

prices amongst drug manufacturing giants like GlaxoSmithKline and Merck and

Abbot. Although Cipla`s offer remains unmatched in the international market,

two Indian firms, Hetero and Aurobindo, have also made offers at a price lower

than Cipla`s. While Hetero has offered a package for $347, Aurobindo has

promised the cocktail at $297. MSF, an organisation that has tremendous work

experience in the field of providing emergency medical provisions all over the

world, is positive about the Cipla offer. The offer not only matches price

expectations, but has redefined the entire concept of HIV care. Recently, MSF

has started using drugs obtained from Cipla in its AIDS treatment project in

Cambodia and ten other countries. However, MSF feels that even at such

reduced rates, the drugs would be unaffordable to the majority in the developing

world. Corporate houses must actively help in combating the disease

1.6 Summary:

Global strategic planning is more complex than purely domestic planning.

Global firms face multiple political, economical, legal, social, and cultural

environments as well as various rates of changes within each of them.

Interactions between the national and foreign environment are complex, because

of national sovereignty issues and widely differing economic and social

conditions. Geographic separation, cultural and national differences, and

variations in business practices all tend to make communication and control

efforts between headquarters and overseas affiliates difficult. Global firms face

extreme competition, because of differences in industry structures. Global firms

are restricted in their selection of competitive strategies by various regional

blocs and economic integrations, such as the European Economic Community,

the European Free Trade Area, and the Latin American Free Trade Area. MNCs

must understand how to adapt to the local needs of host countries. Political,
legal, ethical issues influence their performance in this changing business world.

Resurgence of enviromentalism, increasing buying power, and the globalization

of business are driving businesses to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility

framework. Do well by doing good is the accepted mantra of global firms.

1.7 Glossary:

Code of ethics: A formal statement of an organization`s primary values and the

ethical rules it expects its employees to follow.

Corporate social responsiveness: A theory of social responsibility that focuses

on how companies respond to issues, rather than trying to determine their

ultimate social responsibility.

Ethics: The study of rights and of who is-or should be-benefited or harmed by

an action.

Enlightened self-interest: Organizations' realization that it is in their own

best interest to act in ways that the community considers socially


Expropriation: Official government seizure of private property, recognized by

international law as the right of any sovereign state provided expropriated

owners are given prompt compensation and fair market value in convertible


Political Risk: The possibility that political events in a particular country will

have an influence on the economic well being of firms in that country.

Social audit: Report describing a company`s activities in a given areas of social

interest, such as environmental protection, workplace safety, or community


1.8 Self Assessment Questions:

5. Explain how the legal environment can have an impact on an MNC`s

business strategy.

6. Explain the multiplicity of political environments. Describe confiscation,

expropriation, nationalization, and domestication.

7. Which of the four views on business ethics is most popular among business

people? Why?

8. Why is the social responsibility of business receiving so much attention

these days?

9. The business of business is business Critically evaluate this statement.

1.9 Further Readings:

26. Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, Concept, Environment and

strategy (2006), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

27. Charles W.L.Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global

Marketplace (2003), Tata Mc-Graw-HillPublishing Company Limited, New


28. Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter. Management (2000), Prentice-Hall of

India, New Delhi.

29. James A F Stoner, R Edward Freeman, Daniel R Gilbert, Jr, Management

(2002), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
UNIT ? IV: Strategic Alliances: Acquisitions and mergers; Management of

joint ventures and other international strategic alliances.

Lesson 5:

International Business ? Strategic Alliances


After studying this lesson you should be able:

To understand mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as a means of corporate

restructuring process

To know about joint ventures and how they are useful to pursue global


To understand different corporate restructuring methods

To see through examples how Indian companies are actively involved in

international deals


1.63 Introduction

1.64 Mergers & Acquisitions

1.65 Joint Ventures

1.66 Other Restructuring Methods

1.67 Summary

1.68 Glossary

1.69 Self Assessment Questions

1.70 Further Readings

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and corporate restructuring are a big part of

the corporate finance world. Every day, Wall Street investment bankers arrange

M&A transactions, which bring separate companies together to form larger

ones. When they're not creating big companies from smaller ones, corporate

finance deals do the reverse and break up companies through spinoffs, carve-

outs or tracking stocks. Not surprisingly, these actions often make the news.

Deals can be worth hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars. They can

dictate the fortunes of the companies involved for years to come. For a CEO,

leading an M&A can represent the highlight of a whole career. And it is no

wonder we hear about so many of these transactions; they happen all the time.

Next time you open the newspaper`s business section, odds are good that at least

one headline will announce some kind of M&A transaction. Mergers and

acquisitions, joint ventures and other restructuring methods are becoming

common in global business world. In the following sections we discuss mergers

and acquisitions, joint ventures and other corporate restructuring methods

through examples.

1.2 Mergers & Acquisitions:

One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an

acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to create shareholder

value over and above that of the sum of the two companies. Two companies

together are more valuable than two separate companies - at least, that's the




This rationale is particularly alluring to companies when times are tough. Strong

companies will act to buy other companies to create a more competitive, cost-

efficient company. The companies will come together hoping to gain a greater

market share or to achieve greater efficiency. Because of these potential
benefits, target companies will often agree to be purchased when they know they

cannot survive alone.

1.2.1 Distinction between Mergers and Acquisitions

Although they are often uttered in the same breath and used as though they were

synonymous, the terms merger and acquisition mean slightly different things.

When one company takes over another and clearly established itself as the new

owner, the purchase is called an acquisition. From a legal point of view, the

target company ceases to exist, the buyer "swallows" the business and the

buyer's stock continues to be traded. In the pure sense of the term, a merger

happens when two firms, often of about the same size, agree to go forward as a

single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. This

kind of action is more precisely referred to as a "merger of equals." Both

companies' stocks are surrendered and new company stock is issued in its place.

For example, both Daimler-Benz and Chrysler ceased to exist when the two

firms merged, and a new company, DaimlerChrysler, was created. In practice,

however, actual mergers of equals don't happen very often. Usually, one

company will buy another and, as part of the deal's terms, simply allow the

acquired firm to proclaim that the action is a merger of equals, even if it's

technically an acquisition. Being bought out often carries negative connotations,

therefore, by describing the deal as a merger, deal makers and top managers try

to make the takeover more palatable. A purchase deal will also be called a

merger when both CEOs agree that joining together is in the best interest of both

of their companies. But when the deal is unfriendly - that is, when the target

company does not want to be purchased - it is always regarded as an acquisition.

Whether a purchase is considered a merger or an acquisition really depends on

whether the purchase is friendly or hostile and how it is announced. In other

words, the real difference lies in how the purchase is communicated to and
received by the target company's board of directors, employees and


1.2.2. Synergy:

Synergy is the magic force that allows for enhanced cost efficiencies of the new

business. Synergy takes the form of revenue enhancement and cost savings. By

merging, the companies hope to benefit from the following:

a) Staff reductions - As every employee knows, mergers tend to mean job

losses. Consider all the money saved from reducing the number of staff

members from accounting, marketing and other departments. Job cuts will

also include the former CEO, who typically leaves with a compensation


b) Economies of scale - Yes, size matters. Whether it's purchasing stationery or

a new corporate IT system, a bigger company placing the orders can save

more on costs. Mergers also translate into improved purchasing power to

buy equipment or office supplies - when placing larger orders, companies

have a greater ability to negotiate prices with their suppliers.

c) Acquiring new technology - To stay competitive, companies need to stay

on top of technological developments and their business applications. By

buying a smaller company with unique technologies, a large company can

maintain or develop a competitive edge.

d) Improved market reach and industry visibility - Companies buy

companies to reach new markets and grow revenues and earnings. A merge

may expand two companies' marketing and distribution, giving them new

sales opportunities. A merger can also improve a company's standing in the
investment community: bigger firms often have an easier time raising capital

than smaller ones.

That said, achieving synergy is easier said than done - it is not automatically

realized once two companies merge. Sure, there ought to be economies of scale

when two businesses are combined, but sometimes a merger does just the

opposite. In many cases, one and one add up to less than two. Sadly, synergy

opportunities may exist only in the minds of the corporate leaders and the deal

makers. Where there is no value to be created, the CEO and investment bankers

- who have much to gain from a successful M&A deal - will try to create an

image of enhanced value. The market, however, eventually sees through this and

penalizes the company by assigning it a discounted share price.

1.2.3. Varieties of Mergers:

From the perspective of business structures, there is a whole host of different

mergers. Here are a few types, distinguished by the relationship between the two

companies that are merging:

a) Horizontal merger - Two companies that are in direct competition and

share the same product lines and markets.

b) Vertical merger - A customer and company or a supplier and company.

Think of a cone supplier merging with an ice cream maker.

c) Market-extension merger - Two companies that sell the same products in

different markets.

d) Product-extension merger - Two companies selling different but related

products in the same market.

e) Conglomeration- Two companies that have no common business areas.
There are two types of mergers that are distinguished by how the merger is

financed. Each has certain implications for the companies involved and for


f) Purchase Mergers - As the name suggests, this kind of merger occurs when

one company purchases another. The purchase is made with cash or through

the issue of some kind of debt instrument; the sale is taxable. Acquiring

companies often prefer this type of merger because it can provide them with

a tax benefit. Acquired assets can be written-up to the actual purchase price,

and the difference between the book value and the purchase price of the

assets can depreciate annually, reducing taxes payable by the acquiring

company. We will discuss this further in part four of this tutorial.

g) Consolidation Mergers - With this merger, a brand new company is formed

and both companies are bought and combined under the new entity. The tax

terms are the same as those of a purchase merger.

1.2.4. Acquisitions:

As you can see, an acquisition may be only slightly different from a merger. In

fact, it may be different in name only. Like mergers, acquisitions are actions

through which companies seek economies of scale, efficiencies and enhanced

market visibility. Unlike all mergers, all acquisitions involve one firm

purchasing another - there is no exchange of stock or consolidation as a new

company. Acquisitions are often congenial, and all parties feel satisfied with the

deal. Other times, acquisitions are more hostile. In an acquisition, as in some of

the merger deals we discuss above, a company can buy another company with

cash, stock or a combination of the two. Another possibility, which is common

in smaller deals, is for one company to acquire all the assets of another

company. Company X buys all of Company Y's assets for cash, which means

that Company Y will have only cash (and debt, if they had debt before). Of
course, Company Y becomes merely a shell and will eventually liquidate or

enter another area of business. Another type of acquisition is a reverse merger,

a deal that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short

time period. A reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong

prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company,

usually one with no business and limited assets. The private company reverse

merges into the public company, and together they become an entirely new

public corporation with tradable shares. Regardless of their category or

structure, all mergers and acquisitions have one common goal: they are all

meant to create synergy that makes the value of the combined companies greater

than the sum of the two parts. The success of a merger or acquisition depends on






1.2.5. Mergers and Acquisitions: Why They Can Fail

It's no secret that plenty of mergers don't work. Those who advocate mergers

will argue that the merger will cut costs or boost revenues by more than enough

to justify the price premium. It can sound so simple: just combine computer

systems, merge a few departments, use sheer size to force down the price of

supplies and the merged giant should be more profitable than its parts. In theory,

1+1 = 3 sounds great, but in practice, things can go awry. Historical trends show

that roughly two thirds of big mergers will disappoint on their own terms, which

means they will lose value on the stock market. The motivations that drive

mergers can be flawed and efficiencies from economies of scale may prove

elusive. In many cases, the problems associated with trying to make merged

companies work are all too concrete. Also, mergers are often attempt to imitate:

somebody else has done a big merger, which prompts other top executives to

follow suit. A merger may often have more to do with glory-seeking than

business strategy. The executive ego, which is boosted by buying the
competition, is a major force in M&A, especially when combined with the

influences from the bankers, lawyers and other assorted advisers who can earn

big fees from clients engaged in mergers. Most CEOs get to where they are

because they want to be the biggest and the best, and many top executives get a

big bonus for merger deals, no matter what happens to the share price later. On

the other side of the coin, mergers can be driven by generalized fear.

Globalization, the arrival of new technological developments or a fast-changing

economic landscape that makes the outlook uncertain are all factors that can

create a strong incentive for defensive mergers. Sometimes the management

team feels they have no choice and must acquire a rival before being acquired.

The idea is that only big players will survive a more competitive world. Coping

with a merger can make top managers spread their time too thinly and neglect

their core business, spelling doom. Too often, potential difficulties seem trivial

to managers caught up in the thrill of the big deal. The chances for success are

further hampered if the corporate cultures of the companies are very different.

When a company is acquired, the decision is typically based on product or

market synergies, but cultural differences are often ignored. It's a mistake to

assume that personnel issues are easily overcome. For example, employees at a

target company might be accustomed to easy access to top management, flexible

work schedules or even a relaxed dress code. These aspects of a working

environment may not seem significant, but if new management removes them,

the result can be resentment and shrinking productivity. More insight into the

failure of mergers is found in the highly acclaimed study from McKinsey, a

global consultancy. The study concludes that companies often focus too intently

on cutting costs following mergers, while revenues, and ultimately, profits,

suffer. Merging companies can focus on integration and cost-cutting so much

that they neglect day-to-day business, thereby prompting nervous customers to

flee. This loss of revenue momentum is one reason so many mergers fail to
create value for shareholders. But remember that not all mergers fail. Size and

global reach can be advantageous, and strong managers can often squeeze

greater efficiency out of badly run rivals. Nevertheless, the promises made by

deal makers demand the careful scrutiny of investors. The success of mergers

depends on how realistic the deal makers are and how well they can integrate

two companies while maintaining day-to-day operations.

Walt Disney a major company in global entertainment industry is all set to

acquire Hungama TV of UTV in India. (Insight 1). Sasken Communication

Technologies has acquired Finland-based Botnia Hightech recently (Insight 2).

Insight 1

Walt Disney to buy out Hungama TV

Walt Disney, which has two kids` channels in India ? Toon Disney and the

Disney Channel ? is all set to acquire UTV`s sole television channel, Hungama

TV. Disney will shell out US$ 30.5 million (approximately Rs 137.25 crore) for

Hungama. In addition, Disney has bought a 14.9 per cent stake in the parent

company, UTV Software, which is worth US$ 14 million (approximately Rs 63

crore). In total, Disney has invested around Rs 200 crore in the Indian television

software company. According to Rajat Jain, managing director, Walt Disney,

India, this deal is part of the company`s long-term expansion plans in India. A
few months ago when agencyfaqs (media house) had asked Ronnie Screwvala,

CEO of UTV, if he would be ready to sell off Hungama TV if he was offered a

hefty price, he had replied that they were trying to build an overall integrated

business model. So, building a brand for two years and then selling it off didn`t

make sense. However, in the last two years, Hungama TV has evolved as a

strong brand and Jain of Disney is looking forward to strengthen Disney`s







When quizzed about what would be the new colours for Hungama TV under the

new banner, Jain said that it would be premature to comment on this. The

channel has successfully created a distinct identity for itself in the kids` genre

and it will take at least four-five months before we decide how to rejuvenate it

while maintaining its core strengths. While Disney and Toon Disney are

believed to be more international in their programming, Hungama has always

had an Indian flavour to it. After all, it was the only local kids` entertainment

channel. Walt Disney plans to continue with the distinct identity that Hungama

has carved for itself. Disney has a lot of expectations from this acquisition.

Hungama TV will strengthen the current bouquet of channels under Walt

Disney, said Jain. The stake in UTV is also significant for Disney`s plans in

India and, as Jain pointed out, this strategic partnership between the two groups

will see lots of opportunities for synergy between the two brands. When asked if

UTV`s animation division will provide content for Disney both in India as well

as internationally, Jain did not rule out the possibility, but said that they would

consider it now that they are formally associated with UTV.

Insight 2

Sasken buys Finland Company for Rs 210 crores

Making its first overseas acquisitions, Sasken Communication Technologies, the

Bangalore-headquartered provider of software services and products for telecom
sector announced in June 2006 that it has acquired 100% of Finland-based

Botnia Hightech for E35.5m (Rs 210.3 crore) in an all cash deal. The

acquisition, which is expected to close by August 2006-end will be funded by

Sasken through a combination of internal accrual and other sources. It has

already received the board approval to raise $50m (Rs 225 crore), which could









Botnia, which started its operations in 1989 is a provider of hardware, software,

mechanical design and testing services. Sasken through this acquisition gets 230

people including a development centre in Finland. Botnia and its two

subsidiaries had revenues of E17.7m (Rs 104 crore) with a net profit of E2.9m

(Rs 17 crore) for the year ended April 30, `06. Neeta Revankar, CFO, Sasken,

said the valuation of Botnia was two times its revenue and 12.2 times its

EBITDA. Sasken CEO Rajiv C Mody said, This acquisition takes us into the

unchartered territory and helps us to provide end-to-end solutions. Botnia,

whose margins are in line with Sasken, will operate as a subsidiary and its

development centre in Finland will be the global centre of excellence for

hardware and mechanical design. Sasken COO Prabhas Kumar said the Botnia

acquisition will provide it the scale to target large projects as well as address the



He said the integration process of both the companies are already on and from

September 1, it will have to market strategies jointly. Ms Revankar said this

acquisition is expected to be EPS accretive though its margins might take a hit in

the short-term and the situation is expected to change in Q3 of the current fiscal,

when its product-related activity gains momentum. Currently, Sasken generated

96% of its revenues from services and the remaining from products. For Q1 of

FY07, Sasken reported revenues of Rs 91.1 crore and a net profit of Rs 8.6

crore, while recording an annual growth of 40% in services. It expects handsets
containing Sasken IP to start shipping from November 2006, fuelling its

products segments.

1.3 Joint Ventures:

A joint venture is a legal organization that takes the form of a short-term

partnership in which the persons jointly undertake a transaction for mutual

profit. Generally each person contributes assets and share risks. Like a

partnership, joint ventures can involve any type of business transaction and the

"persons" involved can be individuals, groups of individuals, companies, or

corporations. Joint ventures are also widely used by companies to gain entrance

into foreign markets. Foreign companies form joint ventures with domestic

companies already present in markets the foreign companies would like to enter.

The foreign companies generally bring new technologies and business practices

into the joint venture, while the domestic companies already have the

relationships and requisite governmental documents within the country along

with being entrenched in the domestic industry. As there are good business and

accounting reasons to create a joint venture (JV) with a company that has

complementary capabilities and resources, such as distribution channels,

technology, or finance, joint ventures are becoming an increasingly common

way for companies to form strategic alliances. In a joint venture, two or more

"parent" companies agree to share capital, technology, human resources, risks

and rewards in a formation of a new entity under shared control.

1.3.1.Factors to be considered before a Joint Venture is formed:

a) Screening of prospective partners: All parties must screen other partners

before they venture into deal;
b) Business Plan: Joint development of a detailed business plan and

shortlisting a set of prospective partners based on their contribution to

developing a business plan;

c) Due diligence: checking the credentials of the other party ("trust and

verify" - trust the information you receive from the prospective partner, but

it's good business practice to verify the facts through interviews with third


d) Exit strategy: Development of an exit strategy and terms of dissolution of

the joint venture;

e) Organization structure: most appropriate structure (e.g. most joint ventures

involving fast growing companies are structured as strategic corporate


f) Allocations: special allocations of income, gain, loss or deduction to be

made among the partners;

g) Compensation: compensation to the members that provide services to form

joint venture;

1.3.2Benefits of Joint ventures:

a) Provide companies with the opportunity to obtain new capacity and


b) Allow companies to enter into related businesses or new geographic markets

or obtain new technological knowledge;

c) Have a relatively short life span (5-7 years) and therefore do not represent a

long-term commitment;

d) In the era of divesture and consolidation, offer a creative way for companies

to exit from non-core businesses: companies can gradually separate a

business from the rest of the organization, and ultimately, sell it to the other
parent company (approximately. 80% of all joint ventures end in a sale by

one partner to the other).

Insight 3 and Insight 4 throws light on how Indian Auto majors forming joint

ventures to pursue their global strategies.

Insight 3

Tatas, Fiat strike 50:50 JV to make cars, engines

In a long-awaited move, Tata Motors chairman Ratan Tata and Fiat SpA

chairman Sergio Marchionne have decided to shift gears and strengthen a

relationship which had begun with a low-key distribution tie-up last year. In

June 2006 the companies announced that they had signed a new MoU, which

commits the two to a 50:50 joint venture in India. Tata Motors and Fiat now

plan to use Fiat`s existing facility in Ranjangaon, near Pune, to manufacture

passenger cars from both stables as well as engines and transmissions. The deal

will also enable India`s biggest auto maker to gain an entry into Latin America

for its utility vehicles and pickups. Under the terms of the MoU, Fiat will

manufacture its two future launches, the B segment Grande Punto and a new C

segment premium sedan, at the Ranjangaon facility. It will also make its small

multijet diesel engine there, which will be fitted into a yet-to-be disclosed Tata

Motors product. It is not clear what products Tata Motors will be manufacturing

at the facility, though sources said that the facility would give them more

flexibility. Fiat and Tata have also signed a 60-day study aimed at exploring the

possibility of using Fiat`s production facility in Cordoba, Argentina to

manufacture and sell Tata Motors` utility vehicles and pickups in Latin America.

The joint venture will give the Fiat group, which has worked up huge
accumulated losses though its 100% subsidiary Fiat India in its first ten years of

operation, a much-desired foothold in the Indian passenger car market. Its Indian

operations had spun out of control, after a string of marketing and distribution

glitches. The high cost of operating the Kurla facility also hurt its overall

performance. In his earlier visit to India, Mr Marchionne had admitted that the

debacle in India had been a humbling experience for the European carmaker,

forcing it to look for a local partner with necessary market expertise.

Tata Motors and Fiat signed a distribution agreement in January `06, by which

they established a chain of joint dealerships. Fiat had begun hawking its

hatchback Palio and its sedan Petra through the co-branded dealerships. The

distribution tie-up, which may have helped Fiat regain some amount of

consumer confidence, was seen as a run-up to a more comprehensive

arrangement between the two. On Tuesday, the Italian major provided some

early evidence that its overall global strategy of entering into strategic alliances

with other global auto companies like Ford, Suzuki and Peugeot was working.

Backed by strong sales of its hatchback Punto, Fiat reported a 56% jump in its

second-quarter profits, clearly signalling that it could be finally emerging out of



Insight 4

Bajaj Auto sets up assembling unit in Indonesia

Bajaj Auto will set up a joint venture in Indonesia, for which it has got necessary

approval from the Indonesian Government, said executive director of the

company Sanjiv Bajaj said. The approval to set up the assembling unit, at a cost

of 50 million dollars, was received a month ago and the JV would be called P T

Bajaj Auto Indonesia, Bajaj told reporters. Initially, 12.5 million dollars would

be invested in the JV, he said, adding that the Indonesian partner Doentora







Bajaj Auto would hold 95 per cent stake in the JV. Work at the unit would begin

from next month for three-wheelers and three months later, Pulsar motorcycles

would be introduced in Indonesia, Bajaj said. Annual output from the facility for

three-wheelers is expected to be 10,000 units and for two-wheelers, it would be

about one lakh units. The completely knocked down units (CKDUs) would be

shifted to Indonesia. The distribution and marketing facilities for the JV in

Indonesia are being worked upon, he said. Critical components would be

sourced from India while the bulky ones would come from other places, Bajaj

said. Four weeks ago, around 400 CKDUs of Boxer S 100 cc motor- cycles were

shipped to Nigeria and were sold within a span of ten days, he said, adding by

the end of the last quarter of the current fiscal, Pulsars would enter the Iran

market and CNG-powered three-wheelers would make a foray into Jakarta.

Bajaj Auto Managing Director Rajiv Bajaj said the company would launch 80

three-wheelers in Pune, which would have direct fuel injection engines and also

be fitted with catalytic convertors. The company would study the response of the

customers and work towards raising fuel efficiency of this model by 30 per cent

and lowering its emission level by 50 per cent, he said. They would be

manufactured at Bajaj Auto's Chakan facility in the outskirts of Pune.

1.4 Other Restructuring Methods:

There are several restructuring methods: doing an outright sell-off, doing an

equity carve-out, spinning off a unit to existing shareholders or issuing tracking

stock. Each has advantages and disadvantages for companies and investors. All

of these deals are quite complex.

a) Sell-Offs

A sell-off, also known as a divestiture, is the outright sale of a company

subsidiary. Normally, sell-offs are done because the subsidiary doesn't fit into
the parent company's core strategy. The market may be undervaluing the

combined businesses due to a lack of synergy between the parent and subsidiary.

As a result, management and the board decide that the subsidiary is better off

under different ownership. Besides getting rid of an unwanted subsidiary, sell-

offs also raise cash, which can be used to pay off debt. In the late 1980s and

early 1990s, corporate raiders would use debt to finance acquisitions. Then, after

making a purchase they would sell-off its subsidiaries to raise cash to service the

debt. The raiders' method certainly makes sense if the sum of the parts is greater

than the whole. When it isn't, deals are unsuccessful.

b) Equity Carve-Outs

More and more companies are using equity carve-outs to boost shareholder

value. A parent firm makes a subsidiary public through an initial public offering

(IPO) of shares, amounting to a partial sell-off. A new publicly listed company

is created, but the parent keeps a controlling stake in the newly traded

subsidiary. A carve-out is a strategic avenue a parent firm may take when one of

its subsidiaries is growing faster and carrying higher valuations than other

businesses owned by the parent. A carve-out generates cash because shares in

the subsidiary are sold to the public, but the issue also unlocks the value of the

subsidiary unit and enhances the parent's shareholder value. The new legal

entity of a carve-out has a separate board, but in most carve-outs, the parent

retains some control. In these cases, some portion of the parent firm's board of

directors may be shared. Since the parent has a controlling stake, meaning both

firms have common shareholders, the connection between the two will likely be

strong. That said, sometimes companies carve-out a subsidiary not because it's

doing well, but because it is a burden. Such an intention won't lead to a

successful result, especially if a carved-out subsidiary is too loaded with debt, or

had trouble even when it was a part of the parent and is lacking an established
track record for growing revenues and profits. Carve-outs can also create

unexpected friction between the parent and subsidiary. Problems can arise as

managers of the carved-out company must be accountable to their public

shareholders as well as the owners of the parent company. This can create

divided loyalties.

c) Spinoffs

A spinoff occurs when a subsidiary becomes an independent entity. The parent

firm distributes shares of the subsidiary to its shareholders through a stock

dividend. Since this transaction is a dividend distribution, no cash is generated.

Thus, spinoffs are unlikely to be used when a firm needs to finance growth or

deals. Like the carve-out, the subsidiary becomes a separate legal entity with a





Like carve-outs, spinoffs are usually about separating a healthy operation. In

most cases, spinoffs unlock hidden shareholder value. For the parent company, it

sharpens management focus. For the spinoff company, management doesn't

have to compete for the parent's attention and capital. Once they are set free,

managers can explore new opportunities. Investors, however, should beware of

throw-away subsidiaries the parent created to separate legal liability or to off-

load debt. Once spinoff shares are issued to parent company shareholders, some

shareholders may be tempted to quickly dump these shares on the market,

depressing the share valuation.

d) Tracking Stock

A tracking stock is a special type of stock issued by a publicly held company to

track the value of one segment of that company. The stock allows the different

segments of the company to be valued differently by investors. Let's say a slow-

growth company trading at a low price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) happens to

have a fast growing business unit. The company might issue a tracking stock so
the market can value the new business separately from the old one and at a





Why would a firm issue a tracking stock rather than spinning-off or carving-out

its fast growth business for shareholders? The company retains control over the

subsidiary; the two businesses can continue to enjoy synergies and share

marketing, administrative support functions, a headquarters and so on. Finally,

and most importantly, if the tracking stock climbs in value, the parent company

can use the tracking stock it owns to make acquisitions. Still, shareholders need

to remember that tracking stocks are class B, meaning they don't grant

shareholders the same voting rights as those of the main stock. Each share of

tracking stock may have only a half or a quarter of a vote. In rare cases, holders

of tracking stock have no vote at all.

Insight 5 highlights how Indian companies in recent past stepped up their

international foray through different strategic routes. Insight 6 throws light on

how Pfizer earmarking considerable money for making strategic deals in the

coming future. Insight 7 discuses the tie-up proposal between Renault and

General Motors.

Insight 5

Companies take the integration route to success

There`s no doubt that India has made the cut in global business and will be the

main driver of the Asian century. But, to be a powerhouse, you need to

dominate, and that`s precisely what Indian companies are doing now. They are

integrating vertically, and in the process, scooping up some foreign companies

as well. The strategy is simple: become a dominant player in your sector, and






From raw material to retailing, Indian business groups are creating fully-

integrated businesses in their respective sectors. Over the past year, corporates
that have started creating future business power-houses through acquisitions

include Videocon (electronics), GHCL (home textiles), Bilt (paper) and Rajesh

Exports (gold jewellery). Significantly, all these companies have at least one

global face for their fully-integrated businesses. In a few cases, they are in the

process of creating the world`s first fully-integrated business in their sectors.

They, therefore, get to con-trol a big chunk of margins through production and

retail cycle in their sectors. Take Videocon, which was primarily a consumer

durable maker till two years ago. It entered the electronic component business

big time by acquiring Thomson`s global picture tube business. It is an added ad-

vantage that it also makes glass that goes into the making of picture tubes, the

single biggest component of TV. So from sand, which is used to make glass, to

tubes to TV, and finally, retail, which the group has entered the over past year, it

completes a fully-integrated global operation in the electronics business. The

Videocon Group`s Next branded stores already form the largest electronics retail

chain in India in terms of number of outlets. Another such case is GHCL, a

small-time soda ash and textile manu-facturer that hit big league as the world`s

first fully-integrated global player in the home textile business. Its operations

span from spinning and weaving to having international home textile brands.

Now, with its latest acquisition in the UK, it`s a specialised home textile retail

chain. GHCL is not stopping at Rosebys, the UK-based chain it has ac-quired,

and is scouting for other retail chains in Europe. Says Nikhil Sen, who looks

after corporate finance and strategy at GHCL, The overall strategy is built

around creating a fully-integrated home textile business. The Gautam Thapar-

led Bilt is also headed in a similar direction. The paper manufacturer now has

international plantation rights, pulp mills in India and abroad, apart from core

paper manufacturing business

Insight 6

Pfizer to earmark $17 bn for deals

Pfizer, the world`s largest drugmarker, yesterday detailed plans to spend $17

billion in 30 months on acquisitions, using its financial muscle to buy products

and companies to help boost growth. The group also aimed to reasure investors,

saying its size and financial flexibility would help it overcome challenges.

Pfizer faces patent expiries on a series of big drugs, new generic competition,

market pricing pressures, and questions that its sheer scale could keep it from

position consistently high profit growth. Its share price has flirted with eight-

year lows. The company side it was seeking smaller acquisitions, primarily new

drug candidates or technology, and was not looking for a big merger because it

felt its global reach and infrastructure was sufficient. Hank McKinnell, chairman

and chief executive, said: We`re looking in a universe that tends to be about $1

billion-$4 billion in cost. We don`t see much benefit to us with a big


Pfizer has taken steps to boost its value. It recently agreed to sell its consumer

products business to Johnson & Johnson for $16.6 billion, has employed an

aggressive share buy-back scheme and increased the dividend. Pfizer`s

acquisition warchest will be half of the $34 billion expected from the

combination of the $13.5 billion after-tax proceeds of the consumer products

sale, and its projected cashflow.

Pfizer also boosted its share repurchase

plans to a $17 billion stock buy-back over this year and next. Its shares rose 2

per cent to $23.79 in New York trading. Investors were relieved yesterday with

Pfizer`s second-quarter results, which were helped by an aggressive cost-cutting

plan, and strong sales of critical durgs Lipitor, cholesterol reducer, and painkiller

Celebrex. Excluding one-time items, second quarter net income rose 10 per

cent to $3.66 billion. Sales increased 3 per cent to $11.7 billion. Lipitor and
Celebrex are key components in Pfizer`s plan to reignite sales and profit growth

next year.

Lipitor, the world`s biggest-selling drug, is under threat from

generic competition following the June patent expiry of its competitor Zocor,

made by Merck. The momentum allowed Pfizer to raise its profit forecast this

year to $2 per share or 7 cents higher than its previous estimate.

Insight 7

Renault to take up GM tie-up proposal

An audacious plan for a tie-up between General Motors and Renault that would

create a $100bn global auto giant was set to come before the board of the French

carmaker. GM`s most high-profile investor, billionaire Kirk Kerkorian, urged

the US company to consider a three-way partnership with Renault and its partner

Nissan. Renault and Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn has said that the board and

management of GM would need to fully support the project before any study of

the plan could take place. Nissan said after its board meeting that its directors

had approved exploratory talks and charged Mr Ghosn with leading the

discussions. A tie-up would put the Brazilian-born French executive of

Lebanese parents at the helm of a global auto group that will be breathing down

the neck of Japan`s Toyota, which has a market value of some $190 bn.

But analysts doubted that the deal would benefit Renault, which has a

controlling 44% stake in Nissan, because of the risk involved just as the French

company has embarked on a recovery plan drawn up by Ghosn after he turned



Mr Ghosn has expressed interest in acquiring a stake of up to 20% in the world`s

largest automaker at a dinner several days ago with Kerkorian, a source familiar

with the situation said on Friday. Kerkorian owns 9.9% of GM. GM shares rose

as much as 8.5% on Friday on Kerkorian`s proposal and prospects of a speedier
turnaround at the struggling US automaker. Analysts estimate that the stake

could cost Renault about E2.6bn ($3.3bn). Renault already owns the Romanian

Dacia brand and has a stake in Samsung Motors of Korea. GM is the maker of

Cadillac, Corvette, Saab, Hummer, Opel/Vauxhall and Chevrolet cars. We

struggle to see short-to medium-term synergies for both sides, Dresdner

Kleinwort credit analyst Christophe Boulanger said in a note to clients on

Monday. Boulanger said a 10% GM stake would cost Renault about E1.3bn

($1.66bn), which would likely trigger at least a one-notch credit rating cut to the

BBB level with all three rating agencies, and a potential negative outlook given

the challenges to make a three-way partnership work. The cost of insuring

Renault`s debt against default rose on Monday, reflecting the worries about the

impact of any deal on Renault`s credit rating. CM-CIC Securities analyst Pierre-

Yves Quemener said Renault could easily finance such a stake but added the










We would like to simply stress that the challenges could offset the advantages

in a period where Renault is restructuring, Quemener said. The Kerkorian

suggestion about a GM stake came after media speculation that Ford had wanted





At UBS, an analyst said that while a tie-up with GM would give the alliance the

much discussed third leg, it would also create problems. Renault-Nissan

already has all of the purchasing and engineering scale it can possibly use.

Investing in GM would see management distracted for years. GM faces a

difficult legacy, labor, brand and distribution challenges that may not be solved

by target-setting management, UBS said, adding that the 2.6 billion euros

needed to buy 20 percent in GM could be financed by Renault itself if it sold its







Bruno Lapierre of CA Cheuvreux said a tie-up would work against the interests

of Renault shareholders for the next three years at least. Renault is at the start
of an ambitious plan that requires many cultural changes within the group and

dearly needs Mr Ghosn`s management expertise in this process, he said.

1.5 Summary

One size doesn't fit all. Many companies find that the best way to get ahead is to

expand ownership boundaries through mergers and acquisitions. For others,

separating the public ownership of a subsidiary or business segment offers more

advantages. At least in theory, mergers create synergies and economies of scale,

expanding operations and cutting costs. Investors can take comfort in the idea









By contrast, de-merged companies often enjoy improved operating performance

thanks to redesigned management incentives. Additional capital can fund growth

organically or through acquisition. Meanwhile, investors benefit from the

improved information flow from de-merged companies. M&A comes in all

shapes and sizes, and investors need to consider the complex issues involved in

M&A. The most beneficial form of equity structure involves a complete analysis










Mergers and acquisitions, Joint ventures, Tie-ups, and other forms of strategic

alliances give flexibility to corporate managers in restructuring their business


1.6 Glossary:
Strategic Alliance: An arrangement between two companies who have decided

to share resources in a specific project. A strategic alliance is less involved than

a joint venture where two companies typically pool resources in creating a

separate entity.

Consortium: A group made up of two or more individuals, companies or

governments that work together toward achieving a chosen objective. Each

entity within the consortium is only responsible to the group in respect to the

obligations that are set out in the consortium's contract.

Keiretsu: A Japanese term describing a loose conglomeration of firms sharing

one or more common denominators. The companies don't necessarily need to

own equity in each other. This term has been in the news every now and then,

especially when they talk about Silicon Valley. One example would be the close

relationship between AOL and Sun Micro. The two firms don't have ownership

in each other, but they work closely on various projects

1.7 Self Assessment Questions

1. Describe Mergers and Acquisitions. List out the types of mergers.

2. What are the advantages of mergers and acquisitions? Why normally

mergers fail?

3. Define Joint Venture. What factors to be considered before forming joint


4. List out various methods of corporate restructuring.

5. Illustrate how Indian corporate firms are venturing for global deals with


1.8 Further Readings

30. Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, Concept, Environment and

strategy (2006), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
31. Charles W.L.Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global

Marketplace (2003), Tata Mc-Graw-HillPublishing Company Limited, New






Classification of Cross-

Border M&As.

Why do firms engage in

Cross-Border M&As?

Motivations for Conducting


Technology and M&A

Changes in the Policy and



Policies on FDI and Cross-
border M&As

Tows Matrix.


After reading the lesson you

should able to




International M&A.

Acquaint with the motivation

for International M&A.





Technology in M&A.

Discuss the changing policy

and the Cross-Border M&A.

Analyze the concept of

TOWS Matrix.

Prior to the 1980`s merger and acquisitions, simply meant that one

company would attempt to take over another by gaining enough of its common

stock to gain control. In the simplest sense, merger means two companies

becoming one with the acquire being in the commanding position, the

Government only became involved if the deal was deemed inimical to

competition on if the potential acquirer was foreign, seeking control of a

company or industry deemed vital to the national defense.

After introduction of Globalization, Liberalization, the term, Merger of

Acquisition` became very popular. Merger and Acquisition, which had taken

place here and there with in the national frontiers, crossed national borders and it

has been taking more in numbers between the countries now. Merger &

Acquisition, which takes place between two companies of the two countries, is

called International Merger (or) Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition.

Significance of International M&A

International Merger and Acquisition are playing an increasingly

important role in the growth of international production. A firm can undertake

FDI in a host country in of two ways: Greenfield investment in either a new

facility, or acquiring or merging with an existing local firm. The local firm may

be privately or state owned privatizations involving foreign investors count as

cross-border M&As, which entail a change in the control of the merged or

acquired firm. In a cross-border merger, the assets and operations of two firms

belonging to two different countries are combined to establish a new legal

entity. In a cross-border acquisition, the control of assets and operations is

transferred from a local to a foreign company, the former becoming an affiliate

of the latter.

To the extent that both Greenfield investment and cross-border M&As

place host country assets under the governance of TNCs and, hence, contribute

to the growth of an international production system-there is no reason to

distinguish between them. Both involve management control of a resident entity

in one country by an enterprise resident in another. To the extent, however, that

the assets placed under TNC control are newly created in the case of cross-

border M&As, then there is reason to consider them separately. The normal

definitions of FDI, and existing, assets are transferred from one owner to

another in the case of cross-border M&As, then there is reason to consider them

separately. The normal definitions of FDI apply to entry through M&As as

well. The country of the acquirer or purchaser is the home country and the

country of the target or acquired firm is the host country. In mergers, the

headquarters of the new firm can be in both countries (e.g. the Netherlands and

the United Kingdom, in the case of Royal Dutch/Shell) or in one (the United

Kingdom, in the case of BP-Amoco; Germany, in the case of Daimler-Chrysler).

Acquisitions can be minority (foreign interest of 10 to 49 per cent of a firm`s

voting shares), majority (foreign interest of 50-99 per cent), or full or outright

acquisitions (foreign interest of 100 per cent). Acquisitions involving less than

10 per cent constitute portfolio investment. However, the distinction between

portfolio and direct investments is not always obvious. While FDI involves a

long-term relationship reflecting an investor`s lasting interest in a foreign

company, portfolio acquisitions can also involve management control, e.g. if

there are accompanying no equity arrangements, especially where non-

institutional investors are involved.

Classification of International M&As .


Horizontal M&As (between competing firms in the same industry).

They have grown rapidly recently because of the global restructuring of many
industries in response to technological change and liberalization. By

consolidating their resources, the merging firms aim to achieve synergies (the

value of their combined assets exceeds the sum of their taken separately) and

often greater market power. Typical industries in which such M&As occur are

pharmaceuticals, automobiles, petroleum and, increasingly, several services



Vertical M&As (between firms in client-supplier or buyer-seller

relationships). Typically they seek to reduce uncertainly and transaction costs as

regards forward and backward linkages in the production chain, and to benefit

from economies of scope. M&As between parts and components makers and

components makers and their clients (such as final elections or automobile in

unrelated activities). They seek to diversify risk and deepen economies of



Conglomerate M&As (between companies in unrelated activities). They

seek to diversify risk and deepen economies of scope.

The balance between these types of M&As has been changing over time.

The importance of horizontal M&As has risen somewhat over the years. In

1999, 70 per cent of the value of cross-border M&As were horizontal compared

to 59 per cent years ago. Vertical M&As have been on the rise since the mis-

1992s, but staying well below 10 per cent. In the late-1980s M&A boom,

conglomerate M&As were very popular, but they have diminished in importance

as firms have tended increasingly to focus on their core business to cope with

intensifying international competition. They declined from a high of 42 per cent

in 1991 to 27 per cent in 1999.

Another classification of International M&As.


M&As can be driven primarily by short-term financial gains, rather than

strategic or economic motivations such as the search for efficiency. Typical

examples include deals where buy out firms and venture capital companies

acquires other firms.


Friendly M&As can be distinguished from those that are hostile. In

friendly M&As, the board of a target firm agrees to the transaction. Hostile

M&As are undertaken against the wishes of the target firms, i.e. the boards of

the latter reject takeover/merger offers. Regardless of whether hostile M&As

involve bidding by several prospective acquirers, the price premium tends to be

higher than in friendly transactions. The overwhelming to data from Thomson

Financial Securities Data Company, there were only 30 hostile takeovers out of

17,000 M&As between domestic firms. Hostile cross-border M&As that were

completed accounted for less than 5 per cent of the total value and less than 0.2

per cent of the total number of M&As during the 1990s. In fact, according to

the same source, 1999 saw only 10 hostile cross-border cases out of a total of

some 6,200 all in developed countries. But some, such as the takeover of

Mannesmann by Vodafone Air Touch that succeeded in 2000, involve high-

profile battles. Over the period 1987-1999, out of the 104 hostile cross-border

M & As, 100 targeted developed country firms, four targeted developing

country firms, while none targeted firms in Central and Eastern Europe.

Why Do Firms engage in International M&As?

Why are firms increasingly engaging in cross-border M&As when

undertaking FDI? Although cross-border M&As represent one mode of FDI

entry into foreign locations, the received literature international production can

only party explain this phenomenon. Indeed, the OLI paradigm the most
prominent explanation of FDI does not distinguish between different modes of

entry and was formulated primarily in reference to Greenfield FDI. Thus, it is

useful to consider first the basis reasons for M&As in general, and for cross-

border M&As in particular.


Motivations for Conducting M&As

The following will explain why firms may prefer to grow via M&As rather

than through organic growth.

Reaching Desired Goal

Speed in crucial M&As often represent the fastest means of reaching the

desired goals when expanding domestically or internationally. For example,

when time to market is vital, the takeover of an existing firm in a new market

with an established distribution system is far more preferable to developing a

new local distribution and marketing organization. For a latecomer to a market

or a or a new field of technology, M&As can provide a way to catch up rapidly.

Enhanced competition and shorter product life cycled accentuate the necessity

for firms to respond quickly to opportunities in the economic environment,

preferably before competitors move.

Quest for Strategic Assets.

The second main motivation for firms to merge with or acquire an existing

company, rather than to grow organically, is the quest for strategic assets, such

as R&D or technical know-how, patents, brand names, the possession of local

permits and licenses, and supplier or distribution networks. Ready made access

to proprietary assets can be important because, by definition, they are not

available elsewhere in the market and they take time to develop.
Search for New Markets.

The search for new markets and market power is a constant concern for

firms. Through M&As, firms can quickly access new market opportunities and

develop critical mass without adding additional capacity to an industry. By

taking over an existing company, immediate access to a local network of

suppliers, clients and skills can be obtained. This motivation is of particular

importance for cross-border M&As a the need for knowledge about local

conditions increases when leaving the home market. Beyond this, and

especially in markets characterized by oligopoly, M&As can also be motivated

by the pursuit for market power and market dominance.

Anticipated efficiency gains.

Anticipated efficiency gains through synergies are probably the mot cited

justification for M&As. Synergies can be static (cost reduction or revenue

enhancement at a given point in time) or dynamic (e.g. innovation-enhancing)

in character. Examples of the former kind of synergies include the pooling of

management resources (one head office instead of two), revenue enhancement

by using each other` marketing and distribution networks, purchasing synergies

(greater bargaining power), economies of scale in production leading to cost

reductions, and the avoidance of duplication of production, R&D or other

activities. Dynamic synergies may involve the matching of complementary

resources and skills to enhance a firm`s innovatory capabilities with long-term

positive effects on sales, market shares and profits. The search for static

synergies may be particularly important in industries characterized by increased

competitive pressure, falling prices and excess capacity, such as in the

automotive and defense industries. Meanwhile, dynamic synergies may be

crucial in industries experiencing fast technological change and that are

innovation driven, such as in information technology and pharmaceuticals. The
efficiency-through-synergy motive is present for both domestic and cross-border


Greater Size.

In a globalizing economy, greater size, can be a crucial parameter,

particularly in operations requiring economies of scale, large expenditures for

R&D and the expansion of distribution networks for example. Size in itself can

also make it more difficult to be taken over and, therefore, can have a protective`

function. Large size can furthermore create financial, managerial and

operational synergies that reduce the operational vulnerability of firms. Sheer

size normally means lower-cost access to ingestible funds as there are

economies of scale in capital raising. Information asymmetries between

corporate insiders and investors can make internal financing more favorable.

Another advantage of size is that larger firms with multiple operations across

geographical locations and segments can have an advantage in the collection and

adoption of new information and innovation. The size motive can apply to both

domestic and cross-border M&As.

Risk reduction.

A fifth driver behind M&As is the desire for risk reduction (operational

risks, foreign exchange risks, etc.,) through product or geographical market


Financial gains.

The Sixth motive behind M&As is financial Motive. Stock prices do not

always reflect the true value of a firm. A potential acquirer can, for example,

value a company`s anticipated earnings stream higher than current shareholders

do. Bad management of a firm, imperfections in the capital market and major
exchange rate realignments may provide short-term capital gains to be made by

acquiring an undervalued firm, or affect the timing of planned M&As. Such

motivations are particularly important in the case of portfolio-type M&As and in

economies with poorly developed capital markets or in financial crisis. In

addition, some M&As are undertaken partly for tax considerations, e.g., to

exploit unused tax shields.

Personal Gains.

The personal gains (or behavioral) explanation argues that corporate

managers pursue their own self-interest, especially where corporate governance

is weak (a manifestation of what economists have denoted the principal-agent

proble). They may seek expansion or empire building to enhance executives`

power, prestige, job security or remuneration, even when this is not

technologically efficient or in the interest of shareholders.

Technology and M&A.

The rapid pace of technological change has intensified competitive

pressures on the world`s technology leaders. Consequently, the costs and risks

of innovation have risen in most industries, as has the need to incorporate

continuously new technologies and management practices. Firms thus need

more efforts to maintain innovative leads, to find new areas of technological

leadership, and to keep up with new knowledge and shorter product life cycles.

In an environment characterized by rapid technological change and rising

expenditure for risky R&D projects, many firms feel compelled to enter into

cross-border M&As as a way of sharing the costs of innovation and accessing

new technological assets to enhance their innovatory capabilities. M&As allow

firms to do this quickly. Such asset seeking FDI by TNCs from developed (and

increasingly from developing) countries is a rising form of FDI. It is likely to
become more common as intangible, knowledge-based assets and access to a

pool of skilled people and work teams become more important in the world


Changes in the Policy and Regulatory Environment Policies on FDI and

Cross-border M&As

The liberalization of FDI regimes has continued apace, typically on a

unilateral basis. Most countries are now trying to attract direct investment, not

just by removing restrictions, but also through active promotion and by

providing high standards of treatment, legal protection and guarantees. Of the

1,035 FDI regulatory changes between 1991 and 1999in over 100 countries in

all regions, 974 went in the direction of facilitating FDI inflows. Examples of

such changes relevant to M&As include the removal of compulsory joint

venture requirements, restrictions on majority ownership and authorization

requirements. The international regulatory framework has also been

strengthened, especially through the conclusion of bilateral investment

protection and double taxation treaties. Multilateral agreements support these

trends. For instance, WTO agreements limit the use of certain investment-

related measures that affect trade, like local content requirements on TNCs, and

certain types of export requirements. World Bank and IMF programmes

encourage countries to adopt more open, transparent and welcoming r?gimes

towards foreign investors.

Other Changes in the Regulatory environment

Trade liberalization gathered pace in the 1990s with the conclusion of the

Uruguay Round. The cumulative effect has been a radical change in the signals
and competitive setting for international investors. Firms now face more intense

competition at home as well as abroad.

The formation of regional free trade areas has facilitated both Greenfield

investment and cross-border M&As in several ways. Regional trade agreements

enlarge the size of the immediately accessible market for firms, and so attract

foreign investors to serve them by setting up new facilities. They can enhance

market transparency and, if they link national currencies, lower the costs of

cross-border transactions. If they incorporate investment agreements, they make

M&As more feasible.

In parallel with trade liberalization and regional integration processes,

there has bee widespread privatization and deregulation of activities, most

notably in such service industries as telecommunications, transportation, power

generation and financial services. These changes have provided another

stimulus to M&As in general and cross-border ones in particular. Privatization

programmes in many developing countries for sale. In fact, the combination of

privatization and deregulation has created a number of new TNCs.

Changes in Capital Markets.

Cross-border M&As have been facilitated by changesin world capital

markets. The liberalization of capital movements, new information technology

providing instant information across the globe, more active market

intermediaries, and new financial instruments have had a profound impact on

M&A activity worldwide. Whereas the liberalization of capital markets since

the mid-1980s had already greatly facilitated the growth of cross-border M&As,

most developed countries now have completely liberalized their capital

accounts, with virtually unrestricted facilities for cross-border loans and credits,

foreign currency deposits and portfolio investment. Most recently, financial
transactions have also been substantially liberalized in many developing


The liberalization of foreign equity ownership has facilitated M&As based

on stock swaps rather than cash deals. Major M&As have also been facilitated

by the rise of stock markets and ample liquidity in capital markets, which has

allowed firms by the introduction of the single European currency, which has

created a liquid market in European corporate bonds. Companies are

increasingly issuing Euro-denominated bonds to refinance debt and to raise

money for takeovers. For example, the rise of the Euro-denominated corporate

bond market and the underlying Euro-syndicated loan market greatly facilitated

Olivetti`s acquisition of Telecom Italia.

The TOWS Matrix: A Modern Tool for Analysis of the Situation

Today, strategy designers are aided by a number of matrices that show the

relationships of critical variables, such as Boston Consulting Group`s business

portfolio matrix, which will be discussed later. For many years, the SWOT

analysis has been used to identify a company`s strengths. Weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. However, this kind of analysis is static and seldom

leads to the development of distinct alternative strategies based on it. Therefore,

the TOWS Matrix has been introduced for analyzing the competitive situation of

the company or even of a nation that leads to the development of four distinct

sets of strategic alternatives.

The TOWS Matrix has a wider scope and a different emphasis from the

business portfolio matrix. The former does not replace the latter. The TOWS

Matrix is a conceptual framework for a systematic analysis that facilitates

matching of the external threats and opportunities with the internal weakness

and strengths of the organization.

It is common to suggest that companies should identify their strengths and

weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats in the external environment,

but what is often overlooked is that combining these factors may require distinct

strategic choices. To systematize these choices, the TOWS Matrix has been

proposed, where T stands for threats, O for opportunities, W for weaknesses, and

S for strengths. The TOWS model starts with the threats (T in TOWS) because

in many situations a company undertake strategic planning as a result of

perceived crisis, problem, or threat.

Application of the TOWS Merger Matrix for Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint

Ventures, and Alliances.

Companies around the world now use the TOWS Matrix; the matrix has

also been included in several modern textbooks on strategic management.

Recently, the TOWS Matrix concept has been introduced for planning mergers,

acquisitions, joint ventures, and alliances. Whenever two partners consider joint

activities. It is prudent to analyze the strengths and weaknesses for each partner

as well as their opportunities and threats. Moreover, their alternative strategies

before their association should be considered: these two TOWS Matrices

provide a better understanding of the prospective partners before the actual

linkage. For example, complementary strengths and weaknesses could result in

a competitive advantage for both companies. On the other hand, reception and

overlap may result in duplication of efforts. After the two matrices are

evaluated, a third matrix should be developed for the partnership. This is

especially important for acquisitions and mergers because of the relative

permanency of the resulting entity. Preparing the three TOWS Matrices can

also allow potential problems to be identified in more loosely coupled

partnerships such as a strategic alliance.

Case - Global Car Industry

Daimler + Chrysler=New Car Company

In the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the Japanese made great strides in

the auto industry through efficient production methods and high-quality

products. However, a new trend was set by the German car maker that changed

the car industry with the Daimler-Chrysler merger, in which the former has 53

percent ownership and the latter the rest. The new car company is now the fifth

largest in the world and could become the volume producer in the whole

product range.

The respective strengths are that Daimler is known for its luxury cars and

its innovation in small cars (A-Class, Smart car). Chrysler, on the other hand,

has an average profit per vehicle that is the highest among the Big 3 (GM, Ford,

and Chrysler) in Detroit, thanks to high margins derived from the sale of

minivans and jeeps. It is also known for its highly skilled management and

efficient production. Low costs and simplicity (e.g. the Neon model) are other

hallmarks of Chrysler.

Mercedes-Benz (a part of Daimler Corporation) was known for its

excellence in engineering and product quality, the company`s brand image was

luxury cars. The high development costs and the need for gaining economies of

scale called for finding a partner that would enable it to other a complete product

line from high-priced to low-priced vehicles.

They can now offer a full product line in all segments in their respective

home markets. There is little product overlap with the exception of the Jeep

Cherokee competing directly with the Mercedes M-Class SUV, which is
produced in Alabama. Moreover, the partners can now utilize the innovation in

both their particular areas of expertise. Their facilities in various countries can

be used for the production and assembly of both low-and premium-priced cars.

In all, the merged Daimler Chrysler Corporation may achieve synergy and cost


Despite the potential advantages of the merger, challengers remain. The

company has little experience in penetrating the worldwide market of lower

priced products. There is also the potential for conflicts in the integration of the

operational and management systems of the merged companies. External threats

remain and may get worse. Car markets in the European union and NAFTA are

becoming saturated, and economic deterioration in developed and emerging

economies reduce and stagnate the growth in those countries. In addition,

competition (especially in the luxury segments) becomes fiercer.

The challenge for Daimler`s ECO, Jurgen Schrempp, is to integrate the

two companies and achieve the efficiencies that were one of the important aims

of the merger. In addition, integrating the organization cultures of the two

companies will be a major challenge.


1. Explain the different types of International M&A.

2. Discuss the reasons why firms going for International M&A.

3. Explain the role of Technology in Cross-border M&A.

4. Explain the significance of Cross-border M&A in the context of

Indian Economy.

Devraj, 2002, Merger and Amalgamations in Banking Industry,

Rajat Publications, New Delhi.

Bhalla. V.K. and ShivaRamu. S., 2003, International Business,

Anmol Publications, New Delhi.

Chindnovsky, Danial. B., 1999, The Globalization of

Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development,

Macmillan, London.


Merger & Acquisition
North Atlantic free Trade Area (NAFTA)

This post was last modified on 14 March 2022
