Download OU BA 2018 3rd Year 10151 Communicative English Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Mass Comm & Journalism) 2018 3rd Year 10151 Communicative English Previous Question Paper

code No. 10151
BA. (Vocational) III ? Yea: Exemlnatlon, March I AP?? 2013
Subject : Communicative English
Paper ? VI
Entrepreneurship Development and Enterprise Mun89?m?m
Tim . 3 hours Max. Marks : 75
l\)/F;ad the following case and answer the questions that follow. Answer shouId
not exceed 75 lines in all. 25
Two persons. a technocrat and a post-graduate in management starteg manufacturing
cosmetics and beauty products, The unit prospered for sum y ears bl? after "'9
techn t Director resigned, the unit turned into a sick u ? . d bank manager
loo p the task of reviving the unit. ' NV
at should be the rehabilitation plan of the new directo??
What ?nancial assistance can be taken from the ba ?
What entrepreneurial skills should he emplSu ?
?i the blanks. ? 10x1=10
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emery sector IS . ..
nnovativeness is one of the qualities 6t?. 2? .
L of technical skills is a barrier to
x I stands for . '
stands for . k .
nical analysis is relatedjo .
' m social welfare is'juo'ne of the features of economy.
n economy 15 economy.
ter-personal relations are important in
Trade mark means
5.74m. the following diagram in about 30 lines. 1x10=t0
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cull IWL ?"5?
am: at the mm: IW m
We felt that! wan 3 Mid 1'9
Ian. Privacy ma?lfl I'c' m
naodBd W
Ha tmd HDTV: 'The priyacy judgment IS without douhi
beautiful canstimtional judgements In racam hiainnf-
calabrale It and mmmunlnata its essence to every Ind
Indian citizen. In uur view. the core oi the judgment puts a much:
mark an Aadhaar and hence this sung durecily chatlengas Aadhaar
nca when l???a 9?9??
hares the i?l?-IW"
Reading a pnam on what appears tn be his traumatic expefia
demanded a ban on his. novel. author Perumal Murugan 5
privacy by police In the name of security. They, he claims gonad down every
movement Inside and outside his house.
The song ends with a Hindi performance by Shttal Sathay and group who can HF:
Aadhaar card a ?farce?.
($4.- any ?ne of?n- following visuals to make a news item foi- teiacast; 1:15:10
A cfnth is tied arou?nd 2-year-old boy's ankte by his mother to prevent ?mm 1mm
running away. as she works can a mad construction nearby. ..
A yendor waits for cuslomers as he Bells stuffed Ie?dy h
mam nn :1 Ipnyrnnnni

This post was last modified on 15 April 2020