Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) BHA (Bachelors in Hospital Administration) 2017 May 5th Sem 1318 Human Resource Management Previous Question Paper
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V semester Bachelors in Hospital Administration Degree Examination ? May 2017
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 80 Marks
Human Resource Management
Q.P. CODE: 1318
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary
LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two)
2 x 10 = 20 Marks
Define Selection. Explain its importance. What are the selection tests you could use?
What is Human Resource Management? Discuss briefly importance, objectives and process of
"Recruitment is a positive approach" ? elaborate.
SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight)
8 x 5 = 40 Marks
What are the functions of a personal manager in a hospital?
Write a note on Grievance handling system in terms of hospital.
Discuss the methods of performance appraisal.
What do you mean by HRD? Explain briefly the role of training in HRD.
Write a note on Impact of globalization on human resource management and its problems in
relation to Hospitals.
Discuss the principles and techniques of wage fixation.
10. Why is health and safety important in hospital?
11. Why training and induction is important in hospitals?
12. What is monotony and boredom? Discuss the factors contributing to monotony and boredom.
13. Explain the meaning and importance of human resource planning in 500 bedded teaching
SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any ten)
10 x 2 = 20 Marks
14. Difference between Personnel records and Personnel audits
15. What is fatigue?
16. What do you mean by Work environment?
17. What is the meaning of compensation?
18. What are the needs for right sizing?
19. What do you mean by knowledge management?
20. What are the types of rewards?
21. State the meaning of promotion.
22. What are the various environment factors which affect HRM practices?
23. What is meant by Morale?
24. What are the qualities that HR Manager should possess in order to perform his job effectively?
25. What do you mean by grievance redressal?
Document Outline
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