Download OU (Osmania-University) BA (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism) 2016 1st Year 1555 Communicative English Previous Question Papers
Code No. 1555
B.A. (Vocational) I-Semester Examination, DeCember 2016
Subject : Communieative English
. Paper ? I : Phonetics ?_
Time : 3 Hours ' Max. Marks: 80
PART ? A (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 100 words each.
1 What are Activearticulators? / , . .
2" Describe English plosives. 2 cm Q&QLQWS: \3 ?55:, tk?rtmymtz ?5: 5w
3 What are Voiced consonants?/ Q?wwgk?Q-WQ m @&?\QX?\?? ac a wmv?x
4 What is a syllable? ,, W Q
5 Give five examples of phonemic transcriptions. ? Q gt}
6 What is RP? / Q55"
7 What do you understand by the term ?Accent' in English?Q?WQ?-Q 1&5
8 What is manner of articulation? / Q, ** g?;
PART ? B (5 x 12 = so Mark?si55Q
Answer the following questions in about 300 words each.
9 )afDescribe the organs of speech. Q 5%?
bWht h t 9Wh t d10l*?*****/
a ' e?s. 'sisstu im"* an?
( ) Iisp on IC yI . {?mgggmg
10 (a) Explain Monophthongs and Diphthgngs tylth examples./
. - 555*
' W'(tJ-THOW'a?re??ip?e?eettieew:dsvet?Q?sQ-si?ewteiveexamples;--?;=~ ,
11 (a) Write about the Place of ragga ion 61? the consonant sounds. /
5*" ?OR . - "
"?- he terms ?Phoneme? and ?Allophone?.
(b) What is 'Pho'nology?gmi P.
12 (a) Define a syllabl?ggnd w examples of monosyllabic, disyllabic and' poiysyllabic /
words. *% .
(b) Explai - hiftt? Accent' with suitable examples.
13 Give? e P ne'mic trans?cription of the following words and? mark the stress./ \..
Q5??? itt'n (ii) industrious (iii) examination (iv) message
25/) p?plex (vi) sensa ion
? 5
, OR
(b) Read the following passage and write a dialogue between
a teacher and a student, based on the passage.
Communication skills are one of the most vital factors in a person?s life. From the
dawn of human beings living on the planet good communication was needed for
people to interact with one another and thus build the processes in order to survive
and flourish. The 215? century is the century for new and advanced technologies. You
may well think that almost everything must have already been invented. What else
can be thought of, I hear you say? Let us remember, once upon a time people had
no idea what it meant to have such a thing as a telephone, then as time progressed
and technology became second nature phones becamenormal. People soon began
to suddenly wake up in the morning with the possibility of access to a vast
international communications network, offering multimedia capability service, and
thus the internet revolution had arrived.
. Code No. 1581 I E
B.A, I Year I - Semester Examiri?ti?n, December 2016
Subject: Journalism
___m _2 Paper - |-
MlntroductIon to Communication and Journalism
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer five quiestions from Part? A and all questions from Part? B.
/ PART? A (5x4= -20 Marks)
[Short Answer Type]
Interpersonal Communication
Lassweii Model
" Publicity
Knowledge Gap Hypothesis
?/ Public Opinion
Yellow Journalism
Community Radio
Investigative Journaiism
mumcpth-4 \
9 a) De?ne communlcation De 4) w
. 9* .44
b) Explain the nature and SE ?'
10 a) What Is 31 Comm ' n Model? Explain Osgood and Schramm model withgf s:
examples {3; *3 :4
0R ? ?a m ii
b) Explain the S gnnon and Weaver model of communication 2 Q? ?2 g
'21? y CH7
11 a) Wh are ormative Media Theories? Explain any twotheories. / . 3: p23
(3F! c'_i: aw xv
I . . ?j ?35 Q?; ?73,,
b) ? e Effectstheories With examples. E ,3, . g :3; 3 .3
9: f; % 33133 O?
12 a) W isjournalism? DISCUSS Its Importance In democratic countries. / (V / 0,} {?3? 0?
b) Discuss the role of journalism?in bringing about social change.
13 a) What Is Science Journalism? DIscues its importance in today? s society.
b) - What is development journalism? Discuss its importance with examples.
\6\10Q3786g0\ ~Pr3
Code No. 2061 I E
B.A. l-Semester (CBCS) ExaminatiOn, December 2016
Subject : Political Science
DSC : Paper?I
Concepts, Theories and Institutions ? Political Theory
Time ,; 3 Hours "Max. Marks: 80
PART ? A (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
~ (Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questio
1 Policy Science - meaning /
2 Examine the differences between political science and soci
3 Liberalism -? meaning
4 What is Individualism?
5 General Will /
6 Natural Rights
7 Divine Origin theory of state / y
8 v?narchism ? meaning ?
PART ? B ( arks)
(Essay Type)
Note: Answer ALL fro allowing qUestions.
9 (a) DiscuSs the scope of p . nce. /
(b) Discuss the differe f evolution of political science.
10 (a) What are the rel d differences between political science and history?
OR ?
?x (JR
behavioural aPPrOaCh?
12 (a) What is socialism and explain its feetures?~/ 1
(b) What is fascism ahd explain its feattgss?
13 (a) Critically examine the Thomas Hobbes social contract theory. I
(b) Explain historical evolutionary theoreR/f ' . _
21x? \;?\6
This post was last modified on 16 April 2020