Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2017 May Basic Civil Engineering 1 Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2017 May Basic Civil Engineering 1 Question Paper

Semester: 1 (CV107): Basic Civil Engineering'(Elect,Comp,IT,Extc) ?
Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 60
1. Try to Attempt'any ?ve questio11s(i.e. from Q. l. to Q. 6).
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagrams etc. where ever necessary.
3. Necessary data is given in the respective questions. Ifsuch data is not given, it means
that the knowledge of that data is a part ofthe examination.
4. lfsome part or parameter is noticed to be missing, you many appropriately assume it and
should mention it clearly.
Q] A) What are the necessary qualities of good brick and classi?cation of (06)
De?ne the following te1ms with sketch whereve1 necessary (06)
a) Ranging
b) king closer
c) Offset
d) Coping
Q.2 A) Enlist various sources of water and Explain various Operations in (06)
water treatment plant.
B) Explain the detailed classi?cation of pile depending upon the (06)
material used in their manufacture.
Q.3 A) Describe the term F oundation with its purposes. Enlist type of (06)
foundation and explain any two?
B) W1ite a detail note on traf?c signal and speed b1eaker with the help (06)
of diagram.
Q.4A) De?ne Whole circle bearing and Reduced bearing (Quadrantal (06)
bearing). Convert the following WCBs to QBs.
a)WCB opr=45?30?
b)WCB of QR=125?45?
c)WCB of RS=222?15?
d)WCB of ST=320?30?
'B) 'De?ne waste water and what are the ill effects of waste water? (06)
Q5 A) Draw diffeient sketches of cross- section of Roads, shortly Explain (06)
its classi?cations

B) Write a short note on. (06)
a. Garden wall bond
b. HeaderBond
c. Flemish bond
Q.6 A) State the Comparison of stone masonry and brick masonry. (06)
B) Enlist the Methods for Linear measurement of Surveying and (00)
Explain the accessories used for Linear Measurement

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020